• / A ' 4 Sunnyside Area Betty Messer • - 344.2494 Parents Laud Gifted Education Celebrations 4 In Triplicate For Villagers June is the month that generally brings to mind graduations, weddings and -we can't forget Father's day The Clarence Mullen family of 1415 Bayview lane experienced a 'graduation, birth and wedding all in the past month On June, 2 Lawrence received his high school diploma from McHenry high school. June 18, Dad Clarence was celebrating Father's day as were many other dads • That same day daughter Antoinette Erwin and her husband Andrew became the proud parents of a baby girl Angela Maria was bom at 12:48 a m June 18 and weighed 6 lbs The Erwins reside in McHenry JUNE BRIDE On Saturday, June 24, Teresa Sullivan became the brid?' of . Bill Moss in a garden wedding* at the home of the bride's parents. Josephine and Clarence Mullen of 1415 Bayview lane The nuptials were conducted by Rev Roger Schneider of the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church in McHenry Attending the bride as matron of honor was her sister Kosemarie Jorganson Best man to the groom was Bill O'Brien. The bride's daughter, Rita Sullivan served as the flower girl. Among the guests attending were the groom s parents, Mr and Mrs Moss of LaGrange The bride's mother prepared all the food for the wedding reception The newlyweds will spe'nd two weeks in San Francisco honeymooning and will be making their home in GARDEN WEDDING PARTY On Friday, June 23, Sherry DiCianni became the bride of Thomas Johnson in a civil ceremony at the Lake county court house The bride's sister. Sandy Messer, attended as maid of honor and the groom's best friend, Nick Nowell of Wheaton, was the best man Sherry is the daughter of Betty and Rich Messer of 1405 Bayview lane, Sunnyside Tom's father, Edmond John son. resides in Florida and was unable to attend On Saturday. June 24. a garden party was held at the home of Mrs Johnson s parents for eighty friends and relatives Among the guests were the bride's great aunt, Mrs Elizabeth Welker of Chicago, and the bride's grandmother. Mrs Nettie Messer of^ ingleside Otto Messer, the bride's grandfather, was in North Chicagd\ VA hospital recovering fromypneumonj Also the bride's^^wo daughters, Kristina and Kimberly were on hand to help celebrate The groom's daughter. Dawn, was unable to attend The brides brother. Ken Messer of Carol Stream, made the four-tier wedding cake The newlyweds plan a weekend trip to conover. Wis , over the Fourth of July where they plan to visit the bride s sister and brother-in law Julie and Ralph Rosinski and their new son, Chad Michael, who were unable to attend the wedding The newlyweds will be residing in Fox Lake GARAGE CAN CONTEST The park committee for the village of Sunnyside is spon soring a garbage can decorating contest The cans are to be used at the village park area Materials needed to enter the contest are a 55 gallon drum, oil base paint and a lot of imagination The theme is the village emblem which can be found on the village vehicle stickers, the squad car emblem and the silo at the Mitchell farm on Wilmot road. Who is eligible to enter7 Anyone under 16 years of age Prizes have been donated by local merchants. First prize is a $25 bond, second is $10 cash and third is $5 cash There will be a prize for a girl and a boy in each category There are also many other prizes. . Finished cans are to be brought to \he village grounds at Channel Beach road Aug. 18 and will be judged Saturday, Aug. 19, at the village picnic at 10 a.m. so put on your creative thinking cap and get busy For further information regarding the contest contact Lillian Pomonis 385-7012. VILLAGE PICNIC The village <|f Sunnyside will hold its annual village picnic Saturday, Aug. 19, starting at 12 noon until ? Who's invited? All residents of the village of Sunnyside. Bring a dish to pass and hot dogs, beer and pop will be supplied by the village. This year the picnic will be held at the village grounds on Channel Beach drive. There'll be games for children and for adults and just a fun-in-the-sun day Come out and meet your neighbors, get to know them and make new friends. Remember the village theme is "friendship, recreation and growth". We can use more help for the day and anyone who would like to give us a hand for an hour or so during the picnic give one of the following people a call: Bill J Mitchell, Jr., Lillian Pomonis 385-7012, or Betty Messer The village grounds will be dedicated on this day so plan to attend and mark Aug 19 on your calendar The village grounds will house the village hall in the near future as well as the park area and a baseball field • m ! ' ' « ' • BIRTHDAYS This week's birthday greetings go to Patricia Ken- nt^Ck who has her day July 