Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1978, p. 10

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IWGE 10- IM.AINOKAI.KH - \\ I DMISI)AY. \IMUI l!>. I!»7X rales Told Twice FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the files of April 19. 1928> A Marine mail route js almost an assured faCTToFme residents along Fox river for the coming season It 4s~often said that conditions in their development can never remain the same, but that they must either advance or retard in modes of progress and ad vancement and so we again see signs of progress and ad vflncement for the coming season just opening It is estimated that there are about 450 cottages along Fox river from the dam south of McHenry to Pistakee Bay. with a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 H . K 0 0 inhabitants whose population is equal to or somewhat ex­ ceeding the population of McHenry Many of these people now have no mail delivery service, while many of them have no service within a mile of their cottages and it was because of this fact that the idea came about of a water route for the delivery of mail to cottages along the river during the summer months Miss Maud Curr went to Chicago on Thursday of last week, at which time she was granted a great pleasure as well as a most signal honor by an interview with one of her countrymen as well as town- shman. none other than the noted and well loved. Sir Harry Lauder Sir Harry, who is appearing in his original and popular . program at the Olympic theatre, made an appointment with Miss Curr and spent a most enjoyable visit and renewed old acquaintances and familiar scenes. Sir Harry lived at Arbroath, Scotland, and it was also in this city that Miss Curr lived and where her father was the owner of a large flax mill. FORTY YEARS AGO i Taken from the files of April 21, 1938) A new 1938 Illinois official highway map is being distributed throughout the state, showing that U.S. 12, which was the only U.S. high­ way passing through McHenry, hfs been relocated and will now make a turn to the east just south of Richmond, cutting off this city entirely. Relocation of U.S. 12 beginning at the junc­ tion with Illinois 60 south of Richmond over Illinois 60, U.S. 45, and 95th street to U.S. 41 at Avenue L, eliminates all of Illinois 60. This change affords Safer alignment, better pavement, avoids congestion in Chicago and is four miles shorter than the old marking. Relocation of U.S. 14 from the pjresent junction with U.S. 12 d Illinois 31 utilizes better vement, part of it four-lane, several miles shorter and gether with the relocation of .S. 12, eliminates many ngerous turning rtiovements the old junction of U.S. 12 and |4 southeast of Crystal Lake Thus it will be seen that cHenry is the only city on the d U.S. 12 route in northern Illinois that will lose its federal highway as U.S. 14 will follow (he former U.S. 12 from the function of the two into Chicago. J* Last week the whole town >as talking, but this week the phole town is busy. Busy in its DIAL A PRAYER 385-1234 campaign against dire--a move destined to make our city a finer and cleaner place in which to live, a city of which we can well be" proud Monday a committee toured the city and inspected the various vacant lots that needed special at­ tention Tuesday, work began with a bang By Wednesday afternoon already thirty truckloads of rubbish had been disposed of, and it was thought about seventy-five would be necessary before the finish TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the files of April 23, 1953) Township officials, Sibre Whiting. Charles Asmus, Ar­ nold Rauen and Albert Krause, justices of the peace; Harold Aim, constable; Gerald Elberson. justice of the peace; Fred Marks, constable, H Walter Anderson, town clerk; Sigurd Jacobsen. Elmer Murphy and Frank C. Meyer, constables, were sworn into office early this month. McHenry experienced one of its quietest elections in many years last