Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1978, p. 12

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HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SET UP TRAINEE Flrrt t St--J IU»t LOOKINS FOR A FUTURE? WE NAVE THE JOR If you how# o good mechanical background and a reol desire to get oheod. we will train you in the set up of machine#. Some knowledge of machine shop production and equipment a definite asset. ° We offer on excellent starting salary, job security, outstanding benefits and more. Apply in person today • iV Bdam PAWTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F COST ESTIMATOR As a member of the cost department, you will work with Manufacturing and Order Processing, in establishing cost estimates and methods of production. Mechanical and or electrical background helpful. Computation skills required. Previous ex­ perience as a cost estimator for a manufacturing firm desirable. Excellent opportunity to |oin an established growing firm. We offer good starting salary and benefit plan. Claud S. Gordon Company On Rt. 173, Just Wtst of Rt. 12 Richmond, I l l ino is p ic CJQ An Equ*J Opportunity Employer '*"<>/ O'ZZ « I Gordon Pneumo Temperature Measurement 8/30-9/1 BROWN ft SHARPE SCREW MACHINE Set Up t Operate 1ST and 2ND Shift Experience Necessary PUNCH PRESS - SET UP & OPERATE 2ND Shift - Experience Necessary •Complete Benefit Program •Excellent Storting Wage •Excellent Working Conditions •Free Insuronce •Paid Vacotions AUTOTROL, CORPORATION 6200 Throo Oaks Road Crystal Lako, II. (Center ef Vlr«i»ie Reed mmd Three Mi Reed) , R.T.A. Steps Here •15-459-3080 An equal opportunity employer M F I »IN PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR 2nd SHIFT II you enioy challenge and are confident of your ability to handle responsibility we would like to discuss this opening with you Candidates will have recent manufacturing supervisory experience and be results oriented please send work history including salary required or apply in person Claud S. Gordon Company On Rt. 173. Just W«t at Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2211 An Equal Opportunity Employer Gordon Prtfeumo Temperature Measurement 8/30 9 1 PART-TIME NIGHT Openings are now available in our new, air con­ ditioned plant. 4 30 pm 10:30 pm ONLY You will en|oy •Light deon bench work •Paid vacation and holidays •Merit reviews •Production bonuses Experience not necessary we will train Apply in person only LENCO ELECTRONICS INC. 1330 B*Mm StrMt, MctUnry So. of McHenry. on 31 to Dayton St, then Dayton to aelden 4 miles North of tte. 174 S 30 TF HELP WANTED FULLTIME & PART TIME Must be 16 years or over Applications Being Taken Monday thru Friday 2:00pm to 5:00pm (v • McDonald's 4411 W. Rt« 120 McHenry HELP WANTED PAGE 13 - PLAl.NbKALteK - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30.1978 H£U> WANTED SEDOM Is seeking full or part time school bus drivers residing in McHenry county to begin training now for the 1978-79 school year. t Full-time drivers receive individual health, accident, hospitalization and life insurance benefits, sick leave allowance and a daily driving bonus. Be Paid While you train. Earn $3.60 per hour after sixty days. Contact: Kant. R. Bloke Director off Transportation Spocial Education District off McHonry County 1200 Dan* Street, Woodstock (815) 338-3622 8/18 9/1 NEED TRANSPORTATION? R.T.A. busses stop directly at our front door! We Need: ASSEMBLERS All Shifts Light, Clean Assembly Of Small Parts Excellent starting rate, pleasant working conditions, free insuran­ ce. Will consider College Students. Autetrel, Inc. 6200 - 3 Oaks Read Crystal Lake, Illinois An equal opportunity employer M/F 8/30-9/1 RELIABLE Full & Part Time HELP WANTED Continued full time in winter. 16 to 21 Years CALL Dave Smith, Jr. LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING 385-2834 For Appointment SUB TEACHER needs Part time sitter for 3 & 1 year old Johnsburg-Sunnyside area, references appreciated 385- 29%. 