* ach'TIIS A V All AIM fO* •ANQufTSt Af DDtNOS ISLJk Mf H#fw, HNF.^TOD trave' serv'ce II L I I A IP I IMC Pionninf o CoribbMn crwiM? MMIII AIRLINE and AMTRAK TICKETS While Ymi Wait Amtrak* Choin-O-Lakes TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Planning o Coribbaon ctut»«? A trip to Europe Moxico Howollt cor comport thorn all under on* roof at our oHlco' Wo aro ofonti for stoomohtp airlino* hotolt • ifhttoomg companion throughout tho woHd Dtptndablt Travel ftiac* 1941 385-7500 Area Code 815 FUNNYSIDE \ W7. V .L<, CS: ,Cd ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. •BEST OK K\ KKVnilV. KOIt I III. III ll.ltEB' FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •on MN< STXIN •BK\MMKK < \BINEIs • WDKHsKN V* INf>OU> • I'KK-IU N<» IMMIK* • NOHI> SPINIM.KS •JIM \l \KTIN IV4INTS •I IN< IH.N V* INDOV^s •<. U sHINU» •III II DKHS tl \KI>\* WO •I'KKHNIMIU) l»\NKI.IV. • M(KHU,() M VI M (, \K \(,K HOOK OPER \T(^Ks Phone 385-1424 909 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY Itfondez {take 9nn AND LOUNGE Featuring Chinese & American Cuisine NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH! FROM 11:30 to 2:00 TUESDAY THRU FRIDAY Serving Sandwiches and Special Combination Luncheons FEATURING • Chicken Chop Suey Fried Rice & EggFoo Young • Roast Pork Fried Shrimp, Fried Ronton, Fried Rice I Egg Roll Z • Shrimp Chop Suey Fried Rice & *>95 Egg Roll I • Beef Chop Suey Fried Rice t 075 Egg Roll L - Friday Special - FISHERMAN'S WHARF include'. Beaded fisfi ;Cod. si'imp Scallop', aidl Clam Strip Se^ed #ith fnes cole sla* dmnet ioH| CARRY OUT ORDERS! 5506 E WONDER LAKE RD WONDER LAKE III. PHONE 815 721 0411 [OPEN FOR DIMMER fUES THURS. 4 to 9.FRI. 4 to 10, SAT. 1 to 10, SUN 1 to H PAGE 6 - PLAINDl Ai.KR - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1978 CHAMPS-and class winners of the recent Ladies Club Tournament at McHenry Country club are from left, Carol Coonev-club champion with a 54 hole gross of 265. Millie Leisten - Class A net winner with a 229, Betty Smith - Class B net with 235, Barbara Leight - Class C gross with a 359, Betty Rode - Class C net of 243, and Mary Mutshinskv - Class L) net of 215. Missing are Sue Martin - Class B gross of 315 and Trisch Savior - Class I) gross of 373. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE (. AY LORD Somebody open the t rap door I 'm coming through - wi th a boost I saw i t . but don ' t bel ieve i t One s tore has sent out an ad l is t ing i tems for Chris tmas Santa Claus won' t l ike that He and his Missus can ' t be anywhere near ready lor the annual s le igh r ide Only Alex Justen could think of i t He sent a card from Vail . Colorado to Vale Adams in McHenry What this country needs more than a good f ive cent c igar is a solut ion to avoid s t r ikes Str ikes are always set t led Why not before the differences reach that s tage I l ike the word compromise and hate the word demand Why do garbage haulers s t r ike during the hot tes t par t of the year when the publ ic 's heal th is in danger" Both management and labor should avoid that s i tuat ion f Suppose garbage set t ing the hot sun gets s t rong enough to walk away It never happens Why do big league umpires s t r ike during the basebal l season when they have al l winter to set t le their problems' ' The umpires br ing the wrath of fans down on their heads, but management must share some of the blame The publ ic suffers and pays the bi l l Wonder who s tar ted that name "Grubby Cubbies that m EARL WALSH so I Hear % k m 9 si ___L SPORTS EDITOR Karl Marty" Conway was a welcome vis i tor through our door one recent day as he brought old t ime i tems from his McHenry high days and la ter A 1924 calendar l is ted day to day act ivi t ies that are amusing to read On New Year 's Day he went to church, then coasted down the schoolhouse hi l l not many cars to bother in the winter t ime 1 Quite a church goer was Marty Went to church in Rich rnond with horse and cut ter Came home on the t ra in What about the horse 0 i The high .school boys went to Richmond to play basketbal l