Tuesday when only 206 voters went to the polls in three city wards to reelect George P. Freund to his second term as mayor with 183 votes. Also reelected were Earl R. Walsh, city clerk; Thomas F. Bolger. city treasurer and Leo Rothermel for alderman of the third ward Elected to his first term of office was Donalc Johnson, who won over Glenn Dixon in McHenry s second ward, the vote being sixty-five for Johnson and seventeen for Dixon. Also elected for the first time was Edward Buckert, who was unopposed in the first ward. The McHenry Township R e c r e a t i o n a s s o c i a t i o n received the enthusiastic support of local pastors at a meeting of directors held last Thursday evening The president opened the meeting with a welcome to the guests, •r which he gave a brief sum Try on how the orga., z; 'ion came about and expressed (he feeling of the existing bo. ~d for the need of the blessing of the clergy for the success of the corporation. A t t y . R A S t u e b e n a n ­ nounces the opening of McHenry Realty at 510 Main street, West McHenry, April 24. Mr. Stueben will act as real estate broker and will conduct his law practice from the same address TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 24. 1968) About 140 young vocalists who are members of the MCHS vocal department will honor the sesquicentennial year of Illinois on Sunday evening when they present, in story and song, memorable periods of state and history. Narrated by Rory Marshall, the chorus will open the program with the familiar state song, followed by selections appropriate to the slavery period and the days when Indians roamed the prairie state. Fire damage estimated at about $15,000 completely gutted the eight-room home of Dr. Chester Thrift and family at 805 W. River Terrace, Johnsburg, in the early hours of Monday morning Fire Chief Ed Justen said he believed the flames THE Furniture Hospital CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY SHOP 1HT REPAIRING * REGLUING Lorry & Jim Seymour 815/459-0653 SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer And Save $8.80 Over Newstand Price FILL OUT AND MAIL OR BRING TO: & MCHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, III. 60050, with check or money order for *12.00 for one year subscription within McHenry County. NAME ' ADDRESS CITY _ZIP n MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION1 I" may have had their start in wiring or a lamp fixture in the kitchen, based on a preliminary examination made at the scene Jack Schaefer bowled a triple series of 224 games in the 5 o'clock shift at the McHenry Recreation house tournament last Sui'day. followed by another 12A game to start off the next shift Incidentally, his Madison 7 Up team won the tournament with the high series and third high game to cap it off. Evangelist Appears Nightly At City Church Johnsburg Mary L. Gunderson 385-3052 Improvision During Church Restoration For the duration of the restoration work on the interior of our church, the 5 and 8 p.m. Saturday Masses, and 7, 9, 10:30 a m and 12 noon Sunday Masses will be offered in the gym of the Junior high at the public school, north and east of the cemetery. The daily Masses 7:30 and 9 a.m., and Saturday Mass only at 8 a.m., will be said in the Resource center of our school. Regular confessions will be heard in the Junior high gym, Saturdays at 5 and 7:30 p.m. On the eves of holy days and the Thursday before First Friday, they will be heard at 4 and 7:30 p.m in the Resource center of our school. RUMMAGE SALE B.V.M. sodality of St. John's, is sponsoring a rummage sale, Friday, April 20-21, 9 to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday, April 22, 9 to 12 noon. Proceeds will benefit St John's restoration fund. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Frank Freund, 85 years, of Johnsburg road. whose relatives and friends helped him celebrate April 15...have a happy and healthy year! MARK YOUR CALENDAR! June 14-luncheon-card party, B.V.M. sodality, Johnsburg community club. Aug. 11-12-13-St. John's 135 anniversary, St. John's Pioneer days, Johnsburg community club. NEWSNEEDED It will be appreciated if you will advise me of various an­ niversaries, birthdays, etc. in our Johnsburg area, also of community groups you have, so that we may have this in­ formation to pass on to all in­ terested folks in Johnsburg. The telephone number is shown above. DR. L. KENNETH BALTHROP Dr. L. Kenneth Balthrop, an Evangelistic preacher, Bible teacher and lyric tenor, will present nightly talks at 7 p.m. from now through April 23 at the First Baptist church of McHenry. The Evangelist has twenty-three years of pastoral experience. Dr. Balthrop has served his denomination both at the statewide and youthwide level extensively in numerous positions of responsibility. He has directed area-wide crusades, was national coor­ dinator for the Arthur Blessitt " W a l k f o r C h r i s t h a s preached in numerous foreigp crusades on five continents, assisted numerous new work area churches and preached in every state in which Southern Baptists ar*e represented, with one or two exceptions. More than 10,000 persons have committed their lives to Christ under his ministry. The speaker is co-author of a book entitled The Law of the Spirit, has written numerous articles for Baptist papers and periodicals, and is currently involved in the writing of a book to be entitled. Who Is God9 He has a background of extensive education, pastoral experience and world travel. * Dr Balthrop's low profile approach to evangelism is said to be refreshing He warms the hearts of the people with his preaching of Jesus in terms easily understood. His use of music and the beautiful God- given talent of singing is an approach accepted with en­ thusiasm His ministry sweeps away despair, gives one the sense of promised life in Christ Jesus His messages challenge to deeper dedication, relate one to a keener sensitivity to God, with a desire of greater service as a disciple This is what one newspaper rpnnrfpr haH tn cow ahnut nr Balthrop: l)r L Kenneth Balthrop is a man whose eyes show no guile. He speaks without the vocal and bodily pyrotechnics many evangelists find necessary window- dressing for their work. He has a singing voice that would make any choir director jump for joy - and when he addresses a congregation he speaks, not to hundreds but to you, the individual listener.' U.S. Grant Scout Pilgrimage On April Weekend For the twenty-fourth year, historic Galena, 111 , will welcome thousands of young visitors celebrating their an­ nual • U.S. Grant Scout pilgrimage the weekend of April 28-29-30. On Saturday afternoon beginning at 2 p.m., uniformed Scout troops will parade down Main street keeping in step with their units as the flags fly and bands play. The theme for this year's Pilgrimage is "Railroading in G a l e n a ' ' . S p e c i a l arrangements have been made with Amtrak for an Amfleet coach which will be available for inspection by the public on a siding near the recently refurbished Galena depot. There will also be displays of model railroads at the Galena Market House State memorial to mark th#» nrrasinn Rotary Tag Day Effort 4-ll'ers Speak L'p "The Miracle Worker What does this title bring to mind? Perhaps you recall the story of Helen Keller and her teacher, but to Nikki Payne, "The Miracle Worker" is a pacifier to the young child with the immaginary hurt, or to the child who needs a bandage to keep his insides INSIDE. 