PAGE 12 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21.1978 & ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY Each of these advertised items is re quired to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each A&P Store, except as specifi cally noted in this ad. HOURS: Daily Mon.-Fri. 8-9, Saturday 8-7 3750 W. Elm St., McHenry, PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. JUNE 22 THRU SAT. JUNE 24,1978 Whole Fryers OR BOX-O-CHICKEN CONTAINS: 15 ASSORTED PIECES TREAT THE FAMILY & SAVE! LB. A&P PICKS THE BEST GROCERIES Round Steak TREAT THE FAMILY TO A TASTE TEMPTING MEAI SERVE WITH FRESH MUSHROOMS! Boneless Round Steak SOLD AS STEAK ONLY 1» SOLD AS STEAK ONLY LIMIT 3 STEAKS MATIMEE TEA 24-OZ. SIZE Tyson's Rock Cornish Hens Butter Basted Turkeys ORAM"*" LB- AVO. LB. LB. 99c 79c BonelessTop Round Steak Boneless SirloinTipSteak LB. LB. BAGS 100 COUNT Hi-Dri Jumbo Paper Towels '///»H\\\v EACH ROLL A&P Dill Pickles if OR HAMBURGER ^wui////. SLICES 32-OZ. I JAR Drl Tfiontf e EA. Betty Crocker 4//IUWV SUPER MOIST ^ . •DEVILS FOOD Cake Mixes,CHEBBY ,8-"2-oz •YELLOW "m m fresh Fryer Breasts BACKPORTION ATTACHED LB. 79c Boneless Rotisserie Roast oiTSSIXo LB. W Boneless Rump Roast # I6? Full Shank Ham FULLY COOKED WATER ADDED LB. 89 Del Monte Drinks Pineapple Orange Drink Pineapple Grapefruit Drink A&P Saltines OR UNSALTED 1 -LB PKG. CARROTS 46-OZ. CAN EACH Armour Treet '//lllW v\\\«•'//// 12-OZ CAN Libby's Vegetables ̂ $ 3 •FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS *PEAS & CARROTS •SLICED CARROTS eSWEET PEAS •CREAM STYLE CORN ,v\\W 11////. V----"ill Il\v\" A&P Disposable Diapers a ^Del Monte Catsup EXTRA ABSORBENT 48CT.PKG. OLD MILWAUKEE Beer 6^*139 OLD STYLE + Beer 12^*319 TAYLOR CREAM Sherry $219 ANDRE Champagne'? 5198 CANS FOR 15-1/2 TO 17 0Z. CANS JUMBO SIZE 38-OZ. BTL. 79 AND THE PEANUTS ©AN© FROM ANCHOR HOCKING 49® 39* >1.39 Beverage Juice HOUSE OF STUART Scotch "X1 S399 Apothecary Storage Jar HERE'S A FEW OF THOSE OFFERED PEANUTS Characters: (£1952. 195a 1960 1965 United Feature Syndicate, inc 2-LB. MEAT 1-LB. PKG. A&P Fish Sticks •A A&P Fish Portions Cap'n John's Cod Fillets BATTER DIPPED Sliced Beef Liver ONIONS1 BATTER DIPPED 12-OZ. PKQ. 1-LB. PKQ. $109 Ann Page Sliced Bacon AMD OA , . _ WILSON '-LB* CONN KINO PKQ. *149 Smoked Liver Sausage "HsH' lb 79c $139 59c A&P IS A COUNTRY FARM PORK SHOP fc A A&P IS A DELI SHOP AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORf S WITH ZIGG ASSORTED INCLUDES* 2 SIRLOIN • • CENTER • 2 SHOULDER CHOPS Pork Chops COUNTRY STYLE DSIWB GREAT WITH ANN PAGE spare RIDS BARBEQUESAUCE MEATY Pork Back Ribs BUTTERFLY OR Boneless Pork Chops CFNTER RIB Center Cut Pork Chops GREAT ON THE GRILL REGULAR OR THICK Fresh Pork Steak LB. LB. LB. LB. LB. LB. $139 $139 $229 $229 $189 $159 POUND $3.38 Vienna Roast Beef Agar Country Flavor Ham Natural Chicken Breast POUND $2 98 POUND S2.58 HALF SI 69 POUND POUND *129 HALF POUND $149 POUND $2.29 Eckrich Minced Ham Leon's Sliced Bologna Leon's Beer Sausage Mil. Braunschweiger Longhorn Colby Cheese TOUNDS1 Orval Kent Macaroni Salad POUND $1 78 POUND USINGER'S POUND S1 98 DORMAN'S 98 HALF C| 15 POUND HALF OA. POUND 09C HALF QQ. POUNO HALF QQ. POUND 97K HALF QQ^ POUND 33C LB. 59o A&P Picks the Best Health & Beauty I tems SIR CHARLES SHAMPOO & ^ Conditioner V™ *159 SIR CHARLES HERBAL __ Hai r Repai r cS? $ 1 ̂9 17c OFF LABEL AIM Toothpaste '«» 99c A&P PICKS THE BEST GROCERIES RCCoh DIET RITE OR SPRITE A&P Margarine QUARTERED ASST. VAR. BRECK _ Shampoo 99c RED CROWN Vodka 1.7S LITER 99.2 OZ. BTL. $749 COLORFUL Beach Towels A&P LADIES SHEER Knee Hi's EA. $3" 20c OFF LABEL 5-OZ. SIZE Deodorant QUARD ASST. VAR. 12-OZ. BTL. 'AV 79c Hair Conditioner^! 29 1-LB. PKGS Crisco ays Potato Chips OR DIPPETTES 9-OZ. BOX OR BAG Shortening SIZE Sweepstakes Produce Extravaganza!! PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21,1»78 Got a taste for garden fresh fruits and vegetables? A&P has 'em. At the right prices, too. Full of flavor and good eating. For cooking, snacks, salads or weight watchers. All handled "lovingly" to insure quality. Crisp, firm, or soft in the right places. Everyday A&P produce buyers see to it. Let your own good taste be the judge. 