Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1975, p. 8

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PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. AUGUST I, 1975 Ask Comments On Feed Grain, Wheat Programs The U.S. Department of Agriculture has called for comments on its proposed determination for the 1976 feed grain and wheat programs. The Secretary of Agriculture proposed to make deter­ minations and issue regulations relative to: -- The National Feed Grain Allotment^ The Secretary announced on April 10 that the 1976 wheat allotment would be 61.6 million acres. (The secretary is required to an­ nounce the wheat allotment by April 15 of each year "for the crop to be harvested in the next calendar year. For feed grain, the determination for the 1976 crops must be announced by Dec. 31, 1975;) -- Whether there should be a set-aside requirement for feed grains and wheat for the 1976 crops and, if so, the extent of such requirement; -AVhether there should be a provision for additional diversion for the 1976 crops and, if so, the extent of such diversion and payment rate thereof; - The loan rate for the 1976 crop of feed grains and wheat, i n c l u d i n g c o m m o d i t y e l i g i b i l i t y , s t o r a g e requirements and loan maturity dates; - Other related provisions Amended Law Extends Uses Of Revenue Funds \ I' L«AT" Using " New DODGE CARS and TRUCKS THE GREATEST SHOW ON WHEELS DEMOLITION OF AUTOS* MOTORCYCLE SUPER STARS THRILLS - SPILLS - CHILLS SHOW FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY • DON'T MISS IT • necessary to carry out the loan and purchase program and the set-aside program. Prior to making the deter­ minations, consideration will be given to any written com­ ments received by the director, Grain and Oilseeds, and Cotton d i v i s i o n , A g r i c u l t u r a l Stabilization and Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D C. 20250, not later than Aug. 4, which is thirty days after publication of this an­ nouncement in the Federal Register on July 3. All written submissions will be made available for public inspection at the Office of the Director, Room 5741, Agriculture Department's South building, during regular business hours, 7:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHT GRANDSTAND FEATURE at the McHenry County Fair, Woodstock 8 p.m. FREE GRANDSTAND Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with the poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt PAT'S SUPPER CLUB ( FORMERLY THE SHERMAN HOUSE) ' PAT FEATURES: -j, LUNCHEON SKOAL TUES. THRU FRI. FronfMO*^ CASUAL •r ENJOV A COMPUTE DINNER WITH THE fAMHV TUES.-WED.THURS EVENING For $2.50 fAMlV STYLE OINNERSB Sundays & Holidays All you can eat! FRIDAY SPECIAL POOR MAN'S tf1\ AC LOBSTER 'SERUINC ALL VOUR FAUORITES" ALL THIS IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR MENU FEATURING • STEAK • PRIME RIB • BABY BACK RIBS • ROAST DUCK • SEAFOOD • JUMBO LOBSTFR • SFAFOOD PLATTER Mrs SUPPER CLUB res™ato,NS 7812 US. RTE. 11 SOLON MILLS. ILL. C?LL ^ 2 Ml. SE. OF RICHMOND (815)675-241; < McHENRY POST NO. 491 AMERICAN LEGION ANNUAL CARNIVAL 2505 RINGW00D RD. McHENRY, ILL * $-- Rm° X Z n -- W - V RtN*«tiODRCX FlANOSRS RD. Fit KB FfcRKUfcj RT I ao-- AHKreAti " ION MAftTlU RO. Extension Comments L Congratulations to Gordon VonBergen, Hebron, and Bill McKee, Marengo, for exhibiting the top gilt and barrow hog carcasses at this years show. Gordon's entry had a whopping 8.25 sq. inches of loin-eye. There were fourteen entries. Call our office if you want a detailed sheet of the show results. LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION DISPLAY-Stop by the McHenry County Livestock Association's display in Massey Hall during the County Fair. They will have meat from the champion of this year's "beef carcass show on display, plus top quality pork. This is an opportunity to see what high quality meat McHenry Country fanners produce. INSECT MEETING -Thanks to Dave and Don Cash of Harvard for hosting our insect twilight meeting July 22. P O N D M A N A G E M E N T M At AUG. 13th-14th 15th&16th RIDES GAMES REFRESHMENTS KIDDIES AFTERNOON SATURDAY 1PM to 5PM BIDES 25' ALL RIDES HOURS: WED.