Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1978, p. 22

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SECTION I - PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27.1978 Probation Treatment Used * 'I ' By Court System Volunteers On a day in August, 1841, John Augustus, a shoemaker from Boston, Mass , attended a police court in the city and decided to stand bail for a man charged with being a common drunkard The court allowed this and the defendant was ordered to appear for sentence in three weeks When the defendant was brought back to court, he showed convincing signs of reform Consequently, instead of the usual punish ment imprisonment in the House of Corrections the judge ruled a fine of one cent and ordered the defendant to pay the court costs Thus, the first bold step was taken in using probation as a tool in the court system Subsequently, John August devoted himself nearly twenty years to probation work He looked upon his work with of­ fenders as a form of treatment He was a strong believer that many offenders required no more than the sincere interest of another human being to be able to straighten out their lives It is interesting to note that many of Augustus' ideas of reforming the offender are still prevalent in today's probation system !ff&ny of our modern resources-Halfway House. Foster Home Program. Job Services and Volunteer Programs would parallel with some of Augustus' treatment methods such as finding em ployment and shelter for of fenders and providing personal council with them Increasingly, volunteers are being used in the field of corrections, especially in probation The volunteers in Probation program for McHenry county began in 1972. patterned after a similar program in Royal Oaks, Mich . and Boulder, Colo "Currently, we have about twenty-five volunteers working with juvenile and adult of­ fenders, said Kalby Thomas, McHenry county Vtfiunteers in Probation coordinator "They provide friendship, com panionship and guidance They're someone the probationer can respect, trust, and model himself after "One of the qualities that really makes the program effective is that the offender is matched with a person whose only pay is the personal satisfaction of being able to help another person." added Craig Leigh. VIP Program director "We have volunteers from many different backgrounds- l a b o r e r s . s t u d e n t s , businessmen, and teacher Iveigh continued, "and they all share the same quality of caring and helping people overcome difficult periods in their lives Take Frnie. for example He is a local farmer who has been involved with a young man from the Woodstock area for the past two years I^ist summer he provided his case with a part time job on his farm and furnished him with transportation to and from the job This volunteer's dedication and interest in this individual helped to give him self con fidence and keep him out of trouble This is just one of the many services that the McHenry county VIP's have provided to cases involved with the court One of the main goals of McHenry county Volunteers in Probation is to match up a volunteer to work on a one-to- one basis with a juvenile or adult offender who has been plated under court supervision Some of the VIP's provide specialized service such as tutoring alcoholic counseling job placement, and court monitoring duties John I) was brought to the attention of the court after a series «.t violations that resulted trom his weakness for alcohol John was matched with a volunteer who had a drinking problem himself at A 1 HEARING AID REPAIR SERVICE Freeloaners Complete Service on all Makes Custom Earmolds JO Day Triol on New Aids HOME SERVICE FO* SHUT INS1 TRY BEFORE VOU BUV ' Maico Ottcon Radio tar Qualitone Audioton® Tel«*-Son© Ton* Custom MetfeAIHn Ear Models SERVICE CENTER NED'S 1:00 to 5:00 OTHER HOURS BY APPT. BATTERY SALE •0% DISCOUNT ALL SIZES! ROBT. STENSLAND ( ASSOCIATES 39371 M< 37& IMHU?. ^ icHtaK3B*j@ 385-7661 Also MT PROSPECT 109 S. MAIN 392-4750 one time. The volunteer had the background to relate to John and help him see his weakness with alcohol He offered his support through informal talks and encouragement to attend A l c o h o l i c s A n o n y m o u s . Although John has not stopped his drinking completely, he has cut down considerably and appears to be on the road to sobrietv. The volunteers are required to attend a special training session and bi-monthly meetings to keep them in­ formed of counseling techniques and to share in each other's experiences. They also receive a monthly newsletter with special events and helpful ideas listed Persons interested in becoming Volunteers in Probation may note that the next training session will be held Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. in the Court Services building, 220 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. Volunteers are especially needed in the McHenry and Crystal Lake areas. For further information, contact Craig Leigh or Kathy Thomas at the Department of Court Services, 338-2040, ext. 300. Two Nature Movies Offered By Conservation District The McHenry County Con­ servation District will offer two outstanding nature movies, Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. at the Con- s e r v a t i o n d i s t r i c t ' s headquarters located just north of McHenry off Rt . 31 on Harts Road. Seating arrangements are limited, so reservations are required. "At the Crossroads" deals with the vanishing species and includes footage never before seen of rare wildlife. "American Spectacle", second billing, will tour America during the four seasons. 