2, as well as Eugene Januschik Who .jlso does his celebrating the same day. July 4 is the big day for Ernie LeBay Lou LeBay does her celebrating July 5 and Cathie LeBay has her day July 8 Best wishes to you ail for a happy day and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES This week's anniversary couples are Mary Kay and Al Van Berkum who have their special day July 3. Also celebrating their special day July 5 are Lou and Ernie LeBay. Congratulations to you all and may you spend many more happy years together DATE,CHANGE Due to the Fourth of July holiday, the regular monthly meeting of the village of Sunnyside will be held July 11,8 pm at the village hall, 4Jrk> Wilmot road Background Checks A new program involving criminal background checks of persons who apply for foster parent licenses is now in effect, according to Director Margaret Kennedy of the Illinois Department of Children and Family services The program implements legislation passed by the 79th General Assembly and signed into law by Gov James R Thompson Director Kennedy said that the intent of the program is to protect foster children and strengthen the image of foster parents In keeping with its desire to know i he feelings of the parents and community it serves, District 15 surveyed the l>arents of students who were served by the grade school district's Gifted Education program The parents of District 15 agreed with the Illinois Office of Education which recently cited the district's program as exemplary Kach parent filled out sur veys that were mailed directly to them The results found the parents delighted with their child's experiencess to date. While most desired the program to be expanded, most were pleased at the attention children who participated received ^2Five percent of the district's student population is served under the state guidelines for Gifted Education A total 142 students receive regularly scheduled instruction from district teachers The following reflects the questions asked parents and their collective responses Persons wishing to examine the original surveys are irfvited to call the district office to make an appointment to do so. Has your child expressed interest in the work he-she doe? v In the Gifted program? Yes - 92 No - 4 Undecided 2 , Is your child doing some activities related to the Gifted program" Yes 69 No 25 No answer - 4. Do you believe in using standard intelligence test, standard achievement test, and teacher s observations as the criteria for choosing gifted students" Yes - 79 No - 6 Un decided -13 Has your child talked about the Gifted program with you? Yes - 88 No - 10 Does your child seem to enjoy the Gifted program*' Yes - 91 No l Undecided - 6 Do you as a parent think this program should be continued next year? Yes - 94 No - 0 Un decided 4 Has your child encountered any problems with his friends as a resviltiif being involved in the Gifted program? What just One Person Can Do Frequently - 1 Seldom - 10 Never 84 No Answer-3 Has your child shown con cern about missing wbrk in the regular class as a result of being involved in the Gifted program" Considerable Concern 2 Little Concern 27 No Concern N-A 1 Has the Gifted program been <»f importance to you as a parent0 Very Important - 72 Of Little Importance 17 No Importance n N<> Answer - 9 SENIOR CITIZEN'S CORNER HELPFUL IDEAS FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT Diet : only what is needed and replace • c ... . , often so foods keep as cold as Something seniors eait cap of- ... K tentimes cause sickness Avoid P°s i*:. ... . , • foodborne illnesses bv observing prepared foods in y 0Dservmg the refrigerator for more than a the o lowing hi ts. day or two you prepare them --Bacteria are the cause of farther in advance, plan to freeze food poisoning -- all they need to them. grow is the right combination of --Keep your refrigerator time and temperature storage space at 40 degrees --Keep ali hot foods hot. Bac- When the refrigerator is over- teria grow best in lukewarm crowded, the temperature may foods. Protein foods such as rise enough to cause increased seafood, poultry and cooked bacterial action meats should be kept hot Never --If you have any doubts about let these foods stand at room a leftover, don t use it. Food temperature for more than two poisoning doesn t always have a hours. < bad smell or taste Because food --Don't put large quantities of doesn't seem spoiled does not cold foods out at one time Serve mean that it's still good PAGE 23 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JULY I, lf?8 she makes no value judgements on how patients handle Iheir condition. r Ms Ufema visits a patient after a physician explains that an illness is terminal. She asks if the patient feels like