r M.K2 -I'I.AIMH: VI EK -FRIDAV. SEPTEMBER IS, 1978 The Sept 7 meeting of Pi Alpha, held in the home of Virginia Stasiak featured a program entitled "Growing I'p". given by Deanna Gard ner Also included among the activities of the evening was a welcoming ritual performed for the purpose of inducting Ingrid Nuhsbaum, who for merly resided in Denver. Colo . into this local group The month 's activity, a dinner and play on Sept 16. was planned and details discussed The mext meeting will be on Sept 21 at the home of Aleta Gemmell Pam Doherty will give a program entitled Learning to Learn". Pregnancy Information Focus Of SCOPE Class A class is being offered to provide information to women about pregnancy A dietician will discuss nutrition, a physical therapist will demonstrate exercises for a more comfortable pregnancy; and two nurses will discuss drugs, x rays, rubella. Kh sex. and prepared childbirth The class costs a minimal fee and will be given Sept 18 at 7 :$<>p m at the First Methodist church on Dole and Crystal l^ike avenue in Crystal Lake For more information call, Mrs Gary S 'Nancy1 Willard. Crystal Lake This class is sponsored by SCOPK Successful Childbirth and Organized Parent Fducation SCOPK is a parents organization whose purpose is to provide people with help and information at all stages of their parenting ex perience The class cost is applicable to a SCOPK membership CHOCOLATE ROLL cup sif ted . i l l -purpose f lour '/< teaspoon baking powder '/« teaspoon >alt '• t cup w'ocoa 4 eggs, room temperature J /4 cup sugar 'easpoon vani l la Sif t f lour, baking powder, sai l and cocoa together Beat eggs m small bowl ai high speed unt i l foam. Add sugar about 2 tablespoon^ i t a t ime, belt ing after eac' i ; \ddit ion unti l thi^k and l ig. i t colored, . ibout * rn nute* W ith rubber spatula or spoon told in t lour mixture, a ' in]? tut third at a l ime Ukv,.; i11 v. in. l la Pour batter mi. . ,t Is x 10 x I inch pan Ahkt, has been greased, l ined on ihe bot tom wi ih paper ani l greased again Bake in 35<"K oven about 15 minutes, or int i l top spni igs b;.ck when pre sed l ight ly vnh i l inger. I urn out at one onto a dean dish to* ; i sprinkled with confec t ions s' ugar Kcm< ve paper; •Tin of i r ists. Rol l ip quickly ro l l ing Me towel u f w i tn the cakr to prevent Me .ake f rom Mickng. ( >ol. L ' i t oi l so cake wi l l 1 e on t >wel. Spread wit ; i Ora «;e ( ream f >!hng* Start rol l i m i i t take from narrow ' \ tolding edj;e of cake an J t icking it in W rap • t ro ir ,d cake rol l to shape > ser e sprinkle with con en J c. *r (• i t I tret H * i l h desire < h •d •ugar • late and garnish Drizzle** i f 1 McHenry Grad Wed To Girl Senior Walk-In (.enter From Marengo Foresters To Hold Annual Diocesan Day Of Recollection MR. AND MRS. DAN SEVERING RETURN FROM ACAPULCO - Mr. and Mrs. Dan Severino are making their home in Vernon Hills, after taking a honeymoon trip to Acapulco. The bride is the former Viola Mary DeMarco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeMarco.702 W. Columbus street McHenry, and a 1975 graduate of McHenry high school. Anthony Severino, 8014 S. Kildare. Chicago, is the father of the bridegroom,who graduated from Southern Illinois university in 1976. St. Thomas Catholic church. Crystal Lake, was the scene of the July 1 wedding, which took place at 3:30 p.m., with Fr. McKinstra officiating. A reception was given in the Knights of Columbus hall in Harrington for 175 guests. Deanna Gardner Gives Recent Pi Alpha Talk The annual day of recollection for the Rockford diocesan National Catholic Society of Foresters association will be Wednesday, Sept 27. at the Bishop Lane retreat house in Rockford St Rita court 1042 of Sterling is the host court Reservations can be made at the Sept 19 meeting, or by calling Mrs Paul Pitzen prior to that date St Agatha court 777, the Johnsburg N.C.S.F . will meet Tuesday evening Sept 19. at 8 pm in the Community club hall Mrs Clara Michels is in charge of the refreshments for the annual B and P party It was announced that at the twenty-eighth national con vention of the N.C.S.F. held recently in Chicago, new national officers were elected and installed Chosen as president was Dolores John son. vice-president, Rosemary Trettin; secretary, Deloros Rogers; and treasurer. Mary Terrien National directors are Mabel