U.K 12 - PLAINDEALER -FRIDAY. APRIL 2». 1D78 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MOTORCVCLES MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES MOTORCVCLES REAL ESTATE CLERICAL Mature detail minded in dividual with a minimum of 2- 3 years general office ex perience Good typing skills needed. . . Apply: EMPLOYE! RELATIONS SUN ELECTRIC CORP. 3011 E. Rte. 176 Crystal Lake An •quol opportunity •mployor •i HAPPY AND RICH BECOME A REALTY USA REALTOR ASSOCIATE New McHenry office needs experienced people. Work for o Broker who provides a recognized training program, all of your advertising needs, congenial working conditions, mortgage banking, plus full< time management support to help you in your continued personal sales development. For more details and a con fidential interview call Mr. Peri.iet 344-1244. 4-27 1975 KAWASAKI 350 cc, like new, low low miles After 5 p.m. 815-344-1379 78 HELP WANTED 350 Honda CL, excellent con dition. 344-1386. 78 HELP WANTED Looking for competitive motorcycle insurance? Give us a call. Fitzgerald Insurance Agency. 815-385-4619 or 385- 8700. 71-TF EXPERIENCED Heating and Air Conditioning Service Man Wanted. Wages depend on experience. Call: Wndittck Heating 338-0282 4/28-5/3 LACERS& SOLDERERS | Must be experienced and | reliable. Full Time Apply in person CRV ELECTRONICS 913 N. Front St. (Route 31) McHenry SPRAY PAINTER Manufacturer of Industrial ovens needs experienced Sproy Painter. PRECISION QUINCY CORP. 220 N. Madison St. Woodstock, II. 815-338-2675 4/26-4/28 BREAKFAST COOK BREAKFAST WAITRESSES LUNCHEON WAITRESSES Experienced only need apply. Apply in person FAIRWAY INN Loeotriot Pitttkee Country Club Watt Boy Ri (Rte. 134) MeHowy 4 28 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED WELDER Able t# retd Blueprints tn4 lay outwork. MCHENRY WELDING SERVICE 385-4929 NOW HIRUM You'll love it in July when it's 95. Our new, air conditioned plant is open and we have day and night shift positions open. Full tin * only. Along with a good starting salary and plenty of opportunity for advancement, you will enjoy: • Clean-pleasant bench work • Company paid health & life insurance • 5 Merit reviews your first year. Experience not necessary, We will train. Apply in person only LENCO ELECTRONICS INC. 1330 Belden St.. McHenry (The Wm. Tonyan Industrial Site) 4-12tfl-2 INJECTION MOLDING We have an immediate need for main tenance mechanics and mold makers. Excellent starting wage and free life and medical insurance are included in a complete range of company paid benefits. APPLY TO PERSONNEL Monday through Friday 7:30 am.-4:00 pm OAK Industries INC. South Main Street, Crystal Lake, III. An Equal Opportunity Employer 4-26-4-28 4-26 4-2S r Experienced Only Need Apply Bar Person Waitress Lunch & Dinner Apply in person between 11:00 & 6:00 Dr. JayTs 4512 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. 4/26-5/5 EVENINGS Age 16 or Older Part Time Work Hours approximately 6:30 to 11:30 P.M. REFRESHMENT COUNTER CLERKS Apply In person to Manager after 6:30 P.M. Frl.-Sat.-Sun. McHenry Outdoor Theatre REAL ESTATE CAREER Real Estate Network is Locating A New Office in Crystal Lake CAREER IN SALES Work With Professionals, Enjoy Referral Systems, MLS, Radio Equip ped Office, Continued Training, And Support Programs. INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE NETWORK L.L. ASSOCIATES Call for Appointment 815-548-45 J6 <nuK MAINTENANCE 2nd SHIFT To service production and plant equipment, must have background in mechanics, pneumatics, hydraulics, and elec trical controls. This position offers job security, good starting salary, automatic increases and an excellent fringe benefit package. Apply or call: ^JNTERMATIC, INC. Intermatlc Plaza -- Rte. 121 Winn Rd. Spring Grove, Illinois 815-675-2321 4/28 RETIRED MAN With farming experien ce to drive light tractor, mowing at Sod Farm. 459-2921 4/28-5/3 1 GIRL OFFICE Must be able to handle payroll including tax reports. Bookkeeping, filing, invoicing and all office phoses. Also must be willing to work in fac tory part time. 40 hr. week. Send resume on experience McHenry Plaindeaier Box AP 3 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. 