7 PAGE 14 - PLAINDEALER-WFONKSDAY, JULY 30, 1975 WW,.* £,?* t dtfuetfode fiction, tt/ay HUT* |„,Kr„„0j MM MM *s* m ****> Kmmmwmt m:mtf a®*;* $;:Iiisi •. 'A-m <>v'-* x,/1 ",' r' >»» . „ , <«. --*<> «#.(•> r f̂Mwj f>A , mm •f M >»*W iiiis ADMJNlSTfcAT08 ireii*i*:ahia$gs*Ki^ wmsmmm •<•» tiB ADMINmWO* <iy<pt V&S b^'-j Nt> cash refunds on prepaid ads. Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, \Vant«d To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales NIL'Sbe paid in advance. * •?••*• The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES • BUSINESS SERVICES piiiiiimiiimiimiiimiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiU; MOTORCYCLE! .MAINTENANCE! On all makes/ 5 • Tune ups E • Repairs = • Rebuilts = ^Certified Mechanics Also lawn mower andE = snowmobile repairs. ELocated on McCullom Lake = E Road, McHenry. 5 | 385-1321 miiiiiiiiiiiitiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif^ 7-16/8-27 AUTOS *73 Impala, 4 door sedan, p.s., pjt>., radio, air conditioned. $2,500. or best offer. 385-3473 'G7-30/8-6' 1973 Dodge Charger, 4 speed excellent condition. $2,600.00 385-2645 7-23/7-30G INTERNATIONAL LOADSTAR 1600, 1965, 14 ft. moving van good running $850 or offer 815- 344-0484 7-25/7-30 '63 Volkswagen, good condition, $400. or best offer. Call 385- 5350 after 5 p.m. 7-25/7-30 1970 Ford Station Wagon, p.b., p.s., a.c., tape deck. Good con dition $795. 385-2352 G7-25/8-1J 1974 Dodge Maxi-Van, p.s., power disc brakes, 318 auto matic, $3,500. or best offer. 2 14" x 7" Cragar SS wheels with locking lugs $60. Call 385- 5844 anytime. G7-25/8-* *68 PLYMOUTH Road Runner 383 automatic, p.s, p.b., Cragar wheels. Must sell, best offer. 385-2415 7-25/8-1G 1964 Buick LeSabre, p.s., p.b., radio, runs well $100. or best offer. Good for high school student or about town. Call 385- 2308 7-23/8-8 1970 Duster, 340, V-8, p.s., ib., $800.00 call after 4-815- •1738 G7-23/7-30 --= r*70 PONTIAC, 2 dr.,H.T., P.S., 1*3., excellent condition$1150. 815-385-5156 7-30/8-6G ;»73 CHEVIE % ton pickup V8 automatic, p.s., p. disc b., low mileage, excellent condition $2850. firm. 815-385-5156 7-30/8-6G 1975 NOVA HATCHBACK mid night blue, white vinyl top, white interior, 350 V8, 4 speed, posi- 1 traction, spoked mags, low mileage $3700. Call after 5p.m. 1815-653-3651 7-30/8-1 1969 Buick ElectraLTD, 60,000 miles, p.s., p.b., a.w., a.c., fllOO, 2317 Fairview Ave., 344-0595 7-30 1970 Ford, 6 cyl., p.s., auto, $175., 1968 Ford Galaxie XL 390, auto., hauler $150. Both one owner 385-0556 7-30/8-6G 1972 Pontiac Lemans, air, p.s, p.b., AM/FM radio, 4 new steel radials, like new condition and has 25,000 miles.Call 385-1892 7-30/8-15 AUTOS 1971 Toyota Ceitca S.T., ex cellent condition, new tires, radio, Call after 6, 385-4341 7-30 1974 Gran Torino, 2 door hard top, air conditioned, excellent condition. Call 385-5091 7-30/8-6G MOTORCYCLES 1974 Kawasaki 500, excellent condition. $1,350. 385-5119 'G7-30/8-6 '71 350 CL Honda excellent condition Call before 2:00 pm 385-1823 7-25/8-1G 1973 Yamaha 125 MX good con dition, never raced, many ex tras, $450. 385-6549 G7-23/7-30 Like New Yahama "100" at used bike price. New Knobby rear tire and excellent care. Price includes new helmet. Riden 6 months. $500.00 phone 385-5839 anytime. TF 385-6445 7-2-TF-1-2 MBOOOO000000000000000000000000 k £ I i Ask for CUARANTEEO WANT ADS • 3 Consecutive Days • 3 FRE? if you are not satisfied with results you receive • You must call back on date of 3rd insertion Just Call 385-0170 6 times ONLY °1 Reg. SN.