Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Sep 1975, p. 10

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PAGE 10 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 107S }«»*«** | 9W* >*• * TO** - tfofoetfcde tfcftbfiM/M/ WW ' «»VT i j£? "2* V T8$S?V» XWKT*™ w • , W ** * ?+ ^ $£&>***"* **W»V* MM#* 4ft>hM <** *M*» if«K.t<un> u«f> v ' _ --•www- t\S7%eWaft£fltfU/a{// mm £*&»L.*»»?*«*£? W rt ojWl J , i h -, •: WOWfcMn WB8i>i»*i«ii i.f <--i»«»i»» «•"-» N } E 0 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES I BUSINESS SERVICES • BUSINESS SERVICES Self employed roofer-carpenter wants all types roofing work/ large or small/including barns, reasonable prices, free esti­ mates and list of references upon request. Leave message for Harold Meggs at 385-8020 8-29-TF-2 CONCRETE WORK, sidewalks, driveways and patios. Call for free estimate 385-1656 9-5/9-17 We remove junk cars and trucks FREE. One day service. Call anytime, 385-5156 9-3-TF-1-2 AUTOS 1965 GMC y2 ton Van, 6 cyl., stick shift, good body, needs minor work $250. 385-8290 after 5 9-12 1974 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, AM/FM stereo, T & T wheel door locks, etc., excellent con­ dition $5850. Must sell Call (815) 385-1327 9-12 1974 Ford, F100 Super cab with a cap, automatic, p.s., p.b., auxiliary tank $3800. 344-0554 9-12 1965 Chevelle stock car, see to appreciate. 1955 Chevy strip car $300. or best offer. 653- 9776 after 5. 9-12 1971 CHEVY VEGA GT, 2 door new engine 2300 series, 4 cyl. asking $1000. 815-344-1513 9-12 '74 MUSTANG II, low mileage, excellent condition $2400 or best offer 815-344-1922 9-10/9-17G 1974 Gremlin X, good condition $2100. 385-8889 9-10/9-17G 1971 RENAULT 16, automatic, rear window defroster, 28 mpg good condition $1100 815-653- 3886 after 1:00 p.m. 9-5/9-12G 1970 RENAULT, 37,000 miles, $600.00. 344-1852. G9-5/9-12 VW Dune buggy, $1300.00 invested, custom mini T pick up, 90% finished. $750. firm 385-1326 9-10/9-12 1967 Chrysler New Yorker, 4 dr. sedan, full power, air con­ ditioned, very clean, low mile­ age, excellent runner. $500.00 or offer. 385-4576 9-12 1969 Chevy Camero, V8, new brakes, new shocks, good tires, 4 speed transmission, power steering, radio, black vinyl roof, one owner. $900.00 815- 385-0787 9-10/9-12 COMMUNITY 1 AUTO SUPPLY 3021 W. Route 120 j McHenry, III. Phone (815) 385-0778 { Open: 8:00 - 6:00 P.M. { Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 P.M. 9-5-TF-2 AUTOS 1964 Ford Van. 170, 6 cyl., no rust, runs good, 24 MPG. many new parts. $600.00 or best offer. 385-5021. 9-5/9-12G MOTORCYCLES MX 125 Yamaha, comes with skyway and one front end hop up kit. Call 385-3688 9-12/9-19G 1973 YAMAHA 80 MX good running condition $275. 385- 6346 9-10/9-17G 1973 SUZUKI GT 380 Low mile- . age, like new $750. or best offer. 385-3121 9-10/9-17G 1972 SL 70 HONDA, excellent condition $250. Call after 4pm 385-6934 9-5/9-12G Save on Cycle Insurance. Call us for a quote. Sunderlage Insurance Agency 815-338-3328 9-10/9-12 1975 XL 70 HONDA, excellent condition, $400.00, can be seen anytime. 385-4102. G9-5/9-12 1975 KAWASAKI 350 Enduro, low mileage, $850.00. Must sell due to injury. 385-4764. G9-5/9-12 BUSINESS SERVICES J NOW IS THE TIME * J To have your carpet * * and upholstery * cleaned * * * l FREE ESTIMATES! S t McHENRY JKARPET KLEANERS * J 815-385-3476 * * 9-5-TF-2? ^jlllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIS: MOTORCYCLE! MAINTENANCE! On all makes = © Tune ups = • Repairs • Rebuilts = ^Certified Mechanics ^Also lawn mower and|j snowmobile repairs. = = Located on McCullom Lake = Road, McHenry. 