Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1978, p. 8

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j£\GE 8 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1978 a«» gk s im cswrm.w HtUMIMT£D_J***.> COUH s IMMlMG POOL •m to vujwtr-V On* n-S245 FUKNI STSI «e 7̂ M »l '.Vi'fV • M.1 }t «l )kdn ' •»» ediofe Occ 941-1200 Inform I B<4« it «u« «sir*»»i* i *« Fi«v '« •AID, U«. > AWfty. it E 42 V MAIDS-- in **/n BOOKKEEPER ASb! hoc flo'iif MM tTM I J*-4 hrTrf P tSiii I F * ' Mi<t D RA H A M rt-MFR S 4 »004 «0Sir* G*»Of*V JJ5 N. Y ENC/ WARRINGTON IE 135 0"' *Lb V to • '.IIS 9<v*rBit* ULLR 774 ; , AptJl^SCCJf 'EE »x FOREST HlttS 4RvK W No- cash refunds on prepaid ads Cards of Thanks In Memor iam Si tuat ion Wonted Wonted to Rent and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance The Plo indeoler is not responsib le for er rors in c lass i f ied ads af ter the f i rs t inser( ton ' Check your ad af ter the f i rs t inser t ion and ca l l our ' a t tent ion to any mistakes OFFICE HOURS MON.-FRI. 8:30 A M to 5:00 P M SATURDAY 9-12 P M. Classified Copy Deadline "*• ~ WEDNESDAY PAPER - MONDAY 4P.M. FRIDAY PAPER --WEDNESDAY 4P.M. PHONE 385-0170 . AUTOS AUTOS WING ALTO INSURANCE tOBLEMS? Call Us Sun rlage Insurance Agency 815- i»-:i32H " 9-22 1972 NOVA. BLUE 307 Cu In Asking 850.00 or best offer 344 2486 9-22-9-29C BUSINESS SERUKS BUSiNESS StBUIgS tmtRMAN IEPTIC iSTALLATIOf IND REPAIR 'Excavating 'Foundations •Driveways 385-7791 ^4907 W McCullom Lake Road McHenry, III. n SEMI BLACKTOP 30% OFF ON * Driveways * Parking Lots * Patios, Etc. All work guaranteed for on* year. Fro* Estimates S15-459-29S7 I I I I I R "DAUTO SERVICE K 24 HOUR LIGHT & HEAVY DUTY TOWING Ht AND STARTING SERVICE FOR CARS & TRUCKS ||f + -• - Complete Body Shop -- Amoco Motor Club I - FREE ESTIMATES! 4250;W. Bull Valley Rd.. 1/A mi. West of Rt. 31,, 385-7448 I I I I I I WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL T ?rving your area- ^5 Years experience. le are now taking irders. Deal direct Iwith owner & save1 -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312-367-0676 I? & D CONSTRUCTION Specializing in Concrete & Carpentry •Sidewalks •Additions •Steps "Driveways •Garages •Patios „ ^Remodeling •Roofing •Slabs 'Basement! .porches For Free Estimate Call: 49^3707_- or -JSfc8118 CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For All Your * TOWING NEEDS TOWINO * TOWING NEEDS * STARTING PROBLEMS * TOW BAR RENTAL Two Phones For Service! 385-5840 385-0258™, FALL FURNACE SPECIAL NOW THRU DEC. 15 'iftUE 5.00 Off REGULAR PRICE WITH THIS AO FOUR SEASONS HEATING SERVICE vttes you t *o clean <v •dined professional? oil or GD'. furnace CALL NOW FOR APPOINTMENT 815-344-1008 SERVING MCHENRY COUNTY PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial-Residential "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." • Machine Laid • New Drives • Resurfacing * Parking Lots • Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates 312-546-5600 'KTimi 76 FIREBIRD FORMULA, loaded Call after 5 385-0298 9- 22 1972 CHEVY RALLY,. NOVA, power steering-t&raiies. automatic transmissidfe air