Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 Fourth Of July To Be Properly Commemorated It is traditional at many places in our coutnry to have a Fourth of July parade. With the exception of the Bicentennial year, this has not been the case in Wonder Lake. *, Tammy Eesek of a restaurant in Wonder crater has decided that this great American tradition of a Fourth of July parade should and could be a part of the celebration in Wonder Lake this year. Plans have been made for a parade Monday, July 3. Participants in the parade will line up at 5 p.m. at the Company I east side firehouse and march to the Marina in Wonder center. Business people have been contacted and have promised to have floats. There will be baseball teams, Scouts, a band, the Sheriff's police and clowns. All children at the lake are encouraged to be in the parade. Decorated bikes and buggies will be awarded prizes at dif ferent age levels. You don't have to call anyone to be in the parade--just decorate your bike or buggy and be at the firehouse at 6 p.m. And don't forget - Fourth of July fireworks will be the same night, July 3. TOUR OF ADVENTURE On a recent motor trip to the west coast, by the Kazik Oleszczuk family, the high point of the trip was some time spent touring the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Hairpin turns on the Colorado Million Dollar highway with beautiful scenery on all sides were an unforgettable adventure for the family. Kazik, Muriel and their two daughters, Mary and Margaret, spent some time at Colorado Springs, saw the U.S. Air Force Academy and Pike's Peak. Driving down through Durango, Colo., they moved on to tour the Grand Canyon, Hoover dam and Las Vegas. In California they visited another daughter, Helena Mosby, her husband, Phil, and their two children, Michael and Janet, for a week. Trips to Disneyland and Knott's Berry farm were enjoyed during the visit. Kazik and Phil took a little side trip to Tijuana, Mexico where they sampled some spicy food. Kazik found a haircut for $1.50 and he brought back another small elephant for his collection. Perhaps the secret to the success of the Olenczuk trip was that the family simply finds great pleasure in seeing new things. Muriel told us she even enjoyed the drive through Kansas, seeing the long and flat and beautiful winter wheat fields! GOT YOUR NUMBER Ever wonder what the population of Wonder Lake is? You might be surprised to learn that we are not a small com munity at all. We checked with Postmaster Lorraine Murphy and she told us that our local post office now serves 2,737 mail boxes at the lake, figuring approximately four people per box would make our total population 10,948. This does not count summer residents and the fact that some deliveries are made to homes with multiple families, so the figure could be higher. Almost 11,000 people in Wonder Lake. It's something to think about. • » , TAG DAY SUCCESSFUL Tag day July 9, was a beautiful mild day and added to the enthusiasm of the volun teers. The total amount collected in the Wonder Lake- Ringwood area was $494.52, just $5.48 short of our quota. The Social Ministries of Christ the King church and Nativity Lutheran church co-sponsored the Tag day with Dottee Jacobson and Trudie Gohl serving as co-chairmen. Hard working volunteers included Rev. Roger Olson, Diane Olson, Betty Gabel, Helene Smith, Walli O'Brien, Tracy Stolle, Barbara Forn- wall, Lydia Beccard, Evelyn Konecny, Teresa Jinga, Toni Stowe, June Detwiler, Diane Dello, Hildegard Narowetz, Charlie Jacobson, Marian Laier, Helen Skelly,- Mari Jacobson, Alvina and John Shonkwiler, Trudie Gohl and Dottee Jacobson. SCHOOL BELLS All new residents to Wonder Lake who will have a child in Harrison school District 36 whould call the school at 653- 2311. This phone call will enable the school to put your name and address on their mailing list so that you will receive all the necessary registration in formation. Registration for school year 1978-79 will take place for Harrison school children Monday, Aug. 14. School will start for Harrison Thursday, Aug. 24. If you have any questions, please call the school