4 |9tf| 2 ASSEMBLERS Come Join our growing firm. Openings available for full time First shift 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Second shift 5:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Apply between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Colman OEm, Inc. SUBSIDIARY OF BARBER-COLMAN CO. 7510 Virginia Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 4-28 ' SECRETARY Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Typing and shorthand Paid Vacation Send resume to P.O.Box 306 McHenry, III. • • • • -• im-iaajuuL ' LUNCH WAITRESS N«rt and PUosont TOP DECK 1232 N. Green St. McHenry UAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ALSO SERVING YOU FROM CRYSTAL LAKE 815-459-3145 CARY SI 2-639-5527 OPEN WEEKDAYS 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM SATURDAY ft SUNDAY 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE A REALSCOPE SPECIAL Enjoy country living and an income in Johnsburg School district. Two story brick and cedar. Live downstairs ond rent out upper floor. 6 rooms, 2 baths down, 5 rooms up. Over '/» acre with mature trees, nice landscaping on corner lot. Mony extros. $60,900 ARE YOU CHEERY AND CHARMING This well maintained 7 room tri-level in Johnsburg is sure to endear itself to you. A delightful neigh borhood surrounds the 3 bedroom home with beautiful well landscaped yard. Home also offers large living-dining room "L" sunny efficient kitchen, 21' 6x19 family room, lots of storage space and an attached 1 '/» car garage. Super Schools. What more can you ask? $58,900. FOUR LEAF CLOVERS ARE FOR DREAMERS Make your own luck with this solid grocery business and sassy new 3 bedroom cedar ranch with oodles of extras. Rapidly developing area, potential with class! An exceptional buy at $94,900. ; FOX RIVER WATERFRONT Is boating your way of life? This contemporary 4 bedroom, 2 bath redwood ranch will indeed fit your needs. Vaulted ceiling living dining and kitchen, large patio for easy entertaining at waterfront edge - convenient courtyard that leads to a large 2 car garage. A must to see. $78,900. WAY OUT WEST May be a long trip - so why not settle for your own mini ranch in Spring Grove. 6 acres, lighted riding arena, pasture, barn ond a 2 story 4 bedroom home with fireplace, fomily room, dining room plus basement. $114,000. ra REALTY WORLD durbin stovall ' associates, inc. i i i i i l i i i i 4213 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, I I I . 60050 815-385-8060 I THINKING OF | SELLING AND I PURCHASING A HOME? . SEE US OR CALL ABOUT OUR 4 j EASY STEPS TO A GUARANTEED SALE. ADDITIONAL SERVICE NOW OFFERED. REALTY WORLD HOME PROTECTION PLAN. I I l i i '68 Honda 90CL, 1,900 miles, like new $195; '75 Honda, 125 CL, 260 miles, hardly used, adult Owner $445. 385-8464 after 7 p.m. 78 MST8UCTIMIS Organ, Piano, Accordion an«. Guitar. Instructions in your home. Teaching 28 years. $5.00 up. 815-385-2858. 78 HELP WANTED •V OWNER Delightful 3 br. ranch, fully cp- ted., 1 car att. garage, super Ige. eat-in kitchen, sliding doors to patio, oversized lot. Completely sodded, city water & sewer. Close to shopping & schools. Lake rights. Excellent fishing 6 swimming. Shown by i appt. only. $46,500 Phone •1S-386-3400 4-21/5-3 "UKflANlt Excellent opportunity for Tune up-Brake-Alignment person with minimum S yrs. ex perience. Established in dependent shop, beslt equip ment,(Sun 2001, etc.). Full Bonofits 5 day wook McHenry Area Phone 815-385-7300 4-26/4 28 For full & port time work in Retail Store. Please state age, experience, previous employer & salary expected. Please write McHenry Plaindeaier Box AP4 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, IL 60050 4-264-28 BREAKFAST PREP COOK Apply in person McNENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 N.John St., McHenry, Illinois 4-26/4-28 ^cffiNRY PISTAKEE HIGHLAND I am a home with earl< American charm, and ok^, fashioned quality. I have 3* bedrooms, 2 baths, fully car-', peted with a 2'/» car attached , garage. My basement has , sliding