Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1978, p. 11

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PAGE 12 - PLAIN.DE ALER - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER6,1978 0-J245 |lLlU¥lNA?£0_ [*>«,, touw •TTNA •o sujwtr mv rw»< 11^ W»m K •c jtorn W> lXCIUVVI •• CO. 421 M re fcW 74 muff no XS" »l«r t }1 ri IM't < »!ir«»lci ,l» "»'«» »>,v f iVU ®AI0 C»H WKt D8ISC0U > Airt>. i» t : 42 w « ; /go NAAID^--*•*- •dtole 941-1200 Twgvn ii •«* mfluw i «»| 04* Ln A»/7J BOOKKEE •ten 9004|«OStY* GARDENi 2?S WARRINGTON n Six»rn* '»d "r-LE Dj U"' *U »>' <Wlr 77' I vC» HELP WANTED AUTOS HELP WANTED FOREST HILLS 4RMS tr» No cosh rounds on prepaid ads Cards of Thanks In Me»rtor iom Si tuat ion Wanted Wanted to Rent Wanted to Buy and Garage Soles MUST be paid in advance The Plamdeale ' is not responsib le for er rors in c lass i f ied ads af ter the fust inser t ion Check your od af ter the f i rs t mser t ion andxal l our a t tent ion to any mistakes OFFICE HOUHS MON.-- FRI 8:30 A M. to 5 00 P VI S A T U R D A Y 9 1 2 P M Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER -MONDAY 4P.M. FRIDAY PAPER -WEDNESDAY 4P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS t >W72 VOLKSW AGON VAN. "good condit ion needs engine 'work 7^8 1054 H-l-9-6 ATTENTION TRADESMAN, 1V70 passenger. Ford Station Wagon 42.000 original miles, gflod uork car $325 (X) or best dfter :585-5379 after 6 (H) BUSINESS SEBUKES HOI'S KPXINT1NG. done, . in ter ior and exter ior t reasonably pr iced CA11 815- ' ^2112 9 1-9-8C t . i - t 1 i f T I I I I 1 AUTOS 1973 MAVERICK 4 door, automatic transmission, air 385-44%. 9-6-9-8C 1974 MERCURY CAPRI 4eyl economy gas. mint condition 815-459-8861 mornings 9-6 9-8c SEMI • BLACKTOP 30% OFF M * Driveways * Parking Lots * Patios, Etc. All work goorontood for on* yoar. Free Estimates •15-459-2987 312-741-3704 RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new septic* 815-385-6445 9-ltf sn BUSINESS SERUtCES ^ CUNAT BROTHERS ^ GENERAL CONTRACTORS * RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL * AGRICULTURAL Serving McHenry County Area Quality work at reasonable prices. 815-385-6513 Allan's Blacktop Summer Special •Parking Lot* •Now Driveways •Long Lane* •Patching •Resurfacing *Soal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed (815-) 459-5757 Call now and Save 1974 MUSTANG II C.hia, 4 speed, stereo, sun roof asking $2,300 815-653-7619 9-6-9-8C 1975 DODGE DUSTER. Automa t i c t r a n s m i s s i o n , P S . radio, new tires, ex condition, low mileage 385 5754 9-6-9-8c LOOKING for low cost auto insurance. Call Fitzgeralds Insurance Agency 815 385-8700 9-ltfc 1972 Chrysler Newport, good condition $400 00 815-385-8230 8- 30-9-6 1976 Continental Mark IV Silver, 32,000 mi Excellent condition $7,1(K) 00 Call 815-385- 8921 after 5:30pm 9-1 9 8c 1973'HORNET HATCHBACK, good condition, automatic. 65,000 miles $1395 385-7932 9-6 BUSINESS SEBUKES Painting by THE PAINT CONNECTION - Interior and Exterior. Also driveway sealing For free estimate, call 815-385-9336 or 312-658-3358 8- 30-9-29C 1973 Cuda, 38,000 miles, 815-344- 0700 or 338-7932 9-6-9-8C 1964 CHEVY V8, 4 door, runs good, $150. or best offer. 385 8448 9-6-9-8C 1976 Renault R5 deluxe, AM- FM stereo, carpeted, excellent condition. 35 miles to gallon. 815-338 4530. 9-6-9-15c 1975 Plymouth Scamp. V8, air, automatic transmission, am- fm. low mileage, power brakes and steering 815-338-0955. 8-30- 9-8c 1974 MUSTANG GHIA, Automatic, air low mileage, good condition $1800. Call 459- 1706 9-6 HELP WANTED FREE PICK I P .JUNK CARS and trucks, day or night 815-459- 0081 9-11 f C R()OFIN(. PROBLEMS' ' Let me solve them, excellent quali ty and competi t ive prices . lust Rite Roofing. *44 1548 9- lttc INSTRUCTIONS Piano & Accordian Lessons Accordian rentals available First 4 lessons $12 (X) 815-385- 4070 9-6 9 22c GENERAL WAREHOUSE Variety of light warehouse jobs. No experience needed. Hours 7.45am to 4:15pm Apply in Person FOLLETT LIBRARY BOOK CO. 4506 Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lake IL m 9 1 9 8 *•••••••••••••••••••• r Nurse's Aides I 8 2 V 13 | LEOPOLD CONSTRUCTION * NEW HOMES . * ROOM ADDITIONS • ANYTHING YOU WANT , DONE IN CARPENTRY 497-3990 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Remodel ing of Older Homes ' , K i tchen ba th wmJowS doc • fo 'acc ment Wb BUILD •Goroges •Room Additions Potto D«ck i 4 T •Construction of New Homes No Job loo Big o Too Smal l WE AIM TO PLEASE FPfcE ESTIMATES 815 385 4937 I l l l l l i. B0EDECKER UPHOLSTERING | •EXPECT WORKMANSHIP J •WR6E SEIECTI0N Of ! FABRICS •FREE ESTIMATES I PHone 815-385-5478 STEEL SEA WALLS True & Son Welding Service For free estimates CALL 815-385-1038 R'"LIGHT HAULING"* I D & D i MATERIAL • I 'DECORATIVE STONE, ETC. | I 'BLACK DIRT 'SAND 'GRAVEL Call after 4:00 P.M. NOTICE ooococcccooscooc^p REWARD ! 