1875 100 YEARS OLD 1975 It's A Banner Year Far The Plaindealer WILLIAM J. BOLGER 1st Ward Alderman GEORGE L. HARKER 2nd Ward Aldermen JAMES WEGENER 3rd Ward Alderman LaVERNE HROMEC 4th Ward Alderwoman MRS. TERRY WILDE City Clerk JOSEPH B. STANEK Mayor WILLIAM BR DA City Treasurer cftAccHeyviy uua± only {oxty yscvis o[d ujhzn tlis Ĵ̂ Î nAsalzT UJOA. botn, and tfrxu tfzz LJZAXI toydAsx UJZ PLOJ&E. exfi&iisnczd many of tfl£ ±ams fiainA of qzouitfi and dsueLofimEnt. . ' & (0/2£ fiundied usax± of (ju±Ln£A± Hfs. L± quits Lmf2X£±±i(jz, Lrui ±tiH, in tzrm± of fiL±toiu, I a XEfatiudy tzndzi ays. The City Of McHenry Congratulates You, <z/fnd vuaf&± fonuaid ujitfi you into a nsxxj ays. fiHsd vuitfi cliaJI&igz., ofifioitunLty and fiexfiapA, di±afifioLntm£nt, Urut tjziqfit u&L tfi fiofiE. fox yXEai tfiLngi to corns. The City of McHenry JACK PEPPING 1st Ward Alderman EDWARD DATZ 2nd Ward Alderman RAYMOND L. SMITH 3rd Ward Alderman WALTHER E.I. SCHAEDEL 4th Ward Alderman . \ AUGUST 6, 1975 PLAINDEALER CENTENNIAL EDITION-PAGE 7 FRED J. MEYER Supt. of Public Works KENNETH E. ESPY Chief Of Police