m FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE - All metal ladder rack w-side tool box, excellent condition. 1 w-out tool box, call after 5 p.m or see all day Sunday, 385-5839. 4602 W Willow Lane. Lakeland Park. McHenry. No checks MOVING SALE7 5' walnut finished bar $175 or best offer; 12'x3' swimming pool $25; Mi hp stainless steel sand filter and pump $150. Call 344-1725 after 4 p.m. 6-76-9C 1975 RAMADA APACHE CAMPER, sleeps 8, used 1 time. 815-653-9980. 6-7 6-9C BUILT-IN RANGE & surface unit, aqua, large old desk suitable for workbench. Call 815-728-0067. 6-76-9C BEAUTIFUL TURQUOISE & Coral jewelry 10 percent off. Rings, necklaces & bracelets. Raw & cabbed turquoise for sale. 459-5387. 6-76-9C Norge white gas dryer $60. Norge coppertone refrigerator $80.497-4184 6-7-6-9C Formal Mediterranian Dining Room Set, must see to ap preciate it. Travel trailer 15 ft. long 1966 model. Best offer. Call 385-7369 before noon or after 3. 6-7-6-9C Oak kitchen cabinetry, all sizes in stock, 50 percent discount off list. 344-1180. 6-2tfc New & used R.R. Ties, bulk grass seed. We deliver. Woodstock Lawn & Farm Center. 815-338-4200 6-2tfc RAILROAD TIES7 8 ft. very good quality, 8 ft to 15 ft. lengths, $5.50 to $9.50 each. Free delivery 10 or more. Evenings. 312-552-8316 5-24-l-4c Firewood for sale, must clear it out. You haul it. Cheap. Call after 6 p.m. 815-385-3646. 6- 2TFC - . 1967 DELUXE SCAMPER CAMPER, sleeps 8, heater, stove, water, electric hook-up. 385-3863. 6-9 - 6-16C Esty Double keyboard electric organ. Excellent for beginner. 815-385-2888. 6-7 6-9C RATTAN SOFA - 2 chairs, good condition, $100.00.815-385-9369. 6-76-9C RAILROAD TIES like new $7.50 delivered. 815-385-4182. 5- 31tfC 16 x 7 garage door complete with hardware. Call after 6:30. 815-385-4010 5-15 6-9C PLANTS Flowers, Vegetables, Geraniums, Mums, and potted Roses, Cactus and House Plants StiHLESSER'S <;reen house 211 E. Rout* 120 McHenry, III. (East off Lakomoor) 6-2TF EVERGREEN SALE JAPANESE YEWS Spffiitoi VoHoty - *12.49 Meh SAli PRICE '8.00 EACH SCOTCH PINE-4 fw <10.00 - «u swrua uur. oat t emt - ACORN RIDGE NURSERY 1522 S. Darr.ll <to«d (Rte. 120 East to Oerrell Road, then south 1'/« miles to Nursery.) McHenry (Volo) HELP WANTED LAB TECHNICIAN Growing manufacturer of fractional horsepower motors has an im mediate opening in their Engineering Department for a Laboratory Technician with up to 2 years experience. Duties will include the set-up and testing of special prototypes, new product development, and competitive analysis. A background in basic electricity is essential but previous motor experience is not necessary. We offer excellent Company Paid Benefits with a good starting salary, based on experience and ability, For on Interview, apply, or call for an appointment, resume In confidence to: 5801W. Route 120 McHenry, III. 815-385-3500 CORPORATION An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 6-7-6-9 f I I I I I I I I I I I I I ASSEMBLERS EYELETTERS/RIVETJRS For small assembly and machine work, in a clean, bright air conditioned factory. We have a complete range of company paid benefits which include: •Free Hospitalization Insurance •Free Life Insurance •Tuition Refund •11 Paid Holidays (start now and be eligible for a full week of holidays at Christmas) •Jury Duty Pay •Bereavement Pay •Credit Union •Stock Purchase Plan •Investment Plan •Paid Vacation Applicants from McHonry, Johnsburg, Sunnyside, Ringwood and Fox lako. tho R.T.A. oHors bus service to our door. Call us for more information Days 7:30 am - 4:00 pm Apply to Personnel (Monday • Friday 7:30 am • 3:30 pm OAK Industrie's Inr «*outh Main Street, Crystal I-ake, 111. Handicapped 815-459-5000 Veterans An equal opportunity employer M/F HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MAN with 2 years experience in landscaping and maintenance work. D&D Landscaping 385- 18% HOUSEWIVES wanted for waitressing part time. Lunch and week-end nights. Apply in person. Dr. Jay's, 4512 W. Route 120, McHenry, 6-9-6-16C 450 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Large EOE has 450 positions open for 17-25 age group. Full time employment available immediately. Wide variety of jobs with formal and on-the- job training