Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1978, p. 15

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PAGE 16 - PLAINDEALER - W i .iNESDAY, JULY 26,1978 fSTSBT" fOR OtNT FOX LAKE. Pistakee Lake, furnished studio $180; Two sdroom $205.00; Deluxe sited one bedroom $215 00. 312 -1212 CW.RENTALS, fee 7- $ 7-28C : --: OFFICES from 150 sq ft to 8.000 sq ft. Parking and fuil vice Suitable for handicap »rt lerm lease available 815- 7-5-7-28c RY. Deluxe 3 bedroom. 2'* age. fireplace, river rights, .00 312 • 249-1212 CW. NTALS. fee 7 267-28C hce in McHenry. good Jtion. air conditioned, all lities furnished $85 00. 815- j-3490 7-7tfc trge wooded corner lot led Shores. Wonder Lake ea, 2-3 bedroom raised ranch, splace. central air, one car tached garage, private lake {hts. references, security sit $325 00 month, one year 815-653-9653 or 815-728- 7-26 7-28C jm for rent with laundry and :hen privileges. Griswold ike area $140 00 month, icher preferred 815-344-0858 time 7-26 7-28C I 'Ll'XE 1 bedfoom apart- ^nt now available, air con ioning, swimming pool, 1 ir lease Security deposit juired, no pets. Call 815-344- 7-26TFC )R RENT IN McHENRY )DERN " 2 BEDROOM >wnhouse apartment, 14 bith, utility room, built-in trfectric range, no refrigerator MJonvenient location with nice big yard $260per month plus Jplites Lease, security deposit reference required No 815*459-4646 7-26 7-28C JLDRM HOUSE with attached *»Si|rage. stove and ref ., washer Sjttd dryer Johnsburg schools. 00 per month plus utilities fferences and Security Sposit required Available Bg 25th Call after 5:30 p.m. 2^4-1214 7-26 :<3ezv 3' j modern apartment for '•bachelor or middle aged ;i?Qiuple 815-385 3224 7-26 1^2 -Bedroom upper apartment ^dults only No pets Security ^dposit and references required Available now Phone 385-0539 7-26 2» Bedroom House, full bath, furnished, cabinet kitchen. storage shed in back Wonder Lake $220 Available now 4 block from beach 312-593-8296 or 312-637-8270 7-26 7-28C For Rent, 3 bedroom ranch in the country between McHenry and Woodstock, carpeted, dish­ washer. disposal, fireplace, air conditioned, full basement, two car garage with electric door $350.00 month No children or pets, security deposit Write Box JU8 in care of McHenry Plaindealer. 3812 W Elm St., McHenry. IL 60050 7-26 7-28C House for rent. 3 bedroom, immediate occupancy, one y«ar lease and security deposit S360 00 815-344-1013 . 7-26 7-28C WOODSTOCK 3 bedroom, carpeting newly decorated, kids pet o k on South Madison $235 00 312- 249-1212 CW RENTALS, fee 7-26 7-28C I \ I > K R \ K V\ M \ \ \ < ; K M E N T V F W ( lubhouseand Hall for for rent ^eating capacity for 400 ("all :x."> •» to 12 weekdays or after t>pm 7-5tfc < )N LONG LAKE. Rent til June, furnished 4 room ranch, fireplace piano, child o k $250 00 312 - 2.49 1212 CW- KENT ALS. fee 7-26 7-28C Northfox Condo $300 month No pets 815-385-0169 7-26 IVrLESIDE 3 bedroom home. Kids o k $250 (X) one bedroom home child o k $225 00 312-249- 1212 CW.RENTALS, fee 726 7 28C >TOR \«. h SPA( K all sizes nside or out monthh rental. The Keep Mini Warehouse Hl.Y r.voo«»r> 7-5i fc 2 BEDROOM 2 baths Condo. Crystal I^ike Available Sep tember 1st $320 month Heat included 385-0017 7 26 7 28C o\ CRYSTAL LAKE fur rushed 3 bedroom home two baths, utilities paid available 9 months, kids pet o k $365 (K> {12 249 1212 CW1 RENTALS fee 7 28C LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE 6ENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bed room opor t merits fully carpeted 1 3 ceramic boths color applian ces d i shwasher o i r con d i t ionmg lau r > r * la rqe s to rage i ron n j t From $225 00 ' j j < e se«-ero l blork s * n town GENEVA LAKf- APARTMENTS 1321 » M'nn Lake Gj»r>evo vVis 414-248-4572 CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS Daily or weekly. 