Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1975, p. 10

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HAC.K II) - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1975 ̂r?-»Tn-it"i i rtfp\A/5r*gt*ciu.̂ lyli?'i!T*• . j..,wi,•,•.j .m... H3ira*»*Ki>n> u<f>* ̂ i GroHofrvWhit® \ INSURANCE (ffcWFIw .wilWfc ̂ J^R^l wJftfctfi <« - ^4*?aas. "*•* c~~ USTS f̂ /7%eWaatattt£/a<// tfofoetifise fiction tt/ay IMAnaGEMENT ^^9918x1 OAtMS .MINI ^i ADMINISTRATOR J j +*»* <*» »*• »»* *mm P H 0 N E 3 8 5 0 1 7 0 Nb cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. ' ' The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad alter the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS *70 FORD STATION WAGON excellent running condition, has extras. Asking $1200 will dicker 815-344-1264 11-7 1965 American Rambler $75 385-2414 11-7 1967 FORDXL CONVERTIBLE. Brand new tires, bucket seats, console, auto trans, PS, PB, excellent condition Phone 385- 2718 10-8-TF 1973 CORVETTE CONVERTI­ BLE am/fm, p.s., p.b., mint condition, garage kept $6400 385-0290 or 385-1313 11-7/11-12 1974 Toyota Long Bed Pick Up with finished camper top, 6 cyl., 4 speed $3185.00 Hauskins Motor Sales 926 N. Front, Rte. 31 * McHenry 385-9303 n-7 AUTOS '73 Ford L.T.D., p.s., p.b., new radials, air cond., 33,000 miles 385-6868 G10-31/U-71 1974 Gremlin X Levi air, full power, Factory AM/FM stereo 17,000 miles $2835.00 radio, Hauskins Motor Sales 926 N. Front, Rte. 31 McHenry 385-9303 11-7 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 3021 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. Phone (815) 385-0778 Open: 8:00 - 6:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 P.M. AUTOS •70 DUSTER 2 dr. 6 cyl., air cond., new brakes, muffler, clu­ tch. Good condition $1200 344- 0724 11-7/11-12 1975 Camero, low miles, fully equipped, including stereo tape player, Must sell. 497-4168 11-7/11-14 1968 Pontiac Engine, 400 cu., inch, all new and rebuilt 344- 2408 11-5/11-7 '68 Ford XL, p.s., p.b., air conditioned. 4 new tires, good condition $600 or best offer 385-5791 11-5/11-7 1967 Cadillac, 4 dr., around town transportation $200 or best offer. 385-4669 11-5/11-7 1971 V2 ton Chevy pick up, 350 engine, auto, trans., air shocks,, deluxe cab, good tires, clean. 385-5814 11-5/11-7 '69 Pontiac Catalina, auto., vinyl top, snow tires, good con­ dition, best offer. 653-9717 G11-5/11-1Z 1972 Cadillac Coupe DeVille, Firemist red, white vinyl top, white leather, low miles, pri­ vate, will take trade. 385-0266 or 385-8905 11-5/11-7 1967 Ford Station Wagon. $200 385-5293 11-5/11-7 1973 FORD Vi Ton pickup, air cond., extra wheels with snow tires 22,000 miles $2500. Call for appointment 385-8385 10-31/11-7 *1973 Jeep, CJ 5, 8" wheels, lock out hubs, plus extras. 37,000 miles, excellent condi­ tion $3,150. 815-653-9277 10-31/11-7G WRITE YOUR OWN AND SAVE 15 WORDS OR LESS, 1 insertion - $1.50 15 WORDS OR LESS, 2 insertions - $2.50 (10* for each additional word per insertion) MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE NO COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS FILL OUT COUPON & MAIL WITH CHECK TO: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm ^St. McHenry, III. 60050 Amount Enclosed $ No Refunds Please insert as written for insertions NAME. PHONE. ADDRESS. Save on Cycle insurance. Call us for a auote. Sunderlaee In- 11-5/11-7 NORTON 850 Commando 1975 