office. GARDENCLUB The Wonder Lake Garden club had its May meeting at the home of Mrs. B. Alderson with a full and "fulfilling" meeting. Elsie Ottoson beautifully conducted the installation ceremony and lovely corsages were presented to Mrs. Helen Gilliland, president; Mrs. Bobbi Fiali, recording secretary and Mrs. Rita Graff, corresponding secretary. Our congratulations and best wishes go to each and every officer especially Mrs. Helen Gilliland, our president, who has worked so enthusiastically to join the club together in a team effort and has been an inspiration to us all. The evening's program was completed with busy hands making candy favors for Valley Hi nursing home. W» never consider this as much of a gift to the residents as a gift to us - to be of some help. For June, our hostess was Mrs. Fern Mecham and what a joy to welcome to Fern and A1 back from Florida! Not to forget the fathers, this was a work meeting to gift the men also at Valley Hi with candy gifts. After the meeting we enjoyed delicious refreshments and a chance to especially welcome our new member, Mrs. Elaine O'Slakovic. Again, I want to cordially invite anyone interested in gardening to attend our meetings. The next meeting will be Thursday, July 13, at the home of Mrs. Matyll Banky, 7604 South drive, Wonder Lake, at eight o'clock in the evening. B. Alderson, publicity chairwoman FIFTIETH BIRTHDAY In the fall of 1975, a group of Wonder Lakers met together to plan a celebration for the Bicentennial in 1976. Anyone who was here in Wonder Lake MIILSTREAM uni#n Mchenry's Headquarters for Complete Repairs on Domestic & Foreign Cars • TUNE-UPS •BRAKES •TRANSMISSIONS •MAJORS MINOR REPAIRS •MECHANIC ON DUTY 7 DAYS A WEEK QUALITY SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES 10% DISCOUNT TO SENIOR CITIZENS 3702W. ELM McHENIjy, ILLINOIS (815)344-2510 on July 4, 1976, will remember what a good celebration we had. Remember the parade, the ski show, booths of food and games, fireworks? Many, many people put in a lot of time and effort to make the celebration a success and it was a success. We really helped our nation have a good bir thday. Wonder Lake has a birthday coming up soon. According to what we have learned, the lake started to fill in the fall of 1929 and the first water went over the dam in 1930. This would make 1979-80, Wonder Lake's golden jubilee birthday. Some who remember the 1976 success have talked about having something for the fif tieth birthday of Wonder Lake. Our thoughts were about another parade, fireworks, etc. next summer, around July 4. If you are interested at all in helping this celebration get started, please give either Janet Bell (653-9797 after 5) or Pat Seaver (653-7521) a phone call. If interest is here for a celebration (and we certainly hope that it is,) a meeting will be set up where we can get started on it. All who worked on the Bicentennial know that it took all those months to get everyting going. Let's hear from all of you - how about it? NO TAG DAY The FISH of Wonder Lake- Ringwood organization an nounces that there will be no annual Tag day this year. Due to the previous generosity of Wonder Lake and Ringwood supporters, we have adequate finances to maintain our 24- hour phone service for the ensuing year. What we do need is additional volunteers. If you can give a few hours of your time even once a month, it will be a great help. Before going shopping in McHenry or Woodstock, call 728-0121 and check to see if someone needs medication picked up. There are so many avenues of service needed that would require little time and inconvenience to you. Though there won't be an organized drive for finances, donations are always gratefully accepted. The FISH address is P.O. Box 172, Wonder Lake, and our phone is 728-0121. WASHINGTON, DC. TRIP Many rW^nder Lake graduates^ frorq Northwood Junior high school, Woodstock, were fortunate to enjoy a three day Washington, D.C. trip. They left at 4:30 a.m. Monday, June 12, by charter bus to O'Hare. The next three days were busy with seeing all the sights plus side trips to Get tysburg and Harper's ferry. Wonder Lakers enjoying the fun and wonders of ' the Washington, D.C. area were Terese Olson, Kim Fournier, Rich Gran, Debbie Rawlins, Cindy Woodlock, Teri Crosby, Pam Sakinsky, Andy Riseck, Yvonne Wilson and Mari Jacobson. SINCERE NONETHELESS Belated anniversary greetings to Shirley and Ken Schroeder June 12; Bud and June Detwiler June 16 and "Jake" and Leanna Jacobson June 19. WANTED!