Church Receives New Members PAGE 15 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. If78 Pictured are a group of new members received at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, Sunday. Fifty new members were received Sunday at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church They joined the congregation by letter of transfer from other Lutheran churches. During the 10:30 a m wor ship service the new members were invited to come forward in the church to be introduced to the congregation and to receive certificates of church mem bership from Pastor Roger Schneider At the conclusion of the service the new members stood in a receiving line to be greeted by the members of the parish A reception for new and old members was held in the fellowship room immediately after the worship service. It was coordinated by Evangelism directors. Miriam Kenna and Walter Johnson The new member reception was part of the thirteenth anniversary celebration of the church. Included among the new members were Dawn Zalud, Jennifer and Erik; Robert and Jerry Roland, Seth and Shem; Charlene Cook. Philip and Tammy; Leonard and Sharon Moravec, Vickie. Greg and Sherry; William and Luann Mielke and Jamie; Donald and Judy White. Sharon, Richard, and Julie; Terry and Lynda Wagner, Jamie and Jason; Carl and Marlene Knutilla, Lisa, Craig, and Kevin; James Geske and Mary Elizabeth; James and Sandra Young, James and Edward; Scott and Colleen Campbell; Marie Berkley; Roger Krause; Tom and Sue Herden; John and Karen Marzec; Joe and Mary Graziano, David and Cindy Schwartz ASCS To Review Yield Formulas T h e A g r i c u l t u r a l Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) is considering revising its proven yield for mulas for feed grains to include crops harvested for other than grain, according to Jim Lucas, County Executive Director of the McHenry County ASCS office Currently, only the crops a farmer harvests for grain count toward establishing a proven yield Yield determinations are the basis for Federal farm program payments and some loans. Lucas said Individual farm yields are currently established on the basis of their relationship to the established county 'check" yield, except for those farmers who choose to prove their yields Lucas said a task force has been appointed in Washington to consider ways to measure yields for feed grain crops that are used for other than grain Pre-harvest appraisal is one method under study "We are encouraging every farmer interested in establishing a proven yield to request an appraisal from the ASCS office." Lucas said "It won't cost a cent, and if ASCS does change the formula, the appraisal could help many farmers prove vields that can't be proven under the present procedure " The appraisal, a systematic field survey, is an estimate of the bushel or tonnage basis a crop would yield if harvested for grain Interested farmers should visit the McHenry County ASCS office at 1143 North Seminary Ave . Wood stock. to request an appraisal, Lucas said Town-Country Tips by David Plochtr, Exttniion Service 339-3737 338-4747 by David G Plocher, Ex tension adviser. Agriculture, McHenry county Agriculture Council Officers: Steve Johnson. Hebron. Randy Book. Haryard and Tom Lillegard of Crystal Lake were elected chairman, vice chairman and secretary at the Cooperative Extension Service Agriculture program council meeting Council members joining the Agriculture council this year include Allen W. Cosman, Harvard; Gary Siegmeier, Crystal Lake; Dennis Zarn- storf, Richmond and Albert Ahrens of Woodstock Others continuing council membership include Edward Gourley, Woodstock; Steve Johnson. Hebron; Charles McKee, Marengo, Henry Marlowe, Huntley; Earl Hughes. Jr ; David Martin, Marengo, Norman Sass, Woodstock; Daniel Walters, Hebron; Randy Book, Har vard. Thomas Deneen. Marengo. Dave LaGue, Marengo; and Thomas Lillegard of Crystal Lake The program council works to determine the needs of agriculture production in McHenry county Programs are