PAGE 12 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JULY It, H78 Lakemoor-Lilymoor Margaret Karas 385-4934 Victims Of MD "k to Benefit From kids Carnival £ A time for fun for the foungsters, which will help *~;ople who suffer from luscular dystrophy, will be „ sld July 22 and 23 from 9-5. If it '#iould rain, the time will be fjlhanged to the following .^Saturday and Sunday, at the fard at the McHenry Nun da jSbrary on Lily Lake road. S Colette Wipper is the coor Minator of the games, prizes 4nd refreshments Ramona Seeley and Diana Pickett, :j$brary painters, will assist ^Colette This is part of the Jeirry Lewis program for muscular dystrophy For a fun few hours, iT-iend your kidlets to the library N|rith a few pesos to enjoy and to i^elp others 'Ss VACATION TIME .jfij Joe and Edye Fitts had a v^iotor trip through Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa during the Ntainy weather we had two *!>eeks ago They were amazed Vjt the swollen Mississippi river, ^ith water, water everywhere Jraldiers Grove, Wis., had had a flash flood, leaving 3 to 4 foot ;5s^ater marks from the >fcickapoo river We can be I^thankful that we live where we as far as natural disasters •Jjsre concerned • NL Edye and Joe enjoyed the 4^cenic drive In LaCrosse. they ^Stopped at the Old Style 3>rewery for a different ex- ience Then on to visit old iends at Prairie View, whom hadn't seen for 20 years, no one has changed at all! £lad to have one of our favorite Couples back home to g SUMMER BLUES OR BLAHS Where to go and what to do these summer days9 Would you believe berry picking9 The wild black raspberries have been delicious Especially when the ^arefoot neighbor children I' fiappily help fill the containers pAnd finding three delicious- jfeting puff ball mushrooms is r%ri additional reward. Just the ^challenge of finding these tasty 2&lack berries that are red when they are green, is true en- •S^Dyment, irregardless of heat £4nd bugs >«, Or try the Moraine Hills State »}ark just down Lily Lake road "to River road There are 11 *«niles of bicycle paths, walking -Irails and three lakes to enjoy I Cake Defiance is a natural ;giaciai lake on which boating "fend fishing are allowed The Illinois Railway museum "*t Union is another interesting w hours visit Takes about a • half hour to drive there to see I mil the trams of past years. J Truly a picture of Americana, •Including Chicago-ana, with the • fclectric street cars I' Or read a book from your library on Lily Lake road CELEBRATIONS if! All are birthdays this week, pqg no r-" ^eems to have gotten • learned the third week of July 'this past week Carolyn Miles celebrated on the fifteenth, irith Tony LaGray and George tjlawell. the Lily Lake Con servation Club resource Chairman sharing July 16 «£• Amanda Anderson has her day July 19 The twentieth of *&Jy finds Pearl Ann Zabroski %lrid Mark Foss anothasf year wilder Angela Sexton celebrates Ally 21 Aria Van Cleave and *<rt Huffman are "twins" July 22 And what is it that Virginia .Itiggert and Mike Schmidt Share on the twenty third9 tjWine Martin's birthday is July 25 V Happiness health and great <xp*-ctations for the next year ijre wished for you all LIBRARY STORY •. Patterns anyone0 The ilcHenry Nunda library on Lily [Lfcke road is starting a pattern exchange Complete patterns •ill be accepted