Albert, May Boss. Angela Lanners. Regina Piasecki, William Schmidt, Mary Jane Snow, and Dorothy Yero Community Calendar wcoooosooooooci SEPTEMBER 15 NAIM-St Margaret Chapter Meeting-Oak Room-St Mary's school 7 30 p m Northland Area Art I^eague-8 p m McHenry City ha 11 - watercolor presentation by Roger Bechtold SEPTKMBKR 16 MCCPA Garage Sale and Fashion Show 804 S Pearl McHenry Shores Moose Snowmobile Dinner Dance-dinner 7 to 8:30 p m dance to 12 .30 a m SKPTKMBER 17 McHenry County Historical Museum. Union -1:30 to 4:30 p m . - - H a r v a r d D a y - Demonstrations in Making Apple Head Dolls SEPTKMBKR 18 Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting 8:30 p m --First United Methodist Church Meeting for application for AFS-7 p m West Campus McHenry American Legion Auxiliary Regular Meeting 8 p m Legion Home Past Of ficers in charge of Refresh ments SEPTKMBKR 19 T H K O S meet for dinner at 5:30 p m at Snug Harbor Program First Methodist Church SKPTKMBKR 20 Whispering Oaks Women's Club Salad Luncheon and Meeting 1 p m Kdgebrook PTO general meeting and open house 7 p m instead of 7 30 p m to en courage all family response Foxridge Women's Club first meeting of season 8 p m at St Pauls Fpiscopal church Mc Henry all area women welcome SKPTKMBKR 21 United Methodisf Women General Meeting 7 30 p m First United Methodist Church 3717 West Main SI reel McHenry Senior Citizens Club "Drivers Kefresher Course 10 a in to noon McHenry city Hall Council Chambers Joyce Kilmer Court 573 C D of A.-Mdeting^SO p.m .-K of C hall SKPTKMBKR 23 Beach Gals "Sha Na Na" dance-9 p m. to 1 am - McCullom Lake Beach House. SKPTKMBKR 24 McHenry county Historical Museum, Union-1:30 to 4:30 pm -Greenwood Day Pi Alpha meeting-home of Aleta Gem mell-topic- "Learning to Learn". SKPTKMBKR 25 Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting--8 30 p m -First United Methodist Church McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting 7 30 p m West Campus Cafeteria SKPTKMBKR 26 American Association of Medical Assistants-Fashion Show-7 30 pm -home of Tony Varese. 2917 Deborah lane. McHenry SKPTKMBKR 27 McHenry Garden Club-home of Genevieve Morrow-meeting at 1 pm SKPTKMBKR 28 Pi Alpha meeting-Lorene Farr home-informal get together for prospective rushees McHenry Senior Citizens Club -"Drivers Refresher Course "10 am to noon- McHenry City Hall Council Chambers Girl Scout Neighborhood Meeting 9:15 a m St Patrick's church hall St Clara court 659 regular meeting 8 p m Oak Room Montini school SKPTKMBKR 29 Family Service and Com munity Mental Health Center's Annual Association Dinner Meeting-6 30 p m The Cloven Hoof. 219(H) W Grant Marengo SKPTKMBKR 30 NAIM St Margaret Chapter Meeting-cards Oak Room-St Mary's school 7 Hi p m Women of the Moose Steak Fry. Dance, and Bake sale Members and guests dinner 6 to K 30 p m dance to 12 30 a m OCTOBKR 1 McHenry County Historical Museum Slide Show American Hoots in Kngland OCTOBKR3 Whispering Oaks bus to l»op leaves Community center at 8 45 a m t ides available for McHenry senior citizens and residents call 385 8518 by Sept 3) Meals are served Monday through Friday at the Mc Henry Walk-In Center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be make by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385- 8260 Menu for the week of Sept. 18 through Sept. 22 is as follows; Sept. 18: Macaroni and cheese, buttered squash, red jello with applesauce, wheat bread, oatmeal cooky, and milk. Sept. 19: Meatloaf, scalloped vegetables, cole slaw, dinner rolls, peaches, and milk. Sept. 20: Beef stew with vegetables, corn bread, orange juice, pistachio pudding, and milk Sept. 21: Baked chicken with gravy, carrot-sage-onion dressing, cauliflower au gratin, white bread, fresh fruit, and milk. Sept. 22: Barbecue, three- bean salad, celery and cheese sticks, ginger bread with topping, and milk OCTOBKR 5 McHenry Senior Citizens Club "Drivers Refresher Course' finalsession-10 a m to noon-McHenry City Hall Council Chambers McHenry Warriors Booster Clyb Meeting-7:30 p m.