conditioned, sunroof, good condition $1600. or best offer 815-3I18-4999 9-22 LOOKING for low cost auto insurance. Call Fitzgeralds Insurance Agency 815-385-8700 9-ltfc 1967 Chevelle, power steering, new paint, good rubber, clean interior, 283 CID engine with 11.1 pistons, ;,4 cam, 2 and 4 barrel carb set-ups $850 firm Call after 4pm 815-385-5839 9- 13-9-22C n BUSINESS SERVICES GENERAL HAULING * Crushed rood grovel * Grade 9 for driveway* * Peo Gravel * Sand * Black Dirt 815-385-5827 815-385-4835 JOHN FICKEN, JR. ^£ REMODELING • SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE • Basement* . porch.# •Family Room. . Goro * Room Additions ft Repoirs * P01'0* O.E.A. Construction 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 CERAMIC CLASSES Have Fun1 Moke your own gif­ ts. Join a doss on Tuesday 12 noon to 3 00 PM Tuesday & Wednesday evening 7 00 PM to 10 00 PM For information call BETTY THIEL 815-385-6352 815-385-8133 £1 NEED SOMETHING DONE? •Ca rpen t r y •Cemen t Work •Pa t i o * . . . . . . •N.w Hom.t No Job Too Large Or Small CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling of Older Homes Kitchen both windowS door replacement. WE BUILD •Oarage* •Room Addition* Patio Decks I •Con*truction of | New Homes No Job Too Big or Too Smal l WE AIM TO PLEASE FREE.ESTIMATES 815-385-4937 After 5 pm and weekends 9 IF ! WE 00 GLASS REPAIRS FAST! Most cases 1 day service for storm doors and windows. Plexiglass & Glass Carry in service only COAST to COAST McHenry Market Ploce 385-6655 » 15 Tf ? 1972 Volkswagon Bus in good condition Needs engine work. Will take best offer. 815-728-1059 9-13-9-22C 1973 TORINO 302 V8, p.s.. p.b., 43.(KM) miles, radio, _ 2 door, Landau roof. Excellent con­ dition $1300.00. Call 385-9184 or 344-1491 any time 9-20-9-22C 1966 Ford Fairlane dependable. $250.00 344-3046 9-20-9-22C 1972 CHEVY I MP ALA. 400 inch, automatic transmission, p.s., p b., AM-FM radio, radial whitewalls, $1295 or offer 385- 6827 9-20-9-22C BUSINESS SEBUICES KHKK PICK Lip .11 NK CARS and trucks, day or night 815-459- (KI81 ' 9-ltfc ; MeHENRY WELDING SERVICE • ALL TYPES WELDING • SPECIALIZING IN BOA! PRC? REPAIRS CUSTOM TRAILER HITCHES 2912 W Rte 120 McHenry 815-385-4929 mi. . . . jH C&C ££22* HOME IMPROVEMENT Siding Specialists •ALUMINUM SIDING •SOW! AND FACU •VINYl SIDING •SMMIESS OUTTEB - All EXTERIOR ALUMINUM PRODUCTS - 385-6702 or 497-3780 6 30 9 22 TF 2 RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new septic* 815-385-6445 9 ltf LEOPOLD CONSTRUCTION * NEW HOMES • ROOM ADDITIONS • ANYTHING YOU WANT DONE IN CARPENTRY 497-3990 KJS•>>"• km ^ CUNAT BROTHERS ^ GENERAL CONTRACTORS • RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL * AGRICULTURAL Serving McHenry County Areo Quolity work at reasonable prices 815-385-6513 r "ji I D & D i MATERIAL! * DECORATIVE STONE, ETC * BLACK DIRT •SAND "GRAVEL Call after 4:00 P.M. 815-385-1970_ sasaaaMc McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING & LETTER SERVICE •24 hour answering tervice ond complete mailing service •Paging Servire •Printing •Mimeographing •Typing •Phototyping 3509 W Pearl St McHenry III 60050 815-385 0258 CHEVY PICKUP 1973, heavy duty 1 - ton. 350, A-T. p-s, p-b, am fm, gauges, truck side mirrors, step bumper, camper top. sliding windows, runs good, looks good $2350.00 815- 344 1184 9-20-9-22C 1976 Dodge Colt, radio, air, 4 speed $2200 (K) HI5-385 8005 . 