* THURS, FRI. • 7 to? SAT. lto ? • RIDES FURNISHED BY SKINNERS AMUSEMENTS - County Fair Schedule FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 9:00 a.m.--Open Beef. Pavilion 9:00 a.m.--Junior and Open Dairy, Holsteins. Pavilion 9:00 a.m.--Open Sheep. Sheep barn 9:00 a.m.--Junior and Open Hogs. Hog barn 9:00 a.m.--Dog Show. Place to be announced. 9:00 a.m.--Pony Show. Corral 9:30 a.m.--Open Class Poultry. Poultry barn 2:00 p.m.--Talent Contest. Grandstand 8:00 p.m.--Thrill Show. Grandstand SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 9:00 a.m.--Antique Show. Bldg. D 9:00 a.m.--Western Horse Show. Corral 9:00 a.m.--Open Class Rabbits. Rabbit barn 10:00 a.m.--4-H Dairy Showmanship. Pavilion 11:30 a.m.--Tractor Pull. Grandstand 1:00 p.m.--Livestock Auction. Pavilion 7:30 p.m.--Grandpa Jones from Hee Haw and the Edwardians. Grandstand t SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 9:30 a.m.--Junior Horse Show. Corral 12:00 a.m.--Tractor Pull. Garden Tractors, Antique, Hot Rods. Grandstand ' 8:00 p.m.--Demolition Derby. Grandstand To The Many Friends We Have Made Thru The Years.... THANK YOU FOR 4 YEARS OF PATRONAGE m£.± cẑ nns. <zS&[(ja.ggLo <^/^£.±tauzant Watch For Our Opening Of The INDIAN MANOR RESTAURANT & LOUNGE On S. Rte 31. The office of Revenue Sharing issued a special ad­ ministrative ruling (75-1) this month relating to the ex­ penditure of Genteral Revenue Sharing funds by Illinois townships. Revenue Sharing law states that recipient units of govern­ ment may spend their revenue sharing allocations only as they are permitted to spend their own revenues. When General Revenue Sharing began in 1972, Illinois townships were severely limited in their use of FIELD DAY -Our pond management field day will be held at Pleasant Valley Road,Woodstock, on Thursday, August 7 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. topics to be discussed include pond construction, con­ servation practices that qualify for cost share assistance, and aquatic weed control. Brat- wurst and beverage will be served by members of the McHenry County "Soil and Water Conservation District following the meeting. D E K A L B A G R O N O M Y T O l T R - - T h e U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois has an excellent agronomy research center near DeKalb, and you have the opportunity to tour in on August 12. We will take a bus from McHenry County to the field day. Reservations are on a first come-first serve basis. Call the Extension Office for details, 338-3737. Plan to come to see and hear the latest University of Illinois research on weed control, corn fertility, tillage systems, insect control, forages, corn and soybean varieties and planting patterns, and disease control. VEGETABLE GARDEN FIELD DAY-Home gardeners also have the opportunity to take in the vegetable garden field day at the Downers Grove Research Field of the University of Illinois. Tours will be from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Saturday, August 9. Directions are: Rte. 59 to Roosevelt Road, then South on 53 to Warrenville Road and left on Belmont Road to experiment field just east of Morton Ar­ boretum . BEER GARTEN SANDWICH BAR LIQUOR MART .DELICATESSEN^ MILLER THEATRE WOODSTOCK 338-0032 STARTS FRIDAY FOR 1 BIG WEEK FRI., SAT., SUN. EVES 7 & 9 MATINEES SAT. & SUN. AT 2 PM WEEKDAY AT 7:30 ONLY PIPPI LONGSTOCKINGS 3RD GREAT ADVENTURE PiPPi GOES ON BOARD PIPPI" [Gp~.