PAGE 14-SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1975 < Sound off for school! Now you see it... now you don'// divider makes two rooms of one Whether there's a dif ference in age or sexes, there's always a time when privacy seems essential for children and young adults, j Unfortunately, not many' families can afford a room for every family member. Dividing a room with a permanent wall is often considered, but only fleet- irtgly, since a wall takes up lots of floor space and a sizable chunk of the household budget as well. And once it's constructed, it's there for good. A new room divider, made with adjustable Riv- . iera blinds, can solve this problem beautifully, eco nomically, and simply. The ceiling-mounted di vider blind can cut down sibling squabbles by divid ing one bedroom into two to give each child his or her own sleeping, study and play area. Also, the children can learn to ex press individual tastes by decorating their own rooms. This versatile, alumi num divider will help pre vent quarrels over such significant matters as who messed up (and will clean up) "our" room, or how far one child can spread his latest project without infringing on the other's territory. On the other hand, the blinds can be tilted to the horizontal, "open" position or raised out of the way when both children are amiably A SIMPLE AND ECONOMICAL room divider can solve **many of the problems that arise when two children share one bedroom. A ceiling-mounted Levolor blind divides the room for privacy, or can be raised out of the way when not needed. working or playing to gether. There's no need to be concerned about little hands accidentally over- twisting the tilt rod as the blinds are protected by the exclusive Magic Wand Guardian Tilter™ safety mechanism. And paints used to coat these blinds surpass U.S. gov ernment standards for lead content, in case tod dlers decide they look good enough to eat. The Levolor blind, gen erally thought of as a window covering, can also be used to divide a living room/dining room area, to conceal a pullman kitchen or camouflage storage and utility areas. Created by using light weight narrow slats, the divider screen is available in more than 100 colors and color combinations that go well with any decor color scheme. What's more, the divider permits change in the size of the areas being separated since removal or relocation only involves a minimum of work. DOCTOR, LAWYER, CORPORATE CHIEF? These young, sters, leaving home for the first day of the school year, hardly know what they'll be when they finish their educa< tion. Yet the day is a milestone to be recorded. You can capture it all in a color sound movie. With a Kodak Ekta- sound movie camera, you can save all such special occa sions. The camera, which features drop-in loading of film cartridges, will film indoors or out without movie lights. The sound is recorded on the film as you shoot so that it is synchronized with the action. Installation of the ceil ing-mounted blind is sim ple. Detailed instructions and other divider ideas are available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to "Two Rooms In One," LeixAor, P.O. Box 323, Radio City Station, New York, N.Y. 10019. y JULY 31st AUGUST 1st & 2nd ALL SALES FINAL - NO REFUNDS NO RETURNS - NO "LAYAWAYS McHenry's Favorite CT" McHENRY 1210 N. GREEN ST. Center 385 1000 YAMAHA SKIS ALL ROUND I ALL ROUND II Reg. 80.00 Reg. 100.00 •60» •65» ,W° NUKitli^AND SlUa BINDINGS & STRAPS Reg. 95.001 W*' iNORTHLAND V-10 ALUMINUM NORTHLAND G-2000 NORTHLAND SKIS ALL HENKE BOOTS *30x> VALUES TO 90.00 Your Choice CONVERSE AU. STARS GOLD ONLY REG. 18.00 •10so CONVERSE AU STAR REJECTS WHITE & BLACK REG. 13.50 SIZES 2^-13 *050 PC. FOOTBALL SET •goo HELMET, JERSEY AND PANTS REG. 13.00 JOE NAMATH CAP & JERSEY IffO TUBE SOX 884 9-15 REG. 1.19 LIMIT 6 • SPECIAL* ALL NYLON BICENTENNIAL SHIRTS BOYS. ONLY ONES IN THIS AREA S-M-L-XL MENS. RUBBER BASEBALL CLEATS CLOSEOUT SIZES 6-7-8 *4°° TANK SHIRTS LETTERED OR UNLETTERED YOUR CHOICE *200 (ANN DARTS REG. 6.00 * 388 All BASffiAU. MITTS Many other Dollar Day specials too numerous to mention, inside our store. Included art supplies, fishing tackle, footballs, boots, and jackets. Fall . nylon jackets at only '7.00 Come early and SAVE!! HEADQUARTERS FOR BACK TO "SCHOOL CLOTHES ETC. OFF REGUL PRICES! Courses are offered via media mix The use of the media as a means of offering degree-credit courses is a source which universities are just beginning to tap. One of the most exciting experiments in the nation is being conducted by the University of Nebraska System, which established the State University of Nebraska (SUN) program on a pilot basis in Septem ber 1974. Test pilot The pilot program was preceded by several years of designing and testing possible first and second year college course materi als to be delivered to stu dents in their homes. The initial offerings were In troductory Accounting and Psychology, the two courses most frequently requested in surveys of citizen groups. More than 700 people enrolled in these courses, 300 more than SUN per sonnel had originally esti mated. Additional courses offered in spring 1975 dealing with the Funda mentals of Computer Science and Consumer Ex perience brought the total number of first-year par ticipants to over 1,100. Course material is pre sented via weekly tele v i s i o n l e s s o n s o f f e r e d through educational chan nels, audio cassette ma terials and a printed les son. published weekly in the state's largest paper. Students invited In addition, students are invited, but not required, to make use of four re gional resource centers and of a WATS line to SUN central where they may talk with faculty members involved in the course. SUN plans to add at least four more courses in 1975. • • * • Philosophy is often a lazy man's excuse for not doing something. -'-- •O