4-H'ers from throughout McHenry county participated in the annual 4-H public speaking contest. Delegates chosen to represent McHenry county at the Illinois State fair are Diane Heinrich of Crystal Lake for her speech entitleek^ "Happiness Is...", Chris Beaulieu of Hebron for her speech "Pride: The Few, The Proud" and Nikki Payne of Woodstock. Steve Thompson, Woodstock, was selected to attend the Speaking of Horticulture contest with his speech "Timber Famine!" Alternates to the State fair are Judy Vyduna of McHenry and Betsy Payne of Woodstock Other participants included Sue Malenius, Lee Tomlinson, Jodi Beutel, Shelly Von- Bruenchenhein, Debbie Griggs, Laurie Nank, Tanja Cvitkovic, Marcie Webel and Carol Freund, all of McHenry I Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 A check in the amount of $2,041 is being presented to Kay Button, co-chairman of the McHenry County Easter Seal society tag day, by Dennis Conway, left, president of the McHenry Rotary club, representing money collected in the annual lily tag day. At right are Bob Blake and Bob Shulda, co- chairmen of the McHenry club's tag day effort. In the past eighteen years during which tag days have been held by Rotary in McHenry, the local club has collected $21,000, largest amount of any other county Rotary club. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Montini Middle School Lists Honor Students At the end of the third quarter of this school year Montini Middle school has eight students on the Roll of Ex­ cellence and thirty students on the Honor Roll. The students cited for their fine academic work are listed below. ROLL OF EXCELLENCE James Leon, Ron Nye, Mary Heritage, Scott Larsen, Steve Schiera, Scott Truckenbrod, Danielle Schiller and Michelle Young. HONOR ROLL Ruth Pierce, Charles Temple, Tim Truckenbrod. Wagners Visit Charm Of West \ Indies Island "It was the most enjoyable trip we've ever had." This was how Rosemary Wagner described a recent trip to Jamaica with her husband, Dr. Merrill Wagner. In addition to continuing his medical education with a week of lec­ tures on infectious diseases, Dr. Wagner and his Rosemary found time to observe the breathtaking beauty of Mon- tego Bay. With ideal temperatures in the mid 80's the Wagners toured the Straw Market and Cathy Doherty, Anne Nowicki, Brian Adams, Ann Heritage, Julie Nylander, Sandy Pollock, Paul Snyder, Sharon Foley, Paul Herkes, John Huff, Peggy Coughlin and Sue Bolger. Also Scot Faris, Jackie Weber, James Mass, Dan Peschke, Jana Williams, Brian Diedrich, Marie Stumpf, Donna Zutaut, Cynthia Kinsala, Craig Kunz, Carol Snyder, Michael Freund, Diane Knox, Loriann Kwtwlri unri Anno Murroir the main part of town. They found the natives to be very friendly and gaily dressed in wild prints, while the young children wore uniforms and dress pants to school. A welcoming buffet dinner on their first night in Jamaica included many appetizing native island foods. One par­ ticular curried dish with many wide bones the Wagners found to be very tasty but were a bit surprised the next day when they inquired and found out that they had been eating goat! Returning to Wonder Lake refreshed and relaxed, the Wagners are sure to treasure the memory of their trip to Jamaica as a pleasurable and enriching experience. ANNIVERSARIES Happy ninth wedding an­ niversary to Clarence and Ida Mae Adams April 19. Happy eleventh wedding anniversary to Ralph "Fireplug" and Pat Diederich April 22. Best wishes to two of Wonder Lake's finest couples! SPAGHETTI DINNER Greenwood school is spon­ soring a spaghetti dinner Friday, April 21, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. All proceeds will go towards children's programs for the 1978-79 school year. In the past the childi lave MAY S REGULAR 87c m / » n L U U L M n o f kiV/reC iI Stay free -- M a x i - p a d s MAY S REGULAR 65C Hawaiian Punch Hawaiian r MAY'S REGULAR $9.99 Buddy L Brazier GriH 24 INCH MAY S REGULAR $1.M Table Top Bar-B-Q disposable dia|>ers PORTABLE MODEL #9258 MAY'S REGULAR $99.96 Buddy L Gas Grill MAY'S REGULAR Tit ££th IVIwDl 6-oZ KILLS MOTHS-MCTH EGGS-LARVAE pkfl. MAY S REGULAR S1.2S Styrofoem Ice Cheat $167 each iid & Garden"Savings! USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN MAY'S REGULAR $73.88 20 Inch _ Power Mower WITH 3 H.P. BRIGGS & STRATTON ENGINE Get The Most Out Of Your Yard This Summer! Check May's low prices