w/extras $1950 or best offer 815-455-3699 or 312-939-4131 10-31/11-7 BUSINESS SERVICES FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, 459- 0081 11-5-TF-1-2 STRIPPER FOR HIRE. Quality furniture stripping. Very rea­ sonable, all work done by hand 385-5024 11-7/11-14 LEE'S ROOFING AND SIDING HOT TAR ROOFS SHINGLES AND SIDING TUCK POINTING For Free Estimates Call 385-4108 AND ASK FOR LEE 11-5-TF-1-2 NEED SOMETHING DONE? • Carpentry # Roofing • Cement Work • Siding • Patios 0 Additions • New Homes No job too large or small CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 9-24/11-5 BUSINESS SERVICFS Bookkeeping and tax service in my home. Will pick up and deliver records. Phone 385- 4860 10-31/11-12 1974 VW Super Beetle Yellow, great shape, great mileage. Special this week end $2790.00 Hauskins Motor Sales 926 N. Front, Rte. 31 McHenry 385-9303 n-7 To Placing a want ad but, they work like Theres No Trick! 1974 Maverick Grabber Low miles, perfect condi­ tion, 6 cyl., automatic, power $2995^00 Hauskins Motor Sales 926 N. Front, Rte. 31 McHenry 385-9303 MOTORCYCLES Seawalls • Piers o ^ Boat Hoists ° • Boat Propellers 0 J^ Repaired * Trailer •<> <• Hitches • Heliarc \\ ° • Portable u < > FREE ESTIMATES < > McHenry Welding <> , > 2912 W Rte. 120 - McHenry *1 , k (Across from Dog & Suds)<> I! 815-385-4929 !' 11-7-TF-2 Russell Rhoton Blacktop Service •Driveways •Parking Lots •Seal Coating of Old Driveways •Free Estimates 385-6445 11-5-TF-1-2 TOP DOLLAR For your junk cars or trucks. One day service. Call anytime 385-5156 9-19-TF-2 BUSINESS SERVICES j. & R. CEMENT CONTRACTORS • Patio • Foundations • Driveways • Sidewalks • Flat Work • General Hauling • Septic Systems and Back Hoe Work Call 815-385-3840 dY 815-385-8604 OOBOOOOOOOOOP* 11-5-TF-1-2 RAY'S BLACKTOP 30 Day Special On Driveways Parking Lots Also Seal Coating Free Estimates 24 Hour Service Work Guaranteed 815-385-8020 10-15/11-26 i McHENRY TELEPHONE i ANSWERING & I i LETTER SERVICE | • 24 hour answering g service and complete . mailing service £ • Paging Service • Printing g :£ • Mimeographing :$ • Typing $ % • Photocopying | 3509 W. Pearl St. £ McHenry, 111. 60050 I 815-385-0258 i ii:7-TF-2:| BUSINESS SERVICES WET BASEMENTS MADE DRY Waterproofing Specialists Over 34 Years Experience Quality High. . .Overhead Low DEPENDABLE WATERPROOFING (312) 356-8452 GURNEE, ILL FREE ESTIMATES 19-31-TF-2 ATTENTION!!! SENIOR CITIZENS Wednesday is your day 50* OFF Taxi fares every Wednesday 25* OFF Taxi fares every other day of the week McHENRY CAB 385-0723 Serving McHenry and surrounding communities for 30 years, 10-31/11-12 CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE F o f A l l Y o u i • T H W ' N ( ) N f E D S • STARTING PROBLEMS • T O W B A R R F N I A L VJV-'jvag. Two Phones For Service! TOWING 385-5840 385-0258 30 YEARS McHENRY CAB CO. 30 years same owner 30 years same telephone number 385-0723 McHenry Cab Co. announces prices are going DOWN not up. Due to illness we have had to limit our services. Starting November 1, 1975 full service and lower prices are going into effect. 