SUPPLEMENT TO McHENR^ PLAINDEALER - PAGE 2 -WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7,1978 Come, see how your Bank Works T- j AUTO LOANS CERTIFICATE i,000 or more! Treasury Bill weekly rate • • . ask us how it works Ĵ Cĉ gf NEW 3% W Individual ® Retirement Accounts UUVE-UF WINDOWS OPEN WEDNESDAY 8:15-12:30^° Master Charge' • Visa l® American Expressj Gold Bank Care HOME [PROVEMENr LOANS FREE AT THE FAIR We Will Laminate One Card Of Your Choice Don't Miss It! V The wide-awake bank makes itMmasy. (M THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK '• of McHENR Y 3,gl,4 yy,.E!m..$t, ; . .385-54001 . Landscape More Than Beautiful Attractive lawns and shrubbery in your neighborhood and along highways and municipal areas provide more than beauty alone. Horticultural researchers list a number of additional benefits, according to Th£ Ferti lizer Institute. Shrubbery, trees and turf create acoustical "sound blocks" to deflect, absorb and muffle undesirable street and community sounds. Healthy vigorous turf and ornamentals cut down glare along streets and highways, soften hot summer sunshine and actually help cool ground level temperatures. Turf researchers point out that the temperature at five feet above a lawn area can be as much as 10 degrees cooler than areas with no plant cover. Dense turf on roadsides, playgrounds and home lawn areas acts as a "safety cushion" in event of accidents. Grasses and other ground covers have long been recognized for their protective soil-holding ability against wind and water erosion. Without such green cover, soil is easily washed from even the slightest slope, ending up in streams and lakes as silt. Silt-filled rivers, lakes and reservoirs destroy water recreational benefits, add to water pollution, and create potential flooding problems. Wind-blown dust from sparsely covered soil can seep into the home easily, decreasing comfort of those who live within, and increasing cleaning problems, as well Above all. a green, healthy, luxurious lawn and landscape emphasize the beauty of home and community. Glare of pavement and harshness of metal and concrete are softened . . . recrea tional and real estate values are improved. Y o u r c o n t r i b u t i o n i n providing a better neighborhood environment is not difficult. Care and fertilization of lawns and shrubs will provide cleaner, more attractive surroundings for you and your community. V1 V '•»* %'•'*% # «.«' »•«' } * i Protect Your Shade Tree Investment Many homeowners have a tangible investment in the elegant shade trees which grace their property. Shade trees add value as well as beauty to the home landscape. Often, however, trees are overlooked at fertilization time, according to The Fertilizer Institute. Special attention should be given trees that have roots confined by streets, curbs or other structures. These large plants should be fertilized more often. Horticulturists advise regular fertilizer applications three times per year--in early spring, again in midsummer, and also in mid to late fall in milder winter regions. For large trees in open areas, fertilization in early spring, preferably just before new growth begins, often is recommended. Lawn fertilizers can be used. Also, many manufacturers now prepare special fertilizer blends for trees and other woody orna mentals. As with all fertilizer products, f o l l o w t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s . .id;TOW/¥ r appljcation rate and placement. ' X wmmmmmmuMm