on all your yard and garden needs. You'll find big values in lawn mowers and tools. One-stop shopping for all your other miscellaneous needs. All at down-to-earth prices! And of you're in the mood for yard work, you'll want to check out the new lotions and creams to protect your skin. A new season is always a big reason to shop May's for low. prices that are hard to beat. 69" MAY'S REGULAR 3M Cape Cod Plaatlc Picket Fence MAY S RIG U4 W 6 Ft. R«4wm4 PkakTaM* W/IMNCHEI Sunbeam Grass Trimmer ELECTRIC WITH MONOFILAMENT LINE each MAY'S REGULAR $13.N Qraaa Catcher SAVE AT MAY'S 9V* Inch Vinyl Playball % 0r»O1 MAY'S REGULAR $2.88 Spalding Yellow Tennis Balls MAY'S REGULAR $3.78 4 Player Lawn Dart Qame MAY'S MO. II.M •TH Balls PKG.OM MAY S REGULAR 98 ' Crystal Park Grass Seed MAY S I iWll REGULAR S2 .04 < §§" Head & \tSr/{ Shoulders Shampoo rH*odfr Shoulders May's Liquor Department MAY'S REGULAR J7.S9 M Brandsound Am 1 Novelty Can Radio I CHOOSE FROM COORS. 7-UP. BUDWEISER 6" each \ MAY'S REGULAR $7.99 ̂ G.E. J Heating Pad * MODEL #P55 A99 each 80 PROOF--A GREAT BLEND Seagrams 7 $E09 750 ML 11.5% ALCOHOL--THE BEST IN FINE WINES Gallo Varietals $ 1 5 9 6-12 OZ. CANS MILLERS 39 1 80 PROOF--THt ROYAL VODKA Fkliclw-'s Vodka qt $399 80 PROOF--THt BRANDY OF CHARACTER 1. Bfftl Brandy qts. $529 8% AICOH61 BOOMS Farm Wines 750 ML $109 16% ALCOHOL Salle Vwiilii 750 ML $149 12% ALCOHOL--VINHOBIANCO. VIN ROSE. VIN RUBEO Lancers Wines bo PROOF-TYEARS OLD 750 ML $329 PMIaMphta Whiiluy qts. *4 25 MAY'S REGULAR $35.99 Sunbeam G roomer 8000 Shaver MODEL #75-249 33" MAY S REGULAR $32.99 Prtc. $0099 Mr. Coffee , Coffee Maker Factory Rebate *500 10 CUP COFFEE SAVER-#MCS1212 . -- - ^ ̂ I MA. Your Cost With $0 nVy loorowjiM wo-otb>« 679 Factory Rabat* X*ff MAY'S REGULAR $1.99 Sylvenia Magicubes 3 CUBES - 12 SHOTS $179 I Pkg MAY'S REGULAR $1.32 Kodacolor II Film FOR ALL TELE & TRIMLITE INSTAMATIC CAMERAS MAY'S REGULAR $1.68 Magnetic Photo Albums 10 SHEETS-20 PAGES-CHOICE OF MANY COVER DESIGNS Kodacolor Enlargement Photo Finishing 8 X 10 - GOOD THRU APRIL 30TH. 1978. $119 I C110-12 exp $148 I each 2®» JHHI each & m Vising MAY'S REGULAR $2J9 Vitalis Super Hold NON-AEROSOL HAIR SPRAY $159 I 8-oz btl. MAY'S REGULAR $1.14 Gleem Toothpaste FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE 7-oz tube 94 MAY'S REGULAR $2.09 Diaparene Baby Wash Cloths EASY AND CONVENIENT $166 1150-ct. pkg MAY'S REGULAR $1.33 Brack Shampoo NORMAL. DRY OR OILY 7-oz. btl. < MAY'S REGULAR $2.69 Visine Eye Drops CLEAR. NON-STAINING. SOOTHES IRRITATION $169 IN H 1-oz. btl. MAY'S REGULAR $4.69 Gaviscon Chewable Tablets *£TBURN a ANTACID-FOR FAST RELIEF OF HEARTBURN AND ACID INDIGESTION $399 100-ct. btl MAY'S SELLS •FOR LESS! »slse6o« of Everyday GrStSJ Cards fey A "MOM oflocevo from Wednesday. A#* 1Mb through Tynar. Ap«M a»Mv tm. mwim < Wo rooorv* *w itflM to Mm •ay at D R U G I 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS enjoyed puppet shows, live pUys and soon will have a new painting for the school. In addition to the spaghetti din­ ner, there will also be a cake walk and Philadelphia pretzels. A button machine will be available that evening so bring along your favorite picture or saying to create your own personalized button. BOATING COURSE) The Wonder Lake Flotilla of the United States Coast Guard auxiliary will be conducting a six lesson safe boating course to certify young boaters, age 12- 17, to operate a power boat as required by the new Illinois State boating law. The classes will run for three consecutive Saturdays beginning Saturday, April 29. at 10 a.m. at the Highland Shores Community House located at 9015 Woody Trail, Highland Shores. There will be a fee charged per student to cover the cost in­ curred. Due to limited space available it will be necessary to pre-register by sending a postcard with name, address, phone number and age of each student. Mail card to United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Box 