V PAGE 16 - PLAINDEALER-WFnXESDAY. AUGUST 6, 1975 • • .fc-s Fhwr foods Store at Shop /)<>'""" • ,tklV 6000 NORTHWEST HWX. STORE HOURS: Saturday, 8 A ™' _ „ Sunday, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sweet Juicy California CANTALOUPES % lii ZjT All items on. sole Thursday, Aug 7 thru Wednesday. Aug 13, 1975 unless other- w.se indicated Dominick s reserves the right to limit quantities on all advertised and featured,items, WE ACCEPT GOVERNMENT FOOD STAMPS MM itomim 9, EXTRA LARGE NET WEIGHT: 30 OZ. each . hot small f i i N°' MBtZ, BUT EXTRA 48 SIZE 'SSDlUhl 36 SI2P i^MBo I .S.D.A* Graded Choice Table-Trimmed and Cook-Ready for your convenience MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Regular, Drip Grind or Electric Perk lb. t|HO0| with coupon in this ad . . Thurs., fri., Sat. Only Heritage Howie HAMBURGER oi HOT DOG DEL MONTE bd^nii If ox.. !*•«• 17 o*.. Citan Can 17 w White XwmI Corn 17 •*., »>mwi< Green Boons U «• I .S.I), i. (wor'l Inspected (.rude "A"iJp$fa<h with Automatic Pop-up Cooking Gauge BELTSVILLE TURKEYS ROUND or SWISS STEAK Special Price l.S.D.A. Graded Choice T-BONE STEAK U.S.D.A. Graded Choice SIRLOIN STEAK Special Price lb, I Graded Choice Boneless CUBE STEAK THIN SLICED ROUND STEAK 149 II,. 1 lb. 209 I . - lb. 1 69 Fresh! U.S.D.A. . Gov't Inspected Quartered Including featured i FRYER LEGS & THIGHS Back Portion lb. f S Jf. A. C.okl Inspected BONELESS FUTLLY COOKED ARMOUR HALF HAM Water Added lb. 1 98 l .S.D.A. Gov't Injected Including Back Portion FRESH QUARTERED FRYER BREASTS »> I ^,1, ff'ho/p flf FILLET 9 it* 85«Liwnu£Ts^„98, Save 1 0$ 1 19 Dominick's (hen Sliced LUNCHEON _ _ mm mmmjm Bologna, Garlic Bologna. . !VfT!IlTS Beef Bologna, Cotto Salami, P^fi' * • £ Minced or Spiced Luncheon lorn kin» or Dominick's (hen $ave (q 2Qc Q MEAT WIENERS »» />**••• 3 ° I jenna Regular or Mild . „„ 1 19 BEEF WIENERS 5 6 I-;.,,,,*. 1 Sinai Kosher « DINNER FRANKS > »>. I par Prestige or Corn hinfi SLICED BACON Save 3CK J 4 9 1 S 9 Eckrich Famous SMOKED SAUSAGE ib. Duhuifue Famous Sliced or by the piece BEEF BOLOGNA Sa e 304 n, Imported Save 20<t 1 49 SLICED BAKED HAM »> 1 Dominick's (hen P £ MACARONI SALAD n, JJ Dominick's (hen German Style £ & POTATO SALAD n, Dubuque Canned FULLY COOKED if n nn mIMWIl Sliced & Tied Free at Deli-Counter 3 lb. tin with coupon in this ad / IIP TO Oomintcks fltatty {iyln| Sjw >VALUABLE COUPON SAVE 404 with this coupon on MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 2-lb. tin Regular, Drip or Elec. Perk P«! Grocery 1^ !l without coupon Only One Coupon Per Customer Good Aug. 7 thro Aug. 13, 1975 It SUBJECT TO ILLINOIS SALES TAX ON REGULAR PRICE »VALUABLE COUPON *T)B»5 Meat: SAVE 304 with this coupon on Freshly Cut Boneless BfcEF FOR STEW 3 lbs. or more without coupon lb. 1.49 Only On* Coupon Per Cgilomtr Good Aug 7 Ihru Aug. '3. '*73 SUBJECT TO ILLINOIS SALES TAI ON REGULAR PRICE mmwtta&tM' '•v LIAlilH 9»L(IU >AVE204 G r o t , r y with this coupon on |3> 4 Pkgs. 3J ROYAL PUDDING | -i, Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch, Key lime 3i J without coupon 4 for 844 S| H !r :i Ir si Only On# Coupon Per Customer Oood Aug. 7 thru Aug. 13, 197S H|I A 31 si'VALUAHLK COUPON % SAVE 104 Jt with this coupon on I| SHREDDED CABBAGE •g FOR COLE SLAW y 1-Ib. or wore without .coupon |b Only One Coupon Per Custj Good Aug. 7 thru Aug 13/^97 5 : SUBJECT TO ILLINOIS SALES TAX ON MOUi R £ |lf£ I1 5 IS AVE 154 B! »VALUABLK COUPON Grocery with this coupon on Blue Bonnet •I SOFT MARGARINE ! < 1-lh. twin olca. IN CASH/ I n VALUABLE COUPON SAVE 504 with this coupon on Dubuque Fully Cooked CANNED HAM 3-lb. tin Sliced & Tied Free = 91 11 2, r 1 -lb. twin pkg. S ! ! 59< i^TwIthout coupon 63*jj| | m9*T- Only One Coupon Por Customer -<J| •' IIE Good Aug. 7 thru Aug. 13, 197S • SUBJECT o e i i 3 1 S A V E 2 5 4 G r o t e r y SUBJECT TO ILLINOIS SALES TM ON REOUCAR PRICE SAVE 304 s --"1 with this coupon on Jeno :J SAUSAGE PIZZA 1 13.5 oi. pkg. without coupon 05< ; || Only One Coupon Por Cultomor ^ | Good Aug. 7 thru Aug. 13. 1B7S ' -<* : tuajfCT TO ILLINOIS SALES TAI ON REOULAR PRICE >VALUABLE COUPON Jj without coupon . . . . . 5.29 zX^ Only One Coupon Per Customer 1^^ Good Aug. 7 thru Aua '3. 1975 l£: SUBJECT TO ILLINOIS SALU TAI ON REGULAR PRICE SHI! with this coupon on £ County Line Sharp or Country Cured COLBY CHEESE Random Cut Pkg. without coupon Ib. 1.89 Only One Coupon Pmr Customer Good Aug. 7 thru Aug. 13,1 975 tuajfCT TO ILLINQtS SALII TAI ON KOUL SAVE 20« " , "" 1 % with this coupon on «| 4 cans of Heritage House 3| PORK & BEANS | 1 5'/j ox. tin 5J without coupon Only One Cou|»on Por Cuttomer :3| Good Aug 7 rt^u Aug 13. 197 S SUBJECT TO ILLINOIS SALES TAI ON REOULARPM CE FOR THE BUDGET-MINDED DOMINICK'S CONTINUES IT'S TOTAL SAVINGS POLICY & SAVES YOU CASH! Your food shopping doesn't have to be complicated anymore. Dominick's New Toted Savings Policy is taking the mystery out oifood shopping. No complicated phrases, no gimmicks, no "miracles," no explanations. We're simply reducing thousands oi prices throughout the entire store. Best of all ... you'll still enjoy the same high quality, outstanding variety and the friendly service that has made Dominick's the finest food store in Chicagoland. Dominick's ... saving you more in every way. with a new Total Savings Policy.