Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1975, p. 24

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V SECTION 2 - PAGE 7 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1975 • f f m m STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES I Q Q QI A For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30,1975 „ . , Operations, Bond and Trans- Municipal Site and Working McHENRY COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 Educational Bldg. and Interest portation Retirement Construction Cash ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT Maintenance For the fiscal year ended JunH30,1975 CASH RECEIPTS-REVENUE * .,co « 1 0 1 <kq « mi «qq $40,649 Size of District in square miles - 41.5 Number of non-certified employees: i Taxes $ 1,122,808 $ 273,65 Number of attendance centers -6 Full Time-79 Part Time - 30.5 From Governmental Divisions: 74 312 150 653 Number of certified employees: Averagedaily attendance- 2,607 StateAids ™ 704 Full Time-143 Part Time - 6 Average daily membership. 2,834 n',926 7,237 13,614 9,675 5,490 *•"» No. of pupils enrolled per grade: Student and Community Services: K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Special Total School Lunch Program , 146,506 347 318 277 316 288 297 341 335 307 8 2,834 Other *1,233 11, Total in District 2,834 ^®nsf®rsJ" • • • 2 704 547 Tax rate by fund: (In percent) ^ Total <Lh Receipts-Revenue V.V.. . . $ 3.007 Mfi $ 293,926 $ 451,694 $ 287,281 ,v $ 111,389 / 42,678 Educational, 1.38; Operations, Bldg., and Maintenance, .250; Bond and Interest .388; Working Cain, .050; Transportation, .150; Municipal Retirement .059; Fire Prevention and Safety .050; Tort cash DISBURSEMENTS-EXPENSES Immunity, .016; Special Education Building, .020. Administration $ 144,846 District Assessed Valuation $84,958,180 Total Bonded Indebtfdnt * 21ii,028 108 Assessed Valuation per A.D.A. pupil $32,575.99 June 30, 1975 14,156,000 Oneration 161,409 149,111 179,458 Assessed Valuation per A.D.M. pupil $29,978.19 Percent of bonding powar , Maintenance 7,387 31,497 < 59,933 obligated currently 44% Fixed Charges '. 48,530 24,685 115,261 12,809 60,505 ^ Equ^ment sir i::::::ii"::::'??:!£ 45,«4i 47,434 GROSS PAYMENT FOR Patricia Seaton, Linda ward Lescher, Roger Ludwig, Bond Principal Retired ........... 320,000 42,678 CERTIFICATED Shamblin, Kathleen Shea, Tom Ludwig, Roy Lundelius, *ransters out.. 1Q 559 68 8 285 PERSONNEL MarYel ^heller, Thomas Sharon McNish, Arthur Martin, Other^x,^™1^reS r^ n ^vnpnses¥814 371 251,202 435,261 308,027 60,505 42,678 CAT advTDAMrr tree Shipley, Barbara Smiley, Charles Martin, Gertrude Total Cash Disbursements-Expenses^40'794 » tsnwu than^?L Jud*th Smith' Karl stueben' Mazzone, James Meeker, Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts over Expenditures $ 193,165 $ 42,724 $ 16,433 $(20,746) $50,884** m i d V j n t ' JoAnn Stumbris, Jane Thomas, Joyce Michaels, Anne Ann Maki Richard Ortmann, Cheryl Toalson, Janet Vierke, Micheletto, Phillip Mieszala, STATEMENT OF POSITION &aa.Srtenheimer' Manlyn Marlene Viita' Mafy .Vycital, Claire Miller, Deftres Miller, assets SAI ARY RANCF • ooo to Donald Weichle, Marcia Wolf. Dorothy Miller, Loren Miller, Cash. v cqSqQLq SALARY RANGE : $15,000 to Donna Mitchell, Edna