Any may be >iken out on your library card, •^changed or whatever you fcfwers suggest Louise Hipwell library board president and handicraft lady, will be overseeing the patterns A< the price of new ones these days recycling seems to be the answer to inflation GET WELL XPat Morrison is really sitting START LOSING WEIGHT TODAY The hardest part of losing «eigrvr yetting started Ne* extra strengtt SUPEft OODINf X «|l gi ve your will power ttiat extra ousti <? needs to start losing weight Begir' *?th this amazing tiny tablet v m; ' »m' <ess -turn tood and excess 'at into tnirned up energy instead ot extra weigh' a' follow ttie Plan >miple and etlective me SUPf* OOMBU Reducing Plan will enable you to lose pounds and inches without getting nervous To lose water otoat and puttmess <iui\ ing the" pre menstrual cycle Try ODIIINH A Natural Water Pill Both sold with money Dae* guarantee MAY'S HXAU MUG STOtf UMW m m MAKotoniwim up straight these days Seems a slipped disc in the spine does make a difference in one's activities. Pat is getting used to hard chairs and hard beds. And having persons like daughters, helping her up the stairs liie last time Pat had this problem was 25 years ago Hopefully, it will be another 25 before it reoccurs. SPEEDING Racing cars have become a problem on subdivision roads. Over the holiday, the Hueckstaedt's dog. Candy, was hit by a fast car. causing an exorbitant veterinarians fee. Candy is now all right, but she didn't really have to undergo the pain of being hit by an auto in addition to her past heart- worm condition and epilepsy. In checking speed limits, it seems incongruous that the legal speed limit on a small gravel road is 55 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted Subdivision roads are not classified as residential if they are in an unincorporated area. Local residents, take heed and post your side roads. Other wise, there is no legal recourse. A beautiful day is a mixture of work and play, joy and love. GOD BLESS. THOUGHT FOR FOOD By GOULD CROOK Nearly 90 percent of the 30 million living ex-servicemen are war veterans - persons with military service during defined periods of arm^d hostilities f Herbs and Spices Pep up your cooking with herbs and spices. By using combinations of seasonings, less salt is needed -- and too much salt isn't good for us. To begin with -- why not set out a few plants and start your very own herb garden? Start with seven or eight plants or varieties of herbs. Most plants require four to five hours of sunlight a day in soil with good drainage. Most herbs can be kept outdoors all summer, then brought indoors in small win dow pots for the winter. You can be snipping on these the year round for flavoring vegetables, soups, meats, fowl and fish. Soups are tastier by adding any number of herba such as: marjoram, basil, rosamary, thyme, bay leaves and or un limited other8. Stews are better with the addition of caraway, chervil, chives, savory or pars ley. Nearly 44 percent of the nation's population are potentially eligible for Veterans administration benefits. AW Check These ADVERTISI 'TEM POLII Each of th«s« advertisod items is r» quired to be readily available for sals st or below ths advertised pries in each A£rP Store sxcspt as spacifi- caiiy notad in this sd 3650 w.ILMST., MCHENRY PftlCCS EFFECTIVE THUMB. JULY 20. THRU SAT. JULY 22.1171 NOME SOLD TObEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. M0N.