,r-"r Grandma Sez .. Pictured are the officers of the newly formed women's group at Shepherd of the Hilb Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry. From left to right are Janet Anderson, Ruth Staveteig, Nancy Williams, Bonnie Schopp, and Vilma York. Missing from the picture is Jeanne Smith. Church Forms Women's Group An organizational meeting to form a new women's group called the American Lutheran Church Women was held Monday evening at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry. Forty-three women came together to hold elections for various offices and to discuss the theme for the evening which was "Shalom." Dorothy Hollander provided special music for the occasion and Rosemary Schneider led the group in a brief Bible study which highlighted some con cepts related to the theme for the evening. Mixer games, group singing, refreshments and fellowship rounded out the e^bning's activities. A play was provided by Bonnie Schopp and Carol Nelson. The American Lutheran Church Women is a national organization which is a part of the American Lutheran church. It exists to provide Bible study settings, fellowship for women and opportunities for service in and through the local congregation. The group provides many opportunities to serve in charitable ways such as assistance on foreign " mission fields, assistance to children's homes, and specidl projects sponsored by the church. The local women's group will be dividing into morning, afternoon and evening circles or groupings for Bible study, fellowship and service. Elected to offices in the organization were ftuth Staveteig, president; Nancy Williams, vice-president; Janet Anderson, secretary; Vilma York, treasurer, Bonnie Schopp, secretary of education; and Jeanne Smith, secretary of stewardship. Well, the. ghosties an' th' goblins ha' disappeared again, a hidin' away, 'till next Halo'een. Seems like th' fun o' th' occasion's a wanin', an' th' art o' dressin' up has lost its appeal. Younguns come t' th' door, wi'out disguisin' 'em- selves, an' some say they'd be embarrassed t' dress up fer th' "tricks 'r treats." That seems strange, 'cause it 'ppears t' me, I'd be more embarrassed t' just go a beggin', 'n t' lend me efforts t* entertain th' folks, whose door bells I'd be a ringin'. Seems t' this granny, that th' folks who put effort in pervidin' th' treats, d'serve somethin', besides a lot o' treckin't' th' door, t' serve fifty, t' eighty younguns. Me thinks it becomes too one-sided, when no effort goes into givin' a little fun, along w' th' takin' o' th' goodies. Wonder what's a happenin't' th' real fun nature o' th' youngsters, these days. Maybe other things -re a takin' their interest, things that ought to belong t' adults, things that young folks should put aside 'til they grow up, a bit more. It's obvious that th' children don't stay children, very long, these days, an' its all th' fault o' the adults, in charge o' leadin' th' young, safely, along th' road o' life, so's they might be able t' truly enjoy adulthood, wi' th' correct understands' o' what it can mean. Me thinks, so much is ex perienced, by juveniles, these days, b'fore they've had time, t' live a full childhood, that when they reach th' years, when new vistas, in th' scheme o' life, b'gin t' open up, it's old stuff t' some o' our younguns. Little girls learn too much f'r their minds t' absorb in th' proper sense, an' mistakes 're made that affect their lives, as long as they live. Now, I don't hold wi' young folks, a bein' kept in th' dark about things that 're important t' their growin' up, but it takes intelligent teachin', an' a goodly amount o' un- derstandin', on th' part o' parents, t' guide th' young minds. Parenthood is th' most responsible job in this world, an' it might help a lot, in turnin' out acceptable offspring, if "Mom an' Dad," encouraged th' children t' be children, an' not get so het up o'er pushin' 'em into th' bracket o' adult b'havior b'fore their time. Seems that th' youngsters ha' been let down. This granny near had a fit, some years ago, when th' natural parental at titudes were undermined, by those, who would appear t' be a lot smarter, f'r th' fact that they'd had some learnin' from some sources o' so-called research. Let th' kids be kids. Get 'em back on th' righ track. We ne'er American Legion Auxiliary News MCHENRY UNIT NO. 491 By Pearl Cooper Mrs. E. J. (Evelyn) Osmon, president of the McHenry unit, American Legion auxiliary, has announced her chairmen for the year 1975-76. They are as follows: Americanism and National Security, Lauretta Homo; Auxiliary Loan and Education Scholarship, Theresa Huska; Blood Bank, Maria Guettler; Children and Youth (Child Welfare), Grace Latimer; Civil Defense and Emergency Planning, Barbara