Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1975, 9.pdf

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PAGE 10 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. DUIUMBUK 1SH5 nfP\A/Ksrgt»r?.^.y^irt: Jn&i Ul v™f « i y* /"» «.<»>•** • ifiwttnow u,p * v. - -> ««»* Slffl I 'Grc^ortvWhtte j INSURANT p %*V^*3rU* ' •* M«W* «*»**{ #•»"* ygfS § PSjSSBgH*^5'""" " ' ": 'V ll . I! *«n • ^ ******* h l«M A tarn m vjNRB. I* * am. # % , cuSSs I lQw)1rtyf r AOMINlSTfcATO* t WfAU ±,< > ,«, .v,.¥'-.j <#<.>.-r %<* .MINI ADMINISTRATOR & mr *mm mmm * Nb cash refunds oji prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. »The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a?oi. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline " - WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDA V 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES • BUSINESS SERVICfS Snowplowing, 24 hour service, residential, or commercial,al­ so general hauling. 385-1484 12-10/12-26 SNOW PLOWING. Parking lots, subdivisions, private roads, driveways, free estimates, Sanding, Paul's Sons Trucking. 385-8960 12-5/1-30 AUTOS ITS A STEAL.»73 Fury, $2,375 Grant Chrysler Plymouth. 312- 381-7500. Ask for Matt. 12-26 1974 Dodge Colt; Low mileage, excellent condition - 1968 Chevie Vi ton pickup, good run­ ning condition call after 5 pm 344-2638 12-26/12-31 1973 442 Custom Supreme, Hurst 4 speed AM/FM radio with tape deck and swival bucket seats. 34,000 actual miles. Very Sharp! Will sacrifice $3200 call days 815-344-0844 evenings 385-5410 12-26 '65 LeSabre Parts for sale, radio, interior, engine, etc. 497-4260 12-26 1974 3/4 ton Chevrolet pick up with top, excellent condi­ tion, low mileage. Call after 5 p.m. 815-568-7163 12-19-TF-1-2 -t-- '--=-- 1973 FORD Yi Ton pickup Ex­ plorer 23,000 miles 2 extra wheels & snow tires excellent condition 385-8385 12-17/12-26 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY { 3021 W. Route 120 J McHenry, III. { | , Phone j 1^815) 385-0778 | Vl^-ppen: 8:dfc -$:00 P.M. | j Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 P.jkl. I Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 P.M. 12-5-TF-2 I BUSINESS SERVICES FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucKr,' night and day, 459- 0081 12-3-TF-1-2 McHENRY TELEPHONE %* ANSWERING & I LETTER SERVICE | • 24 hour answering service and complete mailing service • Paging Service jij: • Printing g • Mimeographing 8 • Typing :& • Photocopying *: 3509 W. Pearl St. g McHenry, III. 60050 & 815-385-0258 i 12-5-TF-2 REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVIC E • Basements 9 Porches • Family Rooms % Garages • Room Additions 9 Patios & repairs. O.E.A. Construction 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 RAKESTRAW Dispatched 12->3/l FOR SALE NEED SOMETHING * DONE? • Carpentry # Roofing • Cement Work m Siding • Patios 0 Additions • New Homes No Job too large or small CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 12-5-TF-2 12-5-TF-2 WANTED TO BUY JUNK CARS TOP PRICES PAID. Day or Night Service 385-3004 or 385-7977 12-4/1-14 ft OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCT DON-UN SNOWPLOWING and LAWN CARE SERVICE COMMERCIAL or RESIDENTIAL 815-385-5512 12-3/1-14 BUSINESS SERVICES CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For All Youi * THWiNG NEEDS • S T A R T I N G P R U B L E M 3 Two Phones For Service! TOWINC 385-5840 385-0258 l•'Seawalls • Plets o • Boat Hoists <' * Boat Propellers ' | Repaired • Trailer u Hitches • Heliarc " • Portable <> FREE ESTIMATES McHenry Welding ( 2912 VV Rte. 120 - McHenry (Across from Dog & Suds) 815-385-4929 1 12-5-TF-2 To placing your Classified Adv. but they work like. . Theres No Trick! WRITE YOUR OWN & SAVE $$$$ 15 WORDS or LESS $1.50 2nd Time $2.50 10c for each additional word per. insertion FILL OUT COUPON & MAIL WITH CHECK TO: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 60050 Amount Enclosed $ No Refunds insertions Please insert as written for Must be paid in Advance ADDRESS No Commercial Accoyftts MOTORCYCLE | MAINTENANCE j Now Offering J Snowmobilei Repairs I I I I I I I J Tune ups, rebuilding, . • belts, tracks, oil. SDark j I plugs, windshields,Hooker ! I Headers. J { Located on McCullom Lake | j Road, McHenry. | 385-1321 | Closed Sundays____« j "lnH-TF-? BI-CENTENNIAL SPECIAL Garage Sale i 14 x 20 Garage $1,492. 