Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1975, p. 11

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PAGE 1? - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1975 :» lora *1 m*rm S3 * «** J*#""! tZrfvetitfde tfcfibn,M/ay» i*. *mm mvtmcM mm m j-owret.ftun> u.p. »» «gai"-<«"" COSMO W^AWrXjWd:::*: JM£ (; *. Hortt OMMS j»I ADMtMISTHATOR :-:w<:::::S>::: •:<>':X:::::>>>::A:::X-:<::::<̂ <::::>̂ >»:V:>: mmmmm mmm mm *»*•»#• «••* ADMINISTRATOR h'A&aSss--tfest--^ HANOVER AGENCY f &&$> mmm mmm I***:*!* N't> cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS 1974 Cougar XR7, air, am/fm stereo tape, power steering windows, seats, cruise control tilt wheel, radials. Must sell, After 4:30 344-2564 11-21/11-26 1971 Plymouth custom Sub- urten 6 passenger wagon, 318 V8^ p. steering, and brakes, ait,i auto, trans., one owner, good condition. Phone 815-385- 0157 11-21 '73.OLDS CONVERTIBLE, me­ tallic brown with white top, air. & complete power $2,750. 385-0261 11-21 IT1 I COMMUNITY I If AUTO SUPPLY ! S021 W. Route 120 J • | jH McHenry, III. . n • Phone i: (815) 385 0778 I !} Open: 8:00 - 6:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. I | i» Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 P.M. 11-7-TF-2 I AUTOS 1970 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 dr. sedan, full power, air cond., new exhaust and battery, small V8. Low mileage. Very clean $1275 385-4576 if no answer 385-3144 11-21 '75 Monte Carlo Landau, p.s., p.b., auto., air, AM/FM tape, $4,600., 385-6578 after 5 p.m. 11-19/11-21 '74 Vega Hatchback, automatic radio, 15,000 miles, $2250. 385-6578 after 5 p.m. 11-19/11-21 1970 RENAULT RIO, auto, trans, needs shaft, 5 Michelen radials. Will sell cheap 385- 9683 11-19/11-21 1964 CHEVI pick up truck, 3/4 ton, 4 speed, good condition $450. 815-385-5168 11-19/11-21 1965 .Rambler, fair condition $75. Call after 5 p.m. 385- 2414 11-19/11-21 1966 Volkswagen, transporta­ tion special, '66 VW with '67 rebuilt engine, rough body but runs good. Call anytime. 344- 1285 11-21 * There's No Trick! To Placing a want ad but, they work like * a WRITE YOUR OWN AND SAVE 15 WORDS OR LESS, 1 insertion - $1.50 15 WORDS OR LESS, 2 insertions - $2.50 (10* for each additional word per insertion) MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE NO COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS FILL OUT COUPON & MAIL WITH CHECK TO: THE McHLNRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 60050 Amount Enclosed $ No Refunds Please insert as written for .insertions r NAME. ADDRESS. PHONE. AUTOS 1974 Dodge Van, 318, V8, auto­ matic, 127" wheelbase, excel­ lent condition, only 25,000 miles. Call 385-4661 before 6. Ask for Bruce. 11-19/11-21 1970 VW Bus, rebuilt engine, body good condition. $1495. or best offer. Call 385-6967 after 5 p.m. ' 11-19/11-21 1967 Ford convertible. Good condition $590 Phone 385-0170 days or 385-2718 after 5 p.m. 11-12-TF-1-2 1974 FORD GRAND TORINO BROUGHAM, 4 dr., a.c., p.s., p.b., Excellent condition, low mileage $2850 or best offer 385-1135 11-14/11-21 1967 V.W. Beetle, excellent condition, $800. or best offer. 