385-1321 | * I 8-29/10-10 = TnilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllFE GENERAL HAULING • Crushed road gravel • Grade 9 for driveways • Pea gravel • Sand • Black Dirt 815-385-5827 815-385-4835 JOHN FICKEN. JR. 9-5-TF-2 WALNUT RIDGE FARM • Dog Grooming • Boarding • Horses boarded & trained Ringwood Rd. - McHenry 815-675-2469/2704 after 3:30 p.m. 8-1/9-12 Russell Rhoton Blacktop Service •Driveways •Parking Lots •Seal Coating of Old Driveways •Free Estimates 385-6445 9-3-TF-1-2 REMODELING , SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE • Basements » Porches • Family Rooms % Garages Room Additions 9 Patios & repairs. O.E.A. Construction 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 • • • • • • • • • • • • ^ > o* Seawalls • Piers <> o * Boat Hoists " * Boat Propellers <1 0 Repaired • Trailer Hitches • Heliarc ]! • Portable " FREE ESTIMATES McHenry Welding 1 > 2912 W. Rte. 120 - McHenry {> (Across from Dog & Suds) < 815-385-4929 »• • • • • • • • • • • ALLAN'S BLACKTOP g Call now and save. .30c PER FOOT DRIVEWAYS NEW DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS RESURFACING PATCHING AND SEALING 1 YR. GUARANTEE 815-459-5757 9-10/9-262 9-5-TF-2 McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING & I LETTER SERVICE | • 24 hour answering g service and complete >•: mailing service • Paging Service •£: • Printing • Mimeographing :$ • Typing • Photocopying 3509 W. Pearl St. j| McHenry, III. 60050 $: 815-385-0258 I (9-5-TF-2 & 9-5-TF-2 ^CRTSTAT] LAKE BLACKTOP! KSSSSS GUTTERS UNLIMITED Aluminum ,) \ Products Services Seamless Gutters Aluminum, Steel and Vinyl Siding and Trim 385-9427 or 653-9720 Free Estimates 9-12/10-24 =!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU= i LOW COST I I CONSTRUCTION I 30* per foot Driveways 1 Parking lots Patch work Free Estimates i | i 1 i i I I I = I i •Siding •Soffit-fascia •Roofing •Remodeling •Additions Free Estimates i STEPHEN SCHULTZ i 1 2 year warranty on all w°rk, % 815-385-4733 1 i rinnnnnnonnnnnrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnrinonnuuu Ask for GUARANTEED WANT ADS • 3 Consecutive Days • 3 FREE if you are not satisfied with results you receive • You must call back on date of 3rd insertion Just Call 385-0170 6 times 0NLV $5.00 1 45912?87__J ""9-l~/9-26 RAY'S BLACKTOP 30 Day Special On Driveways Parking Lots Also Seal Coating Free Estimates 24 Hour Service , Work Guaranteed 815-385-8020 | 8-20/10-lg i 8-27/10-8 = inlllllllllllllimmilllllllimilllllllllllllllfr FALL SP^ECJAL ] Garages Built | 1% car garage $1,475.00 | I 2 car garage $1,975.00 I I Concrete installed per lo- I I cal building codes addition-l ! 81 O.E.A. ! CONSTRUCTION Office: 815-344-1632 81 I 815-385-6566 , 815-344-0748 Reg. SI0.90 Save S5.90 Minimum 3 insertions - 15 words or less 10' per additional word, per insertion • Not offered to commercial accounts booooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooool I j 9-12-TF-2 I BUSINESS SERVICES CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For All Youi * TOWING NEEDS • STARTING PROBLEMS EGC*" * I0W BAR RENIAL I k IL* J11 r T O W I N C Two Phones For Service! 385-5840 385-0258 r.