Ringwood News 385-8037 653-9262 728-0343 Ehlert Reunion Held In WHmot Twas a beautiful day Sun day, Aug. 20, when the Ehlert clan got together at Bub Ehlerts in Wilmot. Between £ub and Robert Ehlert's place they had a ball diamond and also a place to play horseshoes. Those of the family that got to the reunion were Herman (Tutz) Ehlert of Wilmot; Elsie Pacey of Wilmot; Charlotte and Dutch Haase and daughter of Wilmot; Doris Speaker of Rich mond; Joan and Ray Stoxen and Lori and Bill Cameron of Wilmot: Susie, Elroy, Mike and Mary McRae of Twin Lakes; Edith (Curly) and John Skigmore of Ringwood; Dick and Dolly Malsch of Ringwood; Betty, Jerry, Charles. James, and Robert Williams of Mineral Wells, Tex.; Ed, Diane, Donna, Denise, Janice, and Nikki Skidmore of Mountain, Wis.; Jackie, Ron. Tom, Chris, and Billy Cruetz of McHenry; Nancy and Steve Powman (daughter of the late Hazel Bowman) of Ringwood Also Russell and Bernice Ehlert, and Donna and Ed Holmstrom and family of Twin Lakes; Lyle Ehlert of Wilmot, and daugther Diane and Bill Crockett of Powers Lake; Dean and Alice Eh'ert; Dean, Judy, Heather, Dean, and Heide Ehlert; Dan. Debbie, Jason, and Brian Ehlert; John, Martha, Doug and Michelle Ehlert, all of Kenosha Also Mildred (SIS) and Tony Senkerick of Sunnyside Estates, McHenry; David, Cathie, and Molly Senkerick of Pell Lake; Kathy, Greg, Carolyn, nad Robert Haze of McHenry Children of the late Frank and Flavia Ehlert who attended were Robert and Marian Elhert; Lynn, Bill. Kathy, and Suzanne Kaskin; Bud and Marilyn Ehlert of Wilmot; Doreen and David Ingeson of Wilmot. Denise, Tim and Jennifer Garwood of Salem; and David Ehlert Nelva and Jack Lynn of Wilmot, Roger, Shirley. Becky and Brett VanSchlochteren of Silver Lake, Wis Others in attendance were Gloria Ehlert Brown of Wilmot; Mrs. Alpha Ehlert Hester of Burlington; Tim Pacey of Wilmot, grandson of Elsie Pacey; Sweetie and Vera Frank of Wilmot. There was so much food, and all the refreshments were delicious Everyone had a wonderful time. All hope to get together again soon, and hope that more of the families will be able to come One point of interest of the day brought to everyone's attention is that Herman < Tutz) Ehlert was the oldest of the family present at a young 73 years old and Brian Ehlert. son of Dean and Alice Ehlert. was the youngest. at the ripe old age of 2 months SYMPATHY The Ringwood-Greenwood parish extend their sympathy to the family of Lyn Ann Mecham of McHenry. Lyn Ann passed away at her home in McHenry on Monday, Aug. 21. In lieu of flowers, donations are to be sent to A.L.S. fund in memory of Lyn Ann Mecham at the McHenry State bank of McHenry. ABOUT TOWN Visitors in the Brennan- Hepburn home last Sunday afternoon and evening were Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman of Antioch. Visitors in the Paul Walkington home Monday afternoon and evening were son Jay and daughter Jan Walkington of Addison,* III. Walt and Doris Low went camping last weekend up Spring Grove way with Bob and Gail Laursen of McHenry. FAMILY TOGETHERNESS Betty, Jerry, Charles, James, and Robert Williams of Mineral Wells, Tex., arrived at the John Skidmore's on the seventeenth of August. Ed, Diane, Donna, Denise, Janice, and Nikki Skidmore of Mountain, Wis., arrived on Friday, Aug. 18. The special occasion as to help represent the Skidmore family at the Ehlert reunion on Sunday in Wilmot, Wis. Betty and Jerry stayed until Tuesday, Aug. 22, when they had to get home to get the boys registered for school. Ed and Diane and girls had to return home on Sunday afternoon after the picnic. This was the first time in many years that Curly and John have had their four children and families together at the same time. Since all were at the reunion on Sunday, they had a good chat , among themselves as well. BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday goes to Katy Christopher, Tom Low, Betty Madden and to Lora Nelson on Sept. 7, with Edith (Curly) Skidmore, and Michael Gorski celebrating on Aug. 8. Mike Etten will add another year on Sept. 9, and on the tenth of September we see that Jeff Silzer and Martha Bidlack will also be getting another year older. Sept. 11 is that special day for Jim Strom and Holly Harvey, and on Sept. 12, Virginia Bruce and Mark Zvonar will also celebrate their special day. Happy Birthday tj all of you wonderful people. ANNIVERSARIES ^ On Sept. 7 we have Del and Dee Price celebrating another year of wedded bliss, as are Pam and Dan Kehoe on Sept. 8. Happy anniversary to two wonderful couples. And we wish you many more years of happiness. THINGS TO REMEMBER Every Sunday -- church services-9:15a