8 For the recovery of 1966 l ight yel low Ford ^ Falcon. Vehic le No. k 6K12T220108 Taken S f rom 4507 N Maple ^ Leaf Pistakee Terrace between August 24 and 27th Possibly red tow truck wi th no iden­ t i f icat ion cal l 312 223- 8928 Sizeable reward for ^complete infor mot ion 9 iOOCOSOOCOOOOCCOOOOO! | Openings now on | All 3 shifts • | Our number of pat ients con ' inues to grow That means we need more help 1 Nurses a ides openings on a l l sh i f ts 7 am 3 30 pm 3 11 30 pm 1 1 pm 7 30 am Salary is com pet i t ive benef i ts are ex ce l lent Tro in ing prov ided Apply in person 8 am 3 pm Monday Fr iday at 803 Royal Dr ive McHenry Good work ing oppor tuni t ies (artsfptr \ OF MC HENRY 803 Royal Drive McHenry (•15)344 2600 9-6-9-8 NOTICE NOTICE The scheduled meeting of the zoning board of Ap peals, regarding the Resident ia l Development Backhaus annexat ion proposal set for Fr iday, Sep tember 8th, 1978, has been postponed until all prelimiary conferences have been completed before the city Council. „ Ron Wilk ins Zoning Board Chairman 9-6 =Jts K - M • -- M ** AUCTION WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. S e r v i n g y o u r VP.S- 2 5 Y e a r s e x p e n e n c e . • W e a n 1 n o v \ t a k i n g o r d e ' S D e a i d i r e c t •with owner & save1 COMMERCIAL • RE S 'Of NTl i i -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES- GRAYSLAKE 312-223 5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312-367-0676 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAYIN6 Residential-Commercial-Residential "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." • Machine Laid • New Drives • Resurfacing • Parking Lots • Seal Coating AH work guaranteed Free Estimates 312-546-5600 Grayslake, III. SI AUCTION Located 1 nule Northeast of McHenry, 111 or l1-, miles Southwest of Johnsburn. being nnle West of McHenry Outdoor Theatre 'ChajH'l Mill lid ) On Lincoln Hd (3rd Driveway on No Side - No. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 at 12:30 TRACK >KS FARM MACHINERY: SOME COLLECTORS ITEMS. S< )MI- Mi )I)ERN EQUIP J D 7:w Diesel tractor with 3 pt hitch elect start new 15.5xii8 tires, exc cond ; Case LA tractor wjtfi h\d .J I) "D" tractor in exc. cond , Case "C" tractor, restored \ 11 Nd 68 baler, ties grx>d J.D 13'^ ft wheel disc, 3 pt double disc, K ft pull type disc, 3-14 pull type plow, J.D & Int. 8 ti field cult ,1 H 10 ft field cult.; Case7 ft. grain drill; J.D. No 5-7 tt mowf-r \ 1 side delivery rake, J.D. ground driven manure spreader 2 wheel>. 3 pt post auger; snow plow for I,A Case; 3 pt lift boom 2 & -i sec steel harrows; manure bucket; small grain auger, heavy log chains, barb wire, elec fence wire & posts, steel fence [xists 2-rViNo lx»xes fence staples; 4 new 8x19.5 8 ply truck tires; 120 gal pickup fuel tank , hog crate, set of V' drive sockets, like new; several 12x16 gates, some used tractor tires. 3 rack loads small i tems ANTIQUE MACHINERY wtxxl beam walking plow; 2-1 row horse cult ; antique potato planters & diggers; cast iron wrxxi burning stove; antique heavy building jack; other old machinery BUILDING MATERIAL ETC.; 9-27 ft wtxxi trasses. 