~" JWHART0N BLACKTOP PAVING; • • C O M M E R C I A L • R E S I D E N T I A L | I SERVING YOCR AREA -20 YEARS E X P E R I E N C E \ \ A v S > \ \ v V m I I U F A R V vnil TAk'TVP. - ^ | EXPERIENCED CARPENTER needs work, guaranteed quality work. Remodeling, siding, cus­ tom basements and cabinets. 344-2564 after 4:30 pm 385- 6514 9-10/9-17 FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, 459- 0081 9-3-TF-1-2 Experienced roofer. New and old roofs speciality. Also con­ crete work. 24 Hr. service. Free estimates. 815-385-7247 9-10/9-12 I WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER & SAVE: I I I I I = gBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCjj' 5 5 J. & R. CEMENT * CONTRACTORS • Patio • Foundations • Driveways • Sidewalks • Flat Work • General Hauling • Septic Systems and Back Hoe Work Call 81§-385-3840 or « 815-385-8604 x WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl1 9-3-TF-1-2 rl LEE'S ROOFING AND SIDING HOT TAR ROOFS SHINGLES AND SIDING TUCK POINTING For Free Estimates Call 385-4108 AND ASK FOR LEE 9-3-TF-1-2 WANTED TO BUY JUNK CARS Day or Night Service 385-3004 or 385-7977 9-3-TF-1-2 •*•4- t FRANK'S J * BLACKTOP 5 • Paving • Driveways * • Patching * • • Seal Coating J J Now serving your area. All ^ work guaranteed. Free Estimates 24 Hour answering service J 815-385-0258 $ I 8-22/10-3* *••••••••••••••* C & C BLACKT0PPING Driveways & Parking Lots New Ones or Old Ones Patched & Repaired Seal Coating 9 North Fairlawn, Mundelein, 111. FREE ESTIMATES . 312-367-0717 9-5/10-17 FOR SALE SEARS model 800 heavy duty washer $225 & dryer $200 less than 6 mos. old. Maytag washer $100, DG 500 gas dryer $90 both completely rebuilt. 815- 455-2107 9-12/9-24 1963 Chevy Convertible $75., Hide-a-bed in good condition. $125. 385-3595 9-10/9-17G FREE - CLEAN MANURE. All you want for the taking. 1321 'vV. Bay Rd. McHenry. 8-29/9-17 Furniture of 14 model homes now being sold. 30 to 50% off, will separate. Terms. 312-398- 5250 9/3-9/26 30" Electric stove. 815-338- 7819 9-10/9-12 POOL TABLE, 4x8 slate, cue sticks, rack included, excellem condition $200. or best offer 344-0591 9-10/9-12 16' x 34' above ground 4' deep rectangular swimming pool, complete with filtering system. Can be purchased with or with­ out 7' high, dark brown cedar privacy fence. $750 with fence, $400 without call 385-4880 or 385-4825 after 6 p.m. 9-10/9-12 Wards 10" radial saw with steel stand, excellent condition $135 Sears 17 cu. ft. 2 dr. F.F. Coppertone refrigerator, 2 years old, like new $175., Toro 14" Electric snow blower, like new $50., Black and Decker, electric lawn edger, good con­ dition $15., 385-0243 9-10/9-12 2 Windows 36" x 48" wood, metal, slide by type, double pane, like new, % original cost 385-7928 9-10/9-17G ZENITH colored TV console, 23" picture, good condition $125 call 653-5421 9-10/9-17G 12 x 15 shag rug, gold tones with pad. Hide-a-bed sofa, like new vinyl upholstery, oil burner unit for furnace, 20" girls bike with training wheels. 653-9030 9-5/9-12 BAMBOO FURNITURE, tenor sax, glass tables, snowmobile sleigh, toboggan 385-5203 9-10/9-17G Very old Juke Box, collectors item. Best offer. 385-6256 9-5/9-12 15 pc. Whitehall Drum set, Ludwig heads, ZILDJIANhi-hat cymbals, good condition. 