Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1978, p. 18

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PAGE 18 - PLAINDEAIJER • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8.1»78 -- CAHAGf SAL£ FOR RENT FOR RENT. WATERFRONT, Deluxe one bedroom apart­ ment, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, adults, no pets. 815-385 3493 8-30tfc 1st floor office space on Rte 12 in Richmond. Reasonable rent, ideal for professional office or business office H15-678-4441 9- ltfc I N D E R N E W M A N A G E M E N T V F W , Clubhouse and Hall for rent, seating capacity for 400 Call 185-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after Hpm 9-ltfc STORAGE SPACE all sizes, inside or out. monthly rental, The Keep Mini-Warehouse, 815- 455-0095 9-ltfc RING WOOD 3 BEDROOM house $340 00 month, plus security and utilities 312-272- 4941 " 9-ltfc WAREHOUSE of factory space from 5.000 to 15.000 ft 385 1079 9-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815-385-8905 " 9-ltfc LARGE LUXURIOUS Duplex on water, two bedrooms, double vanity bath, living room, dining area. Kitchen with breakfast area Washer, dryer and garage In town 'v block to shopping 815-385-3493 9-ltfc JOHNSBURG-2 bedrooms, lge kitchen, living room. 1 car garage Heat included No pels, preferably no children I^ease, 1 month deposit $350 00 38S-1268 9-6-9-8C FOR RENT Two bedroom house, carpeted living room, large kitchen with built-ins, air conditioned, water softener, one car garage, fenced vard $335.00 815-385-3269 9-8-9-13 For Rent: Furnished two bedroom home, garage, central gas heat, new storm windows, wither, dryer. $325.00 month 311*634-3432 9-8 CONDO IN ADULT COM MUNITY 2 bedroom, 2 bath, appliances and garage $300 per month References required Available Oct 1st Call 385 3121 9-8-9-15c SLEEPING ROOMS for working people kitchen privelages $30 00 a week 385- ^ 9-6-9-8C u--* I!f MC HENRY, Condo. 2 bedroom, 2 baths, central air, carpeting, appliances, no pets $360 month 815-338-7344 after 5.30 pm 9-6-9-8C LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE 6ENEVA Delu xe 1 & 2 bedroom opor •merits fully carpeted 1 ' > ceramic baths color applian ces dishwasher air con ditioning laundry large Storage area gas heat From $225.00. By lake several blocks from downtown GENEVA LAKE APARTMENTS 1321 W Mam Lake Geneva Wis 4)4-248-4572 • PRIME B-1 PROPERTY IOn West Route 120. For Loose, 400 sq. ft. plus bosement. Ample parking. Call Jim 385-4949 McHENRY AREA Ne# bi level ranch 4 carpeted Jedioom:, carpeted living and dming POom carpeted rec room 1S baths Kitchen includes gas range and outside IKXXJ deck Utility room tor #asher and (fryer 7 car garage Wooded lot water 'ights Ava'lable Sept lbth J450 per month References and security (epovt required Call tor appointment (tier 6 pm weekdays. o» anytime on Ncfccnds 385-1798 MENS CLOTHING, household items, odds and ends, books, games, little bit of everything. Fri & Sat. Sept 8 and 9th., 1202 W Sunset Drive, Holiday Hills. 9-8 Sept. 7th, 8th, 9th, 708 W Meadow Hill Court. Pistakee Highland. 9-5 Clothes infant thru adult. Maternity Clothes Sire 5. Baby furniture. 7 pc dinette set, sink, bicycles, swing sets. misc. 9-8 GARAGE SALE. Friday & Saturday, 4612 Sussex Dr Whispering Oaks 9am to 5pm. jewelry, clothes and misc items. 9-8 Colossal 4 family garage sale, dinette set, sofa bed, tables, buffet, much, much more Friday thru Sunday 9am to 5pm 223 South Shore Dr Island Lake 9-8 Garage Sale, Sept 8th thru 10th, 9 am to 5 pm crib, high chair, clothing, and much more 1302 Lincoln Rd.. Val Mar Estates 9-8 Garage Sale. Lots of Everything, furniture, sofa bed, kitchen sinks, gas stove, player piano, doors and much more Friday, Saturday & Sunday September 8th, 9th & 10th 1*0:00 am to 5:00 pm 7206 Hiawatha Drive. Wonder Lake 9-8 ONE DAY ONLY Driveway ' sale Saturday 9th of Sept Singer sewing machine and cabinet, record player, clothing, evening dresses, electrical appliances and much more 815 N. River Road. McHenry. Ill 9-8 moving sale-saturday Sept 9th, 9-6 519 S Park Road, Lakemoor Furniture, set of drums, clothing, lots of misc Take Rte.120 to Lily Lake Road to Wegner Road, across from Continental Aluminum. 