<H> $5.00 Suit $5.90 Minimum 3 insertions - 15 words or less 10* per additional word, per insertion • Not offered to commercial accounts muuooucinonnnnnnnnr r We remove junk cars and trucks FREE. One day service. Call anytime, 385-5156 7-2-TF-1-2 Wanted to buy junk cars, day or night service 385-3004 or 385-7977 7-9-TF-1-2 Experienced College Painter • Free Estimates • Interior & Exterior • Very reasonable • References 815-385-5269 = jpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCMF i S J. & R. CEMENT j CONTRACTORS • Patio • foundations • Driveways « Sidewalks • Flat Work • General Hauling • Septic Systems and Back Hoe Work JCall 815-385-3840 815-385-8604 Oooooooooooooooooo< 7-3/8-15 iJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim I EVINRUDE-JOHNSON | iO.M.C. STERN DRIVE! | SERVICE § = Factory trained labor = = using factory parts. = m 7-1/7-30 LEE'S"7 ROOFING AND SIDING HOT TAR ROOFS SHINGLES AND SIDING For Free Estimates Call 385-4108 AND ASK FOR LEE 7-2-TF-1-2 '72 Norton, all chromed and all rebuilt, must see to appreciate Call after 6 p.m. 344-0754 7-23/7-30G Save on Cycle Insurance. Call us for a quote. Sunderlage Insurance Agency815-338-3328 7-30/8-1 1971 Honda CB 750, custom, low mileage, 385-6389 7-30/8-1 90 cc Harley Davidson, Mini- bike, $175.00, 350 Kawasaki $700.00 385-7652 7-30/8-1 BUSINESS SERVICES FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, 459- 0081 7-2-TF-1-2 Concrete foundations, floors, driveways, patios, repair leaky bsmt., install drain tiles C & E Concrete 385-3596 7-11/7-30 Russell Rhoton [Blacktop Service •Driveways •Parking Lots •Seal Coating of Old Driveways •Free Estimates 3 HUSTLER ( = 4016 Crystal Lake Rd. = 1 815-385-4848 I nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllE 7-23/10-15TF1 £ST£S j SXCAUATING State Licensed Septic Systems J Basements & Driveways j | Will also haul black dirt | | & gravel, I 338-6395 1 """"""" ""16/8-27 ^IllllllllllllWUIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIi* 1 FRANK'S I BLACKTOP | • Paving • Driveways • Patching E • Seal Coating S Now serving your area. All s = work guaranteed. Free Estimates = 24 Hour answering service = I 815-385-0258 i 7-3/8-15 I 4IIIIIII|||||||||||||||||||||||||UII!IIIIIIIIIII1>: I LOW COST 1 I CONSTRUCTION § 5 * Siding E * Soffit-fascia E * Roofing * Remodeling = * Additions Free Estimates j i STEPHEN SCHULTZ I ! i 815-385-4733 i 7-11/8-22 E i iiiiiiiiimimmiiiiimmmiiimiimiiiiii FOR SALE Air Conditioner 1100 ETU's 36" double oven, white range, after 6 p.m. 497-4370 7-23/7-25 X Gulbranson Paragon organ, complete with band box, indi vidual instrument sounds. In dark walnut. Must sell. Call &15-923-4173 evenings. 7-23/7-25 New Plaid Herculon couch & chair; hanging glass & lead Tiffany lamp, twin bed; barbell & weights;, lamps; wedding dress, size 12. 385-4999 G7-18/7-25 2-10 speed bikes 26" boys $40 each. Call after 6 p.m. 385- 1755 7-23/7-25 9 pc. porch bamboo furniture with cushions, refrigerated folding bar. 385-0041 7-23/7-25 Furniture ot 14 model homes now being sold. 30 to 50% off, will separate. Terms. 312-398- 5250 • 7-1/7-30 15 pc. Whitehall Drum set, Ludwig heads, ZILDJIANhi-hat cymbals, good condition, or best offer. 385-5839 TF Multi-Pane Windows 9 ft. wide x 6 ft. hi $75 pair. Go Cart front end $10 815-653-4261 7-25/8-1G RARE POPE BED dating 1830's from Richmond; Jennylind spool bed. Cash only 815-653-4261 7-25/8-1G HISTORIC - ORSON WELLS' baby, grand piano $750 815- 653-4261 7-25/8-1G I i FOR SALE Wedding dress w/detachable train. Size 10-12, worn once, $135 11 x 16 x (3 x 10 hall) green sculptured rug and "waffle" padding, $50 Call 344- 1946 after 5 p.m. G7-30/8-6 i 1973 INTERNATIONAL cub cadet "76 Series" tractor, 36" Rotary mower with 42" snow plow, electric start and head lights, 2 sets of tire chains included. $750.00 or best offer. Call after 6 p.m. 385-2834 G7-30/8-6. 9 ft. couch, 2 TV's dinette set with 6 chairs, sewing machine, hairdryer, misc. items. 815- 344-1697 G7-23/7-30 RAY'S BLACKTOP | 30 Day Special | On Driveways Parking Lots p Also Seal Coating 1 Free Estimates l| 24 Hour Service j|| Work Guaranteed ! 815-385-8020. I 7-3/8-15'! 