385- 5839 TF Tomatoes and Green Peppers for canning and freezing. One block south of Idyl Dell, Bull Valley Road on BarrevilleRoad 385-8858 before 9:30 A.M. or after 8:00 P.M. 9-5/9-12G Teenee Boat Trailer, heavy duty used once, 3 years old, garage stored, will hold up to 19' boat $190. 815-385-3413 9-12/9-19G 19" portable colored T.V., Sears Organ with bench, sofa and chair, IV2 cu. ft. refrig­ erator, stereo set. 815-344- 1712 9-12 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Already cut, ready to burn 1 ton $40.00 2 tons $75.00 FREE DELIVERY CALL ANYTIME 653-9075 or 385-3269 9-10-TF FOR SALE fx Burner gas stove, dinette set with 6 chairs, piano rolls for player piano, Call 385-5546 Sat. 9-12 1973 400 CZ Moto-cross bike, good condition $600, also 250 CZ moto-cross $500, older baby grand piano with organ attach­ ment $400 or best offer. 385- 2766 9-10/9-12 CONCORD GRAPES & CANTALOUPES HEIDER'S BERRY FARM 1 mile east of Woodstock on Rte. 120, V2 mile north on Queen Anne Rd. Hours 8 am to 6 pm Large orders call first. 815-338-0287 9-10/9-12 EVERGREENS SPREADING JUNIPERS 4 for $10 Cash & Carry ACORN RIDGE NURSERY 1522 S. Darrell Rd. McHenry (Volo) 120 east to Darrell 1% mi. so. to nursery. 9.10/9-12 =fta FOR SALE FOR SALE Feeder Calves, white faced and black Angus, weighing 3 to 500 lbs., good quality, Ideal for club calves. 414-857-7513 9-12 All Antiques. Spindle back and Serpent arm rocker, oak lamp table, oak hall tree, vanity, and much more. No Checks. 815- 675-2072 9-12 FIGURETTE BRAS. Over 100 sizes, fitting bands 28through 46 and cups A through HH. For information or appointment call. Jolene Hesemann 385-6318 9-5-TF-2 Bedroom set, double bed, dres­ ser and mirror. Reasonable 653- 5022 9-12 SEARS COLDSPOT refriger­ ator, coppertone $45 Call 344- 1491 9-10/9-12 10 HP MASSEY Fergenson mower 42" cut with plow, ex cellent running condition, el­ ectric start $750 385-7144 9-5/9-12G -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE-- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 I LIBERTYVILLE 312-367-0676 I 9-3-TF-1-2 FOR RENT ALUMINUM PLATES 25* A Plate - 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry Phone: 385-0170 7 ROOM HOUSE in town, $250 per month plus security deposit 344-1021. 8-29TF 1 br. apt. fully cpted., stove, refrigerator, air conditioning, no pets 385-2639 9-5/9-12G 5 room apartment, refriger­ ator, stove and carpeted. Se­ curity deposit required. 385- 2077 9-10-9-12 ATTENTION HAIRDRESSERS! Station for rent Call Wednesday thru Saturday 385-2990 9-3-TF-1-2 Offifce space for rent. Carpeted, central air, heat and electric all furnished. Plenty of parking 4719 W. Rte.. 120 , 385-4619 9-3-TF-1-2 Small house on Fox River, 1 or 2 people, no pets, all util­ ities furnished, security $165. 385-0289 9-10/9-12 3 bedroom ranch, lV2 baths, attached enclosed porch, fire­ place in living room, on chan­ nel to Fox Lake, attached 2 car garage in Dutch Creek Woodlands. 312-392-1397 9-12/9-19G Vacation Village. $135. per month plus electricity, air con­ ditioned 312-476-1455 9-12/9-19G 1 bedroom apt., heated, all ap­ pliances, furnished, laundry, rec. room and pool. $210 per month. 385-7599 9-12-TF Efficiency apt., all appliances, furnished, laundry, rec. room and pool. $165. 385-7599 9-12-TF 3 BEDROOM RANCH HOUSE, excellent condition, 2 baths, family room, dining room, fire­ place, garage, new carpeting, $300. plus utilities, no pets, references and security deposit required. Immediate occupancy 385-4994 9-12/9-19G Office space for rent, panelled, carpeted and air conditioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65.00 and up 455-0320 9-3-TF-1-2 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266 d^ys, 385-8905 evenings. 