0^ _ • JUMBO Cantaloupes SUGAR SWEET NEW CROP FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA JUMBO 27 SIZE CAUF. RED CARDINAL OR SEEDLESS Fresh Peaches Green Grapes SOUTHERN QROWN 2 INCH SIZE AND UP 59* NEW CROP SAVE 80c OVER LAST WEEK Large Size California Nectarines Washington StateBing Cherries Fresh TropicalMangos 1 r i LjfiMj^ a n EACH PMJSCH GARD€NS.| WIUIAMSDURG.VA. A 9-dav trip for 2 to Strawberries DRISCOLL PREMIUM QUALITY 'CTN. L. 89c 1ST OP TNI SSA LB. 79c World London Show Week GRAND PRIZE includes land transportation vte AmtraK to the nearest Pan Am departure airport to take off for a nine day Pan Am's World SHOW WEEK TOUR to London, including tickets to four London theaters, hotel, breakfasts, sightsee ing and dinners at four night clubs. . . (some meals not included). Yellow Onions SWEET SUCING MED SIZE LB BAG Red Radishes CRISP TANOY FRESH 1-LB. PKQ. 39* Fresh Spinach One of 20 5-day trips for 4 to HISTORIC VIRGINIA FOR COOKING ANDSALAO HOMfl QROWN W Fresh Bean Sprouts Egg Roll Skins Wonton Skins Fresh Garlic Watermelon LB. 89c WHOLE ao* 19c PKQ Jiffy Meat Entrees Minute Maid Lemonade ASSORTED VARIETIES 2 We Pick The Best Frozen Foods Job&Pizza SAUSAGE & OR CHEESE & OR FRUIT PUNCH 64-0Z. CTN. POUND! PKG 14-OZ. SIZE FROZEN A&P2%NHk GALLON CARTON •S Si * Ann Page IceCream $119 Dean's Frozen Yogurt PushUps Sa. 89c Sliced Muenster OR BRICK CHEESE 8 0Z. PKG. EACH INCLUDES all lodging, meals and first class travel via AMTRAK to Amtrak and from Washington, D.C. From our nation's capital, you will join other trip winners on a five day guided tour starting at Mt. Vernon, home of our first president; on to Richmond, Virginia; St. John s Church; Berkeley and Sherwood Forest Plantations; Jamestown Festival Park; Colonial Williamsburg; and a full day of fun at the OLD COUNTRY BUSCH GARDENS theme park . . . Visit England, France and Germany - all on Jftia side of the Atlantic. Old Country, Busch Gardens is 360 acres of Old World fun and adventure nes tled irja centruries - old forest. And this year, the Loch Ness Monster sur faced at the Old Country in the form of the world's fiercest roll er coaster - the only one with vertical double interlocking loops. Old Country . . . filled with entertainment, rides, shops and 'round the world foods. X Room Accommodations By Sheraton • Sheraton Motor fnn, Fredericksburg • Sheraton Patriot Inn, Williamsburg / r ONE OF 700 (Model 700) Vivitar CAMERAS WITH BUILT IN FLASH Sharp flash pictures, even if you move or your subject moves. And with the new ASA 400 film, you can get clear flash pictures up to 22 feet. Gift kit includes wrist strap, film and batteries SWOepStakeS RulOS 1. Clearly print your name and address on an entry blank or facsimile, and deposit it at any participating A&P store. Winners must be 18 years or older. 8. 2. No purchase is required. Enter each time you visit A&P. You need not be present to win. Limit , one winner per family. 3. Sweepstakes begins June 18 and ends July 8, --, 1978. 4. One entry will be drawn from each store This entry qualifies as a semi-finalist for prizes. 5. Winners will be chosen by a random drawing and notified by A&P not later than July 31. 1978. Employees of A&P, their advertising agencies and their immediate families are not eligible. ' 6. The Virginia trip prizes must be used September 1-5,1978. The London trip must be taken between Sept. 15.1978 and April 30, 1979. No cash alternatives or substitutions will be made for trip winners or any other prizes. 7. This contest is available at all A&P stores. Void in Ohio, Missouri, and these Maryland counties: Montgomery, Prince Georges, Allegheny, Talbot, Cecil, Howard, and the city of Baltimore. The odds of winning depend on the number of entries. The prizes are: One trip for 2 to Lon don. Twenty 5-day trips for 4 to Virginia (one in each participating A&P Division). 700 Vivitar cameras^ _ ENTRY BLANK PRODUCE EXTRAVAGANZA SWEEPSTAKES WIN A 9-DAY TRIP FOR 2 TO LONDON, ENGLAND WIN ONE OF 20 5-DAY TRIPS FOR 4 TO HISTORIC VIRGINIA WIN ONE OF 700 VIVITAR CAMERAS V I I I I I NAME I I | CITY I TELEPHONE ZIP CODE ENTER OFTEN • NO PURCHASE NECESSARY ENTRANTS CONSENT THAT WINNERS NAMES AND ADDRESS AND I PICTURES MAY BE USED IN ASF ADVERTISING COMPLETE DETAILS • AVAILABLE AT PARTICIPATING MP STORES. STREET ADDRESS STATE. 4 \