16 x 22 Garage $1,776. | 20 x 22 Garage $1,976. i Concret installed per local | building Codes additional O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 12-5-TF-2 SPLIT OAK FIREWOOD with- kindling-Best Quality delivered 1st. Ton $35 2nd Ton $30. Harry Hans, Jr. 385-3927 12-3-TF-1-2 Wfll deliver and install salt in soft water softeners. Rock, pellet and block salt. For de­ livery call 385-9338 12-19/12- 26 SAVE CASH: in the Bargain basement at Carey Appliance on Scratch-N-Dent appliances, all at reduced prices. Also a large inventory of used and model home appliances. Stop in today at Carey Appliance, 1241 N. Green Street, McHenry. 12-10/1-2 Brand new Minnesota Fats reg. size 7/8" thick slate pool table Complete with cover, cleaning brushes, 6 cues and rack, peas and cup. LJst $850. asking $550 Phone: 815-385-2177 or 385- 2977 12-17-TF SEASONED FIREWOOD, prompt delivery $35 per ton '815-338-3981 or 338-1169 10-31-TF-1-2 furniture of 14 model homes now being sold. 30 to 50% off will separate. Terms. 312-398- 5250 12-3/12-31 FIREPLACE WOOD. Seasoned oak - split $30 ton delivered; $25 pickup your own 815-675- 2194/385-7374 12-23/1-30 FOR SALE 20" Torosnowhound £ with roto-tiller and power handle $150; 2 studded 700x13 snow tires on Pinto wheels, also Ralley wheels $30 like new, 12 ft. Snark sailboat complete with nylon sail $100 385-2265 12-26 Vacuum cleaner with at­ tachments; 2 tires sz. 14; couch good for rec. room 815-344- 0558 12-26 4-78x15 White wall tires and rims, used 6 months and 2-78x 15 white wall snow tires used one winter $150. for all, will not separate 385-3954 12-26/12-31 Aquariums 10 and 5% gal. stand flourescent hoods all accessor­ ies « you need only fish $50. or make offer 385-6845 12-26 F O R R E N T sublet compact attractive apartment to June, for single. $130. partially furnished, util­ ities, Wonder Lake Commercial Building 653-9739 or 653-4446 12-26 NEWLY REMODELED effi­ ciency apartment. Preferably one person 385-7757 12-26/12-31 SELL OR RENT 2 bedroom all electric. Agent 815-344- 1183 12-24-TF-1-2 2 bedroom apartment in Mc Henry, $195 per month, secur­ ity deposit, 1 year lease. No pets. 385-1980 12-3-TF-1-2 For Sale or For Rent. Con­ dominium, 2 bedrooms, l%baths colored appliances in kitchen, fully carpeted, patio and garage. 385-1346 12-3-TF-1-2 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments ana sleeping rooms. 385-0266 days, 385-8905 evenings. 12-3-TF-1-2 Office space for rent, panelled, carpeted and air conditioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65.00 and up 455-0320 12-3-TF-1-2 Office space for rent. Carpeted, central air, heat and electric all furnished. Plenty of parking 4719 W. Rte. 120, 385-4619 12-3-TF-1-2 2 BEDROOM - 1% bath condom­ inium, fully carpeted, stove, re- 'jrigerator, dishwasher, dis­ posal, attached garage, $275 per month Call: 385-2769 12-3-TF-1-2 fwc bedroom apartment 385- 8042 or 385-5925 * ' 12-3-TF-1-2 DELUXE 2 BEDROOM, Country Club waterfront home. Com­ pletely furnished, fireplace, gas b.q. grill, cent, air, shore sta­ tion $350 month, plus deposit 385-7273 or 385-7050 . 12-19/12-26 UNCLAIMED LAY-AWAYS Furniture & bedding ISofas, Sleeper, bedroor | sets, living room sets Take our unpaid bal- lance due. 815-385-1800 12-12-TF-2 J" " remodeunT1 • ADDITIONS X r A D l i l C T • ADDITIONS . * CABINET _ MAKING j 25 yrs. experience £ Call for Free Estimates FIREWOOD FOR SALE Already cut, ready tcvburn 1 ton - $35.00 2 tons - $65.00 FREE DELIVERY CALL ANYTIME 653-9075 or 385-3269 12-3-TF-1-2 I I • ^an i\Ji i i cc i-auni»»a _ HENRY NELL 12-24/1-2 FOR RENT FURNISHED 2 bedroom home on Fox River, fireplace, available Jan. 1st. Lease optional $280 month 385-8260 or 455-0217 12-17/12-26 & AVON LIVEN UP YOUR LIFE AND EARN MONEY, TOO Sell quality products made by the world's largest cosmetics company. Inter­ ested? Call: Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 12-23/12-26. HELP WANTED Immediate Opening For HEALTH NURSE FULL-TIME Nurse experienced in and qualified for Public Health Nursing. We Are An Eqijal Opportunity Employer * CALL McHENRY COUNTY DEPT. OF HEALTH 815-338-2040 Extension 221 FEMALE HELP WANTED CARD OF THANKS THE FAMILY OF Richard Patzke would like to thank everyone for their