8-30 TOY COUNSELORS WANTED I I ideal for housewives & mothers J Playhouse Toy & Gift Company J has opening for demonstrators ' Work now til December We I train you, Must be 21. Details I without obligation. I I I I 8-30TF j Call Nary Lou Esmond 414-27$-3419 I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT We ore offering on outstanding opportunity, to an ambitious person who It detailed minded, and wants to leorn electrical ond sheetmetpl drafting. Excellent benefits and starting salary. For Interview CALL KKN STKINER 312-546-8225 THE GRIEVE CORPORATION ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS 60073 8 30-9 LONG JOHN SILVER'S SIA FOOD SHOPPE We ore now looking for people who wont a career m the restaurant field We offer excellent benefits good starting salary paid training paid vacation paid medical insurance paid life insurance If you are interested in this company on the move please give us a call 815-385-5410 Or apply in person •t Leng John Silver's Sm Food Sheppe. 4313 W Route 120 McHenry 8 30 9 i I1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Excellent opportunity for a mature, experienced and capable individual, with the ability to work independen­ tly. Strong typing and bookkeeping skills required, and ability to handle all related office procedures. Some shorthand. Excellent starting salary and benefits. Start October 1st. 815-459-7688 1 1 1 1 YOUR FUTURE IS OUR CONCERN Now taking applications for •ASSEMBLERS •LIGHT MACHINE OPERATORS On the job training available on numerous machine operations Excellent working conditions & extensive employee benefit package 41-? day work week with promotions trom within plant YOU'RE MORE IMPORTANT AT RAE APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 5801 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. CORPORATION 815-385-3500 An Equal Opportunity Employer M F 8 30 9 1 « 30/9 1 Employment Opportunitic/ BRAKE PARTS COMPANY has a variety of positions | available on our 1 st and 2nd shifts •PRODUCTION MACHINE OPERATORS •PORK LIFT OPERATOR •SIT UP OPERATORS •INSPECTORS •MAINTENANCE HELP We offer JOB SECURITY GOOD WAGES ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES OUTSTANDING BENEFITS FRIENDLY PEOPLE CRfOIT UNION STOCK PURCHASE PLAN EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM and more. STOP IN AND FILL OUT AN APPLICATION 815-385-7000 • ? >A» I PAHIS COMPANY 1400 N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE. MC HENRY 11 40050 An tquol Opportune* M f -HELP WANTED- Johnsburg C.U. School Dist. No. 12 (a.) Substitute Teachers for 1978-79 Scnool Year (B.) Teachers' Aide for the High School with at least one year of college education Call Dr. Andreas at (815) 385-6916 _ 8 30 9 1 PART-TIME HELP WANTED SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED FOR THE 1978-79 SCHOOL YEAR Paid Training Buses Equipped with 2-way Radios Good Starting Salary Call Dick Glaw« At 385-6622 SALES Catholic Order of Foresters has openings for one or more agents to sell Life Insurance to over 4.000 policy holders. Experience not necessary. We will train Salary Plan. Full benefit program. Brokerage invited Call collect or write: Robert Spofford 310 Park Ave. - Galena, II. 61036 815-777-1022 or 319-556-4567 EVENINGS AGE 16 OR OLDER-PART TIME WORK Hours approximately 6 30 11 30 p.m. REFRESHMENT: COUNTER CLERKS & CASHIERS Apply in persee te --Mfr elter 7:30 p.m. McHENRY OUTDOOR THEATRE Chapel Hill & Lincoln Rd. McHenry, Illinois 8 30 9 1 MOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS 4:00 P.M. to Midnight 12:00P.M. to8:00 A.M. Apply in person PLASPROS, INC. 455 Borden Stroet Woodstock, IL , CUSTODIAN NEEDED Mature familiar with school maintenance successful work ex perience interested in long term employment Good salary benefits Apply at School Office 8 30 am 3 30 PM No phone calls please Harrison School 6809 McCullom Lake Road Wonder Lake, Illinois 60097 SALES SECRETARY EXPERIENCED "Our sales department has an opening for a dictaphone typist Must be able to use an IBM SELECTRIC a dictaphone and take shorthand This is an interesting diversified |ob providing an excellent salary generous company paid benefits and advancement Call for interview MRS. PAULSEN 312-546-8225 THE GRIEVE CORPORATION 500 Hart Road Round Lake III. r i i i i i i i i • JOIN THE TEAM AT MUNS0N MARINE Munson s Wwtar Sim-Ski De^rtiwnt, no« let ofomofs for full and pert tint prs«m»l FULL TIME •Awifttm Spwti S«l«t Mincer •Ski S»(Vie« Manser *2 Ski Sp«tt SilttMtfi PART TIME •2 Ski Sptrt S«Wmm« •2 Ski Apparal $«Wt Oirti Jtin tki axcitmq fteM «f tolos and rwraatiwi. Call C«% KWtwie at N«NM Manx m Ratta 12, Vata, IN. 815-385-2720 LABORERS, construction, full time, will train. 