(ft k'f" PACiE 12 - PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 15^1978^ MAI ESTATE REAL ESTATE OWNER Cap* Cod. 4 _ bedrooms, two baths, family ioom in oasement, large two ^»«ir garage. 1^ lots $68,000.00 «§ Call after 5pm or weekends 815-385-2035 9-8-9-15C 3y owner. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, formal dining rooom, full oasement, with large two car g a r a g e , r e d w o o d d e c k . i « 2 years old $65,900. Call 815-344- 2879 - 9-ltfc **«» j "I"' 3 1 McHENRY REALTY 4909 West Route 120 McHenry, Illinois 60050 815-385-59221 SHADY SECLUSION Nestled among towering oaks is situated a fine, two bedroom home with large lot. detached garage and beautiful stone fireplace Very clean with view of private lake $38,000 00 •RIMER LOCATION... for this one year new. three bedroom house with a full basement This energy saving home boasts of low heat bills and superb construction $48,500.00 WATER FRONT HOMES ON THE CHANNEL Neat la s a pin and maintainance free make this home an exceptional value. Complete with three bedrooms, two car detached garage and steel seawall Priced to sell at. $58,900.00 ON PRIVATE LAKE Located m an area of prestigious homes is this four bedroom heme with three baths and plenty of elbow room both indoors and out You and yours can enjoy many sunsets from the large screened in porch which faces the lake All you could ask for for entertaining and recreational use $169,000 00 03 MLS OPEN: 7 DAYS WEEKLY AT YOUR CONVENIENCE SEASONAL HOME AT PRIVATE LAKE 2 Bdr w full bath large end. porch. det 2fcar gar. 82x106 sit* I '/> blks. from park, beach & bt. slips. OWNER ASKING $29,000.00 BRAND NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME Full bassmenl w roughed in fut. bath, carpeted vinyl in kit. 1'/» car det. gar P. blks from beach ONLY $49 800 00 JOHN C. LONG REALTY 8820 PINE AVE. WONDER LAKE (815)653-9563 WnbiiNli by appt. PLEASE YOl'R WHOLE EAMILY with this 4 bedroom frame ranch with attached redwood deck also with a gas barbecue Completely fenced in back yard, 14 baths and a 2 car garage Beautiful landscaping and very good in- town location Super sharp at $61,900. See No 2829 todaj FIVE HIGH. ROLLING WOODED LOTS - Beautiful Lotus Woods area Close to town, R R . etc Each Lot is 50' x 150 Excellent setting for builder or Purchaser with vision of a small country estate Total Price $16,500. No. 2828. A LARGE WOODED LOT surrounds this well built home This house not only includes central air and a large F- amily Room and Den but also extra room in basement, 2 bedrooms, 14 baths, a carport plus a detached 3 car garage In good area Priced at $78,900 Call about No. 2824* _____ -PARADISE WAS NEVER LIKE THIS - One-half Acre Plus - Wooded Lot in Trout Valley Association amenities include horse stables, racquet & tennis courts, swimming poo! and pre-school All within walking distance, or you might like hunting & fishing Priced at $49,900 No 2811 GRACIOUS & SPACIOUS! Shelter of mighty oaks offers seclusion for this quality constructed Hillside Ranch sited on 13 acres You can enjoy the view of Nippersink Creek from your patio This home has designer features much to numerous to list Call to see No 2776 for $130,000. JUST STARTING OUT0 Then come see this 2 bedroom townhouse that has been well taken care of This unit has 11 - baths, central air plus humidifier and an extra front porch Call for No 2827 today priced at only $36,900 2911 W. Route 120 McHenry. 11.60050 815-344-1244 CARY OFFICE: 312-639 3939 DUNDEE REALTYCO. A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE GAIN YARDAGE Af ter purchas ing this beauti ful ly decorated 3 bedroom ranch 2 car garage with large unfinished loft for possible mother in low arrangement si tuated on large wooded site in Wonder Lake A touchdown price a t $60 900 LET'S TALK Stop by with your whole family about this beauti ful ly maintained 3 bedroom raised ranch in Fox Ridge Super master bedroom (12 x 28) for your private get oway This home is 2 years new and has the looks and room needed tor todays oct ive farnrl ies1 PLUS YOU COULDN T ASK FOR BETTER LOCATION $68 500 BUY OF THE WEEK remodeled 2 bedroom home situated on a beauti ful half acre si te ) block from the Fo> , and gutters Only $33 900 THE EYE OPENER River. New wir ing storms family /ho appreciates qual i ty construct ion and above por location En,oy the privacy of the backyard amongst tal frui t trees and the winding channel overlooking McHenry Country Club Del ightful 3 bedroom ranch w 2 ful f f-replace Super kitchen & dining area Oversize 2 car garage $75 000 A NEW WAY OF LIFE awaits you in this 3 bedroom I bath on private lake Gorgeous stone f ireploce cathedral cei l ing ond pel la doors & windows in family