815-459-0666 11-21 1970 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille p.s., p.b., p.w., p. seats, cli­ mate control, tilt wheel,am/fm, very good condition $1595 or best offer. Must sell Call 344- 2685 after 4 pm 11-21/11-26 1969 FORD LTD 10 pass, sta­ tion wagon V8, auto, trans, p.s., p.b., factory air, snow tires $795. Call 815-344-2685 after 4 pm 11-21/11-26 1971 y2 ton Chevy pickup 350 engine, automatic, transmis­ sion, air shocks, deluxe cab, good tires, clean,815-385-5814 11-21 1973 OLDS custom cruiser, full power, loaded, 9 pass, wagon, excellent condition, must sell $2700 385-6532 11-21/11-26 1970 Buick LeSabre, p.s., p.b., air cond., new tires, shocks, brakes, original owner, excel­ lent condition. $1600 815-344- 0890 11-21 MOTORCYCLES Save on Cycle Insurance Call us for a quote. Sunderlage In­ surance Agency. 815-338-3328 11-19/11-21 BUSINESS SERVICES Wanted cars and small trucks, any condition. Top prices. 815- 344-1823 11-19/11-28 BUSINESS SERVICES • BUSINESS SERVICES RAY'S BLACKTOP 30 Day Special On Driveways Parking Lots Also Seal Coating Free Estimates 24 Hour Service Work Guaranteed 815-385-8020 10-15/11-26 McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING & LETTER SERVICE • 24 hour answering service and complete mailing service • Paging Service • Printing • Mimeographing • Typing • Photocopying 3509 W. Pearl St. McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-0258 11-7-TF-2 NEED SOMETHING ^ DONE? • Carpentry » Roofing • Cement Work • Siding • Patios 0 Additions • New Homes No Job too large or small CALL J.S. BLAKE • CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 11-14-TF-2 FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, 459- 0081 11-5-TF-1-2 anooeaooouoct ooooooooct MOVING? Move over we!ll move in! Complete household liquida­ tion service. We will price and sell all items large or small. Call UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS. 815-338-0011, 815-338-4714, 815-459-6673 10-24/11-28 J. & D. CONTRACTORS Fall Special Aluminum Siding Roofing • Room additions • Garages • Cement work • General Remodeling • Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed 815-385-6736 or 312-428-7135 J. & R. CEMENT CONTRACTORS • Patio • Foundations • Driveways » Sidewalks • Flat Work • General Hauling • Septic Systems and Back Hoe Work Call 815-385-3840 or 815-385-8604 Qooooooooooooaooac 11-5-TF-1-2 I 10-31/12-12 j REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE • Basements # Porches • Family Rooms » Garages • Room Additions 9 Patios & repairs. O.E.A. Construction 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 MOTORCYCLE J MAINTENANCE [ ' Now Offering J Snowmobile i Repairs Tune ups, rebuilding, ! J belts, tracks, oil. SDark J J plugs, windshields,Hooker | • Headers. Located on McCullom Lake Road, McHenry. 385-1321 Closed^unAj^ J ~~ iiSi-TF-* 11-7-TF-2 1* Seawalls • Piers o o • Boat Hoists ][ ° • Boat Propellers 0 J!Repaired • Trailer <> oHitches • Heliarc \\ ° • Portable < > FREE ESTIMATES < ( J | McHenry Welding < > 2912 W Rte. 120- McHenry * > ,. (Across from Dog & Suds) < > f 815-385-4929 * BI-C ENTENNIAL SPECIAL Garage Sale 14 x 20 Garage $1,492. 16 x 22 Garage $1,776. 20 x 22 Garage $1,976. Concret installed per local; I building Codes additional; O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 11-14-TF-2 11-7-TF-2 TOP w DOLLAR '* For your junk cars or trucks. One day service. Call anytime 385-5156 9-19-TF-2 SNOW'S COMING WILL YOU BE READY? SN0WPL0WING Commercial or Residential Free Estimates Wm. Hobson Co. 385-3434 11-7/11-28 FOR SALE STUDDED SNOW TIRES size B 78x13, mounted and balanced on Ford Pinto rims $40. 