-T.L.C. Help! The Wonder Lake Garden club each year as a beautifucation project, plants flowers in front of the post office. This year we had quite a dry spell and due to lack of water, the plants all dried up and had to be replanted. The outside spigots at the post office are turned off and the Garden club would like to have a volunteer to bring jugs of water for the flowers. It could be done by a Scout troop for a merit badge or by a concerned citizen who comes to the post office frequently. For more information, please call B. Alderson at 385-6228. ANNIVERSARIES Happy twenty-seventh wedding anniversary to Becky and Dave Dolby June 22. Happy twenty-ninth wedding anniversary to Chuck and Roz Sullivan June 25. Happy fifty-first wedding anniversary to John and Sophie Dyck June 25. SWITZERLAND "The Alps in Switzerland are beautiful, breathtaking - pic tures don't do them justice," according to Mary Ruggero and she should know. She and her husband, Dr. Santo Ruggero, returned recently from a three-week visit to that interesting country composed of French, Italian and German speaking cantons, or states. A rental car awaited them when their plane landed in Luxembourg, the first stop on their trip, and they toured through Germany and the Black Forest or Schwarzwald on their way to Switzerland. At Montreux, Switzerland, on Lake Geneva they spent a week where Dr. Ruggero attended a seminar with the World Organization of Family Practicioners. From this French canton they traveled on, visiting German Interlaken, Italian Lugano and Romansh St. Moritz, stopping each night of the trip in a new location. At St. Moritz, they left rainy weather in the valley and soon found themselves in a snow storm as they drove up the mountain. Another day they took the time to walk over snow, rocks and running water to stand on a glacier. The people they found to be very nice and the "trust" in the country was refreshing. It was difficult for Americans to believe how everyone left packages and umbrellas out side of restaurants while they ate and no one touched them. On the way back to Luxembourg, they visited some of the beautiful and extremely clean towns of Germany, in cluding Trier, which has structures standing that date back to the third century B.C. In Luxembourg they were impressed with the Memorial park for American soldiers which was beautifully kept, with white crosses or the Star of David marking the graves; a chapel and a large stone memorial for soldiers missing in action. Returning home, a special section of a suitcase was packed with films from their camera, many more than they had expected to take, because they had to bring home a portion of the beauty they had seen. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Donna Humphrey June 22. Happy fifteenth birthday to Jane Biggers, daughter of Bob and Judy Biggers, June 24. Happy birthday to Bonnie Rindt June 24, rfnd to Pattie Hartmann June 27. HAPPINESS IS... Happiness is...wishing much good luck and especially good health to Larry and Joan Freund and their children, Kim, Mike and Connie, who have left Wonder Lake and are PAGE 23 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21,1978 now making their home in McHenry. Happiness is....remembering when times were less confusing and the Fourth of July was celebrated on the Fourth of July. Happiness is...appreciating all the people who contributed to this column today and asking you to please call with your news. This column can only be what, you make it. Happiness is...sharing. COMMUNITY CALENDAR June 24-Annual Wooded Shores fishing derby; Can dlelight bowl, Edgetown Woodstock, sponsored by company I Firemen's auxiliary, 9 p.m. June 25-Nativity Lutheran church Mother-Daughter banquet ^ July 1-American Legion Firecracker dance July 