then developed by our of fice to meet these needs Enter Extra Yield 4-H members enrolled in the crops project should enter the Extra Yield activity Knowing specifically the yield of the corn or soybean crop is the purpose of the activity Combining this knowledge with the planting, chemical, and fertility history gives to the young farmers a better perspective on the value of his management practices McHenry F S , Inc who gives medals and trophies as recognition will be working with our office 4-H Crops project members should call our office to enter Consider Zero-Tillage - Soil losses on your farm may very well exceed the 5-6 tons tolerable Because most of McHenry county rainfall comes between April and July when crop land soils are exposed to the primary factors of erosion, your farms are easily subject to a loss of 15-16 tons of soil per acre per year I participated in a zero- tillage tour last week with soil conservationist Kd Weilbacker who recently started work with the McHenry county Soil conservation service The farmers we visited were very pleased with the results they have been seeing some having continuous zero tilled corn in fields for 7 years If you desire details or have questions, call Ed at 338-0049 or myself at 338-3737 or 4747 for assistance Insects A Problem - If involved in the Government set aside program you may be storing grain up to three years That may pose some problems with quality control, especially if the grain becomes infested with insects Stored shelled corn already infested, should be fumigated On a calm warm day-above 70 degrees -seal cracks and holes in the bin and level the surface of the grain, breaking up any caked or crusted areas Apply a liquid fumigant at three to five gallons per 1,000 bushels, using the higher rate on wooden bins and flat storages After removing the caps, invert the containers and get out of the bin in 30 seconds to a minute Have someone stand outside the bin as a safeguard Put a tarp over wooden bins, closing them for 24 hours, then air them out To help prevent infestations starting through the top vents, a malathion emulsion concentrate can be used Also to meal moth in festations, dichlorvos resin strips can be used Check the grain at regular intervals and repeat the malathion and dichlorvos treatments the following summer Pork Producers .Meeting - Burnell Russell, vice-president of the McHenry Lake Pork Producers and his wife, Betty will host the annual Pork Producers picnic. Saturday Sept 23 Brats and beverage will be ready to go along with your dish to pass at 6:30 p.m Information and reservations* should be made by calling the Russells at 385-3878 Editor's Quote Book Everyone goes to1 the forest; some go for a walk to be in spired, and others go to cut down trees. Vladimir Horowitz Drapes Need Cleaning? WE ARE THE BEST!!! AMERICAN DRAPERY CLEANERS AND FLAMEPROOFERS, Inc. t i Complete Service 'Removal •Cleaning •Rehanging •Pleating •Tieing I y j ^ 312-GR2-4066 SERVING CHICAGO AND ALL SUBURBS including THE McHENRY AREA -WE ALSO DO STAGE DRAPERIES- CONNIE TANCRIDI Broker Associate CJUIS4-MAJIS We of Century 21 Care Reol Estate, Inc. are pleated to present you with our weekly series of Imformative Real Estate Articles. "Why Not Sell Your Own Hornet" Before you do consider these questions. Do you know 1. the market value of your home? 2. how to show off your home? 3. oil the ways to finance your home? 4. how to negotiate a sole' 5. how to qualify buyers'7 6. how to market your home? 7. buyers do not like to walk through a house with its owners? Are you prepared to 1. stay home 7 days a week waiting for calls and buyers that do not show up? 2. go several months into a transaction only to find out your buyer is unqualified? Yes selling your home is complicated Do not risk the most valuable asset you have Coll your Neighborhood Professionol '1Mat Century 21 CARE Real Estate inc today Phone *44-1033 WE RE HERE FOR YOU' CARE REAL ESTATE INC. PHONK115-344 1033 3717 W.Kim (Acres* from Jewel) McHenry. IL. Deaths I KWOXK MtMSTKONG Lennox F. Armstrong, 85. 