Animal Control in Hoodstock is just brimming over with kittens and pups of all kinds, ready for adoption. Older cats and dogs need homes too. Dog adoption fee includes a spay or neuter agreement. Seven, all black Siamese kittens, 6 weeks old, are available now. Please call .138-7040 or come to 11608 Banford road in Woodstock. Visit them soon and save a life. DON KAISER PHOTO A •(•15)459-2641 HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205 • Crystal Lake, lllinoi* 60014 by Estelle Atwell The money's nice- and Helping Paws does earn a tidy sum on each of its various tag days, bake sales, raffles, garage sales, etc Revenue from these events helps swell reserve funds that go to sustain HP's efforts to help animals But there is a potential of a greater reward with each contact made by HP with the public It's the discovery once in a while of a rare individual, a person genuinely interested in this cause, who has the time and incentive to help in his or her individual way The value of finding one such person who could start the HP fall school classroom presentations of a film for young viewers. The Animals Are Crying can't be estimated in dollars and cents In time it will be measured in lives saved and humane treatment of animals For instance, one foster home in one year may save as many as 15 canine or feline lives One person, exhibiting the film in classrooms could reach hun dreds of children This, in turn, will have a far-reaching effect as they grow to adulthood and accept pet responsibilities If our readers are interested in either of these phfcseS of the work please call the HP office, 459 2641 The successes are too few. the misses too many, in the reckoning of lost and found pets reunited with their owners It has been said before but cannot be emphasized enough -check on a lost animal, or report a found animal immediately to Animal Control in Woodstock, 338-7040 Then keep following up with repeated calls and visits and don't give up in a week, ten days, or two weeks Sometimes a reunion is made after several months Animal Control welcomes CONTRACTORS Job Hold Up ftocauso of Concroto Dolivory Dolayf Call Accu-Croto, Inc. Saturday Deliverys Available Phone 338-4718 Accidents will happen. i hat s why you need the protection that American Family s Special Homeowners Package Policy provides It s the most complete home owners coverage we ve ever ottered Call me today tor all the details Because your home is CHUCK lewmdowski -- OUR NEW lOCATIOK -- Corner of Crystal Lake Blacktop & Rt. 120 McHenry CALL US FOR DETAILS 385-2304 MAITM Uft this kind of cooperation from the pet-owning public. In recovering a lost animal, it's best to go in person to Animal Control No one can identify a pet as successfully as its owner can If one trip isn't fruitful, go again and keep looking Verbal descriptions on the phone can't always accomplish the iden tification Remember too that Animal Control only picks up an animal if a request is made But if a report of a lost or found animal is made, they will have a record of it. and if the owner calls this report can help match pet and owner A certain caller to the HP office was in a desperate state She will have to move into an apartment for •> months while her new home is being built She ow ns a female cat. one year old, well behaved, and she wants to keep that cat But she simply cannot find a landlord w ho w ill accept the cat, and she feels that professional boarding is too expensive This is an urgent "right now" situation and there's no time for long searches From this dilemma and others like it emerged the idea of boarding homes for pets The pet owner would provide food, litter, medical expenses, plus a boarding fee. to someone willing to keep her cat for six months The cat will be spayed and is an inside cat HP's role is solely that of providing another community service They will put the pet owner and the boarding home in touch with each other and there will be no fee Please call the HP office if you can offer her cat a tem porary home. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Fees for all dog adoptions include the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of our choice, or a reduction in the original cost of the surgery from a vet of your choice. Four-months German Shepherd mix male, partly housebroken. smaller size. 312- 658-6462 Large male Irish Setter, 3 years, outside dog, very good with children and other pets, needs room to run 338-8194. Shepherd Lab 6 months, female, silver, brown and black, housebroken. obedience trained 344-1931. Purebred Fnglish Setter, orange with Bleton spots, housebroken, all shots, spayed 6 year old female, very good with children 338-3843. Wirehair Terrier, pedigree 4 year old male, all shots, housebroken. family with older children only 459-8787 German Shepherd male, 112 years, all shots, outside dog. good with children and pets 459-6706 Pedigree H months old Cocker Spaniel, blonde, housebroken, spayed female, for family without any children, dog needs gentle quiet surroundings 312 658:1390 bike bags AmWKOT Family Mutual ln»uranc« Co Mat*ton Wit $17.20 CHOOSE FROM A LARGE, COLORFUL ASSORTMENT OF BIKE BAGS ... Perfect for Back to School or College No. 512Q $8.80 No. 5122 $11.40 No 5121 -$37.20 No. 5125 $12.30 No. 5126-S7.40 No. 5123 $5.00 No. 5124 $6.20 Schramm's Cycle 2904 W RTE 120 East of Bndge Labrador spayed female, 1 year, outside dog, all shots, good with children. 459-2884. Poodle Husky female, spayed, all shots, black with grey and white, 14 years, good with children and pets, outside dog. 338-8431. Black Schnauzer mix spayed female. 4 years, all shots, housebroken, needs older family to love. 385-1776. Two little male pups - the Heinz 57 All American type pictured last week. 338-5551. CATS FOR ADOPTION Fees for all cat adoptions include the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of our choice or a reduction in' the cost of the surgery by a vet of your choice. Fluffy, brownish black blending, female, first kitten shot and vet exam, 6 weeks. 455-2306. Six weeks female, dark grey with orange and light brown blending, semi-long hair, first kitten shot. 312-639-6435. Five long haired kittens, 6 weeks old, black, grey and white mixes 455 1336 evenings Darling 8 week old kitten, grey and white short hair, blue eyes, male, first kitten shot, and vet exam 459-3946 Three months old semi-long hair kitten, beautiful hair, first kitten shot and vet exam, male 459-0114 LOST AND FOUND Lost: Grey and white male kitten, short hair 385-3785. Lost: Off white neutered male cat, blue eyes, large, medium hair. 385-6810. Lost: Black female, fluffy coat and tail. 385-1721. Found: Toy Poodle - owner must identify further 385-3934 Found All white short hair female cat - 385-5754 Found Buff and orange rabbit. 385-0250 So many more lost and found, please call the office at once The unrest that plagues the present age is a strange disease that is located underneath the human scalp. * * * * It's hard to know whether one is eating chemical preservers, arti- fical flavors or genuine food these days. • l l f V I I ' f Set-Aside Program For '79 Wheat Crop PAGE S - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1978 Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland has announced a 20 percent set-aside program for the 1979 wheat crop, identical to this year's highly successful program By complying with the an nounced set-aside, wheat farmers will be eligible for a wheat loan of $2.35 a bushel, and a target price of $3.40 per bushel, also the same as the 1978 program Secretary Bergland called the 1979 program a "stabilizing measure designed to benefit both producers and con sumers." "If farmers use the 1979 program as well as they did this year, we believe that farm wheat prices will be main tained," the Secretary said. "This program is also anti- inflationary. These provisions will not add to food price in flation," Secretary Bergland added. USDA studies show that no set-aside in 1979 would result in U.S. wheat stocks being well above needs, considerably lower farm prices, higher government payments, and a decrease in export earnings from wheat. "Good participation in the 20 percent set-aside should result in wheat stocks on June 1, 1980 near 7.5 percent of the projected world wheat use or approximately 1 135 billion bushels," he said Today's Youth BY PATRICK DUDGEON Young Families Young families can benefit from social security, too If you're a young worker and your income is cut drastically -- or, even stopped altogether -- because you became disabled or if you should die, social security can mean a lot Chances are that when you think about social security you think mostly about older people and retirement and Medicare But that's not the whole social security story, not by a long shot. For example, suppose a young father of two small children -- both under five years of age -- is killed in an accident His average earnings covered by social security are $1,000 a month His widow and children would receive about $995 each month in social security -- about $11,460 each year By the time the oldest child reaches 18. this