Mueller, La^;. „ . f t 1on [ 1'rna' tL Rvrnpt' $19,999: John Armstrong, Barbara Murphy, Diane Petty Cash .. $ 100 Vaiprip rS n/rLnP Pnn' Elmer Boeldt, Carolyn Buitt- Murphy, Elaine Murray, Diane Imprest Fund -- •, 2,500 409,= «™ 7Sfi2fi S n P n n r n ! i £ h . " n e r < A , i c e C l a r k , D a n i e l N e i l l , J e n n i f e r N e l l i s , J o h n C a s h m B a n ks 34,456 * X'XS « 1*^1 t il'™ F* hfp Hphra fVpnnan' ipan DeRoche, Avice Gorham, Neuman, Dorothy Newport, Total Assets $37,056 $40,215 $ 56,550 $ 76,645 $75,626 Harms Sandra Heffelfineer Henry Keny°n- Carl Kohrt> Judith Nichols, Viola Nickels, Dorothv Hollander Ruth Fred Kusch> Eugene Maris, Ruth Nordal, Marilyn LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Hubbard, Colleen Jackson J°hn Nilles, Charles Schott, Nystrom, Madalyn Otto, Terry Anticipation Warrants Payable y $ 150,000 Jordan Ma^E'llen eKa™ph tkipwicz.^Cari Wagner" ° • Georgia™ Pariso Thomas J* J (112°944? 40,215 56,550 76,645 75,626 Kr°ame "^andiS^orth, Carol and ™er%otoS. WiSK pSo?' MalTjeS? p/n'kstaff, Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 37,056 $40,215 $ 56,550 $ 76,645 $ 75,626 Philips, Janice Pifer, Patricia Landis Eugene Paulausky, Donna' P'"toz"i ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE Pit^^n TrnHv Pnirior I ica DOIlcllCl TOOlC. rrdincr, Jdtmicllllc i ilLC, _iA Ross,' James Roth, Linda GROSS PAYMENT FOR r^^pJIS FlSiS BeginningFundBalance'1974 $(306,109) $(2,509) $40,117 $ 97,391 $24,742 Santeler, Patricia Schauble, NON-CERTIFIED ?£25S£'RnapriTSifSSS' Add: « 1fia„ so 884 Ergina Shepston, Bonnie PERSONNEL JacquelineRogers,^is Ryan Excess of Revenue over Expenditures 193,165 42,724 16,433 50,M4 Spasoievich, Roxanne Thomas, SALARY RANGE: LESS Mary Airm bchiadt Margo Totai (Fund Balance and Additions) $(112,944 ) 40,215 56,550 97,391 75,626 Elizabeth Thompson, Janet THAN $5,000: Gerhardt Schaedel, Mary Schaeffer ?£y'MES jaXnm-A,fe°nyceMa* fsj-ra t«s Weber . Jan8 WashoW' Mai? vSeri^Arsenau^ Gary^Bar- miegelt, Helen Schmitt, Linda E^ing Fund Balance, June 30,1975 $(112,944) $40,215 $ 56,550 $76i645 $75,626 Si4AQqqRY M^n $1AlfJ?rd0 01 hifa^Bau'er?Dnrnthv Rata n' Scott"Karen SeccoT' Jacolyn SALARY RANGE: $10,000 to Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich 10,237.57 R.M.I. Educational Films IFOO Richard And son Terrv Ann Beitner Sall^Belze?' Sheehan, Beth Shipley, Harry $14,999: Herb Brossman, Earl Harris, Hal M. 1,085.04 RadioShack 208.90 Anfincnn KatMppn' Rioa/r I ihhv Rencnn PorharH Sikora, Ruth Simoson, Grace Conway, George Larkin, Hausman Bus Parts Co. 21,306.70 B.A. Railton Co. 15,331.45 ; S'Jef o er 8Eh B elfeldt Jar, s !3lankenh„r„, Jeanne Smith, Vernon ReinbolSt, Clarence Havemeyer s 282.00 Rand, McNally & Co. 334.00 Buckner AHcia Sv. lames S TOIS hSSS' Raymond Smith, Sandra Young. Hayden's Sport Center 521.19 Randolph Paper Co. 126.54 SSnni' I nfrl' iIS K! JrpnlKS' Smith, Ardella Smolzer, James SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS Hertzbere New Method 294.40 Random House Inc. 360.80 I??rv rpl?y,e;Hrftn0e Br(?Sn'C,krt Sobacki, Lynne Sobczak, Ruth $25.00PERDAY Hester Oil Co. 31,478.21 Ribbon Supply Co. 133.