10-29' loooooooDOOOOooooooooociuuunnnnni iWHA^TOTbTACKTOP PAVING! I I I I I I I f SERVING VOI R AREA - 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS. DEAL. DIRECT vVITH OV^NER L SAVE: RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 t ^ LIBERTYVILLE 312-367^)676^^ -- • M-5-TF- BUSINESS SERVICES concrete work, sidewalks, driveways, and patios. Call for free estimate 385-1656 10-22/11-14 MOVING? Move over we'll move in! Complete household liquida­ tion service. We will price and sell all items large or small. Call UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS. 815-338-0011, 815-338-4714, 815-459-6673 10-24/11-28 J. & D. CONTRACTORS Fall Special Aluminum Siding Roofing • Room additions • Garages • Cement work • General Remodeling • Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed 815-385-6736 or 312-428-7135 10-31/12-12 REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE • Basements » Porches • Family Rooms % Garages • Room Additions 9 Patios & repairs. O.E.A. Construction 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 11-7-TF-2 GENERAL HAULING t Crushed road gravel • Grade 9 for driveways • Pea gravel • Sand • Black Dirt 815-385-5827 815-385-4835 JOHN FICKEN. JR. 11-7-TF-2 SNOW'S COMING WILL YOU BE READY? SN0WPL0W1NG Commercial or Residential Free Estimates Wm. Hobson Co. 385-3434 11-7/11-28 FOR SALE RADIAL SNOW TIRES Two- 225-15 on Mercury Wheels Best offer 497-3394 Gll-7/11-14 12 gauge pump' shot gun, shoots 2 3/4" & 3" shells, vent rib $120. Call 344-0746 after 5:30 pm 11-7 Beautiful solid oak dining table, 51" x 34" extends 12" and four chairs $180 or offer. 385- 1354 10-31/11-7G "wInter!ze™T - YOUR CAR! EHornsby's has a complete! | line of automotive needs • Ito "winterize" your car for I the cold months ahead.! IChoose from name brand • products known for their! I quality and performance. * HORNSBY'S ~ 14400 W. 120, McHenry, III. Dailv 9-9 Sun. til 6 FIRST IN Anti-Freeze Tune Up Kits Name Brand Oil Spark Plugs Snow Tires Batteries Air Filters Thermostats Wiper Blades I I I I FOR SALE Foosball table regulation size, no coin, 4 months old, excellent condition, best offer. 385-8974 11-7 Bunk beds complete, spreads and shams $95., Rayette salon hair dryer, $25. 385-0506 11-7/11-12 Under Counter refrigerator or suitable for under a bar. $100 385-7450 11-7/11-12 2 snow tires w/w, 885 x 15, studded with rims. $30 for pair 497-4107 after 4 11-7 Black • Persian Lamb jacket mink collar $50 Black Broad­ tail coat $50 both size 14 385- 8704 11-7 Snow tires (2) Firestone Town & Country size L-78-15 only slightly used best offer. Call 385-2771 after 6 pm 11-7 8' x 7' USED GARAGE DOOR complete with glass and track $50 385-7789 11-7/11-12 DOUBLE "BED COMPLETE: shadow crib complete 815-653-4536 11-7 um set, "iNhi-hat ion. 385- TF 15 pc._Whitehall Ludwi cymbal 5839 ONE BUNK BED complete $60 after 6 pm 385-8390 11-5/11-7 Furniture of 14 model homes now being sold. 30 to 50% off will separate. Terms. 312-398- 5250 11-5/11-28 Mark 5 RC Astern; Fox 35 RC control; Fox 34; Enva 15 II; and airplane $350. or best offer. 3815 Main St., Apt. B, McHenry. 10-29-TF Pepsi can machine, 4 selections 2y2 years old. 10 section hexa­ gon screen house. $125. 385- 7450 11-5/11-7 1 - 48" maple buffet, excel­ lent condition, 1% years old, $60 675-2584 after 5 pm < 11-5/11-7 FIRE FIRE iplit Sea: FIREPLACE WOOD OAK J Split Seasoned & Delivered $35. per ton $50. per 1% ton V2 ton available McHENRY FENCE CO. 385-1469 9-26-TF-2 | FIREWOOD FOR SALE Already cut, ready to burn 1 ton - $35.00 2 tons - $65.00 FREE DELIVERY CALL ANYTIME 653-9075 or 385-3269 11-5-TF-1-2 Daily 9-9 Sun. til 6 11-7J 9 9 i FOR SALE XMAS GRAB BAG ITEMS Excellent values - 50% to 70% off retail. New mer­ chandise. Every Sat. & Sun. 