-SAT. 8-12, SUN. 8-6 A&P Picks The Best Produce Red Plums A&P 1% LOW FAT GALLON SIZE HIGH IN COLOR CALIFORNIA GROWN California Nectarines SWEET & JUICY DEAN'S Ready Shake 4 - >100 CkouW* RtMJY Wd\ ANN PAQE S'JtikS CHOCOLATE JENO'S SAUSAGE Pizza 13-1/2-OZ. SIZE FROZEN Ice Cream --- ;r $l19 CheeseCakes 4 $1°0 ASST FLAVORS-17-OZ SIZE Pepperidge MINUTE-MAID PINK OR REG Lemonade A4P-FROZEN . Onion Rings FARM CAKES FROZEN •-OZ. CAN PBOZIM •A 1S-OZ. FKO. New Red Potatoes SAND MOUNTAIN GROWN VI reAda' iniyf° h° he 10H0MESTYLC LB. Fresh Limes 12 °° 59* Whole "Hf~ Watermelon IC LB. A&P Picks The Best Groceries GRADE "A" DOZEN A&P MEDIUM SIZE Romaine Lettuce Driscoll Strawberries A&P Picks The Best Groceries JANE PARKER ENRICHED White Bread 59 iTomato l -- 'Sauce * Biscuits REGULAR OR BUTTERMILK 8-OZ. TUBES A&P FINEST QUALITY GOLDEN CITRUS GALLON 15-OZ CANS ANN PAGE PINT CARTON -ZX A\\l!'//// '///M\\V ASST LOW-CAL FLAVORS 8-OZ BTL Wishbone Dressings Fruit Drinks f"SJra 89' REGULAR-DIET-LIGHT $LOO Pepsi Cola Q ^ |«» AAP QUARTERED Margarine 1-LB. PACKAGE Vanity-Fair Paper Products Truck-Load Sale Jumbo Towels ASST. COLORS-VANITY-FAII Vanity- Fair Facial Tissue Vanity- FairOinner Napkins *5 Vaoity- FairLuncheonNapki 16-OZ LOAVES 1J4-CT M6 r»-cT 100 CT ASST. COLORS-VANITY-FAIR 4-ROLL 1 •„ ' % ~rr._. ^ > • : x 1 , ' ' 1 High Honors Listing For Marian Students A listing of high honors students at Marian Central high school has just been released. Seniors: Rita Brown, Thomas Carey, Cathleen Chereck, Bruce Davis, Thomas Foresman. Matthew Gibbons, Kathy Gorski, Carolyn Greenwald, Steven Loughran, •Clayton Malaker, Mary (Toni) Malone, Debbie Mazzie, Donna Menzel. Daniel Nye, Steve Pierce, Leslie Pyper, Terri Shahoda, Anita Sircar, Janet Thompson, Wendy Wohnrade and Jane Zimmerman. Juniors: Timothy Benoy, Marguerite Cristy, John Diedrich, Kathleen Foresman, Ti^nothy Hart, Julie Huff, Robert Kowalski, Gary Loughran, Michele Malone, Ruth Marshall, Deborah Morrison, Victor Narusis, Jane Olszak, Kurt Parker, Sarah Peasley, Virginia Peschke, Christopher Pollock, Patricia Raica, . Lydia Ruggero, Sue Shahoda, Pamela Smith and Susan Wilcoski. Sophomores: Dana Andreas, Jeffrey Davis, Michael Dipirro, Patricia Foresman, Thomas Frett, Michael Kiernan, Mark Mass, Daniel Mayer, David C. McCormack, Collette Nuelle, Maria Potje, Theresa Scott, Michael Smith, Becky Trobl, Ronald Waytula, Andrew Wells and Kathy Wottreng Freshmen: William Berner, Michael Eisele, Laura Foresman, Jean Gaskey, Tracy Gibbons, Cheryl Graves, Brad Gregory, Darlene Grenier, Ben Johnston, John Jozwiak, Joseph Liggett, Kim Luciani, Thomas McDonough, Michelle Middendorf, Ellen Narusis, Michelle Nash, Joseph Potje, Kay Schuler and Karen Truckenbrod. Mondale details Carter's urban plan to mayors. Special Show -For Senior Citizens Senior citizens are invited to enter a special Senipr Citizens show as part of the sewing exhibits at the McHenry County fair. The Senior Citizens council is coordinating and sponsoring this show, but entry blanks are available at the fair office on the fairgrounds PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. 