Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1978, p. 21

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HELPING 1*AWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205 • Crystal Loke, Illinois 60014 • (8 is) 459-2641 ly Estelle At we 11 Lovely AKC Norwegian Elkhound female, all shots, housebroken and 2 years old. Excellent with children and other pets. Owner* hope to find that special home with lots of land and a fenced-in yard for her to enjoy. Wonderful pet for that special home. Please call 815-338-5350. One of the long familiar proposals on how to deal with animal overpopulation is spaying the female, neutering the male - no new approach but one that is only partly suc­ cessful as it has not been adopted by enough pet owners to have real impact. Bob Frank, director of Society of St. Francis, has heard all the arguments about this, pro and con. Here's what he says: "Among de-sexing's good points are these: it reduces the incidence of certain tumors, produces a more relaxed contented pet, eliminates the agonizing frustrations of unrelieved sexual tension. More importantly, by preventing conception, untold suffering is saved future generations of unwanted animals. When the burden of guilt for all the killing is removed, perhaps we humkns will be able to stand a little taller "Yet a surprising number of pet owners balk at the prospect. Many even project their own sexual attitutdes and philosophies onto their animals, which, under the tragic circumstances is grossly unfair. Ever hear these? Tin a naturalist and don't believe in restricting animals in any way, including sexually;' or, 'I want my kids to see the miracle of birth (at the animals' ex­ pense);' or, 'Spaying Lassie would be like mutilating a loved one (Spaying females is every bit the life-saving measure that a hysterectomy is for a pre­ cancer human patient.)' And unless a tomcat is neutered at the proper age before the spraying habit takes hold, how will he ever keep a home? If left outside he will father countless unwanted animals doomed to die. "Is that humane? Here's another: 'My family comes first, I'll take care of the dog when I get some extra cash.' D i f f e r e n t r e a s o n s philosophically, yet their animals all end up the same - dead! "What good are leash laws ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER' FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN •BRAMMKR CABINETS •ANDERSEN WINDOWS • PRE-HUN<; DOORS • NORI) SPINDLES •JIM MARTIN PAINTS •LINCOLN WINDOWS •GAF SHINGLES •BUILDERS HARDWARE •PREFINISHED PANELING • MOOR K-O-M ATIC GARAGE DOOR OPERATORS Phone 385 1424 909 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY MILLSTREAM um*n Mchenry's Headquarters for Complete Repairs on Domestic & Foreign Cars •TUNE-UPS •BRAKES •TRANSMISSIONS •MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS y •MECHANIC ON DUTY 7 DAYS A WEEK QUALITY SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES 10% DISCOUNT TO SENIOR CITIZENS 3702 W. ELM McHENRY, ILLINOIS and licensing laws if no one bothers to enforce them. Many of the animal welfare laws presently on the books are riddled with cobwebs and loopholes. As an example, Illinois humane societies (who can least afford the expense) are required to naive female dogs and cats spayed before they are adopted out, and those who take baby animals must sign a contract to return for the surgery when the pet reaches the proper age. This is a step in the right direction. But the profiteering pet shop next door (a major contributor to the problem) is required to do nothing! If such shops were also legally bound to arrange for de-sexing at the proper age we would soon see a significant reduction in the number of unwanted animals. "There is legislation pending at the federal level to ap­ propriate $20 million in taxes for loans to communities wishing to establish low-cost spay-neuter clinics. Certainlv this will help reduce some of the suffering, but because of the tremendous, volume of animals involved, won't have sufficient impact to sub­ stantially affect the problem. By combining the de-sexing with another approach, a humane solution may well be within sight." Next week a two-part program to solve the problem. Don't forget to send those letters to "Dear Estelle" on any subject pet related. Remember too that our new walk-in office, library and store, is open to the public at 465 Virginia street in Crystal Lake daily from 10-4 and Thursday evenings 6-8. Come on in and see us or call 815-459- 2641. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Fee for all dogs includes the cost of spay-neuter surgery from a vet of our choice, or, a reduction from the original cost of the surgery from a vet of your choice. Pedigree Britanny Spaniel, young adult male, working- outside dog, very good with children and pets, 815-338-4420, was a stray. Ten-month Irish Setter, pedigree, all shots male, good with children and pets, housebroken, 815-344-1796, working family. Collie Husky, year-old tri- colored, long haired male, housebroken, good with children and pets, originally a stray, 815-344-1130. Pedigree German Shepherd, 11 months male, extremelv gentle, loves children, loves being outside, 815-455-2182, family hasn't enough room. AKC Basset Hound 3-year female, spayed, all shots, excellent with children and pets but does need training, 815-459- 9262 evenings, owners work. Pedigree German Shepherd male, 2-years, black-silver, shots, housebroken, excellent with children and pets, 815-569- 2062, owners moving. Two Newfoundland mixes., one male and spayed female, all shots, housebroken, good with children and pets. Would be a delight together but can go separately, family moving, 312- 639-6603. AKC Norwegian Elkhound, 2 years, female, housebroken, good with children and pets, 815-338-5350, needs more room. CATS FOR ADOPTION Fee for all cats includes the cost of spay-neuter surgery from a vet of our choice or a reduction from the original cost of the surgery from a vet of your choice. One black male, one Calico long hair female 8-week kit­ tens, home bred, litter box trained, 815-385-1983. Nine-week-old grey semi- long hair male, stray and needs a loving home, 815-455-2360. Female spayed, litter trained, all shots young Tor- toiseshell, orange-black-white, 312-639-2881. Year old neutered male, dark grey, light grey tiger, with white long hair, all shots, 312- 658-7132. Nine-week male semi-long hair, brown-white-black, home bred, 312-639-2010. LOST AND FOUND To those of you who have lost a pet, keep check with Animal Control 815-338-7040. Many times someone finding your dog will not report it and decide to keep the pet. Some months later when tired of it, they let it go...and it finally does end up at Animal Cbntrol. Keep checking every few days, you may one day be rewarded. Lost: Britanny female pup, Johnsburg, 815-385-7899 Lost: Calico young adult Marriage Encounter Weekend Scheduled SECTION l - PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. JUNE IS. 1978 The Marriage Encounter weekend came to the United States from Spain in 1968. Since then over one million couples have learned how to more fully appreciate the relationship that has entertwined their lives. The chief focus of a Marriage Encounter weekend is simple: communication between husband and wife in a positive atmosphere of acceptance. Married couples are provided an "encounter" (a discovering anew). They are given the opportunity to know one another in a deeper way and to experience their relationship in new depth. Marriage En­ counter is open to couples of all ages, faiths and backgrounds. In the Fox Valley, weekends are being offered June 16-18 and July 21-23 at Resurrection center, Woodstock. For in­ formation, call Terry and Linda Clausen, 312-741-0165. Scholarships To Wonder Lake Girls Kathy Ahem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ahern, 4322 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, and Laura Higgins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Higgins, 4315 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, both recent students at McHenry high school, were recipients of $375 scholarships, presented by Mrs. Pat Fit­ zgerald on behalf of the Woman's club of Wonder Lake atthe recent awards assembly. female, Island Lake, 815-459- 2400 Too many found to list. Please call the office for more informaiton. Remember Dad! Sunday, J u n e 1 8 . . Kathy is planning to attend the University of Notre Dame, majoring in Business ad­ ministration, and Laura will continue her education at Illinois Wesleyan, majoring in Music. Judges were George Barrett, Physics teacher; Mike Olhava, Chemistry teacher; Dennis Jason, Biology teacher adn John Hausheer, Space Science teacher, all from Buffalo Grove high school. The Woman's club of Wonder Lake presents two $375 scholarships each year to students living in Wonder Lake who plan to continue their education. mNNOX AIR CONDITIONING High Efficiency Top Discharge Quiet and Dependable CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE fianl0W*&tM£n> HEATING AND