385- 8678 11-21/11-26 GENERAL HAULING • Crushed road gravel • Grade 9 for driveways • Pea gravel • Sand • Black Dirt 815-385-5827 815-385-4835 JOHN FICKEN. JR. 11-7-TF-2 1 gJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUj 1972 CHAPARREL SNOWMO­ BILE top condition, low mile­ age. Make us an offer 385- 1410 11-14/11-21 2 Plans for cemetery arrange­ ment, including burial estate at Windridge Memorial Park, Cary, II. Formerly a beauti­ ful private estate. Reasonable. Private Party 815-385-3761 11-14/11-21 SPINET-CONSOLE PIANO FOR SALE Wanted: Responsible par­ ty to take over Spinet Piano. Easy terms. Can be seen lo­ cally. Write: Credit Manager, P.O. Box 207, Carlyle, II. 62231 11-14/12-5 E = Pick up available. | WALNUT HINGE FARM | Ringwood Road Call anytime - H Answering Service = 1 815-675-2469 1 E 11-21-TF-2 E nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllirr FIREWOOD FOR SALE Already cut, ready to burn 1 ton - $35.00 2 tons - $65.00 FREE DELIVERY CALL ANYTIME 653-9075 or 385-3269 11-5-TF-1-2 LEE'S ROOFING AND SIDING HOT TAR ROOFS SHINGLES AND SIDING TUCK POINTING For Free Estimates Call 385-4108 AND ASK FOR LEE 11-5-TF-1-2 FIRE FIRE FIREPLACE WOOD OAK \ Split Seasoned & Delivered $35. per ton $50. per 1 y2 ton /i ton available iplit Sea McHENRY FENCE CO. 385-1469 9-26-TF-2 j FOR SALE Fireplace wood. Seasoned Oak, Split $30.00 ton delivered. $25 Pickup your own. Phone: 385- 7347 or 675-2194 11-14/12-10 Privacy fence, finished on both sides, 6' k-wide sections, 4'9" to 7' high. Can be taken apart and lumber used, 2 x 4 & 2 x 6 construction. $10.00per section or best offer. 385-7013 11-14/11-21 SEASONED FIREWOOD, prompt delivery $35 per ton 815-338-3981 or 338-1169 10-31-TF-1-2 Furniture of 14 model homes", now being sold. 30 to 50% off will separate. Terms. 312-398- 5250 11-5/11-28 SPLIT OAK FIREWOOD with- kindling-Best Quality delivered 1st. Ton $35. 2nd Ton $30. Harry Hans, Jr. 385-3927 11-19-TF-1-2 W/Iron table set; Ethan Allen sofa; 2-oak chests with night stands; Q-Size Bed; dinette set; d-room set 385-8130 11-19/11-21 Moving Sale: Suzuki 120 trail street, motorcycle, mens 10 speed bike, baby furniture, 54" round dinette set, 6 chairs, misc. reasonable 344-1527 11-19/11-21 TWO SNOWMOBILES, like new condition, $1,000 takes both 385-5246 11-19/11-21 '71 ARTIC CAT (EXT) 400 very clean - custom painted. (Full cover) Less than 400 or­ iginal miles $850. 385-3069 11-19/11-21 75 steel fence posts, 5 ft., new, weathered. 385-5110 11-19/11-21 Mark 5 RC £.„stem; Fox 35 RC control; Fox 34;. Enya 15 II; and airplane $350. or best offer. 3815 Main St., Apt. B, McHenry. 10-29-TF New 8 ft. 7/8" Slate Pool table $400. or best offer 385- 5116 11-19/11-21 DITTO MACHINE. Good for home use. $25. Call 385-5058 11-21 2 F78-14 snowtires, call 385- 6038 between 3 pm and 9 pm 11-21 1973 Arctic Cat ; 340 Eltigre $900. 1973 Ski-Doo TNT F/A $700; 1971 Ski-Doo Blizzard 295 $350. Eves. 728-0871 '11-21/11-26 1 BABY SWING, used 3 mos. $8.00 815-344-1968 after 5p.m. 11-21/11-28 Sofa bed, 1 year old, $45. con­ sole stereo with AM/FM radio 4 years old $75. childs accor­ dion $20. 