m - Ringwood church Every Sunday -- church school - 9:15 a.m. ~ Ringwood church - summer schedule Starting Sept. 10 -- back to fall schedule of church school. Watch column. Thursday, Sept. 14 -- U M W 12:30 at the home of Katy Christopher.Sept. 15, 16, and 17 - church campout at the Chain O'Lakes park, call Rev. Jim DIAL-A-PRAYER 1-385-1234 MILLSTREAM uni#n McHenry's Headquarters lor Complete Repairs on Domestic & Foreign Cars •TUNE-UPS •BRAKES •TRANSMISSIONS •MAJOR t MINOR REPAIRS •MECHANIC ON DUTY 7 DAYS A WEEK QUALITY SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES 10% DISCOUNT TO SENIOR CITIZENS 3702 W. ELM McHENRY, ILLINOIS (815)344-2510 HARVEST SALE ALL SPRING DUG Nursery Stock 50% OFF SHADE TREES -- EVERGREENS -- SHRUBS IN OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Super Sweet Homegrown lb. Musk Melons IAlso offering a complete line of I Farm rreih Produce I Timber Creek Farms and Nurseries b 12608 Charles Road Woodstock, Dl. •Corner of Rt. 47 and Charles Rd. 1 mile north of Woodstock 338-0200 Why Spiritual Healing' Topic Of Talk At MCC SECTION 2-PAGE 1- PLAlNDtALfcK -1" K1D£*, Sfct-1 kMBbK i, iv<a sponsored by Christian Science organization at McHenry County college. Tom Kellner of the Christian Science organization will introduce the speaker. THOMAS A. McCLAIN Spiritual healing as practiced in Christian Science is more than a way to solve problems; it helps to uplift the entire quality of human life. This is the main thrust of a Christian Science lecture -- titled "Why Spiritual Healing?" -- to be given by Thomas A. McClain Sept 10 at 3 p.m. in McHenry County college. While this healing, says McClain, restores the body to health, the real change is a "spiritual awakening." "The result we seek in spiritual healing is not primarily a change in body but a change in the human con sciousness that lifts us to a spiritual understanding of life above physical discords. This is the Christ way of healing, a spiritualization of life." A former newspaper executive, McClain is now in the full-time healing ministry of Christian Science He ex plains that healing comes through the power of God, "through understanding and responding to the one divine cause and creator It's the result of prayer in the way Jesus taught " McClain was named to his church's Board of Lectureship in 1962, and he's given public talks in forty-one countries in this capacity. A native of Kentucky, he now resides in Chicago between speaking engagements This free public lecture is ILLINOIS SPORTSMEN The Illinois Department of Conservation said last week approximately 2.5 million Illinois residents (nearly 22 percent of the state's population! hunt or fish Collectively they boost the state's economy by about $415 million according to a federal wildlife service survey State Conservation Director David Kenney noted it is particularly appropriate to acknowledge the sportsmen's contribution to the state's economy, as out- doorsmen were among the first to recognize license fees and special taxes could contriubte significantly to land acquisit ion, fish and wildlife habitat management and conservation research SHADES OF HUCK...Mark Twain's boyhood home in Hannibal, Mo., has been preserved as a reminder of the famed author. Next door is a free museum of Twain memorabilia. CLEANING SERVICE INC. PROFESSIONAL Small Office & Household CLEANING Weekly 1 Bi Weekly 1 Monthly • Upholstery Cleaning • Wall Washing CALL •Light Housekeeping • Inside Windows • Carpet Cleaning •General Housekeeping or Maio Service 385-0283 TODAY LENNOX HEATING SYSTEMS •Dollor Saving •Efficient •Electric Ignition 'Quiet •GAS -OIL 'ELECTRIC *H| V (?xz%i UJaewet HEATING AND COOLING SINCE 1931 351 1 S . Wr ight Rd. (815)459-2300 McHENRY, ILL. (312) 526-6286 FINANCING AVAILABLE A Cer t i f ied LENNOX Dealer ( HORNSBY'S BRINGS YOU SAVINGS TOU CAM BUII.P ON MMWWMMMMMMMWMMWWVWVWV • . : Masonite Ceiling Tiles Attract ive, coral matt# su r face g i ves a l i gh t b r i g h t o v e r h e a d . 1 2 " x 1 2 ' . t- Masonite Ceiling Panels Eaiy to instal l white panels wi l l b r i gh ten any room. 24" x 48". 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Roll £46 30 Lb.Bag 4 87 It' • torgs copoclty storog# unit is grtot for workshop, gorog®. bossment • Holds hond I pow»r tools, point, imoll ports, chemicois • Pegboord hooks, springs included Horn a k Storage Center R*g. S«b87 42.95 PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI., SEPT. 1 TNRII SHN., SEPT. 3 ii Prices effective while quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. © ft 4 COUNTRY CUM Rt., WOODSTOCK, ILL. HORNSBYS family centers 4400 W. RT!. 120. McHENRY, ILL.