815-385-4309 8- 30-9- lc SR0WIM6 FURNITURE FACTORY Seeks mature individuals with machine operating experience Progressive wages and advan­ cement 344-2640 8 30 9, 1 REAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of McHenry s newest offices excellent commission splits insurance program estab lished farm leads and above all experienced management people who care Don t get lost in the shuffle of a large of fice |Qin an uggi ?ssive small company with big ideas Come to Realty USA For a confiden tial interview ca II 815-344- 1244 - ask ^or Mr. Parisi. 8 2 Tf RELIABLE PERSON fith mechanical experience •o work in Marino. Mu»t work weekends Apply In Person At DeMar Marine Service Route 1 Burton's Bridge Crystal Lake WELDING-ASSEMBLY Manufacturer of Industrial ovens needs person with welding experience to work in assembly deportment Ability to read blueprints helpful Praeiiion Quiney Corp. 220 N. Madison St. Woodstock II. 538-2675 ' 8 30 9 1 MECHANICS I To WoiV On Gimsi Rid j PAYT0N CHEVROLET | Exparianea Prafarrad Ap^y In Partan I 908 N. Front St. I McHenry 1 Maiiial 8 25 8 X) MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES NEEDS: •Assembly •factory Prodvclion Help •General Labor •Janitorial Help •Maintenance •Shipping Receiving We are now recruiting for fall when students return to school. IF YOU ARE OVER 18 AND HAVE A CAR. . . CALL USi MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES 385-6600 I I I I I I I I General Farm Help and Field work, full or part time 81 s-344- 8-30-U-fcc Avon SUMMER'S OVER AND THE KIDS ARE BACK IN SCHOOL. Now is the time to put your tree time to good use by becoming an Avon Representative The hours ore flexible ond you'll like the extra money Phone Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 a aoo i SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS All Subject Areas Must have Illinois Certificate Johnskurg High School Call 385-9233 MOTHER'S HELPER Permanent 1 small child Own room TV lovely North brook Illinois home Good salary References required Call Collect 312-498-4827 8 30 HELP WANTED SIDING APPLICATORS $38 PER SQUARE Al l Local Work 385-6889 8 2 TF IS YOUR MONTH RUNNING OUT Of S Mothers if you can spare 3 to 4 hours away from home 2 to 3 times a week Queenswoy Fashions will help you earn $50 to $150 weekly No i n vestment, collecting or delivering Coll today 815-385-84M or 815-344-1249 PART TIME Some one with medical background to work McHenry area conducting poro-med exams Evenings and days available Car necessary W i l l tram 312-949-5150 8 30 9 1 ;! SECRETARY With Bookkeeping experience Forty Hours a week Contact Brittany Builders 385-3133 8 30 9 1 ALDEN HEBRON District 19 is interested in securing substitutes Certified Elementary Teachers Call 815-648-2971 Junior and Senior High School Teachers Call 815-648-2442 I I I I I I I 'n i i i i i i i i i i i HELP WANTED SERVICE STATIONS For: • Algonquin, • Round Lake • Fox Lake • McHenry Managers Assistant Managers and At tendants Phone 385-9754 B 30 TF ---J NOW HIRING DAY « NIGHT POSITIONS OPEN IN OUR NEW AIR CONDITIONED PLANT In addition to our NEW HIGHER STARTING SALARY and plenty of opportunity for advancement you will enjoy •Clean pleasant bench work •Company paid health & lite insuronce •6 Merit reviews your first year Experience no' necessary we will trom Apply in person only LENCQ ELECTRONICS INC. 1330 Belden St., McHenry So. of McHenry on Rte. 31 to Dayton St. then Dayton to ~elden. 6 Miles North of Rt. 176. R

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