150 - 1x6x15 oak boards, pole building panels, niisc plywood & lumber; misc. sheet metal; cedar [»osts FEED 600 bu good clean oats HOl'SEHOLI) usual items normally found on a farm sale HILLTOP ACRES Auctioneer Gordon Stade, McHenry 815-385-7032 Terms: Cash Nothing removed until settled for Settlement on day of sale Not responsible for accidents. Lunch Available 9-6 FOR THOSE WHO LIKE A SURE THING College studenf, must sell, pampered 1970 Ford Galax.e 500 fully equipped. Air con­ ditioning. P.S. & P. B., new tires exhaust system and shocks, low mileage, looks beautiful and runs great. Must be seen to appreciate. Sacrifice $1,200. or best offer. (815) 385-4122 After 5pm. HELP WANTED R.N. L.P.N/S NURSING ASSISTANTS (Experienced Only) All shifts available New salary rates, fringe benefits. Over 18 and have a car. ^ Contact: MANPOWER HEALTH CARE Mary Ann Contrcras, R.N. 385-6600 TEACHERS AIDE McHenry High School East Campus Will assist teacher in the operation of the in- school suspension program. Tutoring, super­ vision, and some record keeping required. 30 College hours needed. Please call East Campus 385-1145 Mr. James Aull 9-1-9-6 HOUSEWIVES COME JOIN OUR FAMILY AT BOBBIN COIL POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR WINOINB & FINISHING COILS FULL OR PART TIME Paid holidays, paid vacations for part time workers. Working hours oper^ between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Call between 8 a.m.^and 2 p.m. Monday thru Friday. BOBBIN COIL SPECIALISTS 1405 North Orwe-MeHenry 815-385-6206 9 1 9 6 I coLmnn company/--- V ASSEMBLERS OPENINGS AVAILABLE 1st SHIFT 8:00 A.M. • 4:30 P.M. 2nd SHIFT 5:00 P.M.-1:30 A.M. 3rd SHIFT 10:30 P.M. - 7:00 A.M. Alto openings available for part time and Mother Shift. Light factory work. No experience necessary. Please apply in person Caiman OE/Ti. inc SUBSIDIARY OF BARBER COlMAN CO 7510 Virginia Road Crystol Lake Illinois 60014 An equal opportunity employer M/F $ ( ^ NEED SOME EXTRA MONEY? CHRISTMAS IS NEAR We have part time assembly jobs available in our plant. Your hours will be from 6 00 p m. to Midnight. Monday thru Friday. We offer good pay. paid holidays and insurance. So if you can use a little money to supplement your income, Call Personnel At: 815-385-3964 * M Q D I N E E MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 miles north of McHenry on Ringwood Rd. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F * HELP WANTED SERVICE STATIONS For: • Algonquin, • Round Lake • Fox Lake * McHenry Managers, Assistant Managers and Attendants ^^^Phon^85-9754 ^g TF PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR 2nd SHIFT If you enjoy challenge and are confident of your ability to handle responsibility, we would like to discuss this opening with you. Candidates will have recent manufacturing supervisory experience and be results oriented, please send work history including salary required or apply in person, Claud S. Gordon Company On Rt. 173, Just W«st of Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2211 An Equal Opportunity Employer Gordon Prtfeumo T«mp*ratur« Measurement 9 6 9 8 OFF SET PRESS MEN Experienced and trainees Expansion creates need for: • Experienced Web and Sheetfed personnel • Trainees. - We will train • Day and Night Shift Openings Rotating of shifts periodically is required. Steady overtime work involved. Excellent company benefits. Interviewing after 9:00am. Apply in person Graftek Press 6704 S. Pingree Road Crystal Lake, III. Supervisory Position In Environmental Services (housekeeping) 2-3 years' experience in Housekeeping department and at least a year in a supervisory capacity desired. Excellent starting salary with established benefit program. Contact Bob Klasek, director of environmental services. Good opportunity for promotion. " arts) Of M( HE Ml. 803 Royal Drive, McHenry Phone (815)344-2600 .... AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE BROWN t SHARPS 2ND SHIFT Opportunity lor individual with Brown & Sharpe set up experience Will also con sjder Swiss backftound Excellent salary range and benefit package plus overtime J^NTERMATIC, INC. Intermatic Plaza Rte. 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove, Illinois An aquol oppor'unity »mploy»r M F EMPLOYERS NEED SKILLED WORKERS??? ILLINOIS BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY JOB SERVICE AVAILABLE: -WELDERS, LABORERS •CLERICAL, BARTENDERS •SALES, ACCOUNTING CLERKS •ENGINEERS, DRAFTSPERSONS •MACHINISTS. MACHINE OPERATOR •NURSES, NURSES AIDES, TEACHERS •ELECTRONIC TECHS, INSPECTORS •FINANCIAL ANALYST. ACCOUNTANTS AND MANY MORE 425 CLAY STREET WOODSTOCK, ILL. 33B-2372 NO FEES CHADDED

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