9-3-TF-1-2 3 bedroom Town house apart­ ment in McHenry. lV2 baths, laundry room, lease, security deposit. $235. plus electric. 815-344-1261 9-12 2 BEDROOM-l^bath condomin­ ium, fully carpeted, stove, re­ frigerator, dishwasher, dis­ posal, attached garage, $275 per mon. Call: 385-2769. 9-3TF1-2 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, within walking distance shop­ ping and train, carpeting, bal­ cony, Adults. Available imme­ diately 385-3493 8-20-TF-1-2 dJ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111LL^ SIREN I 1 WISCONSIN J | Whispering Pines I Resort | = Open under new management * E Modern Housekeeping = = cabins | GOOD FISHING | on lower CLAM LAKE FOR RENT 2 BR FURNISHED home, month including utilities, se­ curity deposit required 385- 3669 or 312-698-2371 9-5/9-12G 500 sq. ft. store or office. Center of McHenry, air condi­ tioned $175 Call 815-385-1327 9-5-TF-1-2 • CARD OF THANKS WORDS CANNOT ADEQUATE­ LY express our gratitude to those who expressed their sym­ pathy and helpfulness to us so beautifully at the time of our recent sorrow. May God bless you all The Family of Linda Lary 3-12 HELP WANTED Adult general kitchen help. Day times. 385-4280 or apply in per­ son to Bimbo's 9-12/9-19 Sell Auto Insurance Part Time 312-395-6648 9-3-TF-1-2 R^IRORPER^I | PART TIME | j:|: Part time now - Full time ;!;• later. Young electrical infirm beginning expansion. Management opportunity'^ i&for those showing willing- •ijiness to learn and ac-g '.v cept responsibility. For in- information write. McHenry::*: $ Plaindealer c/o SE 2, Mc $ Henry, 111. 60050 g $ 9-12/9-24 •:*: AUT0M0BILF SALESMAN ^ \ Chevrolet dealer needs i salesman to sell new and j used cars. Must be neat J and well - organized. Goody pay plan and all fringe ^ benefits. t Apply in Person f SALES MANAGER J PAYTON \ CHEVROLET, INC. \ Hwy. 31 South \ McHenry, II. 60050 2 I 9-10/9-12 EXPERIENCED GRILL COOK Good Hours, steady work Call for interview/appointment. 815-338-3500 Timbers Restaurant Rte. 47&14 Woodstock, III. 9-10/9-12 WANTED SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR Must be a certified water safety instructor. Lessons given on Saturdays at the McHenry High School To apply call 385-7900 9-10/9-12 j TPN'7 We Need you! J If you can't utilize your ' training and are looking for PROFESSIONAL I GROWTH WITH A I MULTI-DISCIPLINED STAFF. I Please call our Director of I Nursing, Mrs. Joan Mud- I gett, R.N. j For An Opportunity 1 to Earn R.N. Wages J and gain additional respon- J sibility. j SHELTERED VILLAGE j Woodstock, 338-6440 9-10/9-17 I 1 bedroom $60 week 2 bedroom $70 week 715-349-5195 i 1 i 1 i I I EXCELLENT- I OPPORTUNITY I Join a rapidly growing I Company manufacturing | motors and gear reducers. ) SAMPLE MAKER J Man with knowledge of mill I and lathe to make proto- I type electro-mechanical I devices. I Good benefits-wages com- I mensurate with ability. Call 815-459-7204 or • apply in person I I ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MOTORS INC. 9-12/9-24= 7fllllllllllllllllllllllll||||||||||||||||||||||m£ | 7510 Virginia Rd.' Crystal Lake, III. 9-10/9-12

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