Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1978, p. 15

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PAGE 15 - PI-MNDEALER - FRIDAY. JUNE 16. I97H HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MAINTENANCE HELPER Full time, 1 to 2 years experience helpful. JANITOR Full time, 2 or more years experience preferred. 4:00 p.m. to Midnight - FULL FRINGE BENEFIT PROGRAM - Please Phone for Interview 815-338-1800 Morton Chemical Company Research Conlor 1275 Lake Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois An equal opportunity employer M/F 6/14-6/16 EVENIN6S Age 16 or Older Part Time Work Hours approximately 6:30 >11:30 P.M. Lot Men, Traffic Director*. Apply in person tb Manager after 7:30 P.M. MeHeniy Outdoor Theatre Chapel Hill Mid Lincoln Road McHenry, III. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Customer Service Representative Inbanco, a bank data processing company, has an immediate opening in its customer service division. The applicant must have at least 5 years experien­ ce in the operation areas of banking and have a proven ability to deal with all levels of bank per­ sonnel. Additionally, the applicant must be familiar with data processing and the processing scheme of bank oriented applications. Salary will be commensurate with experience, along with excellent company benefits. All qualified applicants should send their confidential resume including salary requirement to: MR. JOHN MARTIN •l Revte 1, Box 541 - Vole, Illinois *0073 An aqual opportunity .mptoy.r M/F 6/16 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS KEYPWKN OPERATOR At the present time we have an outstanding evening position available for an experienced Keypunch Operator. Familiarity on 139 and experience on Alpha/Numeric required. We ore a young oggretsive com pony and offer to the applicants chosen a good storting salary and the opportunity to grow as we continue to expond. All qualified applicants oro invitod to call for an appointment. 312-566-9320 or 815-344-1400 •i it on equal opportunity employer M/F 6/16 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK We are presently in need of an individual for our accounts payable department. The successful candidate should be familiar with matching invoices with receivers and purchase orders, and have at least 1 year experience in this area. Good salary and benefit package. Apply in person or phone 815-385-7000 SK. BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, ILL An equal opportunity employe M/F 6/16-6/21 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER Intermatic. a progressive and expanding manufacturer of In­ dustrial and Consumer timing and lighting products, offers an ex­ cellent opportunity for on individual with 2-5 years I.E. background in high volume precision manufacturing. Experience will include predetermined time standards (preferrably M.T.M.) covering individual and group incentives. Responsibilities are: Manufacturing processes, lay outs, machine utilization, scrap disposition, budget control, time standard and initiation of cost reduction programs, BSIE preferred. We offer an excellent salary range and benefits package. Your con­ fidential reply will include a complete resume and salary requirement to: Director of Employee Relations TJNTERMATIC, INC.. Intermatic Plaza, Rte. 12 A Winn Rd. Spring Grove, Illinois An equal opportunity employer 6/16-6/21 MODEL MAKER Gearmaster has an opening in its Engineering model shop for an experienced model maker. We require a minimum of 5 years experience in fabrica­ tion of small parts, assemblies, and fixtures from engineering sketches and verbal instructions. Materials used are primarily metal and plastic. Ability to set up and operate all tool room equip­ ment is required, as is a complete set of tools and measuring instruments. Our wages and benefit package are very attrac­ tive and our plant is completely air conditioned. This is an excellent ground-floor opportunity for the right in­ dividual to join a rapidly growing organization. For in­ terview, send resume, call or visit. GEARMASTER Division •* Emersen Electric 1809 South Route 31, McHenry, III. 60050 •15-3SSJ920 An equal opportunity mployer M/F 6/16 6/14-6/16 * MECHANICS * To repair electric motors and related equipment. • SALESMAN * To sell electric products to Industry. • BOOKKEEPER • To handle general bookkeeping responsibilities plus payroll, credit and some financial reports. Apply in person McHonry Electric Company 4012 W. Main St. McHenry, IL 60050 81S-385-5530 6/26/30 EVENINGS A6E 1* OR OLDER - PART TIME WORK Hours approximately 6:30 - 11:30 p.m. REFRESHMENT COUNTER CLERKS Apply la perse* to wiw|or after 7:30 p.