sharing what it's nke to be seriously ill. She listens, and makes sure the dying person gets the best of care, and that his rights are protected "I'm not coming in with a clipboard and a lab coat," she savs I don't wear a black cape and come in saying You're dying I'm not going to tell an emphatic lie and have (hem say to me Oh yeah"' When did you die of leukemia?" Death is a part of every per son s life A genuine love for those around us will deepen our concern for those who need to share this important time, and enable us to do so wiih honesty, realism and com passion Jo> I fema. Nurse and Counselor For Joy I'tenia's work, two qualifies are necessary : 'honest and realism Those who know her unique ministry at Penn sylvania's Harrisburg hospital believe she has these traits, plus a generous share of em pathy and caring She is a registered nurse and has counselled 400 dying patients Inspired \yf I)r t£1 izabeth Kubler Rosjrs studies death and dying. Ms Ufema had been in nursing only a year when she asked to set up a program to help dying patients Few hospitals had such programs, and death was generally treated as taboo Now in her fifth year of counselling ter minally ill patients, she has evolved some definite ideas "I found the basic premise is there are no frail human beings.- ' the nurse says. "I think there s an innate quality in us that human beings can handle anything " Explicitly honest and deeply concerned. Coitsprvation Officer# Three women, the first females to complete the Illinois Department of Conservation's 14 week conservation police officer course, were among thirteen graduating recruits in Springfield recently * NOBODY] •BUT NOBODYJ Win SELL 9 \ • • • • • • • • • • • VERSAILLES Of BOBCAT LINCOLN M MONARCH MARK V Of CAPRI COUGAR or XR 7 ZEPHYR or I 7 MARQUIS • FOR LESS* \ THAN * 'COLLEGE* * HILL * • • • • t • • * * * WE'RE OVER STOCKED III I NEW CARS + MUST BE SOLD 5% • • • • • • • • • • OVER • DEALER# INVOICE/ SPECIAL SALE THRU 7/20/7# COLLEGE HILL LINCOLN MERCURY Kt. JI Just North of 17* ) CltY ST A L LAKt, ILK • 459-4900 t • V\< >N!( .< > / \AI KY i vm a u Trainload Sale Sale ends Saturday, July 22, 1978 129&2 Save *101 19" diagonal Auto Color portable TV. One button locks in best possible color picture. tifcO /A fh o4o Regularly 449.95 Simulated 25" diagonal Auto Color Console TV. One button locks in ideal color picture. Pushbutton on/ofTcontrol. Has AFC. *498 Regularly 579.95 cator speeds. Big 18-lb washer with 7 wash cycles. 5 temp, 3 speed combos. Handles perm press, more. a* mm *258 Color, optional. ,,.r. Speci.1 Buy - Whit.- Colors optional. e*tra. Electric. Wards new auto- dry 18-lb dryer. *198 Special buy. White Great for all fabrics: permanent press, deli- cates, knits. Auto dry control; instant stop. Gas model. IM more Vinyl-clad center; unassembled Stereo system in entertainment center. 8-track recorder, AM/FM- stereo, full-size record changer. Two speakers. *188 Regularly 299.95 J Buttonholer. blindhemmer Save '110 Convertible-bed for all your sewing needs. 5 S,t re h ' 2 Reg. 299.99 u t i l i t y , 6 e r e - ative stitches. Convertible-bed* from S9S. Audio-visual bag-full indie Edge cleaner gets close to walls. Save *30 Dual-motor powerheac vac with attachments. Powerful beater- bar, 2 motors Reg. 199.99 get tough dirt ^ 16988 Powerhead vacs from 169.M Automatic probe let* vou cook any food to an exact internal temp 8048 Save *91 Microwave oven with auto temp probe. Cooks by temp or time _ Browning grill, 17.95 Hp J/I Cr Regularly 439.99 Oven carts from 24.95 2338 Colors optional, extra. Save *51 Energy-saving gas range is pilotless. *278( Regularly White 329.99 Electric ignition elim i n a t e s g a s - w a s t i n g pilot lights. Porce lain-finished oven. Other rangeft from S1SS <*3 Save *40 40-ch LED mobile CB with ch-9 scan. With RF/mike gain, Auto v Noise Limiter S/RF meter; volume, squelch controls. Regularly 159.95 725 Save *30 40-ch SSB mobile CB for versatility. RF/mike gairf and ANL SWR meter, calibration LED readout with dimmer *169 Regularly 199.95 4838 Special buy. Wards roomy freezers hold plenty. 19-cu ft upright or big 23-cu.ft. chest have in side light, adj cold dial Cold upright optional. 298 Shop VI ards - White 1858 Colors optional, extra Special buy Wards 18-cu.ft. refrigerator. *388 VI hite Shop Wards. A l 1-frost less 2 c o l d dials. See thru compart ments 4 glass shelves (3 adjust). On adj rollers. Other topmoun^* from S299 USE WARDS CHARG-ALL CREDIT TO BUY THAT APPLIANCE NOW--NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED Service? We have experts. HMyil STORE HOURS 105 Northwest Highway MOD thru Fri 10 am to 9 pm Route 14 Saturday 9 30 a m to 5 p up l .rvstal Lflkp Phone 459 6450 Sunday 11 a m to 5 p m, FREE PARKING