1 ' V * I* Delores Pederson, who is handling the sewing Open show, says Senior Citizens can enter quilts, infant ware, ac cessories and other things they make VA employs some 38.000 handicapped men and women including 14.000 veterans with service-connected disabilities, or 16 percent of the agency's total workforce Great A&P Prices CASH CHECKS WITH chkXb CHARGE GROCERIES ••• • • Tide LAUNDRY DETERGENT '10c OFF LABEL 49-OZ. BOX YOUR CHOICE 9-OZ. SIZE •POTATO CHIPS BOX OR BAG • DIPPETTES BOX OR BAG A&P Is A Butcher Shop CENTER RIB Center Cut Pork Chops SOLD STEAK ONLY STEAKS CUT FROM GRAIN FED BEEF Round Steak SERVE WITH FRESH MUSHROOMS A&P Is A Butcher Shop BULK PACK Turkey Drumsticks BONELESS Rotisserie ROAST-TOP ROUND OR SIRLOIN TV COUNTRY STYLE FRESH WITN BACK PORTION ATTACNCO LS FryerLegs u. 49c 69c Boneless Rump Roast Full Shank Half Ham OR BOTTOM ROUND FULLY COOKED WATER ADDED LB. LB. sj59 89 A&P Is A Sausage Shop A&P MEAT BONELESS FULL CUT Round Steak CENTER CUT PorkChops •OLD AS •TtAK ONLV CENTER LOIN FiMTV Turbot Fillets PEELED A DEVEINED Cap'n John's Shrimp CAP-N JOHN'S ShrimpCocktair MEATY ocLicioue BAKKD L. <129 Pork Back Ribs BUTTERFLY OR BONELESS *2" Pork Chops Hot Dogs SUPER RIGHT SMOKED Liver Sausage 2-LB.PKG 11.77 ANY SIZE PIECE 89c L. 59c SWIFTS PREMIUM BROWN & SERVE ia-oz MO. c. *2" # $219 S3 USagBS VARIETIES BONELESS A&P MILD & OR HOT U69 Pork Loin Roast PO!SON LB. *169 PorkSausage • 02 MCO 1-LB. NOLL 99c $109 Agar Canned Ham LB UK (•1AA A&P SLICED Ivv Bologna • LIMIT * 1 Pifkat ALL VARIETIES S: U39 1-mo A&P Is A Deli Shop MUCH KPFICTIV1 TMUKS JULY M THRU SAT JULY B. 1*7* NONI BOLD TO OCALlNt OA WMOLISALf R*. A&P Picks The Best Health & Beauty Aids Colgate Toothpaste *-°z UUc 05r JOc OFF HOI 111§ LABEL BTL TABLBTB MM MCT.PKO *1" Li iterine Mouthwash Efferdmt Denture Cleaner Dial Antiperspirant °»iaT£?T '1" BodyOnTapShampoo "V u A&P Picks The Best General Meichandise KINGSFORD Charcoal"» 20-LB. BAG $2.99 >.*159 POUNO •AO ra Charcoal Lighter r*~PMCE*A PMDE ^PRtCE a PBIOE • PRICE a PPK)E^ II I + I ui !i !• i! • -e IU4 i i $1.00 OFF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASt Of ONE 2 in l plus COLLAR PACKAGE QUART PBIOE • 24 HARTZ* I g V inlpluscollQf 1 MltCC WITHOUT COUPON M 96 ten MJCCT TO eTATt TAB AT Me MMC« »I II AND THE PEANUTS SANS FROM ANCHOR HOCKING UP TO 18 VARIETIES AVAILABLE IN MOST STORES 39* *1.19 PWCE / • PRtCE a PBIOI • PRICE a PAIDC •• Apomocary StofagB JB» THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SMHGS TO YOU P E A N U T S T I E S O I 9 S E N E S FMIUI* Syrtd'Cll* tnc FOR SLICING POUNO S1 96 LEON'S Prasky HALF POUNO LONGACRE Chicken 3 s115 )UND • >2 29 H HALF • POUNO POUND $2 36 POUND S 2 38 LongacreTurkeyHam Wilson Hard Salami Usinger Beef Summer Sausage Chunk StyleSwiss Cheese JARLMURQ Iceland Baby SwissCheese Rye Bread Orval KentColeSlaw Orval Kent Walnut Delight Dessert HALF POUND POUNO a2 7S RUBSCHLAQER WEST PH ALIAN XX, Jl» ^ »1" LB 1-LB LOAF CREAMY $271 $249 59c 59c 99c £c/l OUR ENTIRE STOCK reduced including bedroom,p dining room, and 1 living room * furniture. All Special Orders Reduced Including ! Bennington Pine Many Floor Samples Reduced up to 40% Many Items in Stock for Immediate Delivery SALE Now In Progress rr. cdA*T> Prruid Fwniiuri FREE DELIVERY REGULAR STORl HOURS Tuatev tfvu SituKtoy 9 to 5 hidav 9 to 9 Closed SUIKUT and Muodav £ h c Iu s i v * E a r l y A m m n c n n P m m S h o p i ) *