815-385-0266 or 815-385-8905 7-5tfc, 1st floor office space on Rte 12 in Richmond Reasonable rent, ideal for professional office or business office 815-678-4441 7-5- tfc WAREHOUSE or factory space from 5.000 to 15,000 ft 385-1079 7-5tfc WONDER LAKE, 3 homes available Furnished two bedroom, 9 months $175.00; Furnished 3 bedroom $300.00; two or three bedrooms, 6 room year round raised ranch, kids, pet o k $325 00 312-249-1212 CW- RENTALS, fee 7-26 7-28C moTOficvcus Looking for competitive motorcycle InsuranceGive us a call Fitzgerald Insurance Agency 815-385-4619 or 815-385- 87(H) ' 7-5-tfc 1963 Harley Custom Chopper, 4,000 miles. Springer, King- Queen, Custom frame and paint $2,200.00 815-344-1411 or 312-885- 9082 7-26 7-28C 1977 Honda GL 1000, Fairing, Travel trunk, low mileage, excellent condition, make offer 815-385-5928 . 7-26 7-28C 1972 TS 50, Suzuki Trail bike $150 00 ; 3'2 horse mini bike $50 00. both good condition, recent tune up 815-344-2647 . 7- 26 1977 KAWASAKI KZ 1000 Many extras, 1,300 miles $2,650 00 Call after 7 :00 p m or weekends 815-344-1266. 7-26 7- 28C "»• 1975 Kawasaki 500, excellent condition, low mileage, $900 00 Call evenings 312-884-1619 7-21 7-28C Honda XL 125 1975. good con­ dition, just tuned Full in­ strumentation $500.00 or best offer 815-385-5439 7-21 t-28C 1976 Kawasaki KZ 900, 7.000 miles, adult driven, mint condition, extras $1,750 00 Call 815-385-4620 before 2 p m or weekends 7-19 7-21C 1973 HONDA CT 70, 5800 miles, good condition Call 385-6027 after 2 pm 7-26-7-28C 1975 HONDA XL 125 - on-off road One owner Excellent condition $450 Wonder Lake. 815-728-0754 7-26-7-28c >0ATS k MOTORT BOATS 1957 Century Coranado, 22 ft good condition. Moving, Must sell $1,500 or best offer 385-2892 7 26 7-28C 15' ALFA 15 Catamaran, $1,500 00 385-0644 7-26 7-28C PONTOON 20' Harris Flote Bote Canopy top, seat covers, fully equipped Well kept, excellent condition Mercury 40 H P motor 085-2388 7-267-28C 1976 Switzercraft, 17 ft with a Merc 1250 outboard, tac, two plus four bucket seats $3,500 00 or best offer 815-385-7767 7-26 7-28C WANTED WANTED 12 ft Aluminum fishing boat, reasonable 815- 585-2499 7-21 7-28C SHORE STATION for 2,000 pound boat. also pier ap­ proximately 30' 815-728-0177 7- 2 1 7 2 6 Need your house painted" no job too big, no job too small Interior or exterior. Excellent references, call Joe 815 344-1563 or Mike 815-385-2006 for free estimate 7-12 7-28C I-ooking for 3-4 bedroom home to buy on contract, 815-568-6271 call after 6pm 7-26 8-30C Oriental rugs wanted, we pay top dollar for your old Oriental r ugs, call anytime <12-884-6444 7-5-lfc UACANT PROPERTY LOTS FOR SALE 1 acre home sites In New subdivision Oak (•rove Fstates miles north of Harvard on Hte 14 and Oak (iiove Kd Kd Krunfus Phone nr. VI24 7-5tfc SITUATION IPHNTfO WILL IIII HotSECLEANING with references Call 815-455 1048 7-26-7 28c Will babysit days for working mother ft 15 385-0151 7 26 LOST SMALL BLACK poodle needs special food I»st in McCullom I ake Subdivision 385-8291 7 26 NOTICE y i• n Dinner Auction every Tuesda> evening 7 Mi pm Antiqu *s ; nd'misc Sir Robert's Inn Rt 14 (lysta)Lake Bring vour items Keser vat ions helpful 815 459-4240 7-21 7 28C W»WTf0 TO 6UV WANTED TO BUY Used cornet, good condition, reasonable. 