% fwLhv Sncan Hankn lamp! TarUnn rL ParLn QhSIv Sveen, Gary Swanson, William Sharon Adams, Myrna Akins, Holcomb Manufacturing 103.49 Robbins Schwartz, Nicholas & Lifton 4,020.50 Doran Marlene Doukas CaS' BerniS^Ca??'Edward Thomas' Isabelle Thompson, Betty Alderson, Patricia Allart, Wm. A. HominCorp. 382.88 Robertshaw 2,812.56 MiPha;i nrohlr ipraiH rP „! William Toalson, Art Tonyan, Weldon Andreas, Carolyn Holt, Rinehart & Winston 7,012.08 Rochester Germicide Co. 192.15 K n DrrUnin FilSt VnlnL A^if"^ Clarence Tonyan, Steve Toole, Bauer, John Bazan, Mary Honeywell Inc. i;052.83 RossBusSales 151.57 Rnipp Fripwn Flnrpnpp rhan« & i'nn piio Karen Utes, Barbara Van- Brinkman, Marvin Carby, John Hornsby's J 281.79 Ruck's Hardware 224.07 Fnran farli F,inPr Mnrfpl kafhippn Qnrsm pi!' Cleave, Raymone VanLeishout, Cochran, James Collier, Eve Houghton Mifflin Co. 436.38 S.E.D.O.M. 234,522.62 CHmnrp Marlpnp c'npKrhpl «tinHnn innnpifn^rr5i?/l Donna Vargas, Dorothy Vick,.. Cordrey, Donna Dippon, Gary Hugnes 125.00 St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf 2,222.00 John Griffith Carolvn Grove' James DeGrott MarV Deia' Charles Violett, Dorothy Fairchild, Roxanne Fosse, Hunter Septic Service 329.40 Santillana Publishing Co. 280.64 Patricia GuMetta Ruth Haas^' Ja^ef Divine Marie rfiedrfch' Virgens, Mae Wagner, Jeanette Phyllis Fredericksen, Andrea Huntington 1,164.40 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. 213.05 Li^ida Halac Marearet Hal 1 Maedalenp Dowp Dnnna Wafker, Mary Watson, Twila Garlanger, Linda Green, I.B.M. 1,975.80 Sax Arts & Crafts 1,239.12 inrtifh Hamihnn8 pi,.} r Hri!!L RlrKora Weichle, Lucille Weingart, Elaine Harrington, Linda Ideal School Supply Co. 169.13 Scan-Am_ 482.00 Haninn pTni F ^fancon nnhin MaHpivn nLf^ Irene Weiss, Bernadine Heisler, Carolyn Hesch, Denise Ideas in Education 167.35 Schmaling, Norman 107.00 Ffainp Harriiptnn oS Knnhr'nn^^ nShirS n,,™ Wemken, Anna Wenk, Carla Hodges, Dorothy Hollander, Ike Craig Sports - 187.65 Schoep's Tee Cream / 10,076.86 H h rkp rlnnaid H^deps hpro Ma rrivn^ Fhipn iTn Lynn White, Judy Widhalm, Ethel Hornby, Ann Indelicato, Illinois Assoc. of School Boards 795.00 Scholastic Books 3,372.23 Ktp^Jpr Imfinfp' Fmfah^f, ' ̂ ?i Madelyn Wieczorek, Susan Janice Jozwiak, Linda .Illinois Bell Telephone 10,184.20 School Health Supply 726.51 Afhprt wlnftvilh M^ha Fryman Wiese, Corine Wilhalm, Donald Kaeding, Mary Ann Kemmer, Illinois Municipal Retirement System 60,505.49 School & Library Publishing 104.90 KanaL Sa vminH Kanli/ F?inni F ^ VrS Williams, Virginia Wilsman, Linda Konrath, James Kusch. Inland Book Distributors 240.92 School Specialty Supply 399.18 hLS Vprny TarniP S faSp Pa.Ja Pa ' Wa»ter WinKler, Martha Jude LaFrancis, Delores Inlander Brothers 9,819.60 Schroeder's Nursery 1,000.00 Cafhprinp^ KnhH MihirpH £ SS'inJ r i LSfp Wisner, Sharon Wohlert, Leonard, Lillian Lombard!, Inter Collegiate Press 133.16 Science Research Assoc. 5,5%.00 K" ""c'aUn^La^ g^h ^oJelin^S^ ^ SSIWip 'S S, feSfcufe M Mary AnV' Park's, Niyrfle ISS^S^/co. SS M«ySh°P SS AeUcee Mac'tfonald"3 Mabel Hfispat^SuzaSne1'Hom^ S^^Cad^Ses, $G^°ald Christian RaTmus^eS^Biii Jem PubHcaUons mM She^a&nPl^bingCo. 6'^ Martin Mificent McFarland Constance HODD Diana Becker> Monica Becker, Robbins, Vickie Rosenberg, Jim Adams Auto Body 1,207.35 Sid Harvey of Illinois 403.61 Howa?dMcHu|h!DavidMill"?! Hullber?, Caro°?P'Humknn S'Yn.