family could have received almost $149,000 at present benefit rates It's likely that the family would get higher monthly checks in future years, however, because the social security law provides for automatic benefit increases as living costs rise In addition, the widow could conceiveably receive monthly benefits when she reaches 60 If the children stay in school, they're eligible for benefit pay ments until age 22 Playing The zoo keeper received an irate phone call describing the fact that the monkeys were play ing poker He was warned to do something about it right a- way. "It's ok," the keeper com mented, "they're just play ing for peanuts• " AIDS New Aids, Batteries and Service. B0LGER$ DRUG STORE 385-4500 pccecooooooooooocoooooooocooooooa | American Legion Post 491 | - RINGW00D ROAD, McHENRY - FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 - 9:00 P.M.) PERCH - ALL YOU CAN EAT OTHER MENU AVAILABLE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BOB & THE BLUE TONES MOV -- Tl KS.-UKD.-IHt -FRIDAY l:.'iO In ( u< l'ri< » 4 <M k l \ll HOI K McHenry, nflowcrwood Welcomes September with these Specials! All Statuary Fountains & Bird Baths 1/3 OFF! l'h BEAUTIFUL FALL COLOR HARDY MUMS in full bloom $ 1 7 5 and up Gay color for your garden and beautiful long lasting cut flowers 12 VARIETIES to choose from DAISY*STANDARD*BUTTON*POM-POM Available Frl., Sept. 1st: Peony, Iris, and Poppy Roots THE FINEST WHITE MARBLE FOR DECORATIVE LANDSCAPING 60 LB. BAG REG. $2.98 Now 2 lor $4«8 WYO- MARBLE landscape V- StONI , COCOA MULCH (40 lb. burlap sacks) "Ideal mulch to prevent winter damage to perennials and shrubs." REG. $4.50 Bag $050 Mm p«r burlap bag $ o o o 3 or mort Mm each $177 10 or mort I each CASH N CARRY Now SALE PRICES IN THIS AD GOOD THRU SUNDAY SEPT. 3RD. Mon.-Thurt. 9-4; Frl. f-i; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-3 ^llcwk I MORIS I NOH< L W (815)459-6200 rwcci NURSERY GARDEN (INTER Rt. 14 A 176 Crystal Lako, Illinois KEEPING HEALTHY IN A STUDY OF 17,000 HARVARD ALUMNI, FEWER HEART ATTACKS OCCURRED AMONG THOSE WHO ENGAGED REGULARLY IN STRENUOUS SPORTS ACTIVITIES...SUCH AS JOGGING, SWIMMING, TENNIS, EVEN MOUNTAIN CLIMBING- HOWEVER-A PROTECTIVE EFFECT WAS FOUND ONLY IN THOSE WHO PARTICIPATED IN INTENSE PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES FOR AT LEAST 3 HOURS PER WEEK! FORMAL WEAR RENTALS for ALL OCCASIONS &eii § Sterol tfw(piiw. 1214 N. Grrrn St.. MrHrnrv THE Furniture Hospital CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY SHOP 5? REPAIRING ft REGLUING Larry & Jim Seymour 815/459 0653 NIVERAAL aruoios TOUB *hrn in VH.t»»rn I .l.l.rfm |J< "LOW HUMOR OF A HIGH ORDER! EXTREMISM N THE DEFENSE OF COMEDY IS NO VICE; MODERATION IN PURSUIT OF LAUGHS IS ND VIRTUE,'; "IT IS WILD AND CRAZY LEAVES ONE FEELING LIKE AN ANXIOUS FRESHMAN PLEDGE WHO AT FIRST FEELS A LITTLE LEFT OUT OF THINGS BUT WHO. IN THE END CAN T RESIST JOINING IN ALL THE FUN." "ft RIOT Of A THING ONI OF THf GREAT GROSS OUTS OF All TIME Ml) MMIO HUOTIC urwotmous TWU i AUG** till TOUCH* ' "VERY FUNNY' The him makers tow limply urn* wf afprapnatr p crew nec* sweiitrt T»I mux imtmw mri KK) muan ot Ih* io«i p»»T» M0 LIT *11 THAT IMOCTSKAI »f«T 11OQUEMTIT AM) WITH A L01 Of COMIC R«YW fonrrai/" -MUOTMTV i*)TI«M 0» THf W0M.DUMTE' AMMAt HOUSi IS HILARIOUS ENOUGH SOLID LAUGHS HE FN TO MAKE ANIMAL HOUSE WORTH VISITING RAUMCMtlV RfCOMMfMKO ' RAM RAUCOUS AN0 GLEEFULLY VULGAR National i ampooc <, Animal Houv has thrt (**• redeeming social *aiur tr is cowistiwtit nm FUNKY* Al a time our nalioc s screens positively (Jnp either 900 of gprr rt comes as a heaWiv and most wetcome toe* in the «wa» p^eiir. -17 mas m WHY rnm m memory THAT AH AUOKHCf MAS SCfltAMMC SO HAH0 MITX lAUGHTCA THAT A SIGNIFICANT PONTON Of THI DIALOGUE mas lost .•)•*••«* KM •. T« Hua MWR iron tea a math nam is aum". • tomtom no 1 NATIONAL LAMPMV's ANIMAL UfUtl A comedy from U^iversol P*orvjres N A DON A* AMP * 'N A.VWA. > VJ A v > '»« ' vr ' -W R RESTRICTED 2:30, 4:45, 7:00 & 9:15 thru Monday Tuesday at 7:00 & 9:15 GENEVA I II 1 ane Gfne»i 1*8 A new comedy thriller from the creators of "Silver Streak' mnr S-sZI M XI PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS A MILLER MILKIS COLIN HKSGINS PICTURE $!AAW, ME HAVUN CHEW CHASE EOUL PLAY BURGESS MEREDITH DUDLEY MOORI THOMAS I MILLER» EDWARD K MILKiS COLIN HIGGINS CHARLES fO»j Heac the Jotf H8J paoftlJack Sound'iac* aftum a»diiaD"e on Atr.ta Records anc lair, gfik PG'MIU. Mam Title Song SUAQ BV tia>r> Mantio« fi pAHAM0Ui»' PIC'URI ^ ^ 2:30, 4:45, 7:00 & 9:15 thru Monday Tuesday at 7:00 & 9:15