VLWLSTOIU Blade Pot Roast Rump Roast 7-Bone Roast Arm Roast developing! PAGE II PLAINDK\l.fcH WKDM SDA JEWEL GRPND BQ/ffPR make Jewel H the place where people like to go Jewel Companies. Inc., 1978 All Rights Reserved Find the makings for great fall meals at Jewel! 3718 W. ELM ST., McHENRY MON.-FRI. 8-10, SAT. 8-9 SUN. 9-7 PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE. WEI). SEPr 27 Tl IROUGH 1978 AT ALL JEWEL STORES IN ILLINOIS COUN HES COOK L AND MCHENRY FRESH MEAT AVAILABLE Wl IFNEVF.R YOUR JF SAT . AKE. WEL SEPT 30. DUPAGE IS OPEN FRESHLY GROUND -- APPROX. 70% LEAN Ground Beef PKGS OF 5 LBS PKGS OF LESS THAN 5 LBS JO wr o loo OK MORE ZFZr LB U S D A CHOICE -- BEEF CHUCK LIMIT 3 PLR CUSTOMER PLEASE 79 U S D A CHOICE -- BEEF ROUND BONELESS BONE IN $129 Fall's for chilly weather, football games and crackling leaves. For going outside for gpod times. . and coming indoors for hot hearty meals. You'll find the makings for good times all around ,• . you'll find the makings for great meals at Jewel! Ground beef for juicy burgers. (Flavor them with rings of fresh onions!) Or tender roasts to serve with fresh, spicy-sweet German Potato salad and maybe a glass of hot chocolate made with Hillfarm 1% milk. You don't have to spend much money to have a good time in the fall, or to have a great meal from Jewel -- for all these fixings are on sale this week! So, find your good times wherever you like . . . and this week especially, find your good food at Jewel! Complement any meal with Jewel's fine Farm Stand® varieties! LOCALLY GROWN -- HARD-SHELLED SQUASH • Acorn • Butternut • Spaghetti Zucchini GREAT FOR SNACKING! Bananas Yellow Onions LOW IN CALORIES! Cauliflower Red or Black U S.D A CHOICE -- BEEF CHUCK -- LIMIT: 3 PER CUSTOMER. PLEASE' U S D A CHOICE -- BEEF CHUCK U S D A CHOICE (WHOLE OR POINT CUT) FRESH BEEF - BONELESS Brisket H-¥~PFR POUND FOR FURTHER PROCESSING) OR THIN SLICED Catch the fall colors SmSrand save on film GEN. MERCH., GOOD THRU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1978 #0b6 Save 70c on Color Print Processing of any roll of Kodacolor, Fuji, Fotomat, GAF, Focal or 3M color print film Regular price: 12 exp $2.99, 20 exp $4 43 LIMIT ONE ROLL PER COUPON ^1 I'Ml COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER Find your most-wanted foods on sale this week! HILLFARM 1% Grttulji'*' I f ; / mzSL / WO Or$en(iW i. Whole Kernel "Vw -RI/I/FTTLM * 7 1* \ / MILKFAT f 110WFAT MILK J 1 VITAMIN A i D Llmi Milk • 1 1 i PAPER OR PLASTIC GALLON KRAFT -- 7V4 OZ BOXES Macaroni & Cheese Dinner REG. *1.62- *1.64 00 REG 32'. EA QUARTERED - 1 LB. PKG. Fleischmann's Margarine WHOLE OR CREAM STYLE Green Giant Corn ll% 4 rl' 29 REG 39c Super sandwiches start in our Chefs Kitchen! i i ̂ ̂ ^^9 • ii KRETSCHMAR BAVARIAN STYLE HICKORY Smoked Ham $159 GERMAN Potato Salad CAc REG /2 LB. *1.79 REG LB. 79'