Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1978, p. 4

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Jin Milk* president traverses tne parallel bars at employees try purchasing agent. n bypassing the obstacle Behind Miller cm the oot the sew Intermauc U« mile exercise course at the pUnt in tars are Jndy Reardon. a coil winder; Paoi Sat lot marketing Spring Grwe Marge Oldenburg an assembler has completed this .ice-prestdent and Bill Fsiava as engineer exercise and a ms&ing to the next suuon but Isabel Rittorno. a , -- -- A running trac* complete with twenty exercise stations has oeer. se*. jp for its 90G employees and pu&hc jse b> I n t e r m a t i c I r . c a u t o m a t i c truer and beater manufacturer here Known as tne Intermatic Fitneas Tra;, the installation is nased or. the Vu Course originated x 5* tier .and in 1*68 This .s t»e..eved to ne the first time that ooe -as neer. i n s t a i i e d B y a p r i v a t e organization or company although the Vita Course .s being jsed r. various pcni.c parts arocr.c the country Winding around the p^an.t odjacer,* tc Route 12 a snort distance north of Fox Late the trail measures : t rr.ii«s The .sea jccjrrec m -kpr.. • Tier I si * tne .nstaiiatjor. ir. a pu&LK pa.'x ir. Horxia *avs J i m M l i e r I n t e r m a t ' c pres:oer- &nor*Jy after ** launched a -ear K>ng program tc pay ernploN ee* H a pour. - for iosmg weight This seemed .dea. for js because jniike tennis courts etc a !arge num&er of peopse car use the course tnere .s nc » e e d f o r w a i t i n g o r a p pouttments The rothvidua! tan tailor an exercise program to haeet persona, needs - Situated at v anous interv als (beexercise stations nave Deer. jpiaaaed to improve fitness Without straining an> par* of (he body, and they proceed front a series of warm-up IMH »es designed to increase flexibility through a number of more demanding musc le s t re r .g ther .e r s ending wi th cooling-off exercises It is a natural for us MUier adds Dec a use 2C<4 of our employees are now engaged ir. the year-ioog program to red jc e - eight and this will help The Great Atlantic i Pacific Tea lom.par.v '.as introduced -xiH jreen stamps in its r~ :a£ division super marnets The Chicago Division jf -.LP tpe-ate? 119 super marnets Illinois and nor them Indiana Tne trading stamp program s another step .n the com par.;, s continuing campaign to attract customers by giving a littve " something extra ac ;or i - £ to Jonathan L Scot: \k? chairman Today & snopper .5 ex tremeiy pr ce conscious and wants to £et as much for ner money as possible Our poplar E-conom;. omer and Action P"'.c^s "jf "h£ * *rr s d.o d the ne-» train* stamp offering help mee* - s consumer cf.a..en** >cott sa.^d Tne Economy Corner program -'eat^res ^r.Dranded food a nd £ e->er a. m erchandise them .Also it will be something new for the area and we cor­ dially invite aii the nearby residents of Mc Henry and Laxe counties and southern Wisconsin to use the facility The nice thing about it _s tnat you can follow the 2irec tions or. the piaques and w aik or products priced as much as X percent below nationa. brands The Action Prices program, passes along to consumers savings the company nas made on spec a. purchases of • a nous products In announcing the program ,ocally James J Pheian vice- president of *.4P s Chicago ±vis*oc said The A4.P nas a tradition of providing exceuent quality at the fairest price * ith the bonus of S4H Green stamps and our other ecoporr y programs *e expect to sub­ stantially increase saies m our Oxtago diviswr. stores Giilis R Lew ^ •. ce-presidert and midwest regional manager for S4H Greer, stamps said surveys have shown that nearly se*.er xz of ten sbop^ pers like trading stamps as a spec .a. p< us S4H nas com missiooed research firms for twenty years to sample pubbc run through the course at >our owx pace The exercise stations add interest and stimulation and put zing in jogging for novices or experienced athletes wt.K± snould make the trail popular with both athletes or weekend joggers ' he said attitudes toward stamps '.e said 54H stamp savers can choose from 1 *00 items displayed in its standard Ideaaook or 1 m its Luxury catalog S4H will oe evening new redemption centers m Illiwxs and northern Indiana to sen. e rustotners of A4P s Chicago dvBMO SA H nas more th*r rederr.ptkt. arxj catalog order centers and five large warehouses including s natiocal mau order center „n Cincinnati C ELEBRATE OPENING I>arJey Lumoer com par _• s Volo sales location s ceiebraiing the grand opening orf the firm s Racine Wis center with specia. offer.rgj from 10 a m ift XL. # p m Aug 26 The Voic center is at R: 12 and IX ASP Introduces S&H Stamps In Chicago Division Markets Company Puts "Z/ng In Jogging" Pactared ahnve are people fran TC htehks, Inc.. whs attended a stndent recocaitian heM rurath at da Branded House la Crystal Lake. The dinner honored the employee •todtnti from TC who attended seminars ar toak classes related to their employ meat. Some went to McHeary County college taking conrses like welding metallurgy, business. English as a second laagaage. Spanish as a second language, and electricity. Others took supervisor courses by the Midwest Industrial Management association. Also included were first aid students, management training seminars, and others, la the picture, left to right, (rout row. are Ken Bird, Crystal Lake; Leon Fianey. McHenry: Hans Spirk. Crystal Lake: George Berry IV and Boh Berry, St. Charles; i maud raw. Wayne Mass. Crystal Lake-. John Haste. McHeuf; Jube Kunzer. McHenry: John McGrath. McHeary: Aarut Jackowski. Lake-in-the-Hills; Ron Schisler. McHenry and Henry Laog. Crystal Lake: standing. Boh Kamholx, Cary; Ed Hunter. Crysul Lake. Chet Grandt. McHeary: Larry Dohner. McHenry: George Berry IH. St. Charles: Ray Kara. Wisconsin; Paul Rechten. Harvard: Gerry Jaimes. Crysul Lake; Wayne Gritxmacher. Crystal Lake; Gregg Peters. McHenry; Dick PfundL Crysul Lake: Charlie Baker. Crysul Lake; Tom Evans, McHenry; Heary Cooke. Barringtoo Hills and Boh HaaeJt. CrrsUl Lake. PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. ALGUSTII. lf7t McHenry Man Retires From Insurance Firm Auction Mainstay Of County Fair \ eteran buyers, augmented by several newcomers to the lusestock Auction, help make this McHenry County fair event a memorable highlight for dozens of 4-H and FFA young people More than a dozen volunteers prepared and staged the auction to help recognize the superior production efforts in project wort last Saturday Auction committee members and Fair association officials expressed their appreciation for the outstanding support given their youngsters by business industry, individual and instautiunaJ buyers and 1 " J ij -- • DMioers The support of 4-H youth through the 4-H and FFA Auction makes this ev ent one of the mainstays of the county fair each year." elaborated Uoyd Getzehnar auction committee member There was a total of ten sheep champions and reserve champions The average price per pound for these champions was SI The total number of sheep other than champions seventy-four, compared with forty-nine last year The average bid price per pound was 89 cents, compared with 93 cents per pound last year In the beef category, there were a total of four grand champion, reserve champion and top of dam entries The average bod price per pound for these champion steers graded choice or better was sixty-one and they averaged 74 cents a pound There were twenty steers graded good beef and they averaged 62 cents per pound A total of nine grand champion and reserve champion hogs were sold at the auction The average price per pound for these champions was S2 35 The number of hogs other than champions were sixty- nine. compared with sixty - three last year and they averaged 99 cents a pound Gavers Black topping and Excavating. Woodstock, purchased the grand champion 4-H steer owned by Lora Jacobs erf Wonder Lake They paid S2 JS a pound for the 975-pouDd steer. Peter Bakers and Sons. Woodstock, purchased the 4-H Grand Champion steer last year for S3 a pound, and the year before the champion steer sold for S3 024 per pound. A total of eighty-five steers, seventy-eight hogs and eighty- four sheep were auctioned dtrmg the six-hour auction at Hansen pavilion on the McHenry county fairgrounds at Woodstock Auctioneers were Bill Russet. Gordon Stade and Gene Frederick who did an excellent job in handling the many buyers and bidders. Here are some highlights of purchase at this annual auc­ tion- Sheep Buyers: Harms Grain and Automation. Crystal Lake, purchased the 4-H Grand Champion market lamb at S3 40 per poind for a 120-pound lamb The lamb was raised by Lynn Slatfer, Cary. Franks Feed Store. Marengo, purchased the 4-H Reserve grand champion market lamb at S3 20 per poind for a 115 pound lamb, owned by- Mark Slater. Cary. Mark