^&^eun'd n"l Ss ™ gS fh7sSco °' "mB Geraldine Moerschbaecher, Walter Jackson, Jean Janec- ^rraha'm i a?irptta Santeler, Patricia Sch K j: k Tiip ^1474 Sinepr dvF) 9 «kq 14 Pvnthia Mnrimntn I inda ykn I vnnp iannp«i Pvnthin Joy Graham, Lauretta Homo, mitt, Rosemary Schneider, KadisakTile 314.74 Singer (a.v.t.) 2,869.14 Mn^ison SrSash la^irP John son Hptpa Inhninn Gerard Justen, Ralph Justen, Leslie Schubert, Linda Ken Lee Hardware Co. 233.72 Smithsonian Magazine 10.00 Natzke Donald Neubauer Michael Johnson Freva Jones' Bruno Karas' Peter Knuth' Seaborn, Barbara Seaquist, Keystone Laundry Maclunery 124.88 Social Studies School Service 142.85 Barbara Novak Jovce PaS' Clvde Kaneas FltahPth Marlene Larsen, Carmen Mary Ann Sharp, Laurie Kirchner Fire Extinguishers 503.04 Spinney Run Farms. Corp. 4,759.13 Weslev Peto Karen Pierce Kearns Carof jean KeLhum Lombardi, Beverly Longhway, Shepherd, Susan Stoneall, KirwanTraneCo. 197.00 StandardRewash Wipers 259.96 Robert Prince Marjorfe ChSfe S, Sharon Kottke: ?arles Martiju &w«rd May, Becty Thorsen Susie Van P^Knuth 140.00 S anVOH.ce.Machtnes ^.12 SnSermeT jfhTs^'S? Se J'Laffan^""8 Snh G°rdon Ichmitt,® Elayne wlde'll, Twila ^WetchTe, L&M Stationary Co. 186.50 Steffan's Music 254^ Nancv Zanders Elafne Sch' LaGrav ^la^ne Landis I?ona^d Schultz, Edward Schwabauer, Elizabeth Wirtz, Mary Won- Lake County Pollution Packers 3,234.70 Sterling Publishing Co. 113.45 Nancy Sanders Elaine Sch- LaGray, Elaine Lamlis, Donald Donald Sullivan, Rita Thennes, derlick, Elaine Worth, Lake County Treasurer 166.76 Stoffel & Reihansperger 957.00 maling, Leslie Schubert, Layton, Carol Lehman, Ed- William Walker. Christine Zack La Pine Scientific Co. 144.05 Strea tor Industrial Supply 463.77 7"-- rrrrr--T n c t r i , n H » n a i M p d i a ilToo" J-S. Latta & Son 11,063.56 Sunbeam Bread 147.15 A ® gicjf Co. 581-12 931'72 Learning Shop 144.27 Sure Plus Manufacturing Co. 424.74 A D. Seidel & Son 136-05 Coun^side Center for the Handicapped . Learnmart 742.91 Systems Performance 1,254.00 A R T-Studio 424-90 Cranbarry 392 46 LeWalt Glass Co. 550.22 Tandy Leather Co. 931.19 Ace Hardware tsq'rs r^?t!vp Kfhfiratfons 402 65 Lee & Ray Electric 220.70 Teachers "In Service" 1,470.00 S uf 1 pl^a AnraMap 350 00 LeeWards 192.15 Teachers Retirement System 2,560.80 Addison Wesley Publishing Co. ?£? qr 850 01 Lippincott Co. 2,636.18 Teaching Resources 107.97 AWn - 304 90 DpUSonmental Learning Materials 345 22 Litton Educational Publishing 314.97 Tom Huemann Water Conditioning 485.84 Alexander Lumber Co. l$$ J f ^e?n Welfare Service 200.00 Tna^ 9^.10 ^rnar Plasticsnit0rSUPPly 1'263 95 Dick^BUck Co"1103 114 43 McArthur Towels 679.55 U.S. Office of Education 778.27 American Bindery 'llS.Oe DiSereified Sales 575.90 C.^Office Machines m oo V^antl^ctiona\ Materials 154.98 American Natfona^Balik&Trust 23 865 00 DuKaneCorp^ 267 35 McHenry County Assoc. for the Retarded 7!055^50 Village Cleaners 148*41 AmPH^n SioolB(Srd JourSl 112 00 D^a SvsteSs 11146 McHenry County Film Library M30.50 Visualcrafts 2,936.62 American School Board Journal - Djjia sys e ^ gg McHenry County Office Machines 200.95 Vycital's Pro Hardware 701.27 A^nlrnmmunirations 169 34 E & R DeveloDment Co 717 00 McHenry Farm Service Inc. , 163.75 Walker's