Boost Easter Seal Telethon April 1-2 ilMHHHHP For the first time in ap proximately five years the Easter Seal Society for McHenry County will par ticipate in the seventh annual Easter Seal Telethon broadcast from Hollywood, Calif., April l and 2. This year's Telethon host will be Jack Klugman, star of Quincy, 1978 National Easter Seal chairman. Some 100 popular stars of television, screen and night clubs will provide twenty-one hours of great entertainment to raise funds for the nation's oldest and largest voluntary OPEN YEAR ROUND Niteljr, and Sunday* from 2 p.m. GENOA direct service agency serving the physically handicapped. Appearing with Jack Klugman will be McHenry county's own Tony Zidek, this year's National Easter Seal child from Wonder Lake. Karen Gunderson, also of Wonder Lake, top money maker from Easter Seals Disco Dance-a- thon held in Woodstock, will make an appearance with Wolfman Jack. Karen raised $826.50 in twenty-four hours. Local coverage of the telethon will originate from the Holiday Inn - Chicago City 50* Re* *1 50 Adult 7!W Child AND ENTIRE AD ADMITS ONE PERSON* March 24 30 •Persons under IS must sit with *u-|H*r\ iHin# parent or pay R«»k Adm MAHCH3I APR1L6 T H E A T R E G F N O A C I T Y M S LAST CHANCE! Knds March 30: Heroes (7:00. 8:55| Hwyi 2 Miles North of Richmond 414 279-6491 - DAY NITE «:».*». HENIOf wiNKIJCR Sun •«! HO. 5 40 7 2ft. 9:1 ft MARCH 31 • APRIL 6: 44a corker of a comedy!" -- (iene Shalit (NBC TVl Mon.-Thurv 7 00. H 40 Huron, IIBarMNM mtd Iforterieel COMINft: The World's Greatest Lover A Co-Hit, ("andleshoe (Walt Disney Prod 1. Juhu. The (ioodbve (lirl. ("lose Encoun ters . The Turning Point ^ ^ •• •• BIB Check Our Rales Personal Loans with Payments to Suit Your Needs • AUTOMOBILE • BUSINESS • HOME IMPROVEMENT. • DOCTOR or DENTAL EXPENSES Call 526-4404 I The Drive-In Bank at Routes 12,59 and 176 ryyy vauconM iBC, IIAEKNUL BAIK V ^ Ravtos 114 17ft Wa Centre on Channel 44 WSNS TV, UHF, hosted by Chicago's Jerry G. Bishop, beginning at 9:30 p.m. Saturday, April 1, until 7 p.m. Sunday, April 2. Representing McHenry County Easter Seal society will be Julie" Jessup, member of the board of advisors from McHenry; and Marge Swanson, physical therapist from Huntley. They will be featured on the Chicago broadcast of the Telethon between 1 and 2 p.m. Sunday, April 2. Local Easter Seal volunteers will be manning the phones for the McHenry County Telethon pledge center for the full twenty-one hours. To phone in a pledge to support the much needed services provided by Easter Seal, simply dial 338- 1707. Launch Glaucoma Control Program Easter Seal Telethon Host Jack Klugman takes time oat from his starring role on Quincy to visit with Tony Zidek of Wonder Lake. 1978 National Easter Seal child. • Turn meat on the barbecue when you see little bubbles on its top surface. One turn is usually plenty. Use tongs or a pancake turner so that you don'( puncture the meat and let juices escape. • Planning an elegant barbe cue? Take a tip from the Orient and present each guest with an O-shibori to cleanse their hands. Dip guest-size terrycloth towels in warm water, scented with cologne. Wring out; fold in half vertically, then roll up. Wrap towels in aluminum foil and heat in oven at 300° F. for 10 minutes. It's a beautiful finish to a steak teriyaki barbecue. Glaucoma, the second leading cause of blindness in the nation today, is under full- scale attack in a new campaign led by the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness. The society is marking its seventieth anniversary in 1978 and spearheading a new Glaucoma Alert program (GAP) to promote a nationwide network of glaucoma education and detection projects. Resources for GAP center on a how-to guide, designed to be versatile enough so that comprehensive community programs of glaucoma control can be undertaken by diverse groups. The society is enlisting support and participation from health care professionals, national