9-8 Saturday, September 9th, 10- 5pm. 4519 North Wilmot Road Antiques, furniture and other misc items 9-8 GARAGE SALE-1205 Sunset- Holiday Hills, Friday & Saturday. 9? Some Avon, plants, movie camera, clothes, misc 9-8 NORTHFOX CONDO quality rental. 2 bedroom. 11 _> bath redecorated, swimming pool, private location, all appliances, including dishwasher, washer and dryer, mature adults, no pels $320 per month 815-385- 9-1 9-8c FjOR RENT-Furnished 2 bedroom house till May or JUne Rent $200 per month plus utilities and $100 security d e p o s i t A v a i l a b l e i m ­ mediately McHenry City Call 315-7812 9-8 REMODELING GARAGE SALE-kitchen & bathroom appliances, sink, stove, misc Saturday, Sept 9. 9am 4pm 4705 West Shore Dr Lakeland Park 9-8 garage sale. Expecting mothers, we have baby clothes and baby accessories, 3 bar stools, toys, adults and childrens clothes, much misc Friday, Sept 8th, 9am to 4pm and Monday, Sept 11th thru Wednesday Sept 13th. 9am to 4pm 1716 N Flower St., Lakeland Park 9-8-9-13 SEPT 7, 8, 4 9 - 9am to 5 pm Kitchen table and 4 chairs, boys clothes size 8. high chair, car seat, tandem bicycle and much misc 1518 W River Terrace Dri ve, Johnsburg 9-6-9-8c GARAGE SALE-Tools, nails, funiture, aquarium equipment Much misc Sept 7, 8, & 9, 9:00- 5:00, 1503 Ramble Lakeland Park 9-6-9-8C GARAGE SALE 410 N. Timothy-Edgebrook Sep tember 8-9,9am-'> Lawnmower. bikes, misc 9-6-9-8c 4 Family Garage-Yard Sale Sept 6-9th, 10 am to ? 4906 W. Orchard Drive McCullom Lake McCullom Lake Road to Gate 4, turn left to Orchard Drive tun right. Clothes, kitchen tables, high chairs, knick-knacks, tools. Much too much to mention. No checks. «e \ BOATS » morons Resolutions To Highlight 16ft. WOOD BOAT, 40 horse electric start, Evinrude. All accessories, including trailer. $500. Excellent condition. 385- 6665. 9-6-9-8C 1970 - 14 ft FIBERGLASS BOAT with trailer and engine $700 After 6 pm 385-5796. 9-6-9- 8c MOTOTTVCLCS Looking for competitive motorcycle Insurance9 Give us a call Fitzgerald Insurance Agency 815-385-4619 or 815-385 8700 9-ltfc MOTORCYCLE: 1976 Honda, bought new in June, 750 cc; $1600. or best offer 3,000 miles. 815-344-1577. Joined Army. 9-8- 9-15C 1974 Kawasaki 750, Farring included 3,000 miles, $1,000.00 815-385-8902 9-8-9-15C DIRT BIKE, 1974 Suzuki TM 100, stock $275 Call after 5:30 815-385 1969 or 815-385-2403 . 9-6- 9-8c M O T O R C Y C L E . 1 9 7 2 Kawasaki, excellent condition $975 815-385-5459 9-6-9-8C 1975 Honda 360, like new, windshield, very low mileage, asking $650 815-385-4406 after 4 pm 9-6-9-8C 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Old iron 4 legged bathtub, pedestal sink, old iron kitchen sink, oval Painted picture on glass 2 windows including storms and screens in frames (32"x24"). 2 counter tops (1-21x^4 1-40x24) New western shirts, flew ladies and men's clothing, all sizes. 1 price 2 school desks. Avon collectables (old) new pillows, misc items, something for everybody. 4904 Barnard Mill Road. Ringwood. Ill No early birds Thurs 9-6 Fri and Sat 9 5 9-6-9-8C garage sale, clothes, ladies 24' z, mens, girls 12, coats, dishes and much misc Sept 9& 10th, 10 00 am to 5:00 pm 1508 N Green St McHenry 9-8 GARAGE SALE. Furniture , plants, lots of misc on 9th & 10th from 12 00 to 4 00 at 1502 W Sunset Dr Holiday Hills 9- 8 WANTED TO BUV WANTED: Two squares of White Aluminum siding, will take less amounts 815-385-5246 9-8 PfT COLUMN WANTED PUPPIES 6-8 weeks old. good homes guaranteed. Also we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups. 815-385- 7897 9-ltfc PETS M SALE 5 AKC REGISTERED Doberman Pups Black and tan Blood line of championship $250 00 each 815-653-9035 9-1-9- 8c A KC DOBERMAN puppies, champion blood lines, dew claws and tails and wormed $150 each Call anytime 312- 639-6253 " 9-8-9-22C For Sale. Puppies, 1 - Lab & Belgium Sheep dog Call after 5pm 815-344-1427 9-8 RIDING LESSONS Expert Instruction. Special Introductory Series. 