Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1978, p. 16

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Ni I u .r . li t - V» M>.\r .aUrt I , at .* I Ciiuu^n McHENRY AREA ^CONSERVATION ilS HIGHLIGHTED (Continued from page 1) .• 'and Water Conservation1 "* d is tr ict act ivi t ies in I l l inois •emphasizing the responsibil i ty nl the distr ict on a county level Following the meeting bratwurst and beverage will be offered for a small donation In case of rain, the tour wil l l»e canceled hut the meeting ;md program will be held at 4 p m Those.interested in at tending "are asked to call the Soil and 'Water Conservation office at 1K1 r>» WH-0049 and indicate the number of people planning to 'a t tend This wil l aid in 'arrangements for busing service. concluded Mrs Hegner OFFER ADULT EDUCATION (Continued from page 1) school diploma equivalency Jests ; Also at the high school evenings are courses in beginning and intermediate Sewing. Crocheting, beginning <and advanced Cake Decorating land Adult Physical Recreation ; with separate sections for men ;and women >, Scuba Diving. . 'Yoga 1 and II and Beginning Ikarate ; In addit ion to the classes in 'McHenry, adult education [courses are being offered by ; \1CC at other locations in the •county and at the MCC campus ^on route 14 between Crystal l l^ike and Woodstock ; To learn more about the •courses, consult the adult [education schedule which was [recently mailed to each home, •or telephone the college at 455- ! 5700 Most classes start the first [week of October One may ; register for courses at the MCC •campus or by telephoning the above number and asking for registration A NEW SCHOOL OPENS (Continued from page 1) One problem facing the school is in the vocational education department 'Because the McHenry county vocational center fai led, we have four years of vocational education in .space designed for two years." the principal explained But senior Calvin Whitney said that the vocational department is st i l l very good. "I l ike the vocational department here." he said "There are more class of ferings. l ike truck driving, and let ter teachers than at West campus And I don' t care that everything isn ' t completed yet ' ' . Sophomore Kelly Breit doesn' t l ike Johnsburg high as much as McHenry i t ' sal l r ight ," she said, "but 1 don' t l ike it as much because most of my friends are st i l l a t McHenry Johnsburg high operates on an eight period day and has a closed campus "Every student is assigned to an area and a teacher every minute of the day. except for a twenty f ive minute lunch period." Hayes said The school which has ap proximately K15 s tudents enrolled, also has several areas outside the building, which are not yet completed "We hope that the tennis courts wil l be completed in a couple of weeks, said Haves "And we plan on using the football f ield next year " The landscaping of the school property is not yet completed, al though the land has been graded but not seeded Although many problems st i l l need to be ironed out . junior Rick Szumlas l ikes Johnsburg school for just that reason "It ' s a lot better here because it is brand new." he explained "The school has more to Offer and everyone here can help start new tradit ions, and we want to start a good sports program " Szumlas also fel t that having all four years in the same building would be an added benefi t for Johnsburg "With al l four years together," he said, "the up perclassmen will help the underclassmen And school spiri t wil l be much better " INJURY, TICKETS IN AREA CRASHES (Continued from page 1) Strobach said he had stopped at the stop sign on Pingree road at Route 14 and pulled into traffic when he did not see the Kennebeck vehicle ap­ proaching As he turned onto Route 14, the coll ision oc­ curred Strobach was t icketed by Sheriff 's police for fai l ing to yield, Laura J Rougher of Fox Lake was t icketed for fai l ing to yield following an accident at Barrevil le road and Bull Valley road Saturday Kathleen E. Beslich. 