203 S Emerald drive, chairman of the board of Armstrong Blum Manufacturing company, Armstrong Brothers Tool company, and Armstrong Bray and company, died Sept. 22 at Evanston hospital in Evanston. Ill He was born July 30, 1893 in Chicago, the son of Paul and Berthe (Manseau) Armstrong. He married the former Jeanette Blum, who survives him. Aug 31, 1918 in Chicago. Also surviving are two brothers, Horace and Paul of Winnetka; and three sisters. Mrs Eulalie Wolebn of Glen view. Dr. B Elizabeth Arm strong and Jean Pettigrew, both of Glencoe He was preceded in death by his three children. Lennox J , Margaret, and Robert Visitation was Monday from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Peter M Justin and son funeral home Funeral Mass was at 11 a m Tuesday at St Patrick's church with interment in All Saints cemetery in Des Plaines Memorial contributions may be made to the Heart Association NORA K. KLAPPERICH Nora E Klapperich. 31. of 4414 Poplar Leaf drive, McHenry, died Sept 20 at McHenry hospital She was born Nov 7, 1946, the daughter of Charles and Rita Havlik, and was a resident of McHenry for twenty years Mrs Klapperich was a graduate of McHenry high school, and a member of St Mary's Catholic church She is survived by her husband. Donald; two sons. Mark, 8. and Danny, 7. students at James Busch Elementary school; her mother. Rita, of McHenry; a brother. John i Linda) of St Louis. Mo a sister. Mrs Paul <Rita) Shafram of Stickney; a grandmother. Nora Wehseler of Fox Lake; and her mother- and father-in-law, John and Clara Klapperich. of Ringwood She was preceded in death by her father. Charles Havlik. in October of 1977 Visitation was scheduled from 5 to 9 p.m at the K K Hamsher funeral home Funeral Mass was at 11 a m . Sept 23, at St Mary's Catholic church in McHenry. with in terment in the church cemetery MEItTON J . D.XI.EY Merton J Daley. 71. of 909 Wilshire drive. Mchenry, died Sept 23 in McHenry hospital He was born May 4. 1907 in Clinton. Iowa, the son of John and Orvilla <Drennan> Daley, and was a fire prevention engineer for a fire insurance company and a veteran of World War II He is survived by his wife, the former Margaret P Boros Services and funeral wil l be scheduled by the Peter M Justen and son funeral home at the convenience of the family JOSEPH V ROWLAND Joseph A Rowland. 80. of 2511 Regner road. McHenry. died Sept 23 a t McHenry hospi ta l : He was born Apri l 3 . 1898 in I l l inois , the son of Frank and Bridget Rowland He was a shipping clerk for a furni ture company He is survived by his wife , the former Pearl ine Donohue Visi ta t ion was at the Rowland funeral home. 4152 Sheridan road in Chicago Funeral Mass was at 9:30 a m Tuesday at St Mary 's of the Lake in Chicago, with in terment in St Mary 's cemetery in McHenry HAROLD I < OVR \ l> Harold F Conrad. 75. of 552 Crescent court . Woodstock, died Sept 22 a t Memorial hospi ta l He was born Dec 1902 in lyeseuer . Minn the son <>| Fredrick and Minnie Habein i Conrad l ie was a s i lk screener for an advert is ing company He is survived by his wife , the former blanche ( ia l lagher . whom he marr ied Dec 19. 1925 Mr Conrad was a Shriner . a member Knight Templar . Royal Arch Mason McHenry A F and A M Lidge. and a member of the hirs t t n i ted Methodis t church nf McHenry Besides his wife , he is sur vived by two s is ters . Mrs Henry 'Esther 1 Gieseke and Mrs Lee Li l l ian Gilby. Ixi th of Tulare . S I) Visi ta t ion was Sunday from ! to l i pm at the George K . lusten and son tuneral home, with Masonic services a t 8 p .m Funeral serviced were held Monday at II . i m at the tuneral home, with interment in Ncacia Park cemetery. < 'h icago (i I I (Mi. Ml ssl- R Otto G Messer . 75. 824 Sheridan dr ive. Ingleside. father of'Richard and Glen Messer and Mrs Patrick Abenante. all of McHenry. died Sept 21 at home He was born Jan. 3. 1903. in Missouri Valley. Iowa, the son of Melvin and Josephine (Nelsoni Messer. On Jan 18. 