5 LESSONS $20.00 OUR FARM McHENRY 815-344-0951 HOUSES Registered U Arab Gelding Bay, 5 years old Good for beginner or all around family horse $600 815-459-8791 8-30-9- 8c HORSES BOARDED, private farm, good care, box stall $100 month, tie stall $75 month 815 338 2433 or 815-455-4036 9-8-10- tic HORSE 3FAMILY GARAGE SALE, riding lawnmower, men's large clothing, typewriter, boys bicycle, sofabed women's and childrens clothing and much misc 2911 Rosedale. McHenry, off Lincoln Rd Fri 8th. noon to dusk, Sat 9th 9-5 9-8 4 Yr Old Pinto Gelding Brown and white pleasure horse Western & English 15 hands high likes children loves to run never balks or kicks $300 or best offer 385-8002 or 344-1908 WAYNE SEEDS available in McHenry Hay For Sale Horses Boarded toi Stalls. $75.00 per month Anita Rhoton 385 3840 9 19 15 SITUATION WANTED R E T I R E D C A R P E N T E R needs small carpentry jobs 815-653-9093 9 8-9 15c Babysitting done in my Sun- nyside Home For more in­ formation call 815-344 2455 9-6 9-8c Farm Meeting Adoption of resolutions and the announcement of men elected to the board of directors from nine townships will headline the sixty-sixth annual meeting of the McHenry County. Farm Bureau Monday, Sept 11. Tickets are available at the Farm Bureau and from township directors. A limit of about 650 has been placed on the facilities-Andre's Steak House, Richmond. Don Luerssen, Alden dairy farmer who is president, will preside at the business meeting, set for 8 15 p.m. The dinner is scheduled at 7:15. ' These are the directors whose terms expire this year. All are standing for reelection: Algonquin, Ed Meier; Burton, Dennis Diedrich; Chemung, Don Cash; Coral, Elmer Hill; Dorr. Alan Swarison; Hartland, Ed Gourley; Hebron, Sylvester Joosten; Marengo, Tom Deneen; and McHenry, Keith Weingart In addition to those candidates, Jim Hallisy and Mel Von Bergen are candidates in Hebron township Ballots have been mailed to farmers in the respective townships I I I I I BUILDING ! PERMITS I Do you need a babysitter0 Will give them lots of T L C Please Call Anytime 815 344 1467 9 8 Cyril and Linda Bugner, Prairie View, for a three- bedroom residence at 1808 Crescent. Crystal Lake, with an approximate value of $75,000. Nunda Township Fee-$218. Ronald G. Zaba, Crystal Lake, for a four-bedroom residence at 7011 Red Barn Road with an approximate value of $59,000. Nunda Township Fee-$273. John Bresnen, 354 Creekside, Vernon Hills, for a three- bedroom residence at 8209 Rita with an approximate value of $55,000 Burton Township Fee- $220 Quinco General Contractors, 209 Viola Lane, Prospect Heights, fopr a three-bedroom residence at 1713 Marguerite with an approximate value of $60,000. Nunda Township. Fee - $187. Renco Enterprise, 4619 Linden Road, Crystal Lake, for a four bedroom residence at 470 Oakridge Road with an ap­ proximate value of $110,000. Nunda Township Fee-$262 Unity Construction, 109 y Dowell Road. McHenry. for a three-bedroom residence with attached garage at 1702 Nish Road, Crystal Lake, with an approximate value of $60,000 Nunda Township Fee-$225 John Mackie, 171 Crystal Lake Ave, Crystal Lake, for a five bedroom residence at 2717 McHenry Ave with an ap proximate value of $65,000 Nunda Township Fee-$262 Richard and Eileen Clark, 1803 W Surf St., McHenry. for siding with an approximate value of $1,200. Nunda