1203 S Broadway, told police she was southbound on Barrevil le road, when a car pulled from a stop sign at Bull Valley road As the first car passed, the Bougher vehicle reportedly rolled through the intersection behind the f irst vehicle Ms Beslich said she tr ied to brake to avoid the vehicle, but sl id into the crossing auto Ms Bougher told police she was following the vehicle ahead of her. and after stopping at the stop sign, she fai led to see the Beslich auto Deena M Higgins escaped injury when the car she was driving coll ided with a parked car Saturday morning Ms Higgins told police she was southbound on Fastwood lane, turning west onto Manor lane She said that the floor mat became caught under the gas pedal and brake and she couldn't stop her car before it hit a parked car The car, belonging to Florence Tucker, 2206 Manor lane, was pushed into another parked auto belonging to Robin B Tucker of the same address. A McHenry man was in­ volved in a rear-end collision at Route 120 and Greenwood road Sunday afternoon Charles C Roundtree, 1404 N Chapel Hill road, was stopped behind a vehicle driven by Lynne A Zelney of Oak Park The Zelney vehicle was stopped at the stop sign at the in­ tersection. . Roundtree told police he thought the Zelney vehicle was going to go forward, so he drove ahead The Zelney auto had not moved, however, and he struck the rear of the stopped auto. No injuries were reported and no tickets issued following the mishap Exc i t ing Search There are traces of gold and other valuable minerals in many people's backyards. But to open a mine, a lot more than a trace is needed -- several thousand times more. 1 his announcement appears as a matter of record only. $260,000 CITY OF WOODSTOCK, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Woodstock Special Service Area Number Two Unlimited Ad Valorem Tax Bonds l he undersigned has arranged the sale of the Ronds. j3aeon77f%ippte & (3o. S>(plemhrr A Y . / ^ 7 < V And i t takes many mines and oil wells to produce any­ thing l ike the $67,492,896,000 worth of mineral produced by the United States in 1976. Every discovery of a new mineral deposit is an impor­ tant event. * Ever since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, our prosperi ty has depended on a steady supply of mineral re­ sources. Today we need min­ eral resources more than ever. To keep up with the need, thousands of men and women -- geologists and geo- physicists -- search constantly for new sources and for ways to develop known deposits . To learn more about our nation's search for resources, wri te to the American Geological Inst i tute, 5205 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Va. 22041. Pregnant, NEED HELP?" CALL ^BIRTHRIGHTS OFFlCf OPEN FROM 9 To 11 A M AND FROM 7 To 9 P M WON thru FRI ?4 HOUR MtSWCttl lC SCRVICI 815-385-2999 £) SIMMONS IS PUTTING 1978 TO BED AT TAMI'S FURNITURE SPECIAL 1978 FACTORY CLOSE-OUT SALE ON MAXIPEDIC \ coo oc v v \ REG. S119.95 SALE JFeTr J each TWIN V- v % - vx \ SIMMONS IS SAYING GOODBYE TO ITS 1978 MODEL MAXIPEDIC THAT MAKES IT A PERFECT TIME FOR YOU TO CASH IN ON THEIR ^ ^ FAREWELL. CHANCES ARE, YOU'LL NEVER FIND A LOWER PRICE. YOU'LL NEVER FIND A FINER MATTRESS FOR YOUR BACK THAN A SIMMONS MAXIPEDIC.THE EXTRA FIRM MATTRESS WITH A BED BOARD BUILT INTO THE B0XSPRING. ' ryy'" l w--/ 7 DESIGNED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ONE OF THE NATION'S LEADING \y ^ ORTHOPEDIC SURGEONS, THE SIMMONS MAXIPEDIC MEETS ALL OF ? THE MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRMNESS. Lowest Prices EVER! FIRM REG. s89.95 SALE$59®® EXTRA FIRM REG. s99.95 SALE Oif SUPER FIRM REG Ml9 95 SALE $84®8 PRICES ARE FOR EACH TWIN PIECE HUGE SAVINGS AT OUR ANNUAL FALL GARAGE SALE! SAVINGS UP TO 50% AND MORE! Tami's fUftn;TUHe 4605 W. Rt. 120 815-385-9292 HOURS: Mon. & Fri. 10 - 9, Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Sat. 10 - 5:30 Closed Sun. KiTOEra KITCHEN NOT COMPLETE-One of the major problems facing the new Johnsburg high school is an unfinished kitchen. The firm originally hired to supply the kitchen equipment went bankrupt, so other equipment being ordered piece by piece is arriving slowly and the kitchen is not ready. According to school principal William Hayes, "everyone is brown-bagging it until the kitchen is finished. We are supplying milk, but that is it until the facilities are ready." A problem with the electrical hook-up of the stoves in the kitchen is the latest problem to plague the kitchen area. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD |--- • Senior Hot Line • (Writ ten under the auspices of Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal) Q What role, as mandated by the State of I l l inois, does the Governor s Office of Manpower and Human Development play in relat ionship to the senior ci t izens in I l l inois? A The responsibil i ty of the Governor 's Office of Manpower and Human Development (GOMHD) to the senior ci t izens of I l l inois is a part of i ts overall mission as well as a part of each of i ts functions GOMHD is committed to serving the unemployed and the un­ deremployed through i ts employment and training programs, and while this commitment applies to the population in general . GOMHD has gone a step further and included other workers as one of i ts priori ty target groups GOMHD ' s other commitment, through i ts community service programs is to serve the poor Here again, senior ci t izens have been a priori ty and, in fact , senior ci t izens are given top priori ty in i ts largest program, the Special Crisis Intervention program The above commitments are GOMHD's operational responsibil i t ies In addit ion. GOMHD also has more general responsibil i t ies such as data collection and analysis , overall planning, monitoring, technical assistance, and client ad­ vocacy In al l of these areas, senior ci t izens are a priori ty category GOMHD provides training, employment coun­ seling. job placement, public service employment, fuel bil l r e i m b u r s e m e n t . a n d weatherization services to senior ci t izens Q How is GOMHD funded' ' A. Funding for GOMHD is almost excluseively federal The major exception is in general revenue funds for grants to Community Action agencies and some lesser amounts where federal funding requires a state match Much of the federal funding is used for general employment and training and poverty related services, the beneficiaries of which include senior ci t izens; but . i t is not possible with any degree of accuracy to compute the proport ion «>f general purpose funds used to aid el igible seniors 0 How does I he Governor 's Office of Manpower and Human Development relate to other agencies having concern for. or providing services to senior ci t izens ' ' A GOMHD has cooperative relat ionships with al l other agencies which have concern for. or provide services to senior ci t izens. Also, many of i ts grants to other agencies provide direct or indirect services to senior ci t izens The only programs which specifically exclude par t icipation by seniors are those designed especial ly for youth 0 Does GOMHD have a person or persons directly responsible for services or problems relat ing to senior ci t izens ' ' A Several persons in the agencies have been assigned to provide technical assistance to the Department on Aging in the various CETA and SEOO program areas In addit ion to this . GOMHD has a grant to IDOA which pays for hir ing of thir teen older work em­ ployment and training special ists who are directly responsible for services to senior ci t izens Write or call Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal 's Senior Action Centers at 160 North LaSalle Street . Chicago. I l l , B0601. or 3 West Old Town Mall. Springfield, I l l inois 62701 with questions or concerns about any government agency or programs This column will be covering the many questions senior ci t izens may have on various subjects ( 'al l Statewide: Toll Free 800- 252-6565 Metropoli tan Chicago: 312- 793-3333 County Zoning Board To Hear Area Petitions DOES YOUR HOME QUALIFY? Vinyl Siding S i d i n g m o d e l f o m B F G o o d r i c h v i n y l Lucky Homes A Peti t ion has been t i led for hearing before the McHenry County Zoning Hoard of Ap peals by Peti t ioners First National Bank of Woodstock. Tr UKH. McHenry Slate Bank. Tr 256. and Lois and Thomas Mathews tor an Amendment to the McHenry County Zoning ordinance from F Farming Distr ict to "K 2 Fstate I >istr ict The property is located in Greenwood Township Parcel 1 is located at approximately 2715 Greenwood Koad and consists of approximately 72 . teres Parcel 2 is located at approximately _'<i2<> Greenwood Koad and consists fo ap proximately lK(i acres The hearing on this Peti t ion will be held October 5. 