13' screen house, new top, blinds, rug, good condition$140 344-1550 7-23/7-30G PRE-SEASON COAT SALE now in progress at Spurgeon's. Come in early for best selec tion and save. Use our lay-a way plan. 7-23/8-8 NEED SOMETHING DONE? • Carpentry • Cement Work • Patios • New Homes • Roofing • Siding • Painting • Additions No Job to small or unreasonable CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 7-23/9-; Hillsboro Goose Neck Trailers, Grain dump trailers and flatbeds, 16 to 30 ft. in stock. Complete line of Braden winches. Adams Enterprises 3017 W. Rte. 120, McHenry Phone (815) 385-5970 Residence (815) 385-6130 7-2-TF-l BEDDING PLANTS Flowers, Vegetables, Ger aniums, Mums, and potted roses, Cactus and House Plants. SCHLESSER'S GREEN HOUSE 211 E. Route 120 McHenry, III. (East of Lakemoor) t 7-2-TF-l-2 J BUSINESS SERVICES iWHAflTON BLACKTOP PAVING SERVING YOi R AREA - 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER & SAVE! • -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE- • . GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 ^IBERTYmLE^l£367J)676^ 6-4-TF-1-2 COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL FOR RENT AVAILABLE August 15, 4 rm„ 1 br. apartment, panelled and clean, also one sleeping room, adults only 385-8190 - 653- 9641 7-30/8-6G COZY - MODERN - furnished, 3 room apartment for middle aged gentleman, very rea sonable. Call 385-3040 7-30 New 3 bedroom home, partial ' basement, washer, dryer, air cond., carpeted, references and security deposit 385-3140 7-30/8-6G 1000 sq. ft. store or office, located at 5000 W. Route 120 Call 385-7131 or 385-5055 7-23/8-1. FURNISHED 2 bedroom house on Pistakee Lake, No pets, se curity deposit $220. plus utilities 312-394-0345 or 815- 385-6943 7-23/8-1 Office space for rent. Carpeted, central air, heat and electric all furnished. Plenty of parking 4719 W. Rte. 120, 385-4619 7-23-TF-1-2 Large modern office ior rent, heated, air conditioned with private adjoining office. Also smaller office available 385- 5572 - 385-5200 G7-23/7-30 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED, experienced Brass Polisher. Apply in per son. 9 - 12, Taylor Metal Fin ishing, 400 S. Fritsche Road 385-6989 7-25/8-6 Baker - all around. Charles Parkview Pastry Shop, Rte. 14 across water tower in Crystal L£ke. 459-2497 7-30/8-1 J ------1 BALDWIN 385-2616 ORGAN $300 7-25/8-1G a HALL FOR RENT FOR ALL OCCASIONS American Legion Post 491 2505 Ringwood Road McHenry, Illinois Call 385-0867 for information 7-16/7-23/|-30 TF HOUSEWIVES & l COLLEGE STUDENTS Part Tinle Air conditioned office 9 am to 2 pm or 5 pm to 9 pm CALL GEN 385-0940 7-16-TF-1-2 14 x 70, 1974 mobile home on large lot, 3 bedrooms, l^bath, shed included. 312-546-7855 7-25/8-1G SWEET CORN for your freezer fresh picked daily $1.00 dozen. 1407 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry 385-0457 7-30/8-8 COMBINATION garden cul tivator & reel lawnmower Call Wednesday evening or Thurs day all day 385-6479 7-30 Refrigerator $20.00; double bed $15; crib $10 and miscel laneous 385-0762 7-30 1893 Antique Church pews $75. to $100 each. Also some oak chairs (815) 385-1519, (815) 385-6069, (815) 385-1327 7-30/8-1 24 oak pews 12' long, good condition Call (815) 385-1519, (815) 385-6069, (815) 385-1327 7-30/8-1 SETTEES, LAMPS, large steel business desk, swivel chair, lyre tables, portable type writer in case like new etc. 385-2087 7-30 19" Zenith color TV with stand, needs some tubes $50. 385- 5476 7-30/8-1 Two almost new F78-14 tires 4 ply nylon premium on Nova wheels $45.00; Hamilton gas dryer $25.00. 4410 W. Ponca McHenry 7-30 4x6 Heavy duty utility trailer, factory built, $175. Call 653- 3651 after 5 p.m. 7-30/8-1 Large amount of top quality used railroad ties, $4.00 to $6.00 each. Call Binz Bros. 815-338-3981 or 815-338-1169 7-30/8-8 K)R RENT Large 2 bedroom apartment, within walking distance shop ping and train, carpeting, air conditioned, balcony, Adults. Available immediately. 385- 3493 7-23-TF-1-2 -- II Office space tor rent, panelled, carpeted and air conditioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65.00 and up 455-0320 7-2-TF-1-2 Office in heart of McHenry, air conditioning and all utilities furnished. $65.00. Call (815) 385-1327 7-1TF WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266 days, 385-8905 evenings. 