Restore McHenry Dam Hie old McHenry dam was located where the Eby Brown building now stands at 3810 W. Elm street. The dam broke about 1900 and flooded the area. r K? x- W5 OP Workmen are shown rebuilding the McHenry dam which was located on Elm street. Pictured, left to fight, are A1 Brown, A.J. Kamholz, Henry Dowe,Charles Geske, Matt Thelen, William Schreiner and Tony Krumpen. W * f H B C R I E S EARLY STREET SCENE - Matt Laures is shown with his passenger in wagon, Glenn Wattles. Eva Laures and Kate Thurlwell are at the head of horses, Kate Laures in doorway, Dorothy Price, Rose Laures and Toots Heimer among the children. The setting was the Math B. Laures Grocery store in West McHenry. © ^ MIXED NUT LEAGUE FEB. 1939 ^pront row left to right: John Stilling, Fanny Freund, Gertie Barbian, Rosemary Stilling, Bob Conway, Margaret Stilling, Petie Schaefer. Standing left to right: George Barbian, Mrs. A1 Wilbrandt, Harold Freund, Elvera Herdrich, John Herdrich, Calla Freund, Ralph Justen, Beatrice Justen, "Speed" Stilling, A1 Wilbrandt, Hank Britz. a* . »"* WEST McHENRY TAVERN - This picture shows Heimer Bros, tavern on the corner of Front and Main streets in earlier days. Men shown have been identified as Charlie Eldridge, Frank Wattles, John Miller, John Malsch, Joe Heimer, M. Kimball, Matt Heimer, H. Heimer, Sr., H. Heimer, Jr., and P. Heimer. OLD BOWMAN PLANT-A 1917 photo of the Bowman Dairy plant in Spring Grove. Peter W. Frett, who later served McHenry as mayor, sits in his 1915 Ford in front of the dairy. Landmark Since 1900 GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM of 1916. Front row left to right, Verina Wentworth, Mayme Barbian and Alta Wentworth. Back row: Verena Brefeld, Lillian Stilling and Bernice Bonslett. Original photo by Robert Thompson. Reproduction by Rudy Bryant. Northern ini Bowmen Photo of McHenry Baseball team taken about 70 years ago. Players are, back row, from left to right, Lou Bending~"Jake Buss, Peter Weber, Richard Walsh, Joe Kappler and Walter Evanson. Middle row; Wm Voeltz, Frank Spurling, Walter Scully and John Thurlwell. Front row, Tommy Good, Frank Bosworth, Bob Weber, mascot, and Phil Weber. 4s ' , . Contrary to most shining examples, it's possible for an individual to be healthy, wealthy and wise. The George J. Sayer farm in Pistakee Bay has been a landmark of that area since about 1900. The picture shows the barn and cattle as it appeared about 1900. Portions of the buildings are still standing today. Northern Illini Bowmen has been a McHenry based archery club since its inception in the late 1940's. The original outdoor archery range was located on the Phil Wheelock property on Draper Road. Ten years later the club migrated north across the fence to the Granger property and is still located in this unique oak wooded valley. The present twenty-eight field targets were set up by the late Duke Adams of McHenry. There is a central lane between the two halves of the course. Each fourteen targets leads to the picnic area. The twenty- eight targets are set up in the fashion of a golf course only in the woods. The longest target is 80 yards and shortest 20 feet. The course has bpen registered with the National Field Ar chery Association since its inception, thus complying with their rules of safety. Presently Northern Illini Bowmen have three in vitational shoots each year. The registered twenty-eight field shoot named ap propriately the "Slush Shoot" in March, this year on March 23, the 3-D SAFARI held each July, usually as a feature of Marine Day year's NIB Safari on July 19 and 20.) August 10,1975, the Jack Perry Broadhead will be held in preparation for bowhunting. The late Jack Perry was an avid bowhunter and sportsman and the traveling trophy in his honor goes to the winner of the broadhead shoot and is still a coveted trophy for any bowhunter to win. The Duke Adams Traveling trophy is won by the NIB ar cher taking the largest deer of the year. This past hunting season it was won by Jim Box of McHenry for his 10 point buck, field drassed weight of 198 lbs., taken near Montello, Wis. ' Club champions, carp trophy and deer award winners are honored at an annual banquet. Rimas Lodge was the location of the banquet and dance on Feb. 22, 1975. Anyone interested in archery is welcome at any of the Nor thern Illini Bowmen meetings held at the McHenry Legion every third Thursday of the month at 8:30 p.m. or contact the club's present officers: President, Shirley Heffernan (Mrs. C.F.) of Lake Villa, Vice- President, Leroy Frye of Crystal Lake, Bowhunting Vice-President, Mick Hef fernan of Lake Villa, Secretary, Irene Trumble (Mrs. Lyle) of Woodstock, Treasurer, Earl Paddock of McHenry or Classification Director, Jean Bird (Mrs. Earl) of Wauconda. Also the archery range on Draper road is open to visitors at the club shoots which are held the first Sunday of each month if the temperature is above 30 degrees. N.I.B. is one of the oldest archery clubs in the state of Illinois. One reason why so many of us fail to get rich is that we run from hard work like it might be a plague. OLD TIMERS GATHER - Old Timers' photo taken over 60 years Glosson). Back row, standing left to right, Tom Van Dyke, Peter ago. Front row, seated, left to right, Lizzie Van Dyke, Mrs. Joe Weber, Joe Diedrich, Jim Murry, Mayme Van Dyke Stoffel, Diedrich, Susan Murry (holding George Glosson), Mrs. George George Scheid, Mary W'eingart, Nick Weingart, Anna Van Dyke, Scheid (holding Leo Scheid), Mrs. Lizzie (Pete) Rothermel Anna Stock, Katie Scheid and Math Glosson. (holding Leo Rothermel), Mrs. Gertrude (John) Miller (holding Villa Rothermel) and Mrs. Tillie (Math) Glosson (holding Bill ;:,'V .r.' • 4 '• m . . » • ' j MAIN STREET SCENE - An*884 photograph of Main street, unknown, in the middle is John Evanson and on the right, Robert McHenry. In the yard are Anna Swadish on the left and Clara Schiessle. The building on the extreme right is the Wilbur Lumber Schiessle. The man on the left in front of the local beer parlor is Co. office. * J „ *rv-' I COMMUNITY GATHERING - G.F. Boley is shown atop beer wagon during a community gathering in the early days. Mr. Bole} operated the McHenry Brewery for many yeais. c 6 ' ' •