PAGE 6-SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1975 PAGE 7-SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1975 ^^"JULY 31st - AUGUST 1&2 ̂ Our Biggest Sale Of The Year! NOW IS THE TIME TO SHOP FOR ALL YOUR BACK TO SCHOOL NEEDS. "Si, MEN'S JACKETS These light and medium weight jackets will serve your needs in the next few months. Check these and save. Broken sizes and models. WERE TO '35.00 NOW SWEATRS MEN'S Our sweater table will be loaded with r a fantastic selection. Choose from turtle- neck, crew, V-neck and sleeveless. All from famous makers Broken sizes and patterns. WERE TO *20.00 MEN'S COLORED UNDERWEAR • Colored Tee Shirts WERE $2.50 & $3.50 • Colored Undershirts & Jockey Shorts WERE $1.75 TO $2.00 fl PRICE \ PRICE MEN'S DRESS SLACKS Famous brands such as Curlee, Jaymar, McGregor and Jantzen. All from our regular stock of ^ double knit dress slacks, belt and beltless models in solids and patterns. WERE $20.00 TO $30.00 NOW _ ^^^^^^^^^I>LUS^LTERATIONS CASUAL SLACKS Save now on these back to school slacks. On this table you will find many different models in young men's slacks. Wash and wear fabric in solids and fancies. Cuffed and flare bottoms. W) Your Choice BARGAIN TABLE MANY ONE OF KINO MEN'S SUITS Your Choice { REAL CHANCE 15* c ON All 0 REGULAR SrOi , SUITS AN SPORT CM ms\ 95 BARGAIN r TABLE 3 SAVE! Wonderful selection of lightweight and year around suits of double knit and wool blends. Famous name brands such as Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Curlee, and Johnny Carson. All from our regular suit selection. Sizes 38-50 in short, regular and longs. WERE *110.00 TO *155.00 NOW i PLUS ALTERATIONS SPECIAL GROUP OF BROKEN SIZES rs WERE *90.00 TO '110.00 NOW f /I >3 XS Many diff such as ( sleeve, kn also in Ic small sele WERE *7.1 Mars rent type of men's shirts ress shirts in long and short t shirts, mock and turtle neck ig and short sleeve. Plus a ,.:tion of cotton sewn shirts. MEN'S SPORT COATS $ $ $ Savings now on this large selection of sport coats by Curlee, and Johnny Carson. Choose from knits and wool blends. Sizes 38-50 in shorts, regulars and longs. Blazer & fancy patterns WERE $70.00 TO $100,000 SAVINGS! SAV You can't miss on this si sale. Famous brands in slip on and lace models. Most sizes in black, brow & white. WERE *27.00 TO *40.00 BOYS' Wl *0 - '18.00 NOW SHOES PRICE NOW * ( PLUS ALTERATIONS NOW * Parts BACK TO SCHOOL Double knit boys' parrts in solid colors ii cuffed and flare bottom styles. Sizes 8 1245 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS J i MORE PANT BARGAINS SPECIAL GROUP OF BROKEN SIZES SOLID COLOR JEAN MODELS (SIZES 28-31 WAIST) Shop Early For Best Selection WERE '8.00 TO '12.00. STORE HOURS: Open Daily 8:30 Till 5:30 Friday Till 8:30 Closed Sunday. SPECIAL GROUP OF BROKEN SIZES NOW * Shirts Very large selection in many different models and colors. • SHORT & LONG SLEEVES • COTTON SEWN & KNITS • SIZES 8-20 WERE $8.00 TO $10.00 NOW Check this t for back to Many model; from in size: WERE TO $1 ible school SAVINGS. • and colors to choose ; 8-20 WERE $70.00 TO $100.00 NOW f Enough To Serve You, Small Enough To Know You!" ®s SPECIAL GROUP OF SPORT COATS FROM HART, SCHAFFNR t MARX WERE TO '105.00 NOW $ 10.00 NOW WERE $6.00 TO $8.00 NOW