Bobsled t ipped over Left here at 4 p m arr ived home at -t a m Ann Frisby l ived where Mrs John Justen now resides on John St Big a t t ract ion there She had a radio Marty went to work on the sewer construct ion gang earned $44 10- bought new shoes, shir t and socks -gave Ma $25 < When men w ere men and a buck was a buck > Come again. Marty We have so much ground to cover The McHenry high annual soap bowl footbal l game wil l be played Friday night a t Mc- Cracken f ie ld A bar of soap wil l get you through the gate This game is between home players , a game that gives the coaching s taff a chance to see how the boys can do in actual combat divot % DOLLS I - • A "Hitting Is An Art Batting Coach Stresses Practice The just-for-fun event of Blind Partners (A-C) B-D; was played under glorious skies and perfect temperatures by the ladies of McHenry Country Club on Tuesday, the 28th. Winners in A-C were Nancy W'ilkins and Ethel Koehler with a combined net of 150 In B-D Lou Roels and Betty W'ayman were the winners with a combined net of 155. Shotting an even 85, Carol Cooney had low net of 72 in Class A She also had low putts of 26 in that flight In Class B Betty Smith captured low net of 76 while Mabel Smith had low- putts of 27. In Class C Bettie Rode netted low of 71 and Maddie Holmes low putted with 33 Class D found Betty Wayman to have low net of 77 and Marcie Wakitsch to have low putts of 32. The greens are in fine condition and many of the putts were rolling in just as they should Most excited gal of the day had to be Alta Gierke when she chipped in her approach on no. 3 - her first chip-in ever! The only other chip-in recorded was that of Mary Mutchinsky on no. 8 The three birdies noted were those of Laverne Harpling on no 16, Carol Cooney on no 15 and Alvina Yopp on no 18 Next week for the 18-holers it will be Golf-on-your-own, followed by Bingle. Bangle. Bungle the next week Under the Nifty Niners event of Most Pars-Net per Hole, Jane Weiss was the winner in Groups A while Alta Gierke was the winner in Group B Peg Anderson had low putts in Group A and Billie Kolin had low putts in Group B With the advent of another school year some of the ladies will be unable to make the early tee-times, however, fun and informal golf events are scheduled throughout the month of September, so til next time Happy Oolf ing! Liz Tbe Reason "Three policemen have been watching Brown's house constantly the last two nights." "What has Brown done?" "Engaged a new cook." Safety First "Is Madge still looking for her ideal man?" "Good heavens, no! She's far too busy looking for a husband." has been pinned on the boys in beautiful Wrigley field" Such names as the "Sockless Sox' don' t sound as crummy as grubby Hope you enjoy a pleasant l^bor Day weekend Never mind the name It is a day to avoid all labor if you can get awav with it "The first rules to follow for anyone wishing to become a good hitter are practice, play and practice." Those rules are those of Cub batting instructor Lew Fon seca He should know what it takes to become a good hitter Lew Fonseca led the American league in batting in 1929 while playing first base for the Cleveland Indians For his career, which spanned twelve years, Fonseca boasts a lifetime batting mark of 316. with six seasons over .300 Now. Lew sits directly behind home plate for every Cub home game He has done so for the past eight yeairs "Following my retirement as a player and a manager," he explained, "I worked for 35 years with the Motion Picture Department of Major League Baseball" Following the lengthy stint producing and directing baseball movies (many of w hich can be seen during a rain delay of a Cub broadcast), Fonseca was hired to teach w hat he w as one of the best at - Hit * "During '72 and '73, I was with both the Cincinnati Reds and the Cubs," he said. "Since the '73 season, I've been just with the Cub organization." Every home game, Fonseca arrives early and is out on the field when the Cubs begin batting practice prior to the start of a game "I help any player who thinks he has a problem, and also