PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MARCH 31. Community- Calendar Hospital Auxiliary Old World Formal Elegance >• *4... . • -v....... -•ss* . ~ '-V '• GARY ADAMS HOME Overlooking a McHenry golf course, this beautiful all brick French Provincial home has spacious rooms with delightful detailing featuring the elegance of Old World formality and contemporary Uvability. Visitors participating in the McHenry hospital Auxiliary's House Walk Sunday, May 7, will delight in the appointments of this charming and distinctive dwelling. Its doors will be open from 12 noon to 5 p.m. for guided viewing. Ticket information is available by writing Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital, P.O. Box 69, McHenry, 60050. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Unanimously Approve Club Slate Of Officer Nominees The nominating committee of the Pioneer club presented the slate of officers at the March 21 meeting held at Richmond Community church social hall. The forty-four members ac cepted and passed an unanimous ballot approving Verona Nies as president; Robert Leonhardt as first vice president; Bea Meier as second vice president; Wanda Todd as treasurer; and Margaret Powers as secretary. The opening prayer was said by Rev. Messinger and members enjoyed a dessert lunch The meeting was opened with * salute to the flag with President Verona Nies, back from her winter vacation in Florida, conducting the meeting. Rev. Messinger spoke on forming a ministry and a committee whom the elderly, who need help, could contact. This would enable them to live in their own homes. It would help many people, especially those living alone, if those who are able would offer time to assist with friendly visiting, transportation, shopping errands, some household chores and small repairs. This was considered an excellent idea and will be discussed again. A bi-state meeting and luncheon will be held April 21 at Andre's. The Sunshine chairman reported that Jeanette Arp is at Hillcrest rest home in Twin Lakes and Lydia Sorenson is a patient at Burlington Memorial hospital, Room 216, Burlington, Wis., 53105. The Publicity chairman told of the Cancer drive starting April 1 and gave out leaflets telling of the danger signals of cancer. A membership drive for the club will open the second week of April. The Program chairman had completed arrangements for the bus trip to Chinatown April 7, and reservations were taken. Reservations were also taken for spring luncheon and in stallation of officers at LaSalette center, April 4, 12 noon. Deadline for reservations was March 30. Cars for car pool will meet at Community church. Anyone needing a ride may call A1 Tomasek, Ruth Schmitz, Ardella Anderson or Verona Nies. Auditing committee Ruth Schmitz and Laura Kutish reported records in order and by-laws with revisions were checked by all members and were approved as presented. Robert Leonhardt spoke on and explained revenue sharing. The committee for April 18 meeting includes Oke and Helma Burgeson, Frank and Carol Guillaume, George and Verona Nies and Ardella Anderson. Senior Walk-In Center i I wish to express my thanks to all the people of McHenry County for the sup port I received in the Primary Election. And a special thanks to all who worked so hard to make my nomination a reali ty. Rosemary Azzaro Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of April 3 through April 7 is as follows: April 3: Baked meat loaf, fried potatoes, broccoli, bread, lemon turnovers and milk. April 4: Chicken fritters, cranberry sauce, potato chips, salad, bread, jello-pears and milk. April 5: Braised beef, potatoes, cabbage, garlic bread, peaches and milk. April 6: Veal birds-gravy, potatoes, com & peas, rye bread, peanut butter bars and milk. April 7: Frankfurters, potato chips, baked beans, relishes, bun, strawberries in jello and milk. • * • • Beware of the highly successful business man who sounds poverty- stricken in conversation. MARCH 31 Order of Eastern Star-Card Party--7:30 p.m.-Acacia Hall, 1309 N. Court Street-Admission Charge. APRIL 1 Hawaiian Luau-Dinner, 7 "p.m.--Dancing Follows- McHenry Moose Hall-Advance Ticket Sales From Women of the Moose or at the Lodge- Sponsors : Women of the Moose. Valley View School PTO Fun Fair-11 a.m. to 3 :30 p.m. APRIL 2 St. Clara Court 659-Twenty- fourth Diocesan Conference. Pancake Breakfast- American Legion Post Home-9 a.m. to 2 p.m.