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Northwestern Hotel Flea Market & ' Antiques 3941 W. Main St., McHenry, III. 11-7 FOR SALE 1-2 ALUMINUM PLATES 25' A Plate • 6 Plate. Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3S12 \\. K!m Si.-McHenry Phone: 3S5-01.H FOR SALE TWO SNOW lTRES on rims size H-78-15; dropleaf dining room table and four chairs. Excellent condition. Pastor Roger Schnei­ der 385-7786 11-5/11-7 BLACK & DECKER electric lawnmower $50 385-7224 11-5/11-7 ANTIQUE round oak table, 2 antique morris chairs, antique butchers block, Call after 3 pm 385-5280 " 11-5/11-7 Electric range with self clean­ ing oven $125., 6' sliding door $125, laundry tub $15., washing machine $25. 459-8601 after 5 pm 11-5/11-7 General Electric Portable dish­ washer with formica top. $75 Call after 6 p.m. 385-5857 11-5/11-7 SPLIT OAK FIREWOOD with- ldndling-Best Quality delivered. 1st. Ton $35. 2nd Ton $30. Harry Hans, Jr. 385-3927 10-29/11-7 SEASONED FIREWOOlJ, prompt delivery $35 per ton 815-338-3981 or 338-1169 10-31-TF-1-2 LIVING ROOM FURNITURE 3 pc. sectional; end tables; oc- ocasionai chairs; sewing ma­ chine. Good condition. Call after 5 pm 385-3189 11-5/11-7 Bunk beds, 2 double awning type windows, 30" x 88"; 1-60 amp fuse box 385-1845 11-5/11-7 JOHN DEERE "A" wagon, 2 rakes, 2 horse drawn mowers. Phone 385-8265 11-5/11-7 Antique bathtub; gas stove $5.00 385-2495 11-5/11-7 SERVICE STATION : FOR SALE Long term lease of equip- ; ment stock, 2 bays with lifts ; excellent back room busi- ; ness. Gasoline sales in ex-. ; cess of 40,000 gallons. Al- ; location no problem. For ; further information call ; 385-9865 or ; 385-7272 • n-7/11-14; FOR RENT 2 bedroom condo, central air, patio, pool, all major appli­ ances plus washer,dryer,dish­ washer and trash smasher $250 month. 815-459-8999 after 5pm 11-7/11-14 6 room house for part time caretaker, and part rent, rea­ sonable. 815-385-1038 11-7/11-12 5 ROOM HOUSE Lakeland Park Lake privileges, gas heat. $210 month 312-428-9555 11-7 Boat or Camper storage inside or outside 385-8858 11-7/11-12 HORSE LOVERS - 20 acre pas­ ture, barn, shed, 3 bedroom house - Edge Woodstock. Re­ ferences 815-344-1183 agent 11-7 2 bedroom home in McHenry, basement, garage, fireplace, central air conditioning $255. Call (815) 385-1327 11-5/11-7 Woodstock Northwest Apts. Im­ mediate occupancy. $170 - $225 Air, patio, storage, appliances, carpeting, 815-338-2684 or 312-428-4636 11-5/11-7 SLEEPING ROOM in McHenry, employed gentleman only. 385- 8190 or 653-9641 11-5/11-7 One bedroom apartment 385- 8042 or 385-5925 10-22-TF-1-2 2 bedroom Duplex, newly car­ peted and decorated throughout, central air, stove, ref. heat and water $260. month plus sec. dep. No pets. 385-4010 11-5/11-7 IN VOLO 4 big rooms, modern 1st floor apartment, 2 bed­ rooms, water, gas, electric fur­ nished $175 month Call after 6 pm 385-4139 11-5/11-7 j NEW-SUPER j NICE 1 Br. Apt. in McHenry Pool and Appliances $210. per month 815-344-0880 « g 10-29/11-7 'jjiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimimig |Apartment For Rents = 2 bedroom Whispering F = Oaks Condo. All appli-j lances, drapes, carpeting.] = December 1st occupancy.! i $240. ^ 1 SMITH & Z0LL Real Estate I 385-6600 or s I 459-0606 i ^HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR 11-5-TF f

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