Messer; Communications and Publicity, Pearl Cooper; Community Service, Helen Birmingham; Coupons, Lorraine Freund; Finance, Ceil Violett, Pearl Cooper, Margaret Datz and Betty Lou Smith; Foreign Relations, Jane Grothman; Funerals, Frances Matchen; • Girls State, Margaret Datz; Gold Star, Mary Kantorski; Kitchen, Frances Matchen; Legislative and By-Laws, Jody Sossong; Member's Liaison, Margaret Scharf; Membership, Doris Henken; Memory Book, Pauline Pickett; Music, Maria. Guettler; .Parliamentarian, Eleanore Reid; Past Presidents Parely, Lauretta Homo; Poppy, Dorothy Messer; Sunshine, Lois Crouch; Veteran's Craft, Florence Black; and Ways and Means, Cecilia Violett and Pearl Cooper. Janet Tomal and Kathy Covalt will be co-ohairmen for the Junior auxiliary. The membership drive of McHenry Unit No. 491, American Legion auxiliary, is in full swing with Mrs. David (Doris) Henken as Membership chairman. Mrs. Henken extends a cordial invitation for mem bership to mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and grand daughters of living veterans who are American Legion members or to the same relatives of a man or woman who was killed or died while serving in World Wafs I and II, the Korean War or during the Vietnam^ conflict, or, after honorable discharge from such service. Any woman veteran who has service during the designated periods of time is also eligible for memberhsip. New eligibility dates were instituted in 1974 by the national organization. Further information on these dates and membership applications may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Henken, any member of the Membership committee or Mrs. E. J. (Evelyn) Osmon, president. The Membership program of the department (state organization), under the direction of Mrs. Clayborn Lofton of Champaign, has for its theme, "May your star shine in the shield of service." In this Bicentennial year, the first membership effort is ap propriately entitled, "The Flag Raising Drive", there in all Units reaching 100 percent by Oct. 31, 1975, will be honored with names appearing in The Prairie Stater, the state Legion publication. The auxiliary, as an aide to the American Legion, can be a truly rewarding experience in effectively presenting programs and projects which are of peacetime service to community, state and nation. New and challenging programs of historical interest have been added for properly recognizing and celebrating the Bicen tennial of our nation. Basically the reason for being a member of the American Legion auxiliary is to give active support to a patriotic service organization, and to contribute to the aims and purposes of the American Legion. One of the main pur poses of the McHenry unit is to provide aid and comfort to the veterans in Elgin and Downey hospitals. Births McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dillman, McHenry, are parents of a daughter, Nov. 1. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burton, Rich mond, Nov. 2. Hospital Notes McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Myrtle Cole, Phyllis McKee, Terri Nicholas, Michelle Stout, Jaima Clinge, Allen R. Radtke, Florence Hoffman, Richelle Allen, Stackey Justen, Richard Bock, Jeremy Clinge, Charles Kramer, Wanda Stupey, Rosalie Smith, James Greco, Phyllis Kallen, Florence An derson, Bertha Burger, Diane Ozyuk, McHenry; Thomas R. McMillan, Phillip Mangold, Kathleen Winkelhake, Ruth Edwards, and Antoniga Ozols, Wonder Lake; and Robert Wilcoski, Richmond. PANCAKE BREAKFAST A pancake breakfast, sponsored by the St. John's Athletic association, Johnsburg will be held Nov. 9 at the Johnsburg Community club from 7 p.m. to 1 p.m. All you can eat. Children under 4 years will be served free. Sandwiches, Salads Ham sandwiches, turkey and chicken salads, and deviled eggs need special care. If you serve sandwiches, why not plan to have the kind you can freeze ahead? Thaw them as needed. If you're going to serve chicken salad, freeze the cubes of chicken and use them in preparing the salad. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1. TIME AND PLACE OF OPENING BIDS: Sealed proposals for the im provements described below will be received at the office of: Charles W. Greengard Assoc., Inc., Village Engineer - Village of Sunnyside, 10002 Main Street, Richmond, Illinois 60071, until 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, November 25, 1975. 