815-385-5669 7-26 7- 28C m COLUMN Give Away: Puppies 3'2 mo. old Hunting dogs Small to medium size, raised with children 815-675-2473 7-19 7- 28C WANTED PUPPIES 6 8 weeks old. good homes guaranteed Also we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups 815-385 7897 7-5tfc l year old male black lab , has shots, good with children Call .385-2534 7-26 Deaths ANNE M. MILLER A lifetime resident of the Spring Grove and McHenry area. Anne M Miller, died Friday, July 21, at the Wood­ stock Residence at the age of 95. She had made her home at 4813 W Parkview. McCullom Lake. Mrs Miller was born in Spring Grove Nov 23, 1882. the daughter of John and Margaret (Lentzen) Miller She was a member of St Patrick's Catholic church Survivors include a grand­ daughter, Mrs Jack < Penny > Zarnstorff of Twin Lakes, Wis ; a grandson, Douglas Miller of McHenry; two great grand­ children; and a brother, Ben Miller of McHenry She was preceded in death by a son. Arthur, Jan 9, 1977. and by brothers and sisters, Kate McDaniel, Mrs Ben (Mary) Miller. Mary Miller, Michael. John, William, and Joseph Miller 11 • The George R Just en & Son funeral home held Monday visiting hours followed by Mass at St Patrick's Catholic church Tuesday at 10 a m Interment was at the churchyard cemetery Memorial contributions may be made to the McHenry Area Rescue squad BEN G. PHELPS A scouting memorial service for Ben G Phelps will be held at the United Methodist church of Fox River Grove, Sunday, July 30, at 9 a m An active leader in Boy Scouts of America since 1916. Ben G Phelps. 74. died at Memorial hosptial, Woodstock, Wednesday, July 5. He had made his home at 520 N Madison street, Woodstock Mr Phelps, or Mr Scout­ master as he was known by Boy Scouts and leaders in the Kish- waukee District, was born in Paducah, Ky , Feb 9, 1904, the son of Baz and Doris (Lutem Phelps During a 23-year residency in Woodstock, Mr Phelps served as district commissioner and member at large to the Blackhawk Area Council He received the Silver Beaver award for outstanding service to scouting, community and country Since 1939 when he joined the council as an assistant scoutmaster, he served as scoutmaster, district vice chairman, neighborhood commissioner and district chairman of senior scouting He was a member of the Order of the Arrow and received numerous other awards including the Scouter's award. Scouter's Key, Com missioner's Knot and Arrowhead Honor Prior to retirement in 1974, he was employed by Electric Ad Clock company for 52 years His widow, Evelyn (Hopper • whom he married in St Ixjuis Jan 14, 1928, survives as well as a son, Ben, Jr , of State College. Pa ; a daughter Mrs Jill Strader of San Antonio. Tex seven grandchildren, and a brother. Boice of Paducah. Kv 3U~>^=> Casualness is the word for summer hairdo's. Short cuts makf- hair care easy after swimming. A good cut will toW*&! drv and look becoming. For drr«>s up evenings blow dr\ and add fullness with a curling iron it desired. light, airy fabrics have a cool look for summer dresses, especially those with tiny sprigs of flowers or cool splashes of green. Bridal fashions are very feminine in their simplicity this summer. Some feature old fashioned lace and small frills. / 1 hi' Wise A modern country is one winch hans fireworks and { rodutes nuclear bombs. -Tribune Des Moines. "What is the good of a good thing if no one knows about it?" ADVERTISE rx Your Good Things In THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER The 91ore You Tell The More You Sell Call 385-0170

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