-West Campus OCTOBKR 6 Church Women United-Lake Region Forum Meeting-9:15 a m Presbyterian church. Woodstock-Bertha Tammeus- Tour of the Clothing Closet Semi annual rummage sale- Ringwood church-9 a m to 5 p.m OCTOBKR 7 Semi annual rummage sale- Ringwood church-9 a m to noon OCTOBER 8 Al-A-Non Family Group Meeting-8:30pm First United Methodist church McHenry County Historical Museum Crystal Lake Day- Program by Mrs Shiyi Kimura Show For AAMA At Varese Home The American Association of Medical Assistants. a professional group represen ting medical workers in many areas, is sponsoring a fashion show to help support its en deavors The event will be held on Sept 26 at 7 30 pm , at the residence of Tony Varese. 2917 Deborah lane. McHenry Orders should be placed now for spring blooming bulbs to get the biggest and health iest bulbs in time for October planting. The thrifty hometnaker with several children will find in the bakery outlets dollar savings. Bakeries offer their baked goods (out-dated for store shelves) at a good dis count. Select a week's supply and freeze. Drapes Need Cleaning? WE ARE THE BEST!!! AMERICAN DRAPERY CLEANERS FLAMEPROOFERS, Inc. Complete Service Removed Cleaning Rehanging Pleating Tieing 312-GR2-4066 COUPLE (HUSBAND & WIFE) SERVING CHICAGO AND ALL SUBURBS including THE McHENRY AREA -WE ALSO DO STAGE DRAPERIES- Huge sprays of late summer flowers which included gladiolas, peach, yellow and white carnations, baby's breath, and delicate touches of greenery, decorated the altar of the First Baptist church. Marengo, for the 4 p.m. ceremony on Sept. 9, uniting Linda Akime Yamaoka and James Michael McMillan, a graduate of McHenry high school. The bride, a graduate of Marengo high school, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Albert Yamaoka 306 Sixth avenue, Marengo. Mrs. Dolores Mc Millan, 7704 East Sunset drive. Wonder Lake, and the late Thomas R. McMillan are the groom's parents The bride chose a sleeveless gown of imported white Quiana jersey, trimmed in daisy-and- leaf Venise lace appliques. From the empire waist came a pleated skirt edged in applique, which created a graceful A-line effect. The three-tiered illusion veil of English nylon was secured by a tapering ring headpiece of daisy Venise lace and seed pearls. A bouquet of cascading bridal white and peach roses accented by baby 's breath and ribbon streamers completed her outfit. The bride was attended by Mrs. Sheila Waller of Rockford. as matron of honor Her bridesmaids were Mary Ann Zierer, Marengo, Mrs Sheri Yerk, Belvidere. sister of the bride; and Jayne and Patty McMillan, Wonder Lake, sisters of the groom Melissa Yerk of Belvidere. a niece of the bride, and Julie Kurpeski of Marengo, were flower girls The attendants were gowned in coral Quiana knit gowns designed with multi-strapped bodices Each wore a peach chiffon circular cape Both gown and cape were accented with lace Each attendant wore matching silk flowers in her hair, and carried a cascading bouquet of peach and white roses and miniature car nations Patrick McQueeny of McHenry was chosen by the bridegroom as best man Other groomsmen were Bob Brandt and Jeff Johnson, Wonder Lake; David Yamaoka. Marengo, brother of the bride, and Thomas McMillan, brother of the groom The ringbearer was Christopher Yerk, Belvidere, nephew of the bride Matt Schuster of Wonder Lake and Tony LeGreca of Chicago ushered The mother of the bride chose a yellow crepe spaghetti-strap gown with a chiffon cape The groom's mother was attired in a champagne crepe floor length gown, with lace bodice and shawl After the ceremony there was a reception at the American Legion in Union for the bridal couple which was attended by 250 people. Kelly Yamaoka. Peoria, brother of the bride, was the Master of Ceremonies Special out-of-state guests attending the reception were Mrs Yoshio Dogen, Tacoma, Washington; Mrs Robert Takagi, Washington; and Dr and Mrs Robert Prosek, Alexandria. Virginia A trip is planned for later this year The couple reside in Wonder Lake CHAPEL HILL GOLF CLUB Invites You To Participate In OUR ANNUAL "FALL SWEEPER" SUNDAY OCTOBER 1ST CLOSING THIS YEARS' GOLF SEASON INCLUDES: * Golf all Day * Dinner * Special Events * Free Beet & Hot Dogs * Fantastic Prize Table-- Everyone Walks Out With a Gift' * * * * * * • * * * * * * • * * * * * * * • * * * * * For Starting Times Or More Information Call John Bolton 385-0333 J 5 CM XI'KI. till.I. (.OI.K CM lt{ Y i II \l»l I till I |{|). * \h Ill MO . II.I.. IH.VO W l J 5 KAREN KUFAHL AND GLENN JENKINS ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT - Mrs. George Kufahl, 469 E. Crystal Lake avenue, Crystal Lake, announces