SECTION 2 - PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MARCH 31. 1978 Ringwood News 385-8037 653-9262 728-0343 U.M.W. Spring Luncheon Set For April 13 The Ringwood United Methodist Women will be holding its spring luncheon Thursday, April 13, at 12 o'clock noon in the church dining room followed by the program at 1 o'clock in the sanctuary. Steve and Maria Gardner will present a message of joy through the medium of con temporary music, their per formance is both entertaining and inspirational. Reservations are necessary and may be made with Mrs. Frank C. Harrison of Ringwood by April 10. » EASTER GATHERINGS Though Easter Sunday was not a bright, sunny day, there was much joy and happiness in manv homes as family and friends gathered to enjoy this special day. Enjoying Sunday brunch at Ch&pel Hill were John and Ila Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. George Blake and Eugene, the Dave Zenks family and Harry Hogan family. Sunday evening they were all at the George Blake home for a gathering of the Blake family. Ron Silzer was home from California to spend Easter with Pat and the kids. John Blackman of Goodland, Fla., was here to enjoy dinner with his mother, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn, and other family members including Dolores and Charles Brennan and the Russell Soddys of Kenosha. On Friday evening, Art Jensen join«T the group for dinner although the Soddys were not present. Art Jensen spent Easter Sunday with his daughter and family at Woodstock. Art and Katy Christopher, with Patty and Dave, en tertained Mrs. Clara Cristy, the Bill Cristys, Jerry Cristys, and Bill Andersons for dinner Sunday. Easter dinner in tbe Frank and Lil Visconti home Easter Sunday was a happy day with Lil's mom, Edith Harrison, present and her sisters, Bonnie and Wilma, and their families. Easter dinner for the Walt Low families was at the home of Sue and John Madey in Hebron with Pam and Dan Kehoe of Elkhorn, Walt and Alice Mae Wilcox of Wood stock, Bob and Sue Low and Bobby, Mabel Thomas and LENNOX AIR CONDITIONING High Efficiency Top Discharge Quiet and Dependable CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE HEATING AND COOLING SINCE 1931 3511 S.Wright ltd. (815)459-2300 McHENRY. ILL. (312)526-6286 FINANCING AVAILABLE A Certified UiMyr Comr in and browse, you'll pel idea* for furniHhinfc your bath and diwover many charming gift*. 3012 W. Rte. 120, MeHenry Kant of New Bridge-Free Parking 344-1180 Mon.-Thur*. 9-5:30, Fri. 9-8. Sal. 9-5 Complete planning and installation of fixture* and aeretiHorieH. Tom Low of MeHenry, Ray Low of Wonder Lake, and, of course. Doris. Walt was in the hospital, scheduled for surgery Monday. March 27. ' 4 CHICKEN POX- 1 NO CHICKEN POX That was the score, at the time of writing this column, in the Tom Parsley household. The four in bed trying to keep from scratching are Laura, Nancy, Jeannie, and Jim, and you can bet it keeps mother Pat busy running with the calomine lotion. But Tom, Jr., who managed to avoid this attack, is enjoying a lively, healthy Easter vacation much to the despair of his sisters and brother. HERE AND THERE Jeff and Scott Sonnemaker returned to their home in Omaha, Neb., last Friday after spending some time with Grandpa and Grandma Hogan. ABOUTTOWN Linda Billikas and little Becky, Nicky, and Charlie arrived at Lowsville to visit with Linda's parents Wed nesday of last week. The kids enjoyed Grandma and Grandpa Low and vice versa until Saturday when they left for home in Dubuque, Iowa. Talked to Linda after her arrival home and it wasn't too good of a trip, rain to Belvidere and then was icy most of the rest of the way. Friday evening while Linda was here the family got together to share an early birthday cake for Linda, who's W3 SAVE with LUCITE sir: OPEN DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 10-* 00 CASH LUCITE HOUR NO SUB • NO MESS 1 t I per gallon • from DuPont on every gallon off LUCITE you buy! PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. ' ' !