Wholesale Meats 2,122.58 Ra^pr £t^1o? 2 725 81 E^twSt Learninc CorD 505 40 McHenry Favorite Sports 7,528.41 Walsh, Earl R. 28,194.00 RaiSr rnfma J 364 19 FaftwcSwat^Co 546 78 McHenrJ Music Center 102.29 Walt Disney Media Co. 516.53 RpSfpv ci«lv Co 2 609 62 Ebsco Subscriptions 1 270 16 McHenry Plaindealer 598.57 Wards Natural Science 244.67 Rpn imp^ Motor Rpnair 152131 Elw-Brown 174 98 McHenry State Bank 14,219.57 Western Publishing Co. 187.25 Rpn Franklfi? Repair , . TheEconomvCo 774 81 McHenry Tire Mart 6,352.60 Western Safway Scaffolds 516.62 RpSiStt Brothers Inc 106*68 E<?s Rental fnc ' 105 50 McHenry, Woodstock Disposal 5,758.50 Weston Woods 218.75 Rprfl^ld s Flowpr Barn 21100 Education Service Center 277 40 McHenry Yellow Cab 3,579.25 Wisconsin Book Bindery 318.64 WroScientif ?Co 139 42 EdSS&l SivitiS 107 91 3 M. Business Products 1,786.51 Wonder Lake Glass, Inc. 862.62 Bifinguld Educational Service 212:21 EdUSSonal Audio Visual 322 24 MacMillan Publishing Co. 1,945 17 Woodstock Glass 3.349.M Bobbs Merrill Co. 159.96 Educational Development Corp. 969.99 Maco Coatings, Inc. 3,387.12 Xerox 4,730.07 Bolger Drug Store 122.50 Educational Development Laboratories 405.72 Main Paint 1,354.94 Xerox Education Publications 1,878.29 Boos Robert 452.73 Educational Reading Service 307.94 Marshall Electric 584.00 ^ . D . il? Borg-Warner Educational System 1,006.09 Educational Teaching Aids 460.52 Mass Feeding 33,952.69 Zukowski, Zukowski, Poper & Rogers Inc. 2,090.65 Boston Mutual Life Insurance 5,324.91 Educators Publishing Service 385.02 Master Brew f®5.28 (P b Wed Nov 5 1975) Botts Welding 784.13 Educators Training Center 7,560.00 Matthews Transfer Co. 1,134.38 ' ° ' Bowmar 297.73 Edward Filkins, Inc. 318.38 Mediafive 950.00 i .. MARGARET O'NEIL Bro-Dart., Inc. 149.82 The Edwards Co. 218.80 Media Materials Inc. 252.00 LOQOI NOtlCC Clerk of the Court Brodhead Garrett Co. 337.37 Elgin Fruit & Produce 572.19 Metropolitan Supply Co. 438.07 ^ (Pub Oct 29 Nov 5 & 12,1975) Buch. H.E. 2,213.46 Elkom Chemical Co. 1,380.25 Mid City National Bank 65,514.20 in THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Buckley Powers 334.69 Encyclopedia Britannica 618.08 MidwestVisual 13,364.97 THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, . • .. Burgess, Anderson & Tate 500.79 TheEnglewood Companies 2^275.92 Miller Brody 185.15 McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS LeOfll NotlCB Burlington Wholesale Grocers 3,302.14 Exchange National Bank 176,561.50 Milliken Publishing Co. 353.78 PROBATE DIVISION Buss Ford Sales 52,300.49 Eye Gate 215.55 Minnesota Clay 461.02 Mrmrir Butch's Auto Service 231.10 Federal Surplus Property 384.25 Modern Curriculum Press 884.57 ESTATE OF Josephine Puhlir Nntw-i!«hprphv aivpn California Learning Simulations 255.00 Ferris Brothers 241.50 Mook Blanchard 249.65 Katherine Monhardt Deceased, that nSIE i Jh a Cambridge Book Co. 1,516.56 Ficken, John Jr. 150.00 E R.Moore Co. 151.25 FILE NO. 75-P-309 ™in Carey Appliance 201.40 Field Educational Publications 1,470.82 Murphy Furniture & Equip. 