«. McHENRY OUTDOOR THEATRE Chapel Hill & Lincoln Rd. McHenry, Illinois 6/14-6/16 MAINTENANCE Full-time, day shift position available. A person with proven working and supervisory experience who is capable of establishing and carrying out a planned maintenance program for school building systems. Must have proven working knowledge of low pressure hot water and steam boilers, and air conditioning systems. Salary commensurate with experience. Contact: Mr. Kelly McHenry High School District No. 156 385-7900 6/14-6/1* SAIES ENGINEER Young manufacturer of fractional horse power pumps and blowers. Sold through distributors and O.E.M. This position requires a motivated individual who has good communicative skills, both written and spoken. Degree or some college required in technical subjects. Must have sales/marketing experience with applied products. For the person who wants to develop into national sales management based on- what he is willing to put forth. Send your resume including your salary history to: l-TECH, INC. P.O. Sex 127 Zion, Illinois 60099 Attention: Mr. Tom Klnno« 6/16 CUSTODIAN An excellent opportunity exists for an ambitious applicant as Custodian for McHenry High School. • GOOD STARTING SALARY • EXCELLENT MEDICAL AND LIFE INSURANCE BENEFITS • PAID VACATION Apply in pertton or by phone to Greg LaPlante Assistant Principal McHENRY HIGH SCHOOL WEST 4724 W. Crystal Lake Road McHenry, Illinois 60050 815-385-7077 6/14-6/16 Classified Staff Opening East Campas FULL TIME POSITION (Start July 1st) REGISTRAR This position requires a sensitive, qualified individual, who is both tac­ tful and resourceful. If you are in­ terested, please see Mrs. Swedo at EAST CAMPUS to complete an application. Phoao 385-1145 6/14-6/16 Avon NEW IN TOWNT Get to know tow neighbors while »o# sell hfeh-qialHy products, flexible hom. Top 1 Over It. CALL MRS. BAUER 815-385-5385 , 4/14 4/14 WANTED EXPERIENCED Full Time ft Part Time WAITRESSES PART TIME DISHWASHER APPLY IN PERSON . FAIRWAY INN At Pistakee Country Club W. BAY RD. (Rte. 134) 2 MILES W. of RTE. 12. McHENRY 385-9854 INSPECTOR STEEL PARIS Must be able to read in­ spection instruments and blue prints. Full Time-Day Shift Comprehensive Benefits Apply in person I. E. HOFFMAN A CO. 739 N. Lake Street Mundelein, II. 60060 An equal opportunity •mployer M/F 6.2TFJ •MATERIAL •ASSEMBLING •GENERAL FACTORY WORK Opening now for men and women in a variety of factory and warehouse positions. Good wages, fringe benefits. Must be 18 or older and have transportation. 385-6600 MANPOWER Temporary Services •10 N. Front St. 6/16 PART TIME Early Morning Hours 2:30 to 7:30 am Monday through Saturday Responsible person to super­ vise motor route drivers in McHenry area. Apply 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Chicago Tribune 815-385-3643 REPORTER Due to our growth and expan­ ded news coverage, The McHenry Plaindealer , is looking for a general news and sports writer for our staff. Applicants should be jour­ nalism school graduates and also have some photo knowledge. We offer major medical health insurance, profit sharing plan, three weeks vacation and an in­ teresting career. Please send resume to: Larry E. Lund McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Eta St. McHenry, 11.60050 or phone 815-385-0170 JOIN Real Estate Sales Career begins with training on the job. We offer high caliber formalized and personalized training to interested aspiring individuals new or experien­ ced to the profession plus ex­ cellent commissions, bonus plan, home warranty program, TV advertising. Now all the listing tools necessary for success. Call TED mu Northern llliuMs R.alty SI 5-450-4440 «r 015-305-2340 6 16 Tf 7 WAI DENTAL ASSISTANT FULL TIME Experience preferred. 728-0100 6/14-6/23 BEAUTICIAN OR ONE WITH FOLLOWING. Call 385-4777 Teosday threvgh Saturday 6/14-6/16 Accounting Clerk/ Keypunch Operator We are seeking an individual who is good with figures, to work full time in our accoun­ ting department. Experience in keypunching is desirable, but! not necessary. Excellent fringe benefits and salary. Apply McHenry Medical Group 1209 N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 '6/14-6/16 i ENGINEERING MECHANIC Rotating Shifts Basic electrical and plumbing experience required. Apply Personnel Dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, lit. 815-385-2200 Ext. 645 an equal opportunity employer 6/14.6/16 PART TIME PERSON To assist advertising depart- nent with detail work. Must use own transportation on an jnlimited basis. Accurate Record keeping and willingness Ito work, 10 to 20 hours a week. lApply to Tom Miller at the IMcHENRY PLAINDEALER |3812 W. Elm St., McHenry^ IL 6/14TF LEAD COMPUTER OPERATOR Full time position on night shift. Will be responsible