Legal Notice N O T I C E O F S A L E O F R E A L E S T A T E F O R G E N E R A L T A X E S A N D N O T I C E O F F I L I N G P E T I T I O N F O R O R D E R T O I S S U E T A X D E E D I N T H E M A T T E R J O F T H E ) A P P L I C A T I O N O F A U D R E Y R . ) W A L G E N B A C H , C O U N T Y ) T R E A S U R E R A N D E X O F F I C I O ) C O L L E C T O R O F T A X E S . F O R ) J U D G M E N T A N D O R D E R O F S A L E ) F O R ' T A X E S . A N D S P E C I A L ) A S S E S S M E N T S O F D E L I N Q U E N T ) L A N D S A N D L O T S , A N D F O R ) J U D G M E N T F I X I N G T H E C O R R E C T ) A M O U N T O F A N Y T A X P A I D ) U N D E R P R O T E S T I N T H E C O U N T Y ) O F M C H E N R Y A N D S T A T E O F ) I L L I N O I S . V ) ) PETITION OF TAX DEED C A R O L S H U L Z F O R A ) ) I -vs- ) T H O R V A L D W I L L I A M H A E R L E / ) A L S O K N O W N A S T H O R V A L D ) W I L L I A M H E A R L E ; S H I R L E Y ) H A E R L E , A L S O K N O W N A S ) S H I R L E Y H E A R L E ; D O R O T H Y ) H A E R L E , H E N R Y Y U S K A , J O S E P H ) ; R I B , V E R N O N W . K A Y S ) C O U N T Y ) C \ E R K O F M C H E N R Y C O U N T Y , ) I L L I N O I S ; U N K N O W N O W N E R S ) A N D U N K N O W N P A R T I E S ) I N T E R E S T E D I N T H E R E A L ) E S T A T E D E S C R I B E D H E R E I N . ) NO. 73-3643 TAX DEED NO. 73-3643 FILED: J U L Y 14, 1975 T A K E N O T I C E C O U N T Y O F M C H E N R Y D A T E P R E M I S E S S O L D : NOVEMBER 26, 1973 CERTIFICATE NO. 558 SOLD FOR GENERAL TAXES (YEAR) 1972 THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES PROPERTY LOCATED AT WONDER LAKE, ILLINOIS. Legal description on permanent index no. 15-4022. Lot 26 in Block 11 in Indian Ridge Unit No* 1, a Subdivision of part of Section 7, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof j^ecorded June 27, 1939 as Document No. 139953 in Book 9 of Plats, page 34, in McHenry County, Illinois. This notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale will expire on November 26, 1975. .Thisofficial notice also to advise you REDEEM IMMEDIATELY T O P R E V E N T L O S S O F PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before November 26, 1975 by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County at t h e C o u n t y C o u r t h o u s e i n Woodstock, Illinois. F o r f u r t h e r information contact the County * Clerk. If this property has four or less dwelling units and you own or live in it as your principal residence, you may obtain 30 days additional time to r e d e e m p r o p e r t additional appearing at such hearing y< hi mat a petition has )eeh filed for a Tax Deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before November 26, 1975. This matter is set -for hearing in the Circuit Court of this c o u n t y i n Woodstock, Illinois on December 2, 1975 at 9:30 A.M. You may be present at this hearing but your right to redeem will already have expired at that time. Y O U A R E U R G E D T O A M P U T E E... Eleven-year- old Chris Belle Isle of Needham, Mass., goes over the top of his trapeze-type exercise frame at Massachusetts General Hospital while recuperating from a train ac cident in February that cost him both feet. NOTICE Due to*theft, the 23" RCA television will be re placed with a 19" RCA television as the first place raffle prize. Anyone wishing to return their tickets should contact the Spring Grove Horse Fair and Jun ior Horse Show, Inc. prior to August 17, 1975. The teen dances have been cancelled and replaced with a chariot race on Sunday. 11th Annual Spring Grove Horse Show Sat. & Sun., Aug. 16 & 17 8:30 A.M. sharp until? FREE ADMISSION AND PARKING • 33 EXCITING EVENTS TO WATCH OR --PARTICIPATE IN EACH DAY Refreshments Available Games and- Pony Rides For, information or to volunteer your helji, please call 815-675-2431 or 815- 675-2010 Extension Comments (By George- J. Young, Ex tension Advftfee; Agriculture, McHenry county Congratulations to Homer White, Antioch, and Dave and Don Cash, Harvard, for exhibiting the top steer and heifer beef carcasses at this year's show. Homer's steer had a 12.5 square inch loin eye with only .4 of an inch of fat and graded high choice. Cash Brothers' heifer had a 12.85 loin eye, .2 of an inch of fat, and graded choice. There were thirty-one entries. Call our office if you want a detailed