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO BID DERS: Plans, specifications, and contract documents may be obtained from the Village Engineer upon deposit of ten dollars ($10). All plans shall be heard o' such things as 're a goin' on, nowadays, an' it was a much healthier society 'n th' one we 're a livin' in t'day. Well, guess I can't do much about it, an' sometimes I think, some folks think I'm a tryin't' show off, a say in' what they ought t' do, but when th' years ha' passed, lots o' 'em, an' ye see all th' things a happenin't' so many babes, from eight, nine, an' up, an' ye know it ne'er would ha' gone this far, wi' th' right guidance from parents, it makes th' heart ache fer whats comin' t' th' in nocents. Hearin' these things said, by educators, an' folks who 're concerned, now that things ha' reached this state o' things, it only makes this ol' lady think she was right, all along an' not regrettin' all she has tried t' impart, in me little letter, in th' years gone by. Grandma Radtke MARRIAGE LICENSES Bud Ray Rhodes, 5212 E. Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake, and Cheryl Ann Mahoney, Wonder Lake. James C. Anderson, Jr., 211 S. Sheridan, McHenry, and Debbie L. Farragh, 5217 N. West wood, McHenry. Emanuel G. Macaluso, 3015 W. Route 120, McHenry, and Candace A. Freres, 2524 Clara, McHenry. Mark E. Gibson, 3703 Claremont, McHenry, and Janice L. Harris, 1709 North avenue, McHenry. Jack E. Patzke, 3312 Chapel Hill road, McHenry, and Rosella K. Sexton, Route 1, Antioch. Bruce A. Harbecke, 1909 W. Ringwood road, McHenry, and Mary Beth Williams, 1322 Lakeview street, McHenry. Thomas Sposojevich, 3605 James street, McHenry, and Candace C. Fossum, 908 Center street, McHenry. Gustave J. DeBuck III, 820 N. Green street, McHenry, and Cheryl S. Bachechi, 524 Bay view lane, McHenry. Glen A. Lull, 2019 N. Mohawk, Chicago, and Leola K. Ulrich, 618 Country Club drive, McHenry. _FAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY^NOVEMBER 7, 1OT5 returned to the Engineer in lor the efficient pursuance of good condition at the time of receiving bids. The amount of plan deposit to be refunded for plans returned in good con dition is as follows: a. To Bidders - 100 percent Refund for First Set of Plans. No refund for extra sets. b. To Non-Bidders - 50 per cent Refund for First Set of Plans. No refund for extra sets. c. Plans not returned at time of receiving bids - No Refund. 3. PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: All Bidders will submit a resume of similar p r o j e c t s p e r f o r m e d , enumerated as to location, type of work, approximate com pletion date, and supervising engineering or architectural firm. Additionally, all bidders will submit a list of equipment owned by or available to them the project. 4. REJECTION OF BIDS: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and bidders and to waive all technicalities. 5. LOCATION OF THE WORK: West Lakeview Drive from Johnsburg-Wilmot Road to Riverview Drive, in Sunnyside, Illinois. 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: Culvert replacement and ditching (Phase I). 7 BID SECURITY in the form of a bank cashier's check or certified iheck for ten percent (10 percent) of the total bid •rice made payable to the tillage of Sunnyside shall accompany each proposal. (Pub. Fri., Nov. 7,1975) SANTA'S VISIT - Santa, shown here admiring some of the toys to be featured at St. John's second annual Christmas bazaar, has sent word that he will attend the bazaar Saturday, Nov. 8, and Sunday, Nov. 9. Santa will motorcade through the entire Johnsburg area before taking his place at the bazaar to be held at St. John's school in Johnsburg. spurgeons Tuesday Night! from 6 to 10p.m. FRAN'S ItlDDEN CURI] offers Beauty Services "JUST FOR YOU" 344-1019 1212 N. GREEN ST. Everything in our Entire Store! We mean it! NothingTTek^back^ToTTcan take off a Great Big\ J5% on Anything in Any department in the store! -< I BankAmemcaro, McHENRY MARKET PLACE W.RTE. 120 385-4100 *DOES NOT APPLY TO SALE ITEMS (CASH & CARRY O NO LAY-AWAYS) miiniiiwiii.* Is your home Insured for whatift worth, or just for what it cost you •>»* ••• See me about State Farm's automatic inflation coverage that can increase with the value of your home. DENNIS CONWAY 3319 West Elm St McHenry 385-7111 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. STATE F^RM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois S T A T E F A R M I N S U R A N C E hristmas Is no fun*. WHEN YOU ARE STILL PAYING FOR IT IN JULY JOIN McHENRY STATE BANK'S CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW! '20 ••HIRES HOW IT "GROWS"- jocoo *50#0 $ioo°° *150°° $250'° J500°° >1000°° Each Week For Club Term Pays Each Week For Club Term Pays Each Week For Club Term Pays Each Week For Club Term Pays Each Week For Club Term Pays 100 Each Week For Club Term Pays 00 Each Week For Club Term Pays Plus Interest Plus Interest Plus Interest Plus Interest Plus Interest Plus Interest Plus Interest A FULL SERVICE BANK McHENRY McHENRY STATE BANK 3510 WEST ELM ST. McHENRY PHONE 385*1040 U HI MO -.1 VII B A N K