•*, «•/ •-> f-'vftrVS •' MAR. 31 THRU SUN. APR. 2 ' SAVE $1J00,$3H0,$!L00 ar more! SAVE with our low prices... SAVE AGAIN with Du Port's $1.00 per gal. BACK OUR LOW SALE PRICE DU PONT'S CASH BACK m »1M ••.37 YOUR CtiST a AFTER A RECEIVING DU PONT'S CASH BACK mm iij Ujcite use Paint 0RIES 'N AN HOUR • WATER CLEAUif OUR LOW SALE PRICE LESS DU PONT'S CASH BACK $1M . $11.76 $I.OOper gallon CASH BACK on other LUCITE Paints, tool iff YOUR COST 0 AFTER A RECEIVING ^ DU PONT'S CASH BACK LUCITE * f •rterlor Enamel j Your cost after CASH BACK GAL. R«g. >12.74 LUCITE Floor Paint •*ouc :».« i *. **.•«>• Your cost after CASH BACK GAL. R«g. M.7t ujcrre IJtet Exterior St» Your cost after CASH BACK GAL. R*«. $12.76 HURRY! Du Pont's $1.00 per gal.l CASH BACK applies to all LUCITE gallons purchased between March 18 and April 16,1978. RI. 47 A COUNTRY CLHR RD. WOODSTOCK HORNSBYS family centers -- 4400 W. RTE. 120 natal day is April 14. This way all the aunts and uncles got to see the kids without Linda going to each home. Have a Happy Birthday when the time comes, Linda. The Art Baker family went to Iowa last Friday to spend some time at their mom's in Strawberry Point. While in the area they took advantage of also visiting with an old friend in Oelwein , Iowa, and another family in Maynard, Iowa. They missed the storm by going Friday and coming home Sunday. BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday to Irene Miller and Doe Brennan April 5 with April 7 being the day that Evelyn Zvonar, Harold Bell, •Jr., Art Christopher and Ryan Gene Petska add another year to their ages. April 8 is that special day for Laura Parsley and April 9 adds another year for Doris Low (uups - she said she wasn't aving any more birthdays, oh 11...) and we wish you two many more happy years. THINGS TO REMEMBER Every Sunday--Church services--9:15 a.m.--Ringwood church Every Sunday--Church school--9:45 a.m.-Ringwood church Every Tuesday--9:30 a.m.- Bible study-parsonage Every Wednesday--7 p.m.-- choir practice- RingwoOd church Thursday, April 13-Spring luncheon. 12 noon-programv 1 p.m. Be thankful I) IAI .- A PR A Y E H I -3M5-1234 Spring Grove Eva Freund 675^2135 hai wfe April 10 was a busy day for the stork with Wade Bruce, Martha Beaman, Shirley Cristy, Audrey Walker, Marie Oonk and Chris Rich celebrating their natal day. April 11 is another busy day for Sally Meechum, Cristy Fossum, Judy Rich, and Mrs. Susan Low who will be celebrating their special day. My, April sure was a popular month. Happy Birthday to all of you wonderful people. ANNIVERSARIES Happy Anniversary goes to Lloyd and Helen Barker April 7 New Pastor At Spring Grove Parsonage The Methodist church has made some changes in their Sunday schedule of services. Sunday School will meet at 9 a.m. with classes for nursery through adult. Worship ser vices will begin at 10 a.m. The church has a new pastor, Douglas White. Rev. White and his wife, Cindy, will be moving to the Spring Grove parsonage at 8104 Blivin street in the near future from Lake Forest. CHRISTIAN MOTHER MEETING Thirty members and their guests were present at the March 16 meeting of the Christian Mother's society at St. Peter's hall. The meeting was opened with a prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag by President Kay Smith. GENEVA I II STARTS FRIDAY March 31 248-2863 MELBROOKS In HIGH m 11 VIC^TA# surnnf