the engagement of her daughter, Karen, to Glenn M. Jenkins, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jenkins II, 1512 Freund avenue, McHenry." Glenn is a 1972 graduate of McHenry high school. Karen graduated from Crystal Lake high school in 1977. The couple plans a late September wedding. Senior Health Topic At Wonder Lake Club Mr. Russ Donovan will be the featured speaker at the next scheduled meeting. Sept 18, of the Wonder Lake Senior citizens club, held at Nativity Lutheran church Mr Donovan, a member of the McHenry Council, will be giving a presentation on Medic Alert programs for seniors This talk had been planned for Aug 21, but was rescheduled due to the illness of the speaker Catherine Elnz, Alvira Simone. and Helen Smith, all members of the Wonder Lake Senior Citizens club, received prizes for participation in the County Fair this year, and were applauded by other members Blood pressure services have been well received, and will take place again from 11 a m to 12 30 p m before the next meeting Outdoor Wedding For Cindy Reed And Hugh Baleman Friday Sept 8, at 4 p.m., Acceneth Irene (Cindy) Reed exchanged vows in an outdoor wedding with Hugh A Bateman Jr., of Camp Lake, Wis Judge Roland Herrman of ficiated at the nuptials which took place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr and Mrs Edwin F Reed. 3711 W Maple. McHenry the parents of the groom. Mr and Mrs Hugh A Bateman Sr , reside in Algonquin The special open air ceremony was highlighted with special music by Kelly Ix>w, accompanied by Steve King on the guitar The bride chose an ivory quiana gown with round neck trimmed in lace, empire waist and a short train Her mantilla- type veil was also edged in lace A colonial bouquet of ivory roses, daisies, and baby's breath complemented her chosen attire Noelle Reed attended her sister as maid of honor Charlene Reichert of Shell Beach, Calif., and Bernadine Mould of Barrington Hills, both sisters of the bride, joined Barbara Osmon and Margaret Birmingham of McHenry as bridesmaids Elizabeth Marsh, McHenry, was the flower girl All attendants were attired in quiana spaghetti-strap gowns in shades of blue varying from ice blue to navy Their colonial bouquets were patterned after the bride's, and the flower girl carried a basket of ivory roses and daisies The groom chose John Myra, Trevor. Wis , to perform the duties of best man Groom smen were Louis Grassecki, Trevor Ed Gilbertson. McHenry. Thomas Reichert, Shell Beach. Calif and Michael Mould, Barrington Hills Ring bearers were Joel Bateman, Camp Lake. Wis , son of the groom, and Raymond Dickson. McHenry. nephew of Ihe groom Carrying out the color theme of the wedding both the mother of the bride and of the groom wore blue The wedding ceremony was followed by a reception at the American Legion hall at which 150 people toasted the bridal couple They plan a wedding trip to California Former McHenry Girl Wed in Chicago Church On Friday. Sept 8, Mary Jo Connor, who was a graduate of St Mary's grade school in McHenry, exchanged vows with James Patrick Hauser at a ceremony which took place at St Edwards Catholic church in Chicago Mr and Mrs Joe Connor. 1416 W Hawk, McHenry, are the parents of the bride Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hauser of Chicago are the parents of the groom After the wedding, a reception was held at the home of the groom's brother. Ken neth Hauser of Chicago Marriage Encounter Weekends Scheduled Worldwide Marriage En counter announces two weekends for September in the Fox Valley: Sept 22 24 at the Fox Valley Inn, Aurora, and Sept 29 - Oct 1 at Resurrection center, Woodstock Marriage Encounter is a non profit organization which teaches a deepening of the marriage relationship thru a technique of communication Couples with good marriages learn how to have better marriages For reservations, call Jim and Marcie Johnston, 338-8511 Fast Service Europe s fastest inter-city train service connects Paris and Bordeaux, France The non-stop time for the 360 mile journey is about 3 hours, 50 minutes, ac cording to the French National Railways HILL COU-U spurgeons SEMI-ANNUAL ART NEEDLEWORK SALE NOW THRU SUNDAY, SEPT. 17th HURRY FOR BEST SELECTION WHILE MERCHANDISE IS AT SALE PRICES' STOCK UP NOW FOR YOUR WINTER NEEDS 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY 385 4100