--.r j INGER NILSSON > I Sfru/n ptfONcmuii | >/ie- INTERNATIONAL HOUSE ©IMNINI^^HEESE y2 Ml. NORTH OF 173 ON RT. 12 IN RICHMOND, ILL. 815-678-7171 ott SIAMESE TWINS AT BIRTH What the Devil hath joined together let no man cut asunder! They have been attacked and violated. HOME OF WORLD CHAMPION CHEtiit: PARTY TRAYS & CATERING. ^W^L^^AI^I^OXCHEESL_ TASTE THE CHEESE - SIP THE WINE FINE FOOD & COCKTAILS DINE IN OUR CHARMING RESTAURANT ON NATIONALLY FAMOUS SANDWICHES revenue sharing funds because of the restrictions on the ex­ penditure of their own-source revenues. To permit greater flexibility in allocating revenue sharing funds, the Illinois General Assembly passed a bill authorizing townships to spend shared revenues in all but one of the priority expenditure categories listed in the State and Local Fiscal Assistance act o f 1 9 7 2 ( r e v e n u e s h a r i n g l a w ) . Since the new Illinois law did not authorize the townships to spend local revenues in those categories, however, the chief counsel of the Office of Revenue Sharing issued a letter opinion to the Illinois Attorney General that expenditure of revenue sharing funds in those categories still violated the Revenue Sharing act. The Attorney General issued an opinion to the director of the Illinois Department of Local Government Affairs con­ curring with the chief counsel's statement. The Illinois General Assembly thereupon enacted a ' bill permitting the townships to spend their own revenues in any of the priority expenditure categories, except that of financial administration. The attorney general of Illinois has issued an opinion finding that the amended law effectively authorizes townships to expend both their own revenues and revenue sharing funds for the purposes authorized in the Revenue Sharing act (except financial administration). Make sure you have clean work surfaces and clean utensils to prepare "food After handling raw meats or poultry, wash your hands well Also, make sure that all those who help prepare the food have clean hands washed with soap and hot water UARE$£'$ TS INTERSECTION HWY. 120 & GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-3120 FULL COURSE DINNERS SERUEp : llam to 12am 11am to 10 SUNDAYS TAKE OUT jgjUjCt ON fUtftVTHINC UK ENTERTAINMENT DANCING FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT NO COVER - NO MINIMUM •SMORttSeOftD* Mon. thru Thurs. 11 am to 2:30-5 to 8:30 pm • Steaks Lobster Surf & Turf • Pasta • Shishkebab I I I I I I I I I I I American Legion Post 491 - RINGW00D ROAD, McHENRY - FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00-9:00 P.M.) • PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT • OTHER MENU AVAILABLE » OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE FRI - 2 BEERS AND A COKE SAT • COUNTRY ROCK I I I I I I I I I I Oddest Dating > Service In Town! CURIOUS FEMALE (Dfien fox dincfi dinnzz and. coc(zta.LL±. - Tuesday thru Sunday - § § 8 Jluncfi <Sti£cia[ % ' r § § % $2.25 SUNDAY BRUNCH FROM 11:30 to 2:30 ® <Sfl£. I ^ CL <£> Lnnsx SERVED FROM 2:30-8:00 SUNDAY ONLY domfl[£t£ inn£.\ $6.50 Jla '[PstLts du.Lh.Lns. | 385-7495 2200 W. RAND McHENRY I' I ,<S><S>cS& E McHENRY McHfNRY 3k'S 0144 WKDYS 7:00-9:00 NOW! ALL SEATS S-S 1-3-5-7-9 75* America's new most-huggable hero. n family film by joe camp ' "Benji is the most entertaining family picture of our time. Maybe of all time." Liz Smith of Cosmopolitan. • Banquet Reservations SHOW PI ACE I RTES. 14 & 31 / 455-1005 WKDYS 7:00-9:00 J S-S 1-3-5-7-9 SHOWPLACl 2 RTES. 14 & 31 / 455-1005 WKDYS 7:15-9:30 i-S 2*30-4*45-7'K SHOW PLACE3 WIIIIAMS ST DOWNTOWN WKDYS 7-9 S-S 5-7^2 "RETURN OF THE PINK PANTHER" FOR ONE WEEK - "THE EXORCIST" R "W.W. AND THE DIXIE DANCEKINGS'r SAT-SUN MATINEE 1:00-3:00 "PIPPI GOES ON BOARD" ^1 • NOW - SHOWTIME 8:15 AOI/TDOOB If GRAYSIAKE RT 120 & 83 O O O Q 1 r r 223-8155 '4°° CARLOAD "THE RETURN OF THE PINK PANTHER" G - AND - \ "FUZZ" "OKLAHOMA CRUDE" BURT REYNOLDS RAQUEL WELCH IN- PLUS BONUS LATE SHOW FRI-SAT ' FLEA MARKET SUNDAY 8AM TO 4PM BUY-SELL-TRADE -V rt V

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