4-502.76 Notice is hereby given offirp nf lhp Sn/v Ptprt rif Carey Electric 143-86 Field Enterprises 148 50 Musfcraft 250.00 pursuant to Section 194 of the McHenrv Countv^ Hllnni? Carlton Films 553.49 Fine Arts publications 280.00 N.C.R. 3,084.10 Probate Act, of the death of the cpftin0 Lth thp nam« anJ Carroll Seating Co. 100.73 First Commercial Bank 72,165.00 Nasco - 404^^83 above named decedent and that mstlofficp iddr^si ̂ f a 1 l nl Central Scientific 339.77 Fisher Scientific 140.59 National Geographic Society 1.094.05 letters TESTAMENTARY ffe n^^^nSdnrLi Charles W.Clark Co. " 105.45 Follett Library Book Co. 1,015.34 Ned Singer Sport Supply 884 18 were issued on October 23,1975, Lnd^ran^ctTnTfh^ Chem-Rite Products 947.56 Follett Publication Co. 1,596 62 New Century Education 1,428.39 to Lorraine Class, 7703 Ravina, k^own as non^F Pi iiMRTNr Chicago Sun Times 748.39 Fox Lake Dairy . 37,036.85 Nix's Lake County Packing 110.40 Spring Grove, Illinois, whose & otattnc rn S Chicago Supply Ca t. 10 . . , JS'S Fox Lake Office Supply 404 71 North American Life Insurance 3,999 30 attorney of record is Rhode & f607 Chanel Hill Rn»H Children's Haven Residential School 1,700.00 Fox Valley Fire Equipment 115.67 Northern Communications Systems 258.75 Lynch, 875 Main St., Antioch, fining,ro?^lxoU»J>L riiP^VJ Children's Press ^ Frank Paxton Lumber Co. 1,273.65 Northern Illinois Gas 40,929.28 Illinois. . (^omisburg), McHenry, Illinois Chuck's 24 Hour Towing ,^ 22 Franks, Wylde & Weise - 2,038.60 Northern Illinois Shred "Pak" 301^^00 Claims may be filed within 6 Dated this isth dav nf CityofMcHenry 1,137.00 Game fime, Inc. L766.74 Northern Trust Co. 97,155.74 months from the date of tobM- A D^97S City of McHenn/ Treasurer ™ Gaylord Brothers 326.80 Nystrom 179.16 issuance of Letters and that ' Vernin W Kav. Coast to Coast Store 204.79 Geisler, Doyle, Paul Pettengill & Co. 2,150.00 Oscar Maver Co. 329.56 anv claim not filed within that Cochrane, Eleanor 185.00 Geisten 163.14 Par Water Conditioning 364.50 period is barred as to the estate (P,,h Wp<? Orl Colomal Baking Co. 2,811.22 General Learning Corp. 3,545.29 Parents Magazine Press 132.74 which is inventoried within that 19 ' Commonwealtn Edison Co. 58,953.43 General Science Service 124.70 Payton Chevrolet 27,839.19 period. 12,1975) Community Auto Supply 169.61 George Breber Music Co. 2,392.06 Perfection Form Co. * 463.13 Claims against said estate **** Comm. Cons. School Dist. 15 Imprest Cash 23,565.99 GeorceA Davis Inc 164 00 Pflaum Standard 119.25 should be filpd in thp Prnhaip o 1 Comm. Cons. School Dist. 15 "Payroll Account" 2,394,119.24 See P F?eiSdInc ' 359 70 Phillips, Don R. 115.50 office offheclerkof:LaidCourt 80016 suspect Comm. Cons. School Dist. 15 "Transportation Dept. Gestetner Corp. ' 857.85 Pitney Bowes 321.00 County Court House Wood- their friends quicker than Comrn. Cons. School Dist. 156 538.47 Goodyear Service Stores 917.03 Prairie State School Equipment 103.00 stock, Illinois, and" copies any one else and are Confederation Life Insurance 29,235.89 Graphic Arts Equipment Co. 1,075.20 Psychotechmcs Inc. 412.77 thereof mailed or delivered to readv at all times to ac- Conforms 388 74 GroIier Educational Corp. 588.82 ^ramid Paper Co. 0 233.28 said legal representative and to reaay»at all tunes, to ac Continental Press - 124.66 Guidance Associates 209 50 R&W Graphics 2,659.40 said attorney cuse them of unkindness.

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