-Sponsors: McHenry High School Booster Club. APRIL 3 Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting--8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church, 3717 W. Main Street. Free Blood Pressure Screening-9 a.m. to 1 p.m.- McHenry First National Bank- Sponsors: McHenry County Heart Association. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting~3:30 p.m.-Landmark School St. Patrick's Ladies Guild Meeting-Church Hall-1 p.m.- Speaker: Christer Niklesson, Sweden AFS Student- Hostesses: Helen Prine & Teresa Conway--Guests Welcome. APRIL 4 Chicago Flower Show Bus Tour-Leaving McHenry Roller Rink 9:30 a.m.-Immediate Reservations With lone Barts, 385-2235-Sponsors: McHenry Garden Club. U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive Committee) Meeting--8:45 a.m.--First United Methodist Church. Koinonia Group Meeting-10 a.m.-First United Methodist Church-Meets Tuesday Mornings. Bible Study Group-11 a.m.- First United Methodist Church- Meets Tuesday Mornings. Marcia Mary Ball Circle- 12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church-Hostesses: Florence Lacy & Ann Demke. Ruth Circle-12 Noon-First United Methodist Church- Hostess: Norma Pieplow. Free Blood Pressure Screening-First United Methodist Church-7 p.m. Ruth Circle, First United Methodist Church-Meeting-12 Noon-Church Hall-Hostess: Norma Pieplow. Pioneer Club Spring Lun cheon-Officer Installation- LaSalette Center, Twin Lakes- 12 Noon. APRIL 5 McHenry Grandmothers Club Luncheon-ll:30 a.m.-- John Evans Inn, Crystal Lake- Meeting-1 p.m.-McHenry City Hall-Crafts Show & Tell. APRIL 6 Court Joyce Kilmer 573, Catholic Daughters of America-Annual Spring Card Party-K. C. Hall, 1304 N. Park 's p.m. Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Ritual of Jewels-Hostess: Mrs. Sandy Etten. Veterans of WW I-Meeting-2 p.m.-American Legion Post Home. APRIL 7 Pioneer Club Bus Trip to Chinatown-Richmond Old Bank Parking Lot-9:30 a.m. APRIL 7 & 8 Pioneer Center Birth To Three Program Bake & Rummage Sale-St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 210 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. TRY OUR NEW FAMILY BRUNCH Served in the Banquet Salon from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 3,4per person 1 **child under 12 BIG BAND JAZZ I Sunday Afternoon 4 P.M. - 7 P.M. | Passport Club Dinner No. 10 The Cuisine ot Serbia WED. APRIL 5th -6:30 P.M. Public Invited Call 385-8899 for Details & Reservations GRgSCENTcBAY* ®LAJ*piNg 3309 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry RAYMOND'S WATERFRONT STAGE •RESENTS DISCO DANCE LESSONS! STARTING TUES.f MAR. 28 AT 8:30 P.M. •BEGINNER CLASSES EVERY TUES. NITE •ADVANCED CLASSES EVER^HURSJIITE "KGrnmSnpTTTTT" FOR 4 WEEKENDS FRI. & SAT. NITES 9 to 1 A.M. THE "LANCER'S" mmt OPENLY NITELY - 7 DAYS WATERFRONT STAGE AT YMOND'S RESTAURANT & JOHNSBURG BOWL CHAPEL HILL RD. I JOHNSBURG BRIDGE 344-0484 Of 385-1475 APRIL 8 Friendship Club Potluck Dinner & Meeting--^ p.m.-First United Methodist Church. APRIL 9 Johnsburg P.T.O. Play "Exit the Body"-2 p.m. Matinee- Bush School, Johnsburg. St. Margaret Chapter of Nairn-Brunch-McHenry Country Club-12:30 p.m. , APRIL 10 Al-i^-JJon Family Group Meetiifg"8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church.- McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting--7:30 p.m.-VFW Hall, 3002 W. Rte. 120. APRIL 11 Order of Eastern Star-Past Officers Night-Acacia Hall-8 p.m. APRIL 12 Church Women United Medical Van--St% Patrick's Montini School-to p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Loop Bus Trip-Leaves McHenry State Bank 8:45 a.m.- -Reservations, Amy Wattman, 385-8518. APRIL 13 Lakeland Park Wottien's Club Meeting--7:30 p.m.-- Comm unity House-Hostesses: Barbara Rathman & Karen Aldrich. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Trip to Field Museum & Sears Tower-Leaves McHenry Saving & Loan 8 a.m. Annual Spring Rummage Sale--Mt. Hope United Methodist Church, Pistakee Highlands-9 a.m. to 1 p.m.- Sponsors, United Methodist Women. APRIL 13 & 14 Rummage Sale--Zion Lutheran Church-Thursday, 9 a.m. to7p.m.-Friday,9a.m. to 5 p.m. APRIL 14 & 15 Johnsburg P.T.O. Play "Exit the Body"--8 p.m.