professional and service organizations, and community volunteers of all kinds. Glaucoma affects an estimated 2,000,000 per sons* and half of these people, or 1,000,000 don't know they have the disease. Usually associated with excessive pressure within the eye, glaucoma is often a "silent" disease, progressing without pain or other symptoms. Though sight lost to glaucoma cannot be restored--that is, the vision impairment is irreversible, the good news is that early diagnosis and prompt treatment can, in most cases, bring glaucoma under control, halt its progress. The medical resources for galucoma control are at hand- diagnostic tests, successful treatment methods; but the public must be made aware of these facts and resources. GAP is receiving the active collaboration of fourteen p r o m i n e n t n a t i o n a l organizations, formed into the National Committee for Glaucoma Education. The GAP guide tells how to organize, how to plan and implement a Glaucoma Alert program, whose ingredients are: >. ...Educational activities aimed at the public, special target audiences (those at particular risk for glaucoma, such as the elderly) and health professionals. ...Screening projects in community and health care settings. ...Referral of those who fail the screening - to an eye specialist for a complete eye exam ; and follow-up on those persons referred to make sure they actually received an exam. ...A system of reporting program results, both for analysis of effectiveness of PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1978 society conducts a sight-saving program including direct service to individuals, public and professional education, and research. To find out more about glaucoma, or about the Glaucoma Alert program, write National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, 79 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. NSPB is a non profit health agency whose work is supported entirely by public contributions, which are tax deductible. individual projects, and for compiling national data. The screening test for galucoma is called tonometry, and it is an accurate, simple, painless test--a first step in identifying those persons most likely to have glaucoma. Glaucoma most often strikes in the middle tyears, and all persons 35 and older are urged to have a glaucoma check from an eye specialist or other phy^cian. Throughout its 70-year history, NSPB has worked toward eliminating needless loss of sight. Fully half of all cases of blindness can be prevented. Working with its state affiliates, and under the guidance of a national group of health care professionals, the BUMPER STICKERS It's bad luck to be superstitious. 107« Rf YOU fttJQ Mt*TA»C«S " | N T M I 5 P V # U * A T l O N - P i C A S e T H A T T M f Y A * I T H * * ! Fo* a rvmrott* W* P\J9Ll*M feu, e v c * y 0 w € ; A N p $o*i rfoPif A*t A L W A Y S t . O O t f / ^ 6 fofL vpjrAice s f f' "The new tax forms. Henry W. Block A good reason to let us help with your taxes." At H&R Block, we understand these new forms, we know the laws. We'll do every thing we can to save you money. And that's Reason No. 1 why you should let H&R Block do your taxes. H&R BLOCK- THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 39H w Ma st MCHENRY 3911VV. Main St. 815-385-8630 Open Weekdays 9am-9pm. Saturday 9am-5pm. Sunday 11am-4pm. OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY March 31 - April 6 RATED [X] POST CARD I Starring Rene Bond 7:00 & 9:45 P.M. • * * * • # # § « P L U S • • • • • • • » * - • •< Starring Jamie Gillis 8:30 ONLY Mchenry McHENRY 385-0144 $100 ALL *1 I SEATS 1 Richard Dray Fuss $100 FRI. 7-9 SAT.-SUN. 1-3-7-9 MOH-THURS. 7:30 OWLY SHOWPLACE 1-2 3 -4 5 RT 14 & Jl CRYSTAL tAKF PHONt 4hb 100b E Q U I P P F O W I T H D 0 1 B Y S U R R O U N D S f f R f f ) Hi COMA" m FRI. 7-9-11 SAT. 2:30-4:45-7-9-11 SUN. 2:304:45-7-9 MCHONURS. 70-1:15 EXPERIENCE IN TERROR AND SUSPENSE "THE FURY" * FRI. 7-9:15-11:15 SAT. 2-4:30-7-9:15-11:15 SUN. 2-4:30-7»i5 MOW THURS. 