9- 20-9-22C 1974 GRAND PRIX, Power window, P B AND P.S. Am- Fm 8 track stereo, buckets, console. Ex Condition. Must Sell $2.4(H).00 344-0829 9-20-9- 22C BUSINESS SEBUICES Painting by THE PAINT CONNECTION - Interior and Exterior Also driveway sealing For free estimate, call 815-385-9336 or 312-658-3358 . 8- 30-9-29C R<)()KTN(i PROBLEMS? Let me solve them, excellent quality and competitive prices, .lust Rite Roofing. 344 1548 9- 11 fc WILL BOARD HORSES, Stall or Pasture, two Western saddles for sale, V G 815-459- 0057 9-8-9-29c Piano & Accordian Lessons. Accordian rentals available. First 4 lessons $12.00 815-385- 407(1 9-6-9-22C FALL CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL, only 9 cents per sq ft Professional Steam cleaning process Thrifty Carpet & Rug Cleaners Call now 815-338-4549 9 20-9 22c C & E WE-HAUL Pulverized top soil, gravel for driveways, pea gravel, sand. etc. 815-653 ,4G16 9-20-10-20C I +J - * Motorcycle Headquarters Full Service" 312 587-1999 I M S . 520 Rollins Rd . Fox Lake. II 9-22 TIMBER TREE SERVICE Expert Tree Work at Low Prices. Free Estimates. 385-2352 TTNNTAK- m M i n u s • Addition^* •(iara«»'s# • RriiHxIrliii"* •N«'h (.oii^triK'iion* FOR FRKK KSTI\I,\TK -CALL- -- 9 11 385- 1 ,0 13.t 2 ADAMS REPAIR SHOP • Lawn Mowers • Small Engines • Machine Shop 1910 W. BAY ROAD McHENRY, ILL. 385-2534 * I It ? IW n I -Siding T • • *SoHit & Focio I I I S I D I N G ! | Combination Storm I Windows and Scroont I '4 1076 if 2 STEEL SEA WALLS True & Son Welding Service For free estimates CALL 815-385-1038 1978 280Z 2 plus 2. loaded and very clean 8,500 00 or offer 338- 0313. , " 9-22 73 FORD LTD WAGON. 60,000 miles, 460 CID, air, power seats, cruise, AM-FM, tinted glass, new tires, needs minor work $800 evenings. 385-4774 9- 22 1976 FORD CLUB WAGON 25,000 miles, AM-FM stereo, air conditioned, front and back $4800 00 or best offer. 815-385- 8028 9-22-9-29C 1976 Dodge D100, pickup, power steering, power brakes, Ziebart, automatic, V8 spoke wheels, cap $3700 00 815-385- 5232 9-20-9-22 c th« 5-6954 1972 Gran Torino Sport 351, Cleveland engine. 4 speed Hurst transmission, power steering, power brakes, AM radio, air shocks $500 00 815- 385-5376 or 385-5030 ask for Bill 9-20-9-22C LATE 1976 FORD ECONOLINE V8 350, P B P S . Auto, Heavy Duty Heater. $3,700.00 Barbara McKinley 385-6900 9-22c 1976 VW\ Bus 30,000 miles perfect condition AM-FM 8 track stereo $3795.00 815-385- 9185 9-20-9-22C 1973 BUICK ESTATE WAGON, Power everything Runs well $1.500.00 385-5023 . 9-22 1974 6 cylinder Maverick, 4 dr , automatic trans., p.s., reclining bucket seats No damage but rust $1300. 