385-6096 11-21 1973 Chevy Impala, 4 dr., p.s., p.b., air, AM/FM, good condi­ tion. $2,450. Set of golf clubs 4 woods, 9 irons, putter, head covers, bag with cover $50., utility sink with faucet and hoses $15. 385-7247 11-21 Dressed Geese $1.35 lb., Mas- covi Ducks $1.25 lb. Call 815- 385-1469 or pick up at 2017 N. Ringwood Road, McHenry Fence Co. 11-14-TF-2 Small camel back trunk, anti­ que vanity refinished with 3 mirrors and stool, antique buf­ fet with mirror, antique stripped commode, like new kettles and dishes 815-675-2072 11-21 Restaurant Equip. - S.S. Grill, Toaster, Fish 'N Chip Fryer, Steamer, Etc. 385-8380 11-21 Size 6Vi Rosemont Ski Boots $30; Size 7 ice skates $15., K2 Holiday Skis, 190 CM, $35, Bar Bell set, 110 lbs., Fitness course $15. 385-5411 11-21 FOUR PLACE snowmobile trailer. Call anytime 385-8368 11-21/11-28 G.E. Refrigerator apartment size, less than a year old. New $250 asking $100 815-728-0186 11-21/11-26 BUSINESS SERVICES CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For Al l Voui * lOW'NG NEEDS * STARTING PROBLEMS * TOW BAR RENTAL f-lfr'iVHH Two Phones For Service! TOWING 385-5840 385-0258 FOR SALE ALUMINUM PLATES 25c A Plate - 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick - Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. L!m St.-.McHenry Phone: 385-0170 FOR RENT 5 room house, Round Lake, gar­ age, references $125 Info: Mrs. R. Wiberg 3312 Bayshore Park­ way, Bradenton, Fla. 33507 11-12/11-21 Small one bedroom house for rent. Preferably couple with no children. 653-7022 11-14-TF-1-2 2 BEDROOM - \Vi bath condom­ inium, fully carpeted, stove, re­ frigerator, dishwasher, dis­ posal, attached garage,$27oper month Call: 385-2769 11-5-TF-1-2 Office space for rent. Carpeted, central air, heat and electric all furnished. Plenty of parking 4719 W. Rte. 120, 385-4619 11-5-TF-1-2 Office space for rent, panelled, carpeted and air conditioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65.00 and up 455-0320 11-5-TF-1-2 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266days, 385-8905 evenings. 11-5-TF-1-2 2 bedroom Whispering Oaks Condo, all appliances, drapes, carpeting. December 1st occup­ ancy. $240 385-6600 or 455- 1440 11-14-TF-1-2 One bedroom apartment 385- 8042 or 385-5925 10-22-TF-1-2 2 bedroom apartment in Mc Henry, $195 per month, secur­ ity deposit, 1 year lease. No pets. 385-1980 11-5-TF-1-2 1 Br. Apt. completely furnished $160 month, plus utilities. No pets. Security deposit 385-5951 11-19/11-21 NEW BUILDING One bedroom apartments available now. Stove, refri­ gerator, dishwasher, dis­ posal, laundry, air condi­ tioned, and pool. $210 per month 815-385-7599 or 815-344-0880 11-21-TF-1-2 F0UR-PLEX APARTMENT UNITS - McHENRY - OCCUPANCY FOR JANUARY 1st. 2 large bedrooms, 1st and 2nd floors, carpeted, pa­ tios, balconies, gas stove, refrigerator, air condi­ tioning, iVi. baths, very close to downtown Mc Henry, gas heat and wa­ ter furnished, $220. secur­ ity deposit, $220. rent per month, one year leftse, no pets, no children. References required - Shown by appointment. Ma­ ture couples or Mature sin­ gles. Call 815-385-8820 FOR RENT For Sale- or For Rent. Con­ dominium, 2 bedrooms, l^baths colored appliances in kitchen, fully carpeted, patio and garage. 