MADELINE KAHN • CLORIS LEACHMAN • HARVEY KORMAN ilu sUmn| DICK VAN PATTEN RON CAREY HOWARD MORRIS MUSIC FROM MICH ANXIETY AVAILABLE ON ElEKTRA ASVIUM RECORDS I TAPES PGttttNTAl (WMC( SKUSTEI •»' ®C0i0it>«HlU>( WAANACf PAPIRBAC* 01978 20TH CENTUR V-FOX Shown Nitely at 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Jlunday 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 & 9:00 STARTS FRIDAY, March 31 A moving story. A romantic story. A story of envy, hatred, friendship, triumph, and love. ANNE BANCROFT SHIRLEY MacLAINE TheTuming point TWESTIE TH < ESTt RYEOX ... A HERBERT HOS.N Ell. \l ASSE BASCROET SHIHUCY MmLAlNB th& TI RNINC HOIST TOM SEEK Hill MIKHAIL BAR Y SHNIKOV „ BROWSE < -- .. MAH7IIA SCOTT • MARSHALL THOMPSON-*.ANTHONY /.EHHE AMERICAS BALLET THEATRE t• NORA KAYE »*.»• < AKTHI H I At RESTS » <-•- - HERBERT ROSS..; ARTHCR LAC RESTS w».HERBERT Ross PRISTS BY f)E LUXE NOW IS HAHERHACK EROM SlliSEl Ml 'SIC EHOM THE MOTION PICTI 'RE ON WTH < ENTt HY RECOHbS ASII TAHE!s PGlWUIAl (MAKE SWfSHI •&»<] [yowl iifttf'-k m- nc' H >ot <C t%77 JOTN CENTURY »0* a. Shown Nitely at 7:15 & 9:30 p.m. Sunday 12:30 - 2:45 - 5:00 • 7:15 - 9:30 Announcements were made about the Blood drive April 4 and Cancer drive starting April 1. Chairman Luella May stated that the St. Patrick's day card party was a success and acknowledged all who helped. President Smith mentioned the ladies who had driven to Rockford to attend Mass at St. Peter's cathedral and accepted the chrism oil for St. Peter's parish. All women of St. Peter's parish are invited to attend the initiating of members and installation of officers in a new circle of Daughters of Isabella to be held in St. Joseph's church, Richmond, April 16 at 2 p.m. Dolores May and Frances Heinemann offered to be on the nominating committee. There will be a white elephant sale at the April 20 meeting. The program was of great interest to all present. Joseph Nessinger was present with his Seeing-Eye dog and showed actual demonstrations plus film on the training of his dog. INITIATION-INSTALLATION St. Elizabeth Seton circle will have the installation and initiation Sunday, April 16, at 2 p.m. in St. Joseph's church, Richmond. Dolorata circle of Harvard will initiate the new circle and Mrs. Lucy Schell, State Regent will install the new officers. > - The ceremony will close with benediction followed by dinner in the church hall. '. Reservations must be made on or by April 5 with Mrs. Ralph (Mary) Obenauf, Mrs. Charles(Mary) Schultz or Mrs. Frank (Frances) Heinemann WHO KNOWS! 1. Define necromancy. 2. Who discovered the Hawaiian Islands? 3. John Quincy Adams was which President? 4. What is another name for aurora horealis? 5. Who patented the first m e c h a n i c a l w a s h i n g machine? 6. Where is the Welland Ship Canal? 7. How many is a "brace of pheasants"? 8. What is a bittern? 9. Who is the Secretary of Transportation? 10.Name the oldest U.S. college. Anvcrs To Who Kaovs 1. Sorcery: alleged com munication with the dead. 2. James Cook. 3. Fifth. 4. Northern Lights. 5. Hamilton E. Smith, 1858. 6. Between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. 7. Two. 8. A wading bird of the heron family, 9. Brock Adams. 10.Harvard, > founded in 1636. What reason have atheists for saying that we can not rise again? -Blaise Pascal. Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. -Daniel 12:2 DENTURE WEARERS! DENTURES CONSTRUCTED) R5 DENTURES REPAIREDI I ̂ Replace tooth in denture *15.00 (each additional tooth) loioo Repair most cracked dentures... . \ 20.00 Reline Dentures 50.00 FOX LAKE DENTURE CLINIC 18 E-Grcnd, Fox Lake, III. (Just W. of R.R. Station) MF * !O6 Please call for an appointment 312-587-5053 _ „