7-2-TF-1-2 HOUSE FOR RENT: Wanted Female to share cute 3bedroom house, country atmosphere, garage, fenced yard, carpeted, drapes, range, refrigerator, $125 a month 385-6536 7-30/8-1 j 2 bedroom house, suitable for couple, stove and refrigerator $175.00 plus utilities plus one month security deposit. 344- 0724 7-30/8-1- 3 room furnished apartment, 1 months rent and 1 month se curity. Utilities included. 385- 2012 7-30 BEAUTICIANS & SALON MANAGER WANTED! Must be experienced, neat, reliable and MUST HAVE A FOLLOWING! Usual Company Benefits: • Paid vacations & Holidays • Commission • And More! A GREAT CAREER OPPORTUNITY For Additional Information Send Complete Resume To: McHenry Plaindealer Box JU9 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry 7-30 LUUOOOOOOOOQOOO'OOO'10' HELP WANTED COOK-, Restaurant McHenry County. Good future including part ownership if desired. Give experience and references to Box JU 10 c/o McHenry Plain- dealer, 3812 W. Elm St., Mc Henry, 111. 7-30/8-1 AVON , Bored? [ Meet new people selling i famous products close toj [ home. Make excellent) earnings. P11 show you how. < Call for details: MRS. BAUER 815-385-5385 7-30/8-1 WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bedroom house, McHenry area. Young professional man and wife. No pets, no smoking no drinking. Best references 385-3564 7-30/8-1 WANTED TO BUY Maple Bunk Bed reasonable in price 385-7046 7-30 THESE PAGES SELL CARD OF THANKS Words cannot adequately ex press our gratitude to those who expressed their sym pathy and helpfulness to us so beautifully at the time of our recent sorrow. May God bless you all. Charlene Nowak and Family 7-30 HELP WANTED r • i i L. REAL ESTATE BRANCH MANAGER Interview in Confidence SMITH & Z0LL, INC. 455-1440 or 385-6600 7-16-TF-1-2 1 I I I GARDEN QUARTER Apartments of McHenry Now renting 1 and 2 bed room apartments, from $195.00 per month. In cludes deep pile shag car peting, stove, refrigerator, master TV antenna and pool 2 bedroom units also equip ped with Hot-Point dish washer. Children and pets permitted. Walking dis tance to downtown McHenry and North Western Com muter station. Management by McLennan Co. Realtors 815-385-2181 or 312-631-6400 MANAGER, IMPLEMENT DEALERSHIP Manufacturer of grain dryers, hay tools, shreaders. choppers, and industrial lawn care equipment establish ing an implement dealership in Crystal Lake, Illinois to sell our own products and related equipment lines. We want a self starter, capable of managing sales, service and parts personnel. . .a person who can run the operation profitably. Successful experience in imple ment dealership helpful but not necessary. Maturity, sound business judgment, a knowledge of people and how to deal fairly absolutely necessary. Excellent con- pensation - salary and share of profits plus good fringe benefits. A great opportunity for the right person* Resume to John Buckner THE MATHEWS COMPANY Crystal Lake, III 60014 Telephone 815-459-2210 7-25/7-30 HELP WANTED I 4 6-18/7-30 | I I Sell Auto Insurance Part Time 312-395-6648 7-2-TF-1-2 NURSES AIDE OR ORDERLY 18 years or older to work in Nursing Home. 12 Midnight to 8:00 A.M. No Experience necessary. 385-0461 HELP WANTED permanent full and part time INJECTION MOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS will train 2nd and 3rd shifts See Mr. Wenk 312-639-2033 0NV0Y CORP. 500 N. Cary - Algonquin Rd. Cary 7-25/8-20 7-30/8-1 FOR SALE ALUMINUM PLATES 25' A Plate Size 23 r 6 Plate Minimum x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry Phone: 385-0170 ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL ADMIRAL GROUP 1 PART TIME TYPIST This would be an excellent opportunity for a Mother with children in school, to Work part time. 1 FULL TIME JANITOR Excellent pay and many company benefits Ap>ly ADMIRAL GROUP 3908 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. office hours 7:30 am to 4:00 pm : 815-385-4020 an equal opportunity employer m/f ! 7-30/8-1 1