3-Fourth of July parad£ 6 p.m.: Fireworks at dusk + July 10-28-Swim lessontf, sponsored by Woman's club <f Wonder Lake July 13-Wonder Lake Garde* club meeting, 8 p.m. MaytOl Banky's home. Three-Day Woodstock Fourth Celebration An old-fashioned Fourth of July is promised by organizers of this year's celebration in Woodstock at the city park on South street. The three-day festival, beginning Sunday, July 2, features a diverse range of activities for children and adults. This year's line-up includes softball tournaments, ice cream eating contests, water fights, kiddie rides and children's games. Almost continuous entertainment will include vaudeville acts, square dancing, singers, and a pre- fireworks Fourth of July concert by the Woodstock municipal band, which has been in existence since well before the turn of the century. A highlight of this year's entertainment will be outdoor performances of "The Astrologer" and "The Servant of Two Masters" by Corn- media, a touring. theatre company from Minneapolis. Spontaneous children"1* workshops conducted By members of the troupe will taMe place during the afternoons preceding the 7 p.m. p#- formances on Sunday awl Monday. Gaily costumed ac tors and musicians will alio serenade audiences in front of the bannered tent before each performance. The celebration is topped off by one of the area's largest fireworks displays. The pyrotechnic's begin at 9:30 p.m. on the Fourth. The gates will open at note Sunday and Monday, July 21 """ 3, and at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jt 4. Further information may be obtained by calling the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce and Industry. JaiceTIp Use canned fruits and juices within two or three days af^ir opening. W ) \ l ( . < > / V \ I K ' V iMJ H KJ Automotive center. Radial retreads. Any of these sizes in stock. AR78-13 BR7S-13 CR78-14 AR78-15 ER78-14 FR78-14 GR78-14 GR78-15 HR78-14 HR78-15 JR78-15 LR78-15 Plus 41 * to 58* federal excite tax each tube- lew whitewaO tire. No trade-in is needed. shown. Siies to fit many US cars. Sponimiwilrx.rf 'a| 116 ~ I i" less than May '*7*7 * . 77 reg. prices U* • T af ?W>r m Wl os 8 VIM n; Glass-belted Road Guard. Ugh cial Although we discontinued this tire in July 1977, a special assortment has been built for this promotion. Take advantage of this great tire value until July 4. No trade-in necessary. *32 it ,s! rfi w »»: A78-13 C78-14 E78-14 F78-14 G78-14 H78-14 G78-15 H78-18 Reg. $37 to $56 in May 1977; plus $1.73-$2.88 f.e.t. each tubeless blackwall. Whitewalls available, $4 more ea. J78- 15, L78-15 white walls available at comparable low prices. , i MssaaHtemn* MNWTBMMff MK mm M| GO GETTER SO--exchange prices -IV-jw, Gold Crank ,ype Amps Reg. Price Sale Price 22E 42 (VW). 72 380 49.^5 41 .SS 24,24 E 74 475 51.95 44.SS 27.27E77 535 54.95 •7.SS „, / Save 7.07 OurGo Getter 60 is maintenance free. It's designed to require Type 22F, 42( VW), 72. no more water! Wards top m -m nn battery gives fast, sure /jk. I JE JL exchange Reg. 49.95 starting in any weather. Wards batteries start at 21.95 exch. Save 6% 1-quart Mobil® 1 syn thesized motor oil. Can save you gas. All-temp. Complete en gine lubricant. 369 Reg. 3.95 Save 2.11 Do it yourself with Wards garage creeper, 36"L hardwood frame, plywood /-oo body, vinyl-cov- fl ered headrest. „ • M Reg. S.99 32% off. Sheepskin chamois protects auto finish. Tanned with 100% cod oil. |Q Won't scratch or mar paint. Reg. 5.S9 Wards offer* low-cost professional installation. Save 37% Heavy-duty l3/i«" •hock gives you comfort, control. r66 t/ each Regularly 8.99 Bigger, stronger than most original shocks. Big 1®/is* piston and all-temp fluid combine for a smooth ride. Air Shocks 39.SS pair. Fits most US cars. ,yf C f w A „ I iaJ USE YOUR WARDS CHARG-ALL ACCOUNT TO REPLACE THOSE WORN TIRES NOW Service? We have experts, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THE AUTO SERVICE IS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MOD. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.to5p.m. Crystal Lake 105 Northmen Higfcwsy Route 14 Phono 459-6450 FREE PARKING jf t t 1 i t * i