for a 3 shift data entry and com­ puter operations of 5 persons. Experience in either of the lat­ ter fields is required. You will be trained in all phases of our operation, including data en­ try, computer operations and programming. If interested in this challenging position. Apply: Personnel Deportment MCHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, 11.60050 815-385-2200 Extension 645 An aquol opportunity employer M/F £M£16 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR 4 COLOR STRIPPERS. Top wages, excellent benefits, profit sharing, overtime (up to 4 weeks vacation). Ultra-modern shop and equipment. Apply, write or call 815-459-9400 BLACK DOT, INC. 6209 Official Road Crystal Lake, IL 6/16 7/7 PART TIME BOOKKEEPER for business in Johnsburg area. 312-356-1649 6-14-6-16C HOUSEWIVES wanted for waitressing part time. Lunch and week-end nights. Apply in person. Dr. Jay's, 4512 W. Route 120, McHenry, 6-9 - 6-16C PART TIME Motor Route Driver Wonted EARtV MORNINGS 7 day delivery for Chicago Tribune Call Collect 815-385-3643 6-7-6-̂ 6 NIGHT MANAGER Full Time Experience Necessary Apply in Person Bell Liquors 4*10 W. Rte. 120 McHnnry, II. 6/14-6/16 | WAITRESS WANTED Full and part time. Apply in person Pink Harrison Resort 801 Harrison Lane Pistakee Bay 385-0323 6/7-TF WELDERS WANTED Experienced in MIG and Stick. I Company insurance, paid) holidays and sick days.[ *6.00/hour to qualified ap­ plicants. Schaumburg Call 312-093-7500 6/14-6/16 , WELDER Manufacturer of In­ dustrial ovens needs experienced welder who can read blueprin- ts. Precision Qeincy Corp. 220 N. Madison Woodstock, II. 3M-267S PART TIME ADVLTHELP To process orders, some lif­ ting required. Tuesday through Friday • AM to 5 PM Apply In Person McHenry Eby Brown 3710 W. Elm. St. 6/14-6/16 REAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of McHenry's newest offices, excellent commission splits, insurance program, estab­ lished farm leads, and above all, experienced management people who care. Don't get lost in the shuffle of a large of­ fice, join an aggressive small company with Dig ideas. Come to Realty USA. For a confiden­ tial interview, call 815-344- 1244 • ask for Mr. Parisi. 6/16TF SALESPERSON Music background helpful, but not necessary. Handling leading manufacturers business music and com­ munication products, for retail and commercial accounts. Ideal hours for person with children in school. CaH 512-566-4040 Dick Smith 6/14-6/16 CLERICAL POSITION Hours 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. 5 Days / Must have good typing skills. Shorthand a plus. Answer phones, filing, ! and general office J duties. Self Starter { Scan-Am Co. | 385-3499 j 6/J4-6/16 SUMMER 06 Part Time Restaurant Clean Up. 385-2014 PART TIME RECEPTIONIST And General Office Work on Weekends (Additional week day woik if desired ) Mature person with ac­ curate typing skills and pleasant telephone voice. Please call 815-385-2720 Closed Mondays 6/16 BOYS AND tlltiy For detnssellinf corn, 141 yenrs audi elder. Early July through mid August. HIMHES SEED FARM Call Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. only 815-338-2480 6/9-6/16 OPERATORS All Shifts Experience helpful, but wilt train. Good wages, many benefits. SIHTERLOY, IHC. 8104 N. Solon Road Solon Hills, III. /16-6/23 •MRSRWARTEM, New McHenry real estate of­ fice is seeking the association of an experienced broker who will respond to a challenge and be responsible for the day to day operation of a local branch office. Salary, plus commission and over-ride. in vs rai YM naeit For a confidential interview, phone 311-418-4647. Ask for Mr. Parisi. 6-2TF RECEPTIONIST- SECRETARY To work part-time in new McHenry real estate office. Must have Illinois license. Salary plus commission. Phone §15-344-T 244 Ask for Mr. Parisi 6-2tf HOP WANTED Nite clean up 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM, every other night. Applications can be picked up at: Soirthgate Fabric Care Center 810 N. Front St. McHenry • &/I1 1/14 CENTER Has openings for a work activities supervisor and a sheltered work shop supervisor. Bachelors degree in related field or 3 years experience working with handicap­ ped required. Special education certificate preferred. Salary open, excellent benefits. TMCSf AM CITA QUALIFIED POSITIONS. Call Mark L.F.vr. 455-1110 NURSING ASSISTANT We hove on excellent oppor tuntiy for an individual to work in our nursing depar tment. Our candidate should have some nursing experien­ ce. but we will be willing to train the right applicant. Excellent fringe benefits and competitive salaries. Apply Personnel McNnitry Mtdical Or$up 1200 N. IrHR St. Mcltairy, II. 6/14-6/16

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