Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1978, p. 14

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Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on August 21, A.D. 1978, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHeprv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the | and known «« n^vmuvo ui u.. located at 241 East Pearl Street, Cary, Illinois 60013. Dated this 21st day of August AD 1978. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk v (Pub. Aug 30, Sept 6,13,1978) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on August 17, A D 1978, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois setting forth the names and post-oifice addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as Pitts Insurance Agency, located at 1811 Woodlawn Park, P O Box 108, McHenry, iL 60050 Dated this 17th day of August, AD 1978. Vernon W Kays County Clerk tPub. Aug 30. Sept 6.13. 1978) Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) APPLICATION UNDER THE ILLINOIS MOTOR CARRIER OF PROPERTY LAW Before the Illinois Commerce Commission Docket No 48229 MC To Whom It May Concern: The undersigned applicant hereby gives notice to the public that Boyd Farner, Sr and Bovd Farner. Jr. have filed with the Illinois Commerce commission under and by virtue of The Illinois Motor _.°f ProP*rty Law, as amended, an application for a Certificate of Public Con­ venience and Necessity as a Common Carrier to transport the following commodities: sand, stone, gravel, dirt, cement in bags, clay pipe, tile, 8*®*® blocks, cement blocks, marble, plaster, plasterboard, rock latn, lath, lannonstone, visqueen, area walls, ash dumps, casing beads, channel iron, coke, culverts, dampers, durowall, cornerrite, expansion joints, fire brick, flue lining, covering hay, reinforcing mesh, reinforcing bars, sump tile, tie wire, ana traps, within territory or over routes as follows: between the plantsites of Meyer Material Co., located within a 50-mile radius of Des Plaines, IL. and points and places within a 50-mile radius of Des Plaines, IL. Applicant now holds no other authority to operate as a motor carrier of property . The initial hearing on the ap­ plication will be held at 10:00 o'clock A.M . in the offices of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Chicago, Illinois, on the 18th day of September. 1978. DATED this 23rd aay of August AD, 1978 Applicant's Attorney and Address: Paul J Maton 10 S La Salle St. Chicago, IL 60603 Applicant's Name and Ad­ dress Boyd Farner, Sr and Boyd Farner, Jr 18715 River Road, Marengo, IL 60152 Principal place of business of applicant in Illinois will be: Marengo, Illinois. m c 70r (Pub Aug 30, 1978) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF CATHERINE M. HERON Deceased, FILE NO. 78-P-264 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on August 21, 1978, to Mary Jane Ahern, 4322 E. Lake Shore Dr., P.O. Box 321, Wonder Lake, II 60097, whose attorney of record is Narusis & Narusis, 213 W. Lake Shore Dr., Carv, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. JOHNR LAZONBY , Clerk of the Court (Pub Aug. 30, Sept 6&13,1978) Legal Notice BID NOTICE The McHenry County Housing Authority is seeking bids for an audit of their Section 8 Housing Program. Bid specifications may be obtained at 329 Lake Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois. Sealed bids are due by Sep­ tember 15, 1978 and will be opened at the September 18 Board meeting. (Pub Aug 30,1978) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on August 14, A.D 1978, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois setting forth the names and Big 17.6 Cu. Ft. NO FROST REFRIGERATOR WITH ICE MAKER! 4.67 cu. ft. Fr*«x«r Energy Saver cut operating coat 30 W wide 66 high . TBFM18VW BUDGET PRICED LIMITED TIME ONLY ICE MAKER INCLUDED SALES & SERVICE 385-5500 McHenry, Illinois 1241 N Green St. post the persons owni and transactini known as McHI EQUIPMENT, INC , located at 1260 N. Green St., McHenry, IL 60050. Dated this 14th day of August, A.D. 1978. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub Aug. 30, Sept. 6,13,1978) Legal Notice NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS. COUNTY OF McHENRY ) FOR THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Federal National Mortgage ) Association ) v. ) Thomas P. Lynn, etal., ) IN CHANCERY General No. 78 CH 812 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, LEONARD BRODY, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Tuesday, the 10th day of October A.D. 1978, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M. (DAYLIGHT SAVING) TIME, in ROOM 307 of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest ana best bidder for cash all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lot 19 in Block 7 in Claremont Hill Unit 4, being a subdivision of part of the North West V4 of Section 14, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the 3rd P.M., according to the Plat thereof recorded December 11,1970as Doc No. 534598 in McHenry County, Illinois; commonly known as 3717 Buchanan, McHenry, Illinois ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 3717 Buchanan, McHenry, Illinois together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and ap­ purtenances thereunto Belonging DATED, Woodstock. Illinois, this 16th day of August A.D 1978 John Ft La Zonby Clerk of the Cir cuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois FISHER AND FISHER Attorney for Plaintiff (Pub. 23. 30 Sept 6,1978) Legal Notice 1, a Subdivision of part of the Fractional Southwest Quarter of Section 1, lying on the Westerly side of Fox River; also jpart of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, all in Township 44 - -Northa Range 8 East of th»» Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded May 17, 1954 as Document No. 278461, in Book 11 of Plats, page 111, in McHenry County, Illinois. and which said mortgage was made by ARTHUR A BOVIO and MAUREEN L BOVIO, his wife, Mortgagors, to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTAL LAKE, a Cor- ration, as Mortgagee, and iled for recording in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Illinois as Document No. 661203. And for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the said court against you as DOl fih provided by law, and that the said suit is now pending. NOW THEREFORE, unless you, the above-named CertaH Defendants, file your answer to the Bill to Foreclose Mortgage in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Chancery Division, in the City of Woodstock,Illinois, on or before the 18th day of September. 1978. default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a Decree entered in accordance with theprayer for relief in said Bill to Foreclose Mortgage DATED AT: Woodstock, Illinois, on August 10, 1978 John R La Zonby Clerk Harold C. McKenney McKENNEY & CHAPMAN Attorneys for Plaintiff 95 Grant Street Crystal Lake. IL 60014 (815) 459-0832 (Pub Aug. 16-23 & 30, 1978) PAGE 15 - PLAINDEALER Rear End Mechanical Repair Parts-Oil, Spark Plugs, Shoe Absorbers, Brake Lining BALANCE AS OF 4-30-78 WEDNESDAY. AUGUST30.1978 f 290.50 162.47 ocks, ROAD USE FUND ANALYSIS, 1977-1978 From 5-1-77 Through 4-30-78 Legal Notice VILLAGE OF HOLIDAY HILLS GENERAL FUND ANALYSIS -1977-1978 From 5-1-77 Through 4-30-78 2- tho Choos* Trap tha Chooso Trap the {heese Trap the ChoesjS Trap the Choase Trop KNEW Syrian Pita Bread For Stuffed Sandwiches "SPECIALS** Salads 79' /lb. Brats \fre«h or cooked). S2.19/lb. Rosen Brat Buns.. $1.25/doi. (onion, poppy toed, plain) Satisfy holiday appetites with our...*Salads •Sausages •Cheeses •Brats •Sfcfr-Fry Vegetables *Party Trays •Carry-Outs or Eat-In Sandwiches CLOSED MON. SEPT. 4 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon.-Thurs I Set. t-4 Frl. f-S Sun. 10-4 8 1 5 / 3 3 8 8 7 7 8 SOUTH ROUTE 47. W O O D S T O C K , I I . NEXT TO THE LIQUOR MART BALANCE AS OF 5-1-77 RECEIPTS Illinois Income Tax BuildingPermits Traffic Tickets McHenry County Property Tax Mis. Receipt-Cashmore pmt for Clerk's time & Ordinances DISBURSEMENTS Lawyers Fees Meeting Hall-Rental Petty cash Reimbursements Supplies Stamps 111. Statutes Xerox Charges From Kemper Village Stickers Purchase Ordinance Books Paper, Pencils, Envelopes Village Maps $8,447.36 $9,342.59 2,379.52 386.00 3,538.01 36 23 15.682.35 24,129.71 RALANCE AS OF 5-1-77 RECEIPTS Vechicle Stickers Road & Bridge Taxes Interest from Savings DISBURSEMENTS Road Snow Plowing Road Signs Coal Patching Material Hauling Salt ^ Sand Gravel Material Hauling Charges for Check Printing BALANCE AS OF 4-30-78 SAVINGS & CHECKING Village Clerk pmt for time by Cashmore Village Sign to front Entrance McHenry State Bank Tax Anticipation Warrant Principal Interest Newspaper Notices & Printing Charges HHPOA Community House Fund-Census Loan Principal Interest STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS ) AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ) OF CRYSTAL LAKE, > a Corporation, Plaintiff; > vs. ) ARTHUR A BOVIO. and ) MAUREEN L BOVIO, ) his wife McHENRY ) STATE BANK. AN ) ILL CORP, AS ) TRUSTEE UNDER THE ) TRUST AGREEMENT ) DATEDTHE4THDAY OF ) MAY, 1978 AND KNOWN > AS TRUST NO 1494; J and J > CAPITAL RESOURCES, ) INC,AN ILL CORP > GENERAL FINANCE CORP ) GOLDBLATT BROTHERS. ) INC., a Corp; ) McHENRYSTATE BANK ) UNKNOWN OWNERS and ) UNKNOWN HEIRS OR ) DEVISEES OF, Defendants ) 78CH 1253 NOTICE The requisite Affidavit for Publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you "UNKNOWN OWNERS and 'UNKNOWN HEIRS OR DEVISEES OF", Certain Defendants in the above- entitled suit; that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenrv County. Chancery Division, by the said Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mor­ tgage conveying the premises described as follows Lots 8 and 9 in Block l in McHenry Shores, Unit No Telephone Village Clerk Village President Helen Schneider Reim. Insurance Bonding-1977 Bonding-1978 Work mens Comp. Automobile & General Comp Police Radios McHenry County Municipal Assoc Dinners Illinois Municipal League Dues Wages & Withholdings Election Judges Village Clerk-76-77 Wage Net Village Clerk-77-78 Wage Net Village Treasurer 76-77 Net Village Treasurer 77-78 Net Withholdi lings (Includes Police Withholding) 1977 Illinois Income Tax 1977 Federal Income Tax 7 SS-1977 Police • Wages Uniforms & Supplies Uniforms (patches, Pants Shirts. Hats) Traffic Tickets Complaint Forms Ammunition for Quarterly Qualification (Includes Range Supplies) For Normal Duty Operating Supplies < maps, Briefcase, Paper Regulations Equipment Purchases & Repairs File Cabinet Repairs on Old Radar Unit New Radar Unit Fire k Safety Equipment for Squad Car Squad Car Auto Loan Payment License Plate' Snow Tires Gas Ispern Radio-Purchase & Installation Repairs Radio Repairs Brake Repair Rear EndPurchase [SOFT RENTAL No installation charge NEW fully automatic softeners TWO year option to buy with FULL rental fee deducted ONE phone call can answer any questions WATER s675 AND S050 \0 per month RENT PHONE 312-259-3393 A SOFT R*nt-a-Soft, a division of the Arlington Soft Water Company, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Serving McHenry Area 3.094.9, 20.135.62 $3,994.09 $1,349.38 J $2,080 08 1,167 53 39 30 3,286 91 4,636.29 $2,380.00 475.14 387 34 261 75 30 90 " 140.00 146.78 91.00 3,912 91 11.63 3.924 54 $ 711.75 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND ANALYSIS, 1977-1978 From 5-1-77 Through 4-30-78 BALANCE AS OF 5-1-77 $2,089.15 TRANSFER FROM ROAD USE FUND FOR 1976 SNOW PLOWING 1.020.00 RECEIPTS Illinois Motor Fuel Tax Interest $9,955.92 234.91 10,190.83 $3,100.00 275 00 124.95 38.82 82.00 29 01 199.84 15.00 42.68 8.00 415.35 12.75 150 00 4 000.00 236.05, 4.236 05 241 48 1,000 00 108.26 1.108.26 41.35 15 84 19.79 76 98 43 00 43 00 138.00 1.623.58 44 00 1.891.58 210.25 52 80 120 00 376 60 488 70 244 95 81 45 56 87 514 82 1.883 39 1,798 17 174.16. 