7:15-9:15 "THE GOODBYE GIRL" N FRI. 7-9-11 SAT. 2:30-4:45-7-9-11 SUM. 2:30-4:45-79 MOH-THURS. 79 1:15 SUN. 2 HEL&B OVER FRI. 7-9:15-11:15 SAT. I SHOWPLACE 5 4 5 5 2 0 0 0 tQUIPPf D WITH 001 BY SURROUND Sit RF0 I f 1959 THE BEGINNING OF AN ERA AMERICAN HOT WAX" - FRI. 7-9 SAT. 1-3-5-7-9 SUN. 1-3-5-79 MON.-THURS. 7 9 SP 1-2-3-4-5- BARGAIN MAT. $1.25 TILL 2:30 Adults S3.00 - Young Adults 12 • 16 .00 - Child S1.25 Behrens & Zaun, Inc., Realtors Buy your home through us. And ask for ERA's Home Buyers Protection. It protects you against the cost of repair or replacement of most major home components for a full year after you buy.* * Modest applicable deductible. McHENRYl 5017 W. RTE. 120 815-344-1010 LAKE ZURICH 78 S. OLD RAND RD. 312-438-5631 AND ANTI0CH 395-3535 ARLINGTON HTS. 255-2090 BUFFALO GROVE 537-3200 MT. PROSPECT 259-9030 PALATINE 358-0744 SCHAUMBURG 885-0555 STREAMW00D 837-4545 LAKEFRONT Two story home on beautiful Petite Lake. 3 Br. home with finished Rec. rm. on lower level, modern kit. with dbl. oven with range ft har dwood firs. t/o. Property zoned Comm'l. ft Residential. Four cottages also on property. 1 Yr. Warranty. 95,000 S TWO WOODED LOTS Move right in to this 3 Br. Ranch nestled on two wooded lots. Home features color-coordinated kit., ft carpeting t/o except Kit. Enjoy the cozyness of the screened porch for those lazy summer evenings. Beach ft lake rights to Griswald Lake, '/> blk. away. 35,900 TWO HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Two two-story homes on Loon Lake can be yours for the price of one. There is 8 rms., 4 Brs., 2'/» bths. ft c. gar. in one home ft 6 rms., 3 Brs., ft 1 '/J bths. in the other. Live in one ft rent the other year 'round for income. 105,000 (2 HOMES) Thinking off Entering tho Rnal Estate Profession? 1.30 hr. course for R.E. Salesman Exam. 2. Full time training instructor. 3. Approved by the Illinois Office of Education. Limited Enrollment. For class information: Call Nose McDonald 311-2M-2Q90 Institute for the Development of Sales Potential, Inc. TREAT YOURSELF Treat yourself to year round enjoyment with this recently remodeled waterfront home. It overlooks Wooster Lake and features bedrooms overlooking large LR with two-story fireplace. Enclosed porch, large deck ft an ad ded extra is a 4 rm. cottage in rear. Priced right for a quick sale. 42,500 LAKE AND BEACH RIGHTS This home is perfect of the small family. Just decorated inside and out, large wooded lot and lake and beach rights. It is ready to move into TODAY!! 36,200 926 FRONT RT. 31 815-385-9303 HOWS: Maa-Tbss. 9 a.a.4 pi Fri.-Sat. ta.M.-Sp.M im. Ua.m.-Sp.m. AUTOMOBIUI 1975 PLYMOUTH GOLD DUSTER Coupe, 6-qrf , power steer mi air, 31,000 miles. 1972 DODGE CORONET 4 door, air, automatic, power steering. 1971 CHEVROLET CAMAR0 Small V4. automatic, power steering. 1971 DODGE 4 dr., air, 50,000 miles. 1971 CHEVROLET IMPALA Coupe, small V-8. automatic, power steering, excellent 1975 0LDSM0BILE DELTA R0YALE 4-door hardtop, air, vinyl top. power steering ft brakes 1975 P0NTIAC CATALINA Coupe, air, power steering i brakes, vinyl roof 1974 CHEVROLET VEGA HATCHBACK "Spirit of America", 40,000 miles, automatic, air condition 1974 AMC HORNET SP0RTAB0UT WAGON ... Air, 6-cytinder, automatic, power steering. $2275 $875 $1175 $675 $695 $2875 $2775 $1475 excel lent $2275 1977 FORD * TON SUPER CAB 4-spood, 351 Cleveland engine, under 22,000, dump conversion. 1976 CHEVROLET CHEYENNE * TON CAMPER SPECIAL Automatic, power steering I brakes, dual tanks, 22,000 miles, very clean. 1976 CHEVROLET * TON PICKUP Automatic, power steering 4 brakes, 16,000 miles and cap. 1975 FORD F 350 SUPER CAMPER SPECIAL Air, stereo, power steering I brakes, automatic, 37,000 milos. 1975 DODGE TON CLUB CAB Air, automate, power steering 1 brakes. 34,000 miles. 1974 CHEVROLET * TON PICKUP Power steering i brakes, automatic. 39,000 miles. 1966 FORD MINf-CAMPER VAN $495