available. Good starting salary. Full salary paid while training. Successful applicants will receive salary increase after 6 mos. Must be free to traval and in good health. Call today between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm 459-9048 SALES CLERK Small but growing cor poration, has an opening for a congenial person to work in the order entry department. Job requires light typing and attention to datail. Above average benefits included. Chram Corp. 385-8100 Ask for Mtggie Dunnaffln 6/2-6/9 WOOD WORKER Must have experience. Only hard workers need apply. Apply ASTOR- W00DCRAFT LTD. 385-4800 6-9 'MATERIAL •ASSEMBUNC IMMAL FACTORY Opening now for men and women in a variety of factory and warehouse positions. Good wages, fringe benefits. Must be 18 or older and havo transportation. Call now between 9 A.M. 11 P.M. 385-6600 MANPOWER Temporary Services •10N. Front St. Avon CALL FOR CONVENIENT HOME _ _ INTERVIEW If you have 4 hours a day to sell famous products, please call: N, MRS. BAUER. 815-385-5385 6/7-6/9 WAITRESS NooM Msg MM EVENIN6S t MVS 10NCH0RN STEAK HOUSE 385-9869 6/7-6/Sfc MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN We seek an industrial electrician familiar with 400 volts, 3- phase. Two to four years of Industrial experience in electrical maintonanco of Production machinery and control panels. Some electronic experience helpful. We offer excellent salary and generous company paid benefits. Apolications will be accepted at Central Employment. Hours 9:00 am to 11:30 am 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm Travenol Laboratories, Inc. Route 120 & Wilson Road Round Lake, II. 60073 on ooual opportunity employer I I I STEEL PARTS Must be able to read in- J spection instruments and | blue prints. Full Time-Day Shift Comprehensive Benefits I Apply in person J. E. HOFFMAN ! A CO. 739 N. Lake Street Mundelein, II. 60060 An equal opportunity ii } ENGINEERING MECHANIC Rotating Shifts Oasic electrical and plumbing experience required. Apply Personnel Dept. McHEMRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegon Rd. McHenry, lO. 815-385-2200 Ext. 645 mi equal opportunity NIGHT SHIFT EYELETTERS Oak Industries, Inc. has started a night shift. Full Time 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. Part Time 6:30 P.M. to Midnight. Apply to Personnel Monday through Friday 7:30 AM-4:00 PM OAK Industries lac. South Main St. Crystal Lake, III. An Equal Opportunity Employer. 6-7-6-9 IsMmI A 3rd SHIFT EXPERIENCES INJECTION MOLDINS MACHINE SET-OP MEN 1st-2nd A 3rd SHIFT INJECTION MOLDINS MACHINE OPERATORS lst-Ind A 3rd ENCED PHI SET-UP MAH Top wages, steady work, group insurance, medical plan, paid vacations & holidays, clean work in an air conditioned plant. Please apply in person WERNER DIE & STAMPING COMPANY, INC. 225 FIRST STREET, CARY. ILLINOIS 6-7-6-9 Pizza Hut of McHenry is now seeking applications for: • Cook • Waitresses Applicants must b* 19 y»ar* of age. No prior oxporionco necessary, will train. 4301 W. Roete 120, McHenry, Hlinels 6/9 PART TIME MANA6ER 3 to 4 nights per week Apply in person after 7:30 evenings McHeniy Indoor Theatre 6/7-6/9 • MECHAHICS • To repair electric motors and related equipment. • SALESMAN * To sell electric products to Industry. • BOOKKEEPER * To handle general bookkeeping responsibilities plus payroll, credit and some financial reports. Apply in person HcMsTf Electric f Ifty 4012 W. Main St. McHenry, IL 60050 111-315-5530 » /̂3° WANTED! ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Monday thru Friday 12 Month Position 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Accounting Machine Experience Desirable McHenry Community High School District No. 156 385-7900 6/7-6/91 CODING CLERK Additional individual it needed in our data processing depar tment, for extensive coding for computer input, and to assist in other general clerical duties. If you enjoy detail work and filing this may be the job for you. Experience helpful, but not required. We have a modern office and excellent working con ditions. If interested, please apply in person: Vmghmi A Bvshnell Mfg. Ce. 11414 Maple Avenee Hebron, II. 815-648-2446 6/9 WANT THE CHANCE TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS? That's