1927. he married the former Nettie Brookhauser in Council Bluffs. Iowa, who survives him Also surviving are two sons, Richard and Glen, of McHenry;-- three daughters. Mrs Vernon (Normal Behema Jr . of LaPorte. Ind., Mrs Patrick (Lorraine) Abenante of McHenry. and Mrs Daniel (Kay) Siblik of Naperville; eighteen grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren, and a sister. Elna Messer of Los Angeles Visi ta t ion was Sunday from 2 to 9 p .m at the Peter M Just in and son funeral home Services were Monday at 1!) a .m. at the funeral home Burial was at Mount Emblem cemetery in Elmhurst Memorials may be made to the Chicago Lung Associat ion GEORC.E < IU HI) \ George C Burda. 69 . 4104 W Bull Val ley road. McHenry. died Sept 24 in McHenry hospi ta l He was born May 14. 1909 in Berwyn. the son of Frank and Antoni <Walesch> Burda He is survived by one son. Robert of Grayslake two grandchi ldren, a s is ter . Anna of Berwyn and a brother . Edward of Clearwater . Fla Visi ta t ion was scheduled from 4 to 9 p m Tuesday at the Peter M Justen and son funeral home Services wil l be a t tne funeral home at 11 a m Wednesday with burial in Woodland cemetery \IH III I! I MORRILL Arthur F Morri l l . 4519 W Lake Shore dr ive. Wonder Lake, died Sept 25 in McHenry hospi ta l Mr Morri l l was a veteran of World War I He graduated from Vale, and at tended Anapol is before enter ing the Navy He has been a summer resident s ince 1951. and a permanent res ident s ince 1968. having previously res ided in Oak Park He is survived by his wife , the former Ceci l ia Ploetz . Vis i ta t ion was scheduled from 4 to 9 p m Tuesday, with services and burial to be scheduled at the convenience of the familv JOHN J .U'K IIOPPK John Jack Hoppe. 49. a resident of Ingleside. died Sept 24 at evanston hospital in Evanston, 111. He was born Jan 4. 1929 in Chicago, and was an area resident for twelve years. Mr Hoppe was employed as a carpenter for many years. He is survived by one son. Gerald of McHenry; two daughters, Mrs Brian (Cheryl) Shepherd of Wauconda. Mrs Skip (Jan) Peo of Fox Lake; and three grandchildren Visitation scheduled for 5 to 9 p.m Tuesday at the K K Hamsher funeral home Funeral services will be con ducted at 1 p m Wednesday at the funeral home, with in terment to be in Grant cemetery in Ingleside THOUGHT FOR FOOD By GOULD CROOK Chicken On The Grill For a different and good flavor , t ry this lemon-basted chicken. It s tar ts out marinated and ends up on the gri l l . Two 2Vi pound broiler-fryers, quartered. Juice of one lemon 6 tablespoons butter -- melted 2 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon salt Break hip, knee, and wing joints so chicken can l ie f la t . Place chickens, cut s ide up, f la t , in a s ingle layer . You' l l need a large roaster type pan. Mix lemon juice, honey and sal t , pour over chicken. Marinate for no less than an hour . Pour off the marinade mixture into pan of mel ted but ter Brush chickens with mixture and place about s ix inches above the heat skin s ide up Gri l l s lowly for about 40 minutes , baste regular ly and turn once in awhile Heaviest par t of the drumst ick should feel sof t when the chicken is done. Mutual Help "Dad, I 've f inished your income tax assessment . How are you get t ing on with my homework?" Not So "Your parson seems to be a very dogmatic sort of man." "Oh, no, he's got only two, and both of them's mongrels." ov^oed ond operote^J. TORO ® A NEW DIMENSION IN RIDING ROTARIES: THE PERFECT MIDSIZE MOWER. BIG ENOUGH TO MOW 18 ACRES A DAY. HYDROSTATIC DRIVE GIVES SUPERIOR MANEUVERABILITY: A SINGLE PEDAL CONTROLS FORWARD AND REVERSE WITH NO GEARS, NO SHIFTING, NO WASTED TIME I OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES INCLUDE: •48" SNOWTHROWER •LEAF MULCHER •ENCLOSED CAB Ar *V PLOW fig •ROTARY BROOM Groundsmaster 52 TORO Worth more FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR A DEMONSTRATION, CONTACT: 911 Hilltop Dr. Itasca, Illinois 60143 312 773-5555 Chicaao Turf Irrigation • Inc