385-1346 11-5-TF-1-2 5 room house, Lakeland Park. Lake privileges, gas heat $210 month 312-428-9555 11-19/11-21 McHenry, Pistakee Highlands, sharp 4 bedroom ranch, imme­ diate possession $260 312-253- 6892 11-19/11-21 Volo. Available December 1st. Large 2 bedroom, 2 nd floor apt., 1200 sq. ft. living area,* extra large closets and pantry, large picture windows through­ out. Must see to appreciate. Sorry no children or pets. One month security deposit re­ quired. 815-344-1888after6pm 815-385-1309 11-21/11-26 4 room home, Wonder Lake $160 per month - security deposit required 728-0681 11-21 2 BR. DUPLEX newly decorated and carpeted thruout, refriger­ ator, stove, heat and water. Central air, carport, storage area, $245 plus security depo­ sit, lease. No pets. 385-4010 11-21 WONDER LAKE 2 bedroom house, near beach, $165 plus utilities. Call Saturday, Nov­ ember 22 312-825-2554 11-21 PETS FOR SALE Cute and Cuddly pups, new sel­ ection every week. All come with a 1 year guarantee. 815- 385-7897 11-5-TF-1-2 FOR RENT Close to shopping and town - 2 br ranch - short term lease - (Security depo­ sit required) $225 per mo. GLENN DRAPER REAL ES­ TATE 385-5661 • 11-21 Single male to share 6 room home with same age over 50 $80 month 385-5958 11-19/11-21 2 bedroom Condo apt., with range, ref., dishwasher, com­ pactor, washer & dryer, drapes and all carpeting included. $260 per month plus $135 security deposit 385-2129 evenings only 11-19/11-21 One bedroom apartment, Avail­ able December 1. Heated. $210 per month 385-7599 11-21-TF-1-2 Furnished efficiency apart­ ment, December 1. Stove, ref. dishwasher, disposal, laundry, air conditioned, pool. $190 per month. 385-7599 11-21-TF-1-2 ailllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ 1 ORCHARD APTS. | S West Washington St. E Round Lake, III. = 2 Br., cpted, deluxe ap- E Spliances, air conditioner, s = disposal, all utilities ex-|j = cept electricity $210.= E no pets. Phone 1 (312) 328-6674 | E before 9:30 a.m. or aftere E 6:00 p.m. & weekends. 5 nuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffi 11-19/11-21 RIDING LESSONS { Expert instruction. % Special introductory series 5 LESSONS $20.00' OUR FARM McHenry j 815-344-0951 11-21-TF-2 CARD OF THANKS To all of you who remembered me "THANKS" Love, Stacey A. Justen 11-21 BOATS & MOTORS 28' KAYOT PONTOON with 40 H Johnson electric motor, $2300. 815-653-3126 11-21/11-28 FOUND One pair prescription bi-focal sun glasses. American Ototical 653-9030 11-19/11-21 WANTED TO BUY Addressograph addressing ma­ chine, must take "B" type plates. Call McHenry Plain- dealer and ask for Dick 385- 0170 10-31-TF-1-2 VACANT PROPERTY CITY LOT 85 x 158, water & sewer. Shepherd Hill Drive. By owner. 385-1396 after 5 pm 11-21-TF-1-2 VACANT One Plus acres zoned light Industry. McHenry area. Terms available. Arthur T. Mcintosh & Co., 312-372-^040 extension C. 11-6-TF-1-2 PERSONALS E I E.S.P. :[ ' j READER & ADVISOR * ! ( MRS. LINDA i \ ' * vVill help you with all pro-" t ]'blems such as 'Business'* ] J *Love *Health& *Marriage] 5 . 1 All readings private and] [ . k confidential , ( • I Office 312-530-2827 Res. -1 ' J 312-530-1657 335 West St.' * ' \ Charles Rd. Lake Villa '1 .(Res: 312-833-0106 799 N.'S , [ York, Elmhurst, 111. ] [ 11-19/12-12 MALE HELP WANTED 11-19/11-26 GENERAL FACTORY Apply ADC0 PLATING 3923 West Ave. McHenry, Illinois 11-19/11-21

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