sheet of the show results Leafhoppers Attack - Last week I wi*8te an article to be on the lookout for this and the leafhoppers have followed through. Potato leafhopper populations are high in many McHenry county alfalfa fields this week. Their feeding can stunt plants and reduce yield. Damage shows as ^wedge- shaped yellow areas at the upper end of the alfalfa leaves. The discoloration starts at the midrib where the insect pierces the leaf and sucks sap. Leafhopper' adults are winged, pale-green, wedge- shaped insects about one-eighth inch long. The numphs are smaller, wingless, and pale- green to yellow in color. Both adults and numphs are most commonly found feeding on the underside of leaves. • Treatment is justified if swarms of leafhoppers are observed over new -growth of the second alfalfa crop. For control, apply one pound of carbaryl (Sevin), 12 pound of dimethoate (Cygon), or -U pound of methoxychlor per acre. Allow ten days for dimenthate and seven days for methoxychlor between treatment and harvest. Car baryl has no waiting period. Read and follow^the directions on the container. Corn Kootworm - Corn rootworms«can cause lodging and large yield reductions. We have soil insecticides that do a good job of protecting against rootworm damage'. But, ac cording to Don Kuhlman, University of Illinois En tomologist, about one-half -of the corn presently treated with corn rootworm insecticides do not need treatment. You can predict ndw'Vhich fields of continuous corn will need treatment next spring. You can make this prediction hy walking your corn fields between now and Aug 25 and make beetle counts. You should do this twice, ten days apart. Examine fifty ear tips per field each time. Treatment is justified if beetle counts average one or more beetles per plant on either time you walk the field. The easiest way to make the count is to squeeze the tip. to keep the^oeetles from flying away, cut the tip and silks off and put in a plastic bag and take them to the house. Put the bag in your freezer for a short time to make the beetles less active, then spread the tips out on the kitchen table and count beetles It will take you about one half hour to take the two checks from a 40-acre field. If your survey indicates treatment is needed next year your efforts can save you thousands of dollars in preventing yield losses. If the survey indicates treatment is not needed on a 40 acre field, then you haveo earned ap proximately $560 per hour for your management ability. (Approximately $7 per acre for insecticide not used X 40 acres X 1 • < hour per field equals $560 per hour) Milking Center Plan - A new milking center plan has been published by the Midwest Plan Service. The plan contains a hospital, in liking parlor, milkhotise. office, and bath. The building is heated by a central hot-air furnace that is ducted fo the milker's alley, milkhouse, and office. Ven tilation is provided by: Screened openings under the eaves, slotted inlets from the attic, exhaust fans in the milking parlor and hospital, and a pressurizing fan in the milkhouse The designers recommend using two removable panels in the utility area for exhausting condenser heat during the summer. For additional information or a copy of the plan Number 7524X.. "Herringbone - Milking Center," send $1 to Extension Agricultural E n g i n e e r , University of Illinois. Urbana, Illinois 61801. PAGE 19-PLAINDEALER-VVEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1975 Fancy socks are in for men. Boys and young wpmen were the f irst to gyin for checked, plaid ayr printed hose but the fad has now progressed to sales for men. The woman who has an unusually large bust can de- emphasize i t by wearing garments which button up in front . Leaving the throat l ine open also helps. COMPLETES LAW ENFORCEMENT COURSE - Edward C. Schultz was among thirty-three officers from nineteen departments who recently completed a six-week Basic Law Enforcement course conducted by the Police Training institute of University Continuing Education, University of Illinois, at Urbana- Champaign. Pictured is Officer Schultz, McHenry Police department. It's usually a mistake to pay in advance for a job. If you lose interest in l i fe, you're dying. y o u r y, at cost, by in court on December 2, 1975 in t h e C o u n t y C o u r t h o u s e i n Woodstock, Illinois. CAROL