COOLING SINCE 1931 3511 S.Wright Rd. (815)459-2300 McHENRY, ILL. (312)526-6284 FINANCING AVAILABLE A Certified LiMHOl Join Your Friends lor Lunch or Dinner TODAY AT ... THE HERITAGE HOUSE HARVARD FRIDAY SPECIAL! SEAFOOD PLATTER Combination of South African Lobster Tail, Crab Legs, Scallops, Shrimp and Icelandic Cod. with a handsome Hallmark Father's Day card and gift The perfect way to show your love. 1238 JV. ̂ x&en 385-6750 Only *5,S Sun. & Wed. Specials STEAK & LOBSTER Combination of South African Lobster Tail, Crab Legs and Steak. Only $595 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday thru Sunday Featuring MICKY KLESPER from Europe • NOON LUNCHEON SPECIALS • COMPLETE DINNERS • FINEST OF COCKTAILS Private Dining Room for Partief* Phone 943-6153 For Reservations (815)344-2510 HOURS: LUNCH. Tues. - Fri. 11:30 -2:00 DINNER, Tues. - Sat 5:00 - 11:00 P.M. SUNDAYS, 4:00 - 10:00 P.M. CLOSED MONDAY The CASE Mod 80 is a brand new riding mower with a yard full of high perform­ ance features: • Easy access controls • Single lever travel control • Totally enclosed engine • Turf saver tires • Electric Start • Tow-behind attachment hitch. And now you can catch what you cut ab­ solutely free! Better hurry, free bagger is a limited time offer. J I Case A Tenneco Company Outdoor Power Equipment Division doing something about it. "The House That Service Built" George P. Freund 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry 385-0420 i ttroqCATIOMAI.) | I College Honors j Local Students Recipients Of ME Degrees DePaul university awarded degrees to 1600 graduates at its spring convocation Sunday, June 11. The Very Rev. John R. Cortelyou, C.M., conferred ^degrees on the graduates during ceremonies in the Arie Crown theatre of McCormick Place. Among those receiving degrees were: from the Graduate school: Terry An- finson, 605 South Broadway, McHenry, ME; Bruce Roland Ericson, P.O. Box 343, Spring Grove, ME; Ruth Mary Hubbard, 1212 Goodview, McHenry, ME; Carole Kiick, 8713 Dorr road, Wonder Lake, ME; John L. Sanders, 313 North Bromley, McHenry, ME; Nancy E. Sanders,313 North Bromley, McHenry, ME; and Cherly Toalson, 3209 Crescent, McHenry, ME. AWARDED DEGREE Elmer F. Pflug, III, of 1412 W. Bay view lane, McHenry, was awarded a bachelor of science degree in Computer and Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic during ceremonies May 26. The student was among those honored on the dean's list at the institute and a member of Tail Beta Pi amd Etta Kappa Nu honor societies. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pflug, Jr, of McHenry, and a McHenry Community high schooi graduate. Future plans in­ dicate graduate study at University of Illinois at Ur- bana-Champaign. SPRING HONORS Among students earning Rockford college honors for the 1978 spring semester was James H. Leisten, senior, 3304 Fairway drive, McHenry, dean's list. The dean's list names full-time students who have earned a grade point of at least 3.25, with no grades below "C " DEAN'S l-IST Jerry John Pepping and Charlene Marie Weingart, both of McHenry, were respectively named to the College of Liberal Arts and College of Pharmacy dean's list for the spring semester of the 1977-78 academic year. COLLEGE GRADUATE Janet E. Starkweather of 1804 English Prairie, Spring Grove, was among Elmhurst college graduates receiving degrees d u r i n g c o m m e n c e m e n t exercises held at Elmhurst. JOINS FRATERNITY Michael Gibbons, son of Mrs. Kay Gibbons of 7317 Parkwood drive, Wonder Lake, has joined Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity at Illinois Wesleyan university in Bloomington. SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Ploindealer And Save $8.80 Over Newstand Price j FILL OUT AND MAIL OR MING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER | 3012 W. Elm St.. McHenry, III. 60050, | wllh check er money order for *12.00 fer one y«or | subscription within McHenry County. I I NAME , j ADDRESS I CITY ZIP I "MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION" Building and Mortgage Costs Going Up! Keep Your Present Low Mortgage Rate and Still Make Needed Home Improvements with a Low Interest WAUCONDA BANK LOAN! Need a new kitchen? An extra room? Garage? Air conditioning or a new furnace? Don't Delay. Up­ date your home now to meet your needs for less than the cost of a new home. CALL US 526-6604 I The Drive-In Bank at Routes 12,59 and 176 ryyy waucodda M lUEiOTUL BAfK Rwtos 12 & 176 W win, HI. 60040

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