83, Wonder Lake. 4-H NEWS The Wonder Workers 4-H Club of Wonder Lake is keeping up with what's happening in the modern American kitchen of 1978. The "Learn to Bake" kids met recently at the home of their 4-H leader, Betty Harney, to learn the time-saving con­ venience of microwave cooking. It took them only twenty seconds to bake cup­ cakes in ice cream cones in the microwave oven. On Wednesday, April 19, the Wonder Workers will par- PAGE 11 - PLAINDEALER ticipate in a roller skating party at the McHenry roller rink. This activity is sponsored by the 4-H Federation for McHenry county 4-H clubs. PAPER DRIVE Cub Scouts, Webelos and Boy Scouts of Pack 456 will have a paper drive Saturday, April 22. Bring your papers to the Sunset grocery on Thompson road in Highland Shores anytime from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you haven't been saving your papers, it's not too late to start, as the Scouts in Pack 456 will be having more paper drives in the months ahead BIRTHDAYS Happy fifteenth birthday to April Williams, daughter of Gail and Norm Williams, April 23. Happy birthday to Tom (Chumley) Mathews April 24. Happy birthday to Therese Jinga April 25. HAPPINESS IS... Happiness is...clarifying our article last week regarding the Fireman's auxiliary of Wonder Lake. Any person in the Wonder Lake Fire Protection district can join the auxiliary regardless if they live on the east or west side of the lake. Company II auxiliary is limited to firemen's wives, but Com­ pany I auxiliary is open to all ladies of the lake. Auxiliary President Marge Evans, will be glad to answer any questions you have. Happiness is...wishing much good luck and a fond farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black who have just moved from White Oaks Bay to make their home in Florida. H a p p i n e s s i s . . . l a k e homeowners, anticipating the first boat ride of the season. WEDNESDAY. APRIL IS. I97l COMMUNITY CALENDAR' ' April 21-Spaghetti dinner, Greenwood school. April 22-Smorgasbord dinnerY Nativity Lutheran church^ Pack 456 Scout paper drive, Sunset store, Highland Shore* April 25-Sunrise Ridge plan commission, WLRT meeting. April 28-No school, Harrison, Institute day. May 3-Young at Hearts club, Christ the King hall. May 4-Gymnastic circus afrd Art fair, Harrison school. >rv May 5-Half day of school,' Harrison. May 7-Lutheran Church Men Variety show. May 11-Band and Chorus concert, Harrison school. '* '™rt"e7s I Meetings that will be held in the McHenry County Cour­ thouse include: April 19'- Audit committee 6f the McHenry County Board. : 1 April 20 - Finance com­ mittee. 9:15 a.m. April 21 - Zoning committee; 9:30 a.m. April 24 - Courthouse Operations committee. Still Around The sick man had been delirious with fever for day$, but now he regained con-, sciousness and became aware of his comfortable bed and th« gentle assurance of cool, loving hands, "Where am I?\' he asked weakly "In Heaven?" "No, dear," said his wife soothingly, "I'm still with you." 1 SHAMROCK GEM CLEANERS 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY MARKET PLACE 385-1944 r ONK DOLLAR CERTIFICATE This Certificate is worth ONE DOLLAR OFF when presen­ ted with any incoming ordery>f $5.00 or more ON ALL SERVICE. Professional Dry Cleaning leather Suede Cleaning Clean Only (Coin Op) Tailoring Alteration Steome* Rental Oratories. Be. EXPIRES April30, 1978 One Certif icate per Order, Please mn SHAMROCK GEM CLEANERS "JhfL $&nihL Jouck. of, fctoaanat" 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY 395-1944 DAILY7to6FRI. 7tot SAT. 8 to 6 CLOSED SUN. SOFT WATER RENTAL NEW, FULLY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENERS NO installation charge 2 year option to buy with FULL rental fee deducted ONE phone call can answer any questions Phone 312-259-3393 R«nt-a-Soft, a division of the Arlington Soft Water Company 216 E. Northwest Hwy., Arlington Heights

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