SUter. Cary. had two 4-H Grand Champion Pens, the first weighing 130 pounds was pw chased by Cary l ions club of Cary at S2.50 per pound The second was purchased by Lindow Appliance of Marengo at SS.30 a pound. This lamb weighed 102 pounds Beef Bayers: Gavers Blacktopping. Woodstock, paid S2J5 a poind for the 4-H Grand Champion steer, chowc by Lora Jacobs, Wonder Lake. The steer weighed 975 pounds Harvard Implement purchased the 4-H Reserve Grand Champion steer raised by- Debbie Martin. Harvard, at S3.05 a pound Her steer weighed 1.210 pounds The 4-H Grand Champion Rate-Of-Gain steer, owned by Phillip Kearas, Huntley, was ptrchased by Marlowe Feed and Hatchery. Huntley, for SI 55 a pound. This steer weighed 1.450 pounds Michael Grismer s 4-H champion market heifer weighing 920 pounds was purchased by Peter Baker and Sons. Woodstock, at S.99 a pound The McHenry Savings and Loan association purchased Dave Redmann's. Richmond, 1190-pound choice steer at S 70 a pound and donated it to the McHenry County Fair association for their annual appreciation dinner for fair volunteers Swine Bayers: Faestel In­ vestments. Inc , CrysUl Lake, bought the 4-H Grand Cham­ pion Market hog from David Beard. Hebron! They paid S3.80 a pound for this 237 pound champion hog Blissdale Grain. Marengo, purchased the 4-H Reserve Champion Market hog. owned by Robert Ber schet. Marengo, at S4 50 a pound (top price). This hog weighed 211 pounds Billy Spoeriein. Harvard, sold his 257-pound 4-H Reserve Pen at S2.50 a pound to the First Sute bank of Harvard Russ Stewart of Vogue Cleaners. Crystal Lake, purchased Bill McKee's 4-H reserve champion gilt at S2 80 a pound Don Lin Construction com pany. Huntley, paid fl.40 a pound for Debbie Kuhhnan's 201-pound 4-H Reserve champion barrow Linda Ainger, Harvard, received Si.10 a pound for her 190-pound Junior and Senior Reserve Market gilt from Blissdale Grain. Marengo Marback Printing of Woodstock purchased the 1978 Champion beef carcass, paying SI 50 a pound. The carcass weighed 595 pounds The auction was presented by the McHenry County Fair association in conjunction with the fair'i livestock committee, McHenry County Livestock Feeders association, and the auction committee On the Auction committee were Lloyd Getzelman, Gene Meyer and Dan Walters The McHenry SUte bank once again volun­ teered their services as clerks for the auction, a very im­ portant aspect of the auction Competes In Bus George M Lubus. 3215 Bull Valley McHenry . an employee of the North Suburban Mass Transit district Sortran . is among eighty-six suburban bus operators within the RTA region who have qualified to compete for the titie "Driver of the Year in the RTA Bus Roadeo The Roadeo to be beid at 8 30 a m Sunday. Aug 13. at Harper college. Palatine, will determine the metropolitan region s most qualified driver who will represent the RTA in the National Bus Roadeo in Toronto Sept 24 through 28 Lubus will be judged on his safety record, a safety quiz personal appearance, and pre- tnp bus inspection, and an Pass Resolution On 75th Anniversary Of Union A resolution congratulating Plumbers Local Union 93 Lake and McHenry counties, on the occasion of its seventy-fifth anniversary w as presented and unanimously adopted by the Illinois House of Represen UQves in the closing hours of the recent senior of the Illinois General Assembly Joining the chief sponsors as co-sponsors were the entire Lake and McHenry House delegation of Ronald P. Gnesheimer ttaukegar. also of the 31st district Daniel Pierce. Highland Park Betty Lou Reed of Deerfieid and Donald Deuster of Mundeietn from the 32nd district and Thomas J Hanahar. Jr . McHenry R Bruce ttaddeti. Dundee and Calvin M Skinner Jr Crystal Lake of the 33rd (hstrict The resolution points out that a charter was issued to Local 93 by the United Association of Jotroevmec and Apprentices of the Phanbang and Pipefittmg Industry of the United States and Canada May 9. 