help players who have problems with their hitting but don't really realize it," he said The Cub batting coach ex plained how sitting behind home plate for every game allows him to study the hitter Chicago Cub batting instructor Lew Fonseca was recently interviewed by Plaindealer sportswriter Joe Dehn following a Cub game at Wrigley field. Fonseca, who led the American league in batting in 1929, sits behind home plate at every Cub home game. "Hitting is an art," he explained, "and with plenty of practice, a plaver can realize if he has professional potential or not." - STAFF PHOTO-JOE DEHN and see how he reacts and hits any type of pitch "Hitting is an art,' ' is Fon seca's view "Fundamentals are very important and should be stressed to a player when he is very young," he continued Fonseca expresses his disappointment in high school baseball and many other lower level baseball programs "Unfortunately, too many players don't receive wor thwhile instruction in high school." he said. "That is when it's necessary to stress the fundamentals " Being a batting instructor keeps Fonseca busy, as he explained that someone always has a little something that needs correction that the player is unable to correct himself. "I'm tickled to death to see a player do well and snap out of a slump," he said. Fonseca explained that while practice, and lots of it, is necessary for a young baseball player with professional aspirations, some players blessed with an extraordinary amount of talent find the road to the top easier. ."Take Carew for instance,"- said Fonseca. "He's blessed with a great amount of raw talent and there are others like him Our own Bill Buckner (Cub first baseman) is another one like him." Fonseca went on to explain that each team probably had four or five players with super taient The 79-year old instructor, who was troubled most by a pitcher named Dazzy Vance, added that pitchers make the jump to the pros quicker than a hitter "Pitchers blessed with a strong throwing arm. can make the jump quickly and learn more while pitching in the pros," he explained. "A hitter has to learn how to hit before he can make it " Considered by many to be one of the finest hitters ever to play the game, Fonseca also had his troubles as a hitter "Besides Dazzy Vance giving me alot of trouble, Lefty Grove w as probably the best pitcher I ever saw." he added "But any hitter can over come any problems," he said, "as long as he returns to the first rules of hitting " And. according to Fonseca, who can definitely be con sidered an authority, there is a way for a young player to improve his abilities "Practice, practice, and more practice'" Soap Bowl Game Friday Night Warrior fans will get a preview of the coming season Friday night when the Annual Soap Bowl game will be played at McCraeken field The frosh will get under way at 6, the sophomores at 6:45, and Coach <Bill Day's varsity will start .about 7:45. -•* . » Tins is the game whereby the coaching staff divides the squad into two teams as near as equal ability as possible Two years ago the game was won on the last play of the game, and last year it was not decided until the final minutes The squad has been hard at work not only for the game Friday night. but in preparation for the season opener next Friday against Stevenson high school. Once again the two prin cipals. Bill Dodds of East campus, and Greg Johnson of M/est campus, will coach tbe teams crew -of officials from the Northern Illinois Officials association w ill work ttie game, also getting ready for the coming season Admission is only a bar of soap which is used by the athletic department throughout the year for the various squads John Busscher May- Rate Scotland Trip For Hole'ln-One John C Busscher of 4505 N Riverdale Dr., McHenry. is eligible to win a free trip to Scotland and $1,000 as a result of scoring a hole-in-one at the McHenry Country Club Busscher's ace qualified him for the 18th annual Rusty Nail Hole in-One Sweepstakes, a national competition sponsored by a Liqueur Company of Edinburgh. Scotland The w inner will be