room new kitchen huge redwood deck steel seawall are |ust a few of the extras Summer & winter you II have er 'Ovment at your doorstep $87 500 PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK • enjoy total 4000 sq f t honnfe as single family residence Live in one unit rent the other Large 2 story unit has 3 bedrooms 2 > baths large l iv ing room dining room & 21 f t family room with f i replace Smaller unit has 3 bedrooms 2 baths and 22 f t great room Ample storage oversize 2 cor garage on 2 3 acres Horses permitted $129 000 PLANNING TO SELL YOUR HOME? INQUIRE ABOUT OUR 4 EASY STEPS TO A GUARAN TEED SALE - AND OUR REALTY WORLD HOME PROTECTION PLAN. gfm BJ m BJ durbin stovall associates, inc. 4213 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-8060 L LAKELAND PARK BEAUTY V, FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 bedrooms family room 1 bath on high crawl. Beautiful trees 5017 W. Home Vacant Property Beauti ful Overton Estates Richmond 1% acres in orea of f ine homes $1«,500.00 WESLEY REALTY Each Office Independently red carpet Owned and Operated \ 3! 2-526-5488 - 312-526-3095 9-8-9-15, £. J. Stephens Go. Limited R E A L T O R - - B U I L D E R OFFERS NEW HOMES IN THE CRYSTAL LAKE AREA New 3 Bedroom Raised Ranches with 2 Car attached Garages ^ i^^iU^BJ^cktog^nves^n^Sjj jJde^JFrgnJjrg^ t a -- BURTON BRIDGE SUBDIVISION Aluminum sided with brick fronts R O W Removable wood windows with tr iple track storms and screens Al l homes have f iberglass insulated batts in wal ls and 6' j inch blown in cei l ings carpeted thruout upstairs except ki tchen & bathroom. Beauti ful wood cabinets formica counter tops $59 900 LICENSED SALESPEOPLE NEEDED. MODERN OFFICE-GREAT OPPORTUNITY STOP IN - GET ACQUAINTED ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION Protected By Home Owners 10 yr. Warranty HOW 4915 W Route 120 McHenry. I l l inois 60050 815-385 8170 9-15 MenbrooK 03 m MIS MLS * i* WHERE THE ACTION IS McHENRY AREA All new 3 bedroom brick and cedar home with IS baths ful l basement and I > car attached garage Peaceful wooded sett ing pick out carpel and t i le colors Hurry 1 1 Great price at $56 900 TO BE BUILT 1 450 sq f t of l iv ing area combining upper & lower levels Choose al l f loor covering colors dishwasher color ceramic t i le for bath To f inish lower level add $6 000 for - j bath and family room and built in laundry area $53 900 THE AFFORDABLE TRI-LEVEL This qual i ty home includes carpeting ceramic t i le bath dish wosher and wooded corner lot "To f inish lower level add $6 000 to jndude^mor«^jed^onT^^jX3th^an(^bu^ (n^lound^are(^^j^90C) OFFICE AT: 375 W. Liberty St. (Rte. 176) WAUCONDA, ILL. Weekdays 9-7 Saturday 9-5:30 Sunday 10-5:30 Evenings by Appointment Phone (312)526-3000 1% yr»., 6 room ranch, 3 bedrooms. 1 both. 15 * 12 ft patio Must See! $49,900.00 NO Agents. 385-4221 ABLE REALTY INC. JUST LISTED! A 3-5 bedroom ranch with full basement and large 2> 2 car garage what more could you ask for! The livingroom and kitchen have new carpeting, back yard is fenced-in and all this for only $53,900. EXCELLENT LOCATION & JUST REDUCED This cedar and stucco ranch has much to offer 31 bedrooms, triple closet in master bedroom, garage, cultured marble vanity in bath, carpeting throughout, close to shopping, almost new $51,900. LOADS OF CABINETS Lots of everything describes this 3-5 bedroom ranch Room to ramble, abundant storage space and closets, washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove and micro-wave oven Outstanding value at $59,900 READY FOR LIVING "N-: There's nothing to be done on this cute 2-3 bedroom starter home Woodburning stone fireplace, aluminum siding, mature trees including 3 fruit trees are a few of the pluses See it today! $30,500 10875sq ft. lot in Sunrise Ridge with framed house Price can be negotiated to sell as is. Ron Freund - Broker McHENRY 44)0 w »oun 120 (815) 344 2500 ca Scott Hunt -- Broker CRYSTAL LAKE 6213 HOVTHWIS! HWY (815) 455 1050 WONDER LAKE m* „ . This neat compact house situated in a nice neighborhood has got to go' large 88 x 125 lot with beouti ful shade trees Two car garage two bedrooms with the possibi l i ty of o third Move in Condit ion Among the last real ly good homes at this low price $38 500 McHENRY Just Reduced This has to be the bargain of al l t ime Pract ical ly new raised ran ch three bedrooms two b^ths vinyl siding aluminum facia & soff i t br ick ni wal l No wax f loors in ki tchen and dining room area corpeted l iv ing room Just reduced to $55 900 00 Two nice rol l ing lots suitcbe for a hi l ls ide house S6000 each Other lots up to $10 500 each Ask us obout them McHenry Annex 4721 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 815-385-8700