48,000 miles Call 815- 653-9255 9-20-9-22C Auto-72 BUICK LA SABRE, p.s., p.b., a.c., 4 new tires plus snow tires Good running car. $950 or best offer Call 815-344- 11% after 6PM 9-20-9-22c 1976 CUTLASS SUPREME, p.b..p.s., air, stereo plus many extras I^)W mileage 385-6979 9-20-9-22C 1973 LeManns coupe, new tires, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, excellent condition Asking $1850.00 815- 385-5437 after 5:30 pm 9-20-9-22c Dark Side of the Moon 1975 Chevy van, 6 cyl 3 speed, fully customized inside and out A real eye catcher $6,800.00 or best offer 815-728-1050 9-15-9- 20C For Sale: 1976 Jeep CJ-5, ex­ cellent condition, low mileage, the perfect vehicle for upcoming winter. Call 385- anytime after 6pm Verjfc Reasonable. 9-20-9-22c 1969 GMC ton pickup, news engine. 4 speed, best offer. Cal^ after 5pm 815 344-1157 . 9-20-9* 22c » 1976 Datsun B210, 40,000 miles^ stick shift Air conditioning, rust proofed $2500. 815-385-4704 ? 9-20-9-29C 1977 LT D. LANDAU. Black & Silver, stereo tape deck, low miles Best offer. 385-0081. 9-20- 9-22c 76 MERCURY MONARCH, good condition $3,000 or offer Moving must sell Call after 5:00 815-728-0642 9-20-9- 22C T 1976 Chevy VAn, 25,000 milesi- completely finished inside, be® seat, ice box, sink, new tire* and shocks $3895.00 815-385-918S 9-20-9-220 1977 (Iran Marquis, 2 door, allj power equipment, 18.000 miles $5850.815-728-0125 9-20-9-22C REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 9^ JOHN JUNG We're the Neighborhood Professionals. REAL ESTATE. IMC. ' TM NEAT AND LOVELY This custom built cedar sided ranch is well in suloted and located on a large country lot near town. Three bedrooms, two baths and a 2% car garage plus basement Nice neighborhood. $66,500 11 replace deck - " • and patio Good country MINI FARM Do your own thing -_lour*acres and a 79 x 20 barn with a heated insulated and dry walled workshop with 440 3 phase electricity Houte has three or four bedrooms three bath* and 10 min. from downtown Cryttal Lake.$109,000 VACANT LOTS Holiday Hills. 2 lots 60 x 195 with frontage on Fox River S6 500 eoch or 2 lots $12,000 CENTURY 21-JOHN JUNG 460 VIRGINIA ST. CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. 60014 815 459 9300 £) OVER 5000 OFFICES NATION WIDE l hOuS'WG OPPO«TUKlT» Mon thru Sat. 8 30am 7pm Sun 10am 5om Eoch Qffico it Independently Owned ond Operated fflj L»«432£j It's time to make a beautiful discovery in the evergrowing community of Sunnyside. It s time to discover EMBERWOOD WEST Beautiful 3 4 5 bedroom single family homes set around Cul de Sac ' , acre sites along with a 2 acre recreation area ond stocked pond. EMBERWOOD WEST HOMES Priced From Low $70's include ' > acre site sodded front seeded reor yard asphalt drives seamless aluminum gutters insulated wood windows quality carpeting 2 car attoched garoge energy efficient features blacktop stieets cold air returns in every moior room wide range of personal choices for interior exterior treatments Please excuse the mud We suggest you bring your boots !ot>* 31 Noflti to Johntbu'g *d Turn fo»t tof I . m. |._ Hord*n 0< Salts Mod«l on co<n»r k inK»i> i (d \ Rd t>- SALES INfO HAYCXN M Ki 120 HEMfl I ' . ' r , Haul i r i Or Vt tH< nr> 111. Salt s Utlm |11 >| <44* 11 u Opt n Wrctdavv II h Saiurddi s A Sundiw 11-5 'y# development co.. inc.

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