SHULZ, Purchaser, by Kell & Conerty, her attorneys, B Y : Joseph A. Conerty, Jr. A t t o r n e y s f o r Purchaser: Kell & Conerty 121 E. Calhoun Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Telephone: 815-338- 4511 (Pub. Aug. 6, 13 & 20,1975) 'AV« Tire & Automotive Savings Now55-70% off FITS MOST US CARS TOTAL GUARANTEE PERIOD Dependable starting pow er with enough for acces sories. Polypropylene case. 9-month free replacement. INSTALLED FREE mm mm™ 60 48 42 36 24 18 Mos PASSENGER CAR TIRE GUARANTEE WARDS guarantees its possenge pecified miles when used on passenge pt to*is If your tire does not give you th leage because of defe hazard failure or premature tread WARDS will. I During first 10°o of guaranteed leage reploce the tire free 2 During the nmg mileage replace for o prorato charge based on mileage used For od|ustments return tire to Wards with Guarantee Booklet n enect urned. including orato charge ba«ed of return at branch Federal E WARDS BATTERY PROTECTION PLAN I Montgomery Word will replace this battery at no cost to the ongma • if it fails to occept and hold a charge in noncommerical possen » during the free Replacement Period shown FREE REPLACEMENT PERIOD After this period, to the end of the guarantee period Montgomery Word will replace the battery charging only a pro-rated amount for | the time since purchase, based on the current regular selling price less irode-m Batteries in commercial use ore guaranteed on a similar [ basis for half of the specified periods Commercial use is defined as m any vehicle for other than family or personal use service under this guarantee return battery with evidence of date of purchase to any Montgomery Ward branch 2nd Grappler Radial whitewall when you buy 1st at regular price plus F.E.T. ea., trade-ins. • Wards finest passenger-car tire. 42,000-MILE GUARANTEE SAVE 5.07 36-MONTH GUARANTEED BATTERY 2*88 EXCH. REGULARLY 28.95 LOW-COST INSTALLATION AVAILABLE WARDS TOWN I COUNTRY SHOCK ABSORBER REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE or as long as you own the cor on which istalled. Montgomery Ward will furnish free replacements for any Wards Town & Country Shock Absorber which fails for any reason If Montgomery Ward origi nally installed the shock absorbers, it will install replacements free Return shock ab sorbers to any Montgomery Word branch (any branch having installation facilities, if free installation included) with evidence of purchase This guarantee does not apply to shock absorbers installed on commercial •hides or to shock absorbers domaged in i auto accident 39% off 11KM W III 1 KM Al 1 SI/I KM.1 1 \ If I'KK 1 I- veil S \ 1 1 I'KK 1 JMI 1 11(1 t'l I - i l l ' i \( ii BR78-1M • $47 $21 2.10 DR78-14 $50 $25 2.45 ER78-14 $59 *26 2.55 FR78-14 $o:5 $28 2 07 GR78-14 $07 *30 2.80 HR78-14 $71 *30 :U)9 BR78-15 • $55 $16 2 :i( > (IR78-15 $72 v *32 2 90 HR78-15 $77 $34 :U7 JR78-15 $80 $35 AA\ . LR78-15 $84 $37 :* 40 \\ n i l 1 K A D I - • 4 \ < j l 1 . 1 K M I N I I K I S ) | . \ l . I ' l . Y EACH IN PAIRS REG. 8.99 Extra features make heavy- duty T&C shocks top value. Larger piston diameter than standard 1" piston shocks for greater working capa city, more road control. Fits most US cars. Road Guard whitewalls Our finest fiber glass belted tire. 30,000-MILE GUARANTEE • 2 fiber glass belts for traction plus • 2 strong body plies of polyester cord $50-$110 0FF SET OF 4. 11 III I I V WIIIIKW \ s|/> Al 1 HH.l 1 \l( I'KK 1 1 \( II - M l I ' K K 1 -1 1 Ol 1 i" i - i i i 1 M II A 7 8- ('78- 1 :i 14 $:j7 $42 $98 1 77 2 10 K78- 14 $44 2.: i 2 F78- (178- 4 14 $47 *50 $122 2 47 2.02 (i 78- 15 $5 1 2 09 1178- H78- 1,7 8: • W I T ! 1 4 15 15 1 1 ,I<|| P A I K $52 $5.'i $01 -II. II M - I'.I.M- - ( O M P A K A H34 '.I.Y PKI< KI 2.84 2.92 •T21 FIOI all season ^•krMnt motor 28% OFF WARDS 10W-30 OIL, ONE QUART Lubricates well tP at hi^h or low ^ temperature- REG. 65c 15.60 case of 24 quarts 11.00 SAVE 6.10 WARDS RUGGED STEEL RAMPS v iift -louo- V 088 lh load cap I >er pair For REG. 24.98 • ( i m p a c t c a r - I THE WAY TO SHOP THIS SEASON IS WITH YOUR CHARG-ALL CARD AT WARDS We 11 get you rolling right. For \ our convenience the Al 'I ' i > SFRVK'F. 1SOPKN 7 DAYS A WF.F.K \ 1 u n t h r u F r i 8 4 0 a m - 9 p m Sat 8 Wo. Sun 12Noun-5 Crystal Lake , 0 5 N u r t h w e s t H i g h w a y R o u t e 1 4 P h o n e 4 5 9 3 1 2 0 F R E E P A R K I N G )