kindness and helpfulness during our time of grief. Words cannot express the feeling; of knowing people care and took many opportunities to show it. Thank you all. Jan Patzke Michelle, Liza & Bryan Grace & Paul Patzke 12-26 GARAGE SALE Household and garage sale, 1501 Sunnyside Beach Drive, McHenry, Friday and Saturday Dec. 26 & 27th. 12-26 WANTED TO BUY ROTO-TILLER for I.H.C. cub cadette tractor 385-2265 12-26/12-31 ' INDUSTRIAL SH0P- STORE-STORAGE SPACE Building - 3 units 24 x 54' with overhead 9' doors, 1 with loading dock Gas heat & electricity 4454 W. Bull Valley Rd. 815-385-0257 12-12/12-19/12-26 SALES LADY WILL TRAIN/NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY SALARY PLUS BONUS! $100. week first two weeks $125. week next four weeks $150. week after six weeks Should earn $12,000 year minimum. SERVIS0FT REFINED WATER Woodstock, III. 815-338-3344 v ^ collect Ask for Mr. Meier. 12-26 AddressograpA addressing ma­ chine, must take "B" type plates. Call McHenry Plain- dealer and ask for Dick 385- 0170 10-31-TF-1-2 Large roll top desk. 815-385- 0170 daysor 815-385-2718after 5 p.m. 12-3-TF-1-2 VACANT PROPERTY CITY LOT 85 x 158, water & sewer. Shepherd Hill Drive. By owner. 385-1396 after 5 pm 11-21-TF-1-2 VACANT One Plus acres zoned light Industry. McHenry area. Terms available. Arthur T. Mc Intosh & Co., 312-372-2040 ex­ tension C. 12-3-TF-1-2 PERSONALS Responsible for my debts only as of December 22nd, 1975 Phillip Prentice 12-26 REAL ESTATE 2 BR. CONDO, 1st Fl. reduced to $23,000 Immediate occupancy after 5 pm 385-2681 U-19-TF-1-2 FEMALE HELP WANTED Woman (live-in preferred), to care for a young woman and child. General housekeeping. Good pay. Write c/o Plaindealer Box DE 6, 3812 Elm St., Mc Henry, 12-19/12-31 ESTATE WANTED WANTED WANTED: Club manager, must be experienced in all phases of operation. No kitchen. Send resume and salary require­ ments to Box DE 8, c/o Mc Henry Plaindealer, McHenry, II. 12-26/1-2 HELP WANTED Sell Auto Insurance Part Time 312-395-6648 12-3-TF-1-2 Manufacturer of Industrial ovens needs EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN Good starting Salary. I Group insurance and other J | fringe benefits. jPRECISION QUINCYj 220 N. Madison Woodstock, II. 815-338-2675 \2-26 9 # s Emberwooa * « WISHES YOU AND YOURS 6 HAPPY HOLIDAYS VERY LIMITED TIME ONLY: 7V2% Conventional Rate - To Qualified Customers Priced From $41,890 PETS FOR SALE Cute and Cuddly pups, new sel­ ection every week. All come with a 1 year guarantee. 815- 385-7897 12-3-TF-1-2 [ FOOD STORE | | MANAGERS WANTED j Experienced Only } j Excellent Opportunity j j S.E.I. CORP. ! . 815-385-8097 I ! J 12-19/12-26 RIDING LESSONS Expert instruction.« Special introductory series 5 LESSONS $20.00 OUR FARM McHenry 815-344-0951 11-21-TF-. ft £ t* © £ c € m e * f, INCLUSIVE OF: ^Acre Landscaped Lot* 2 Car Attached Garage Septic & City Water Carpeting Throughout Storms & Screens Gutters * We will build on your own site also. (h\ inc. E9 Cowf*wjc' Oman; MENfl development co 1326 Hayden Dr., McHenry, Illinois 60050 SALES OFFICE (815) 344-11 OPEN WEEKDAYS 11-6/WEEKENDS 11-5 Model located 1% miles north of Rte. 31 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Rd. at Hayden Dr. # V* •31 3 m % « * % * # McHENRY REALTY 3918 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 815*385-5922 MERRY CHRISTMAS LOST Ladies bracelet vicinity Green and Elm, McHenry. Great sentimental value. Reward Mail replies to McHenry Plain- dealer, Box No DE 7, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, III. 12-26/1-2 M. & K. KARPET ^LEANING SERVICE Carpets steamed Cleaned Free Estimates Why not have your rugs sparkling for the Holidays. No job too small 385-2095 Daily 344-0656 p Evenings after 6 f y 11-26/1-7 ALUMINUM PLATES 25c A Plate - 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick , * • Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3S12 U. Him m.-NU Henry Phone: 3h5-lll7il nj~ĵ jnxtAj~Ln-rLr\rLri.rir\rLrLninî î î iî î i~î î iî i'*iniî M'i'i" " * ' • * * " " m m m m m m HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY TDM LOVE YOU, MOM & DAD JERRY & SUE Lorraine Pitzen Ted Pitzen 12-26 Tom Ruggero Pat Sullivan Joe Sullivan HOPEN: 7 D A Y S W E E K L Y * REALTOR* AT YOUR CONVENIENCE ^

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