Town­ ship Fee-$11 Bruce Melahm, 1806 Oakleaf Drive, McHenry, for aluminum siding with an approximate value of $2,400 McHenry Township Fee--$16 Tom Stemm, 1609 Boiling, McHenry, for a garage with an approximate value of $3,500 McHenry Township Fee $22 Jet Concrete Products, 4140 W. Bull Valley Road, McHenry , for an addition with an ap proximate value of $35,000 Nunda Towmnship F"ee--$303. Construction Unlimited Inc., 10 W Terra Cotta Ave , Crystal Lake, for a three-bedroom residence at 6022 Shenandoah Drive with an approximate value of $46,400. Nunda Township Fee-$259 Today's Youth BY PATRICK DUDGEON College Aid Students should be aware that the federal government offers a variety of financial aid programs to college students This is the third in a series detailing some of those programs SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCA­ TIONAL GRANTS - These range from $200 to $1,500 a year for students of exceptional finan­ cial need who couldn't continue their studies without a grant If you're selected, your college must provide additional financial aid at least equal to the amount of the grant Apply via your college financial aid office -- it's responsible for deciding who gets the grants and how much' COLLEGE WORK-STUDY This program provides jobs for students who have great finan­ cial need and must earn part of their college expenses Par­ ticipating colleges arrange jobs on or off-campus with public or private non-profit agencies. Financial aid officials at your school must arrange your job and number of hours to be worked -- taking into account your need, your class schedule, academic progress and your qualifications You should be sure and receive at least the national nTinimum wage, $2 65 an hour SERVICES • » » j&r • Christian Science Society Lincoln Road and Eastwood Lane McHenry, Illinois Sunday Service and Sunday School -10:30 A.M. -Wed. Eve. 8 P.M. Alliance Bible Church 3815 W Bull Valley Rd. Rev. Gerald Robertson Sunday School - 9:45 A M. Service - 11:00 P.M. Service - 7:00 Wed. Bible Study 8 Prayer 8:00 p.m. St. Francis National Catholic Church Flanders Rd.. east of Ringwood Rd. Sunday Masses • 11 a.m. Fother A. Wodko - Pastor Chain 0'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church 4815 N. Wilmot Rd. Rev. Mitchell Considine Worship Service 10 A.M. Nursery Core Provided Church Phone 497 3000 Porsonoge - 497-3050 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Johnsburg Rev. Leo Bortel, Pastor Rectory Phone 385-1477 Sal (v. Mats 5 30 and 8 OOp m Fulfill* Sun Obligation Sunday Maitvs 7 00 9 00 10 30 and 12 00 W»»t> dayt 7 30 « 9 00 Sat 8 00am First United Methodist Church 3717 West Main Street Church phone 385 0931 Ralph Smith. Pastor Parsonage Phone: 385-1352 Schedule of Worship Services Morning Worship 9 30 and Horn Sunday School 10 50 o m St. Paul's Episcopal Church 3706 W St Paul s * Green Rev. Arthur D. McKay Vicar 385 7690 Sunday Services Holy iuchorist • 8 A M Family Eucharist 10 o m Church School 1 Coffee Hour Wednesdays Holy Eucharist 9:30 o m Friday-Holy Eucharist 9:30 a m Christian Science Society Lincoln Road And Eastwood Lane Sunday Service - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Wed. Eve. 8 p.m. Christ The King Catholic Church 5006 E. Wonder Lake Road Wonder Lake. Illinois Sunday Masses: 8. 10 a.m. ond noon. Eve. Mass 8 p.m. Fulfills Sunday Obligation Nativity Lutheran Church 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Box 157. Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake. Illinois Sun. Worship 8 ft 10:30 a.m. Sunday School • 9 a.m. (Nursery Facilities Available) St. Mary's Catholic Church Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Sat. Eve. Mass - 5 p.m. Fulfills Sun. obligation Sunday Mosses - 6:30 8 9:30 9:45 10:45 11. 12 noon. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) 4206 W Waukegon Rd (W. Rt 120) Rev. Hemonn F. Graef 385 0859 385 1616 Sunday Worship 7:45 t 10:30 Nursery Services provided at 10:30 Education for Eternity Sunday School - Children ond Youth . 9 a.m Wonder Lake Bible Church 7501 Howe Drive Wonder Lake Illinois Rev Richard N. Wright Pastor Sunday: Sunday School 9:30 a.m Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Bible Fellowship Hour 6:00 p m. Wednesday: v Midweek Prayer and Praise Hour 7:30 p m McHenry County Friends Meeting (Quaker) 1st A 3rd Sunday. 10:30 o.m. For information call: 385-3*72 or 312-683 3840 Church of God Greenleaf Ave. at Fairfield Dr. Island Loke School Services: Sunday School. 10 o.m Church Service. 11 a.m. Evangelistic Service. 7 p.m. Telephone: 312 526-8056 Mount Hope Church United Methodist 1015 W. Broadway Pistakee Highlands Rev. Ruth Wickersham Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. McHenry Evangelical Free Church 803 Royal Dr.. McHenry (Meeting. 2nd Floor Co res toe I) 344-1111--Church Pastor Roy Wisner 1-653-9675 Sunday Service 11 AM . 7 PM Sunday School 9:45 AM Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood. Illinois Rev. James Segin Res. 648-2848 Church 653-6956 Sunday 9:15 o.m. Church Service Church School at 10: IS a.m. Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints (MORMONS) 5209 N. Wolkup Ave. (across from Veterans Acres) Crystal Lake. Illinois Sunday School: 10:30 Sacrament Meeting: 5:00 p m Sunday United Pentecostal Church 258 Sunnysido-Lokemoor Rev. Nolan Hilderbrand 312 279-6289 Sunday 9:45 ft 6:30 p.m. Wed. 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Fri. 7:30 p.m. Youth Service George R. Justen Funeral Home 3519 W ElMSTREET McHENRY III 385 2400 Glaviano's Interiors & Palatine Millwork 385 3764 414 S ROUTE 31 JUST NORTH OF McHENRY FlORAl Brake Parts. Co. P O BOX 11 McHENRY III 385 7000 Ace Hardware 3729 W ElMSTREET McHENRY III 385 0722 Tonyan Construction Co. Freund Funeral Home 7611 HANCOCK DR WONDER LAKE 1 -728 0233 McHenry Savings & Loan 1209 N GREEN STREET McHENRY III 385 3000 First National Bank of McHenry 3814 W ELM STREET McHENRY ILL 385 5400 The Bath Shop 3012 W RTE 120 McHENRY III 385 0048 McHenry State Bank St Peter's Catholic Church Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. KiMuH, Pastor Phone 815-675-2288 Masses: Daily 8 o.m. Saturday - 4:00 p.m. Sunday - 7a.m.,9a.m.,11a. Faith Presbyterian Church Lincoln A CH«p*l Hill Ro«dt i#* Iric J %ny4*t Corpora** Worthip t JO • m Nwrtory A Pro $<Kool t 30 • m AMI 10 4$ or* Spring Grove Church United Methodist 8102 N. Blivln. Spring Grove. III. Rev. Douglas White-Pastor Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School • 9:00 a.m. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Rev. Edmund Petit. Pastor Rev. Raymond Kearny. Assoc. Pastor Sat.. Eve. (Sun. obligation fulfilled 5 p.m.) Sunday 7:15. 8:30 9:45 11 t 12:15 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 404 N. Green St. Rev. Roger W. Schneider Phone 385 7784 or 385-4030 Saturday Church. 5:00 p.m. School. 5:45 p.i Sunday Church. 8:30 t 10:30 School. 9:15 Nursery Services Available First Baptist Church 509 Front St. 385-0063 Rev. Marshall E. Worry Bible Study-Sunday School 9:30a.m. Worship Service 10:45 o.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Proyer Service. 7:00 p.m. Peter M. Justen Funeral Home 3807 W ElM STREET McHENRY ILL 385 0063 Guettler's Service, Inc. 818 N FRONT STREET McHENRY III 385 9831 Mitchell Sales, Inc. BUICK- OlDS-OPEl 903 N FRONT ST McHENRY 385 7200 The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W ElM STREET McHENRY III 385 0170 1309 N BORDEN STREET > 3510 W ElM STREET McHENRY III 385-5520 McHENRY ILL 385 1040 Coast to Coast Hardware 4400 W RTE 120 McHENRY MARKET PIACE 385 665* I

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