-Bush School, Johnsburg-Tickets At Door-Reduced Advance Ticket Sales. Spring Rummage Sale-First United Methodist Church, 3717 W. Main Street-Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Saturday, 8 a.m. to 12 Noon. APRIL 15 Annual Spring Rummage & Bake Sale-Mt. Hope United Methodist Church, Pistakee Highlands-9 a.m. to 1 p.m.- Sponsors: United Methodist Women. Luncheon-Fasion Show- McHenry VFW--Cockta»ls, t > 11:30- a.m.-Luncheon-Fashion. ^Show* Follow--Ticket In formation: Mrs. Daniel (Barbara) Rizzo, Wonder Lake-Sponsors: Wonder Lake Woman's Club. APRIL 16 NAIM Day of Recollection- Bishop Lane Retreat House, Rockford--3 to 7:30 p.m.-- Includes Supper-Guests Welcome-Reservations by April 10 With Chapter President. APRIL 17 Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting--8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church. St. Margaret Chapter of Nairn-Potluck Dinner-Bring Table Service-St. Mary's Oak Room-6 p.m. APRIL 19 S u n n y s i d e W o m a n ' s Auxiliary-Regular Meeting- Raymond's Bowl, Johnsburg -1 p.m. APRIL 20 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Preferential Tea- Hostess: Mrs. Dorothy Had- dick. U.M.W. General Meeting~12 Noon-First United Methodist Church. Court Joyce Kilmer Catholic Daughters Meeting~7:30 p.m.- K.C. Hall. McCullom Lake Con servation Club Meeting-8 p.m.- -Spojnia Camp, 2500 N. Spojnia Road-Agenda: Dredging, City Beach, Committees. APRIL 20, 21 & 22 Rummage Sale-Johnsburg Community Club Basement- Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:40 p.m.- Friday, 9 a.m, to 4:30 p.m.- Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon- Benefit St. John's Church- Information: 385-2560. APRIL 20-25 Musical "01iver"-McHenry West Campus Auditorium-8 p.m.-Ticket Information: McHenry West Campus. APRIL 24 Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting-8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church. McHenry Senie*-^Citizens Club Meetig-7:30 p.nhr-VFW Hall. " APRIL 25 Order oFEasiern Star-Stated Meeting-Acacia Hall-8 p.m. APRIL 26 Church Women United Medical Van-St. Patrick's Montini School-5 to 8 p.m. Lakeland Park Women's Club Annual Spring Luncheon- Card Party-St. Patrick's Church, McHenry-Serving at 11:30 a.m. APRIL 27 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Founders Day Dinner. All City Music Festival- McHenry West Campus Main Gym-7:30 p.m.-Information: 385-7077. McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Driver Refresher Course- -First Session-10 a.m. to 12 Noon-McHenry City Hall, Council Chambers. _ APRIL 29 St. Margaret Chapter of Naim-Cards--7:30 p.m.--St. Mary's Oak Room. APRIL 29 & 30 McHenry Choral Group Spring Program-McHenry West Campus-8:15 p.m. Court Joyce Kilmer Catholic Daughters State Convention, Chicago. MAY 1 Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting--8:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church. MAY 4 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Officer Installation- Hostess: Mrs. Fawn Vail. McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Driver Refresher Course- -Second Session-10 a.m. to 12 Noon-McHenry City Hall Council Chambers. MAY 5 Spring House Walk-1 to 5 p.m.-Ticket Information: Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital, Box 69, McHenry~\ Sponsors: Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. • uTsi • * • * No community will grow and develop when its people are envious of each other. • • • • In making your future plans, don't count heavily on what other people say they will do for you. JUNIOR FASHIONS-Richelle Adams of McHenry is the 1978 junior model for the McHenry hospital Auxiliary's "La Fashion Affaire" dinner-fashion show set for April 5 in Richmond. Reservations can be made by writing the McHenry Hospital Auxiliary, P.O. Box 69, McHenry. Richele is a junior at West campus high school, McHenry. DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY Grandma Scz • • • Givin' me ol' rockin' chair a workout t'other day, thinkin' about th' way th' women 're a takin' o'er an' seemin'ly steppin' into th' limelight wi' th' male image a takin' a dimmed perception in nearly every phase o' th' social structure, this granny foresees a grand awakenin' one o' these days when we find ourselves