patio doors and a third bath roughed in. You will ap preciate my low price of- *69,900.00 The one who con- ( structed me can be reached 312-223-4011 ' 4/^6^28 11 1 New raised ranch, three bedrooms, storms and screens, sliding door to deck. Within walking distance of stores and schools. Come, select your carpeting and move in! Only $51,900.00 ONE YEAR OLD 4 bedrooms, two baths, one car garage, city water and sewer. $53,900.00. SPRING GROVE This three bedroom ranch is still under construction, and you can pick out your carpet colors. Central air, fireplace, thermopane windows, dishwasher, stove and heated 2Vi car attached garage. Near a Country Club and State Park All this for only $62,500.00 Efl McHenry Annex 4721 W. Rte. 120 llS-385-4619 McHenry. Ill 395-8700 REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE WORLD LEADER IN RELOCATION MeHENRY COUNTY SALES LEADER FOR 1977.* JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR Cream colored brick ranch on a high and dry corner lot with full basement, 3 bedrooms, and 2% car garage. Concrete slob for additional parking or building extention. Lake rights with private beach to launch boats and swim. *96,500. Additional lot available for *12,000. WHISPERING OAKS This beauty has 2 good sized bedrooms and 2 full baths. The family room adjacent to the kitchen is perfect for casual entertaining and the separate dining room for formal occasions. Central air conditioning and a large deck for summer fun. Note the 2 car garage. All this and only 4 years old. *66,500. A PERFECT BEGINNING Starts with this 2 bedroom well in sulated, vinyl sided home. Situated on a corner lot ond just minutes to shopping, railroads, Chain-O-Lakes recreation, ski slopes and Johnsburg Schools. Perfect price too-*37,500. TRUE COUNTRY SFTTINfi This magnificent ranch home sits on a 2Vi acre rise that overlooks miles of countryside obounding in wildlife. The home boasts 4-5 bedrooms, living room, formal dining room, country kitchen and a super workshop. Call for additional details. Realistic at a modest *99,400. This magnificent ranch home sits on a 2Vi acre rise that overlooks miles of countryside obounding in wildlife. The home boasts 4-5 bedrooms, living room, formal dining room, country kitchen and a super workshop. Call for additional details. Realistic at a modest *99,400. JUST REDUCED • OWNER MUST SELL I Towering trees make an ideal setting for this 2% yr. old brick and cedar 4 bedroom, 2 ceramic tile bath tri- level home in Country Club Estates. Designed with extra living space for enjoyment of entire family. Extras include fireploce, rotor TV antenna, central air and 2 car garage. River rights.. .*78,900. ^ QUALITY CONSCIOUS? " ' / You'll recognize it immediately when you enter this warm, inviting 4 bedroom, 2 bath, air conditioned raised ranch. Large rec. room, cozy family room with fireplace and a delightful redwood deck for summer outdoor enjoyment. Another plus • beach and docking rights. Enjoy..Enjoy..*68,000. JUST lisTED! COUNTRY HOME I Giant oaks surround this custom built, one owner, brick and cedar 3 bedroom ranch on I % acres Large family room with two sets of sliding glass doors lead to patio with a view of more giant oaks and entrance to heated pool and pool area. Completely carpeted, central air, 2 car garage, blacktop driveway and am ple closet storage. Only $124,500. JUST LISTED I MAINTENANCE FREE -- 3 bedroom home with family room, dining room, garage and 32 ft. patio with waterfall. Wolk to boat laun ching ramp, beach and your own pier slip. Minutes to shopping, ski slopes, railroad and Johnsburg Schools. Center of Chain-of-Lakes recreational area. *56,900. full service REALTORS THP.EF Of HCES TO SERVl YO j I N C R Y S T A l L A M n e , | t o V U r t i r i i > u , s 6315 NORTHWEST HWY PHONE 815 459 540C IN WOODS TOC K dnim from HORNsBV S 3 4 5 E A S T W O O D R T 4 7 P H O N E 8 1 5 3 3 8 3 9 5 1 IN Mi Hf NR V Jurrn from MORNSHYS 4307 WEST ROUTE 120 PHONE 815 385 69CO > 1 U M ' R H A I S t M V I f I • f I N A N T I N G • M i / t T I P l f I I S T I N G S f R V I C f • A P P H A I \ A I • NSU « A N( I 4