announced early next year • Note We will expect you to wire reports to the Plaindealer Sports Department. John ) Why shouldn't he carry that fish? He caught it!" On The Sidelines By Dick Rabbin It just does not seem possible that the fall athletic season is upon us Where did the summer go. Anyway the football season gets under way tonight with the Soap Bowl game, and yesterday the golfers kicked off the season against Marian Central A new era in McHenry high athletics takes place this year For the first time in twenty-five years the Warriors will not be a member of the North Suburban Conference. The North Suburban was started in 1948-49 with Crystal l^ke, Woodstock, Grayslake, Libertyville, Warren, Lake Forest, and Zion Benton The conference remained this way until 1952 when Barrington replaced Grayslake. In 1953 the conference became an eight team league when the Warriors were added to the conference. In 1958 Lake Forest and Warren left the conference, and Dundee joined to make it once again a seven team league. Palatine joined in 1959 to bring back the number to eight. In 1965 Palatine leaves, but North Chicago becomes a member Woodstock left the conference during the 1973-74 season, and Mundelein. Crown, and after a 15 year absence Lake Forest was added to make it a ten team conference Dundee pulled out in 1975. and Barrington did likewise in 1976 This season along with the Warriors, Crystal Lake, and Crown moved out to form the new Fox Valley Conference There are a lot of mixed feelings about the Warriors not being a member of the North Suburban The competition was tough, and although the Warriors did not win many championships, they proved worthy foes for their opponents Year in and year out the North Suburban was probably one of the finest basketball conferences in the state The caliber of football, wrestling, cross country, and baseball took a back seat to no one I'm sure that twenty- five years from now, someone will say the same thing about the Fox Valley Conference The new conference will have the following teams McHenry, Crystal Lake Central, Crystal Lake South, Cary Grove, Woodstock. Dundee, Crown and Jacobs The travel will be short, the competition keen, and after a couple of years it could be a well balanced conference. We, like most of you Warrior fans, are looking forward to this new venture of the Warriors The Johnsburg Skyhawks entering into the Shark Conference will play their home football games at McCracken field The games will be played on Saturday afternoon, I believe that there is only one conflict with the Warrior schedule, and that is the last game when the Skyhawks play here, and the Warriors travel to Crown. So fans you can get a double dose of football, the. Warriors on Friday night, and the Skyhawks on Saturday afternoon. Coach Bill Hutchinson's cross country team will open the season tomorrow at Libertyville, and" on Tuesday host Grant and Schaumburg at West campus at 4 :30 p.m. Don't forget the Soap Bowl game tonight. The inter- squad game for the varsity will get under way about 7:45. Admission is just a bar of soap The frosh will get under way at 6 p m Congratulations to my good friend Art Jackson for winning the McHenry Country club championship for about the 95th time At least it seems he has won it that many times . A young Turk came on the scene by the name of Tim Martin to pick up second place The young lad can really. hit a golf ball If I could4»nly hit a ball like Tim Bobby Beyer would be in a heap of trouble I>et s start the season out right by supporting your favorite team throughout the season **** ************* * Attention . . . ••• » Chicago Bears Fans: + DON T MISS. . . THE BOB O'NEILL SHOW Great Interviews When Bob Talks With The Players! WIVS 850 ON YOUR AM DIAL Fri. 7:35am SAT. 12:35pm Bob O Neill is the General Monoger 0{ Overton Cod.llac Ponf.oc m McHenry i f 0 eiwiyones JOIN NOW... BEAT THE WINTER BLUES! I REGULAR MEMBERSHIP ' OCT. OCT. Fami ly s75 Adul t M5 Junior *30 COURT NON-PRIME 57.00 TIML PRIME $10.00 •SHOWERS -NURSERY HOLIDAY PARK INGLESI0E, ILL (312) 546-8224