immersed in troubles derived from inherent feminine traits o' th' female versus the' male. Seems t' this granny there's been a good, seasoned reason f'r th' male t' hold sway, lord o' his domain an' in charge o' things in general. Nature demonstrates in most every phase o'life on this planet the male havin' th* tole o* ruler an* king o' his estate. Th' great mistake is f'r women t' try t' imitate th' male image, th' attempt t' belittle th' men, e'en their own husbands, in an attempt t' show th' world they hain't bein' controlled by their mates. Too many marriages 'r based on sexual attraction wi'out a lookin' in on th' important e s s e n t i a l o ' a p a r t n e r s h i p f ' r life. When th' attraction begins t' wane, an' wane it will, there hain't enough t* hold th' two t'gether an' this granny ha' seen th' woman break th' spirit o' th' male wi' her criticisms an' layin' th' groundwork f'r a split up It's becomin' to th' female gender o' society t' gi' th' male support o* his ego. Seems t' this ol' lady that the men ought t' come back wi' a men's lib t' c o u n t e r t h ' a f f e c t o ' t h ' feminine movement. Me thinks we'd be in dire danger if we let women take o'er, an this granny 111 stand b'hind th' men every time when it comes t' a real decision in govern'ment, th' home, rearin' th' family an' jist about ever'thin', Ye see, it's this way, a man may be guided'Wi* a good woman's judgment. Women may play a more important role in t'day's society by takin' her place at th' helm o' th' household an' teachin' th' off spring t' take a meanin'ful place in society by fillin' their place as intelligent parents. Females cry t' be able t' fulfill 'emselves. They lose sight o' th' most important job in life, that o' bein' th' best influence as a wife an' mother. Grandma Radtke At Flower Show Sounds-Sights Of Farm Among the colorful, well- manicured exhibits at the Chicagoland Flower show will be one with 'the distinctive sounds and sights of a farm. McHenry County Farm Bur eau members will be among the 150 farm men and women staffing a barn-like exhibit to welcome city visitors. In that barn will be growing corn, soybeans, and wheat. Nestled in a pen will be a sow and baby pigs, accompanied in an ad jacent pen by two lambs. "A hit this year will be two incubators where chicks will be hatching," predicted Larry Harris, McHenry County Farm Bureau manager. Another hit will be a special brochure which features recipes from farm families in the seven-county area involved in this Farm Bureau Consumer Information committee exhibit. The brochure, "Spring in Rural America," incorporates information about agriculture which farmers want to com municate to their city friends. Written and edited by Don Peasley, veteran Woodstock agricultural photo journalist, "Spring in Rural America" discusses the role of exports in today's agricultural economy. Also explained is the produc tive efficiency of the American farmer and the relatively low price U.S. citizens pay for their food. "In this country we pay about 17 percent of our income on the acreage for food. In many other countries, such as in Europe, the total amounts to as high as 50 percent or more," said Harris. "In some Far East and Mid-East countries, the total is much higher." The Chicagoland Flower show opens April 1 and farmers from Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Kane, Lake and McHenry and Will County Farm Bureaus will erect the exhibit late this week. Elmer Hill, Huntley, has arranged to obtain the in cubators. The eggs were set about two weeks ago, timed to hatch throughout the nine-day flower show. • Stock, broth or bouillon -- don't fret about which is which! Essentially, they're all the same. Bouillon is the French word, now anglicized, for stock or broth. • Plagued by frying pan "ex plosions" when cooking bacon or meats? A tiny bit of salt sprinkled over the surface of the pan before frying will keep fat from flying. |Watch for our ptCULAH •n next week's! CITIZENS HURRY FOR BIG SAVINGS WHILE MERCHANDISE LASTS spurgeons 4400 N. RTE. 120. MdffNRT NOW HEAR THIS!!! TOP DECK OUR NEW WEEKLY SPECIAL 12 OZ. CRAB LEGS ngc Complete Dinner ' " DON'T FORGET OUR DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS and THURS. HAPPY HOUR MIXED DRINK 5C Green St., McHenry /