2:00 p in Koom 112 of the McHenry County Courthouse. 2200 North Seminary \venue. Woodstock, . i t which t ime and place al l those who may be interested may appear and be heard A Peti t ion has l>een f i led for hearing before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Ap |x*als by the Hickory Knolls Community club for the issuance of a Condit ional I 'se Permit under the provision of the Zoning Ordinance of McHenry County. I l l inois The request is for the construction of part of a road w i thin the flood plain The plat ted but not improved road called Wright Avenue l>egins at i ts intersection with Wildwood Koad in Porten's Hickory Knolls Subdivision. Nunda Township, and involves about 3 ' acres The hearing on this Peti t ion will be held October 4, 2 <H> p m , Koom 112 of the McHenry County Courthouse. 2200 North Seminary Avenue. Woodstock, at which t ime and place al l those who may be interested may appear and be heard I b e c h o s e n f o r p o r t i c i p a t i o n i n a i n o i s V i n y l D i s t r i b u t o r s T h e s i z e o f y o u r h o m e c o o l e r i n s u m m e r a n d w a r m e r i n w i n t e r F o r t h e h o m e s s e l e c t e d n o t o n l y i s t h e p r i c e s h a r p l y d i s c o u n t e d b u t t e r m s w i l l b e a r r a n g e d I f y o u t h i n k y o u r h o m e w i l l q u a l i f y a n d i f y o u w o u l d l i k e C e r t a i n T e e d V i n y l s i d i n g o n y o u r h o m e a t a s h a r p l y r e d u c e d p r i c e c a l l 8 1 5 3 8 5 5 1 1 7 S w i t c h b o a r d o p e n 2 4 h o u r s d a i l y a n d S u n d a y L e a v e y o u r n a m e a d d r e s s a n d p h o n e n u m b e r a n d a i e p i e s e n t a t i v e w i l l c o l l y o u f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t O u t o f t o w n c a l l c o l l e c t I f a p h o n e i s n o t h a n d y d r o p a c a r d o r l e t t e r t o P O B o x 6 M c H e n r y V o u r a n b e a m o n g t h o s e w h o w p i o g r o m o f p u b l i c i t y f o r N o r t h e r n y o u r h o u s e i s n o ' i m p o r t a n t N o r t h e r n I l l i n o i s V i n y l D i s t r i b u t o r s h a s b e e n a p p o m t e d d i s t r i b u t o r s f o r C e r t a i n T e e d V i n y l f o r C h i c a g o a n d s u b u r b s T o i n t r o d u c e C e r t a i n T e e d V i n y l S i d i n g s N o r t h e r n I l l i n o i s V i n y l D i s t r i b u t o r s w i l l i n s t a l l s i d i n g c o m p l e t e l y o n e a c h o f t h e s e l e c t e d h o m e s a n d f o r t h o s e c o o p e r o t i n g t h e h o m e o w n e r s w i l l s a v e b u n d r e d s a t d o l l a r s o n t h e i n s t o l l a t i o i n o f C e r t a i n " e e d V i n y l s i d i n g W i t h C e r t a i n T e e d V t n > ' l s i d i n g y o u c h o o s e f r o m m a n y b e a u t i f u l c o l o r s T h i s f i n e p r o t e c t i o n f o r y o u r h o m e w i l l n o t c r o c k d e n t r o t o r p e e l o n d i t s i n s u l a t i o n w i l l k e e p "It 's About t ime!" BATHTUB RESURFACING SAVE $1000.00 OR MORE NO NEED TO REMOVE BATHTUB NO NEED TO REMOVE WALLS, TILES AND PLUMBING WE RESURFACE TUBS, SINKS, TOILETS, TILE, AND REPAIR CRACKS AND CHIPS. • Major Plumbing Co. Colors • Dona On Location - No Removal • Residential and Commercial ALL WORK GUARANTEED • High Gloss Finish • Chips Repaired • Restoring Not Destroying ecfro NOW SERVING ALL OF McH^RY COUNTY CALL COLLECT: (312) 486-0800 4014 W ARMITAGE AVE. CHICAGO, ILL 1 t I

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