13 73 49 38 149 53 66 93 61 69 70 93 586 35 21 00 106 10 665.00 85 19 877 29 1,100 (X) 8 00 30 (X) 876 50 104.00 192 00 181 50 150 00 10,190 83 DISBURSEMENTS Road Gravel Material Hauling Road Grading Weed Cutting Coal Patch Material Hauling Charges for Check Printing BALANCE AS OF 4-30-78 SAVINGS & CHECKING 13.299.98 $1.919.56 1,562.70 2.17i.5o 370.00 437.91 76.00 6,537.67 9.60 6,547.27 $6,752 7. I Jim Bryan, Village Treasurer for the Village of Holiday Hills Illinois, do attest that the presented document is a true and correct copy of fund analysis for tne Village of Holiday Hills, Ill inois for the 1977-78 fiscal year Jim Bryan Treasurer 8-20-78 'Pub Aug 30. 1978) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF JOHN A ZISZIK Deceased. FILE NO 78-P-249 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters of Administration were issued on August 7, 1978, to Clara J Ziszik. 727 Dulles Street. Des Plaines, IL 60016. whose attorneys of record are Joslyn & Green 116 N Benton Street. Woodstock. IL 60098 Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court County Court House. Wood stock Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney JOHN R LAZONBY Clerk of the Court Pub Aug 16, 23 & 30. 1978' r i • Senior Hot Line Written under the auspices of Lieutenant (iovernor Dave O'Neal i Q My regular unemployment compensation insurance l>enefits have expired I tried to apply for more, but was told they could not be given to me at this time Why" A After your twenty six week unemployment com pensation insurance benefits have ended you cannot receive more regular benefits until your current benefit \ear has expired However you may apply for the Extended Benefits program g What is the Extended Benefits program ' A This program according to federal law is thirteen weeks <>t benefits financed 50 percent b> the state and 5o percent b\ the federal government The program "triggers on when the national insured unem ployment rate is 4 5 percent or greater (or 13 . .consecutive weeks or the state rate is 5 o percent or more tor thirteen consecutive weeks 0 How am I notified when these programs begin A You must register with >our local job service and unemployment insurance of fices of the Illinois Bureau of Employment Securit> Notices of the programs taking effect are mailed in advance to all claimants who are determined eligible after !he> register ^ What is the insured unemployment rate and what is it now in Illinois and the nation" A The insured mem ployment rate is the ratio of individuals claiming unem ployment benefits to all in dividuals covered b\ unem ployment insurance This rate differs from the unemployment rate due to the exclusion of individuals not covered bv unemployment insurance, such as new en trants to the labor force who are unemployed and those individuals labor force ring the As of the last reporting period, the insured unen: ployment rate was 4 35 percen' in Illinois and nationally, i 4 percent, at this time, therefore no one can receive benefit ̂ under the Extended Benefits program The final da> for the last EB program was Julv 197H It is not possible for anyone to predict when it will start again since that depends entirelv upon the insured unemployment rate O How can I f ind out mon information on this program A You ma\ contact your local job service or unem p l o y m e n t i n s u r a n c e o f f i c e s i < t the Illinois Bureau of Fu ployment Securit> or ' h> Ill inois Department Room 705. St rat ton Springfield 627<K. Write or call us at Lieutenai (iovernor I >ave < > Neal s Seni" Action centers at l6o V r" l^aSalle street Chicago 111 60601. or (West old Town mall Springfield 627u I w n! questions or concerns abow an> government agenc\ programs This column will •> covering the man> queMior senior citizens nun ha\e various subjects Call statew ide Tol l I i ce 252-6565. Metropolitan < t .nr 312 $333 of 1 abo t Building Perfect Salad The perfect salad for fish <• game is easily created ArrdTig alternate slices of peeled orang< and onions , cut th in and p lace o lettuce French dressing add-- final touch Succ ess Stories There arc two uays of a<hi> ing success l*ut your shoulder t the wheel, or, put vour head the shoulder of the man at th wheel

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