1903. with eighteen charter members signatory to the agreement, and that today membership is in excess of 500 journeymen, apprentices and retirees The resolution commends the Lake and McHenry counties tauon for its work with iocal and state communities in the development and maintenance of strong plumbing codes to protect the Health of the public and a strong Illinois Plumbing License Law Roadeo obstacle course driving test Top finalist from each earner will receive a trophy and a S25 U S savings bond Top finalist in each class 35 and 40 food buses will receive a trophy, a S50G savings bond and an all-expense paid trip to the national convention The national winner will receive a SI.000 savings bond The union is also recognized for iucommunity contributions by its participation in vocational training programs in area schools and its con tnbuions of time and skills to many civic organizations R.J. Albright Is Promoted By Local Industry Rick Vycital Consultant For Nl-Gas Company McHenry native. Rick T Vycital. was recently named senior personnel consultant for Northern Illinois Gas, headquartered in Joliet He Is the son of Mr and Mrs Stanley Vycital. 3301 W Crescent avenue McHenry Vycital "a previous respon­ sibilities include supervisor system operating, aquifer engineer and supervisor of storage fields A 1973 Southern Illinois university civil engineering graduate. Vycital is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers He resides at 1875 Tall Oaks drive. Aurora at the east end of the plant near Highway 31 Richard Albright started his employment at TC working summers while he was a student He became a full time employ ee in June. 1971. after he received his degree from Southern Illinois university Albright and his wife, Frankie. have one daughter. Christine ISSUE CH ARTERS The sute has issued charters to McHenry Tumble-Weeds and Barcom. Ltd DECLARE DIVIDEND The board of directors of Oak Industries. Inc.. on Aug 4 declared regular quarterly dividends of 124 cents per share on the common stock, and 43J« cents per share on the Series C preferred stock Both dividends are payable Sept 10 to stockholders of record Aug 2S ^ • • 0 0 Few people complain about being over-reward­ ed by life's fortunes. • • o o The deliberate misuse of freedoms is as danger­ ous as their suppression. IN TRAINING COURSE - A representative Adams Lawn A I i mpi i the local dealer far Polaris snow motile* recently attended the Technical Service Training center at the Polaris factory ia Rosea a. Minn. This coarse covered a 24-day ins traction period devoted to all aspects maintenance on the Polaris snowmobile. Shown here with Dick Arneson. instructor at the Tmtnaog Center, is Bill Scott agency 990 E Northwest High way He joined the company as an agent in the Evanstoc district m :*>< anc *as transferred tc the Palatine off>ce m Sep­ tember .96" Shade, is a native of South Bend lod He received a B S aegree from Indiana university in :93S Durmg World War II he served in the Army Air Force As a navigator be took part in thirty-two m-.sssons m the Pacific theatre He was awarded five nattie stars Following his return to civilian life m be owned and managed a men s ciothing store Shade, and his w-.fe Dorothy . live at 606 B Devonshire court They are the parents of two sons David and Robert and a daughter Martha Welcome Wagon Honor Audrey Knighton Among 50 Top Managers Audrey Knighton of McHenry recently attended the fiftieth birthday celebration of Welcome Wagon International in Memphis. Tenr. where the company maintains its national headquarters Ms Knighton w as honored by Welcome Wagon during the July 17-21 event as one of the company s top fifty managers In addition to the birthday- party attendees toured the city, enjoyed a Mississippi nverboat cruise and took pan in seminars relating to the greeting services Welcome Wagon provides in com­ munities throughout the United Slates and Canada Ms Knighton joined Welcome Wagon as a hostess in McHenry She accepted the position of manager in June of 1973 Her duties are hiring anH training Hostesses-hosts- assistants throughout northern Illinois Attend Student Recognition Dinner R.J. ALBRIGHT F R W K B S H A D E L McHenry resident Frank B Shadel has retired after twenty-four years of service as 3 Prudential representative He was associated with the company s Palatine district TC Industries. Inc . has announced the promotion of Richard J Albright of 4900 W Bonner drive. McHenry Albright s new position "is division equipment and production engineer for the Mill Products division His responsibdites will m dude expediting the expansion of production facilities for his d i v i s i o n T h i s i n c l u d e s t h e p l a n n i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n supervision and start up of equipment that will go into the new building being constructed

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