what you'll have as an Indianapolis Life career salesman. Set your own hours, work as hard as you like, earn as much as you please. HIRE'S WHAT WE OFFER TO QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS: Income/salary and commission plan during initial Two Year. Starting salary up to '12,000.00 plus commissions unlimited. Training/step-by-step instruction, plus on-the-job counseling from experienced staH. Advancement/opportunities open up fast for those who prove themselves. Fringe Benefits/excellent health. Life Insurance and retirement benefit program. Company Prestige/one of the world's largest finiancial service organizations. HERE'S WHAT WE REQUIRE IN OUR ASSOCIATES: A mature personality. Some college education would help. Most important: the desire to succeed financially. FOR AN INTERVIEW, CALL (815)653-9888 PAGE 15 • PLAlNPEALER^JFR!DAY^jrUNj^^>7^ H£Lf UUNTtO HELP WANTED SECRETARY To work part-time in new McHenry real estate office. Must have Illinois license. Salary plus commission. Phone 815-344-1244 Ask for Mr. Parisi KARENS HALLMARK CARDS GIFTS Fait Dm Help (Mrienttd Womai tttt N. OMEN ST. NaMENW, H1HNHS ^/9-6/14l Men ami Women Craw Chiefs JAAaaaaILM lO M mP* iviiiiniiî conif io |mi«i mi I (Lg^i^L form*. Dn^ IMWJII WH nH^III • Call Nooday through Friday S i.n. to 4 p.m. Only 815-338-2480 6/9-4/14 New McHenry real estate of fice is seeking the association of an experienced broker who will respond to a challenge and be responsible for the doy to day operation of a local branch office. Salary, plus commission and over-ride. LET RS mi YM MMKI For a confidential interview, phone Ask for Mr. Parisi. 6-2TF ED'S RENTAL AND SALES Part time Secretary needed Call for appointment 815-455-3232 6/7-6/9 HOUSEKEEPING HELP Full and Part-time Housekeeping positions on two shifts: S am • 4:30 pm and 10 am > 4:30 pm at Carestoel, new and growing long-term care and rehabilitation facility. Good salary level. Will train. Apply by calling Bob Klasek, (•15)344-2400. or wc he nfiv 803 Royal Drive McHonry 60050 (815)344-2600 NURSING ASSISTANT We have an excellent oppor- tuntiy for an individual to work in our nursing depar tment. Our candidate should have some nursing experien ce, but we will be willing to train the right applicant. Excellent fringe benefits and competitive salaries. Apply Personnel McHonry Modical 1209 N. Croon St. McHonry, II. REPORTER Due to our growth and expan ded news coverage, The McHenry Plaindealer is looking for a general news and spor*s writer for our staff. Applicants should be jour nalism school graduates and alto have some photo knowledge. We offer major medical health insurance, profit sharing plan, three weeks vacation and an in teresting career. Please send resume to: Larry E. Und McHENtY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Bn St. HcHtnry, U. 60050 or phone 815-385-0170 3/26-TF GENERAL PIAHT POSITIONS Due to increased production, we are currently recruiting ,or: •ASSEMBLERS 'MACHINE OPERATORS •STOCK MEN •ORDER PROCESSES Wt km work mMakte on e*ck ol oe 2 shifts. All positions offer eicoUont ff yoi km i stable HiployRMt history, ond m mtorostod MI loinfff i growing organization, slop and see as May- 815 385 7000 ***t PANTS COMPANY 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE McHEMRY, ILLINOIS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F 6-7-6- KEYPMCN OPERATOR At the present time we hove an outstanding evening position available for on experienced Keypunch Operator. Familiarity on 129 and experience on Alpha/Numeric required. We are a young aggressive company and offer to #>e applicants chosen a good storting salary and the opportunity to grow as we continue to expand. All qualified applicants are invited to coll for an oppointment. 312-566-9320 or 015-344-1400 •i at on equal opportunity employer M/F 6-9 6/7 6/9 FACTORY HELP WANTED 1st and 2nd Shift Excellent earning opportunity. Good fringe benefits. Apply in person Between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday M O D I N E MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 miles north of McHenrv on Ringwood Rd. RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS #-» -- -- -- -- w An Equal Opportunity Employer s