1 Refreshments will be served. For further information and reservations call 815-338-1405. ABB There lots ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY Each of th«M advertised items is required be readily available for eale at or below 1 to the advertleed price in each ACrP Store listed below. We Give V Hare^H YOUUDO rfftot&vi TR&uok 1fou(l *D<x SetCe* at ?4& "Pf MORE VALUABLE ssii; SPECIALS YOURS FOR JUST ONE FILLED S&H F< BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET (30-BIG 10 AS&H GREEN STAMPS) You'll Do Better With A&P's BAKERY BUYS JANE PARKER-ENRICHED WHITE BREAD 100 LOAVES • FOR • aai 12-OZ. PKG. CHED-O-BIT CHEESE SINGLES US*SPtCIAL GALLON DOZ. A&P GRADE "A" LARGE CHED-O-BIT I tfMCAN PASTWWJ [WWCISSCHHS fOOOl FILLED KX STAMPS) AND ONE FILLEDBONUS •specials^ STAMPS) FILL£CH BOfl STAMPS) You'll Do Better With AaP's FRUITS & VEGETABLES You'll Do Better With AaP's GROCERY SPECIALS f RC or Diet Rite Cola OR A&W ROOT BEER 8*129 PLUS DEP REG DIET OR LIGHT Pepsi Cola 6 JF Candy Bars • MILKY WAY • SNICKERS • 3 MUSKETEERS • M8M PLAIN OR PEANUT 6 FOR REG 20c EACH A&P Spanish Peanuts 16-OZ SIZE 89 Pringles Potato Chips X • ORIGINAL • RIPPLED • COUNTRY STYLE 8 TO 9-02 PKS EA 99 BANANAS SUN GIANT Raisins A LUNCH •OX FAVORITE •AO OP IS 1-orwai 07C GOLDEN FIRM RIPE BEAUTIES TREAT THE WHOLE FAMILY AT TH IS LOW PRICE YELLOW ONIONS MEDIUM SIZE 3 49e t BARTLETT PEARS » DELICIOUS APPLES RED OR GOLDEN ANDREWS CARAMEL APPLES 89c LB. 49 FRESH BROCCOLI FOR SNACKING OR COOKING EACH HEAD You'll Do Better With AaP's GENERAL MERCHANDISF GilletteTrac II Blades AtraorTrac II Blades Atra Razor with 5Blades ^ Right Guard Deodorant •K $199 EA. 5-OZ BRONZE CAN Gillette ShaveCream Gillette Dry Look ME FOAMY REQ a n-OZ OR LIME CAN S-OZ CAN 5339 $119 $109 $125 PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE GALLON JUG THIS WEEK'S FEATURED ITEM You'll Do Better With AaP's DAIRY FEATURES BISCUITS REG OR BUTTERMILK s 6 TO* ORANGE JUICE JUICE-MINUTE MAID -tii""///. %H&/ 1/2-GAL. ' " " i t i W C T N . You'll Do Better With AaP's FROZEN FAVORITES ICECREAM ALL FLAVORS A&P Premium Margarine 49,. Dean's Ready Shake AMT FLAVORS. C hed- O- B it Cheese Singles tomm $399 Dean's Dip 3 $100 CHOCO-RIFFIC CHOCOLATE FLAVORED 1Vaqt. Saucepan PLUS S4H , GREEN STAMPS WITH COVER R99 N.0 OTHER PURCHASE REQUIRED DRINK OR SPINNERIFnc GALLON TOTINO'S PIZZA SAUSAGE OR CHEESE 13 TO 13-1/2-0Z SIZE HALF GAL CTN. gSJBk EA. 9-3/4-OZ. SIZE SARA LEE • BLUEBERRY e ALMOND • MAPLE CRUNCH •RASPBERRY COFFEE RINGS 8» • WHITE-YELLOW-DEVILS FOOD JIFFY CAKE MIXES JIFFY I FROSTING 8 • OR MOWMM Ml I H X 3 7 * 0 1 OQJ 9-0 z S TO.02 OZFCj pKGS p Lincoln Gifts To State The last of the Lincoln family manuscripts and r personal effects were this month presented here in Springfield to the Illinois State Historical library by Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith. the solve surviving direct descendent of Abraham Lincoln. The presentation in­ cluded transfer to the Historical library of the literary rights to all the Lincoln family's writings by the last person entitled to do so Beckwith, now 74. is the great-grandson of President Lincoln and the grandson of Robert Todd Lincoln-the only one of the president's four sons to live to maturity. Robert Lincoln died in 1926 and willed his father's papers to the Library of congress, provided that they remained sealed to public inspection for twenty- one years following his death. National attention focused on the opening of that collection in 1947. Today, all that remains of the Lincoln family manuscripts and personal effects not in public museums, libraries, or in the hands of private collectors has been placed without restriction in the Illinois State Historical libray In effect, the gift makes all that is left of the primary sources of Lincoln family history available to historians and Lincoln scholars throughout the world. Although time has not per­ mitted a thorough examination of the entire collection, several items of historical significance or artistic interest appear to attest to the value of the gift Of particular historic Im­ portance are the 'letterbooks of Robert Todd Lincoln Let­ terbooks were the means by which copies of outgoing correspondence were kept before the use of carbon paper The Robert Lincoln let - terbooks - forty-five in all- contain approximately 20.000 letters written by him between 1865. the year his feather was- assasinated. and 1926. the year of his own death Although his reputation as a man in his own right is historically well known. Robert Lincoln's letterbooks should give a fascinating insight into the mind of a capable lawyer and astute businessman As Abraham Lincoln's son however. Robert Lincoln was SECTION 2 - PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27.1178 government to Robert Todd Lincoln the only known bust of Roberts" son Abraham ("Jack") Lincoln iwho died in ineutabiy drawn into many problems and projects that involved the martyred president and his widow.Mary Todd Lincoln Manuscripts dealing w ith many of these may be found in the collection In addition to historic documents, many items per­ sonally owned by members of the Lincoln family are in the collection Among these are a bisque bust of Abraham Lin coin presented by the French of reasons amaataam, • 46-OZ. CAN ASP GRAPEFRUIT JUICE AND ONE FILLED BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET (30 BIG 10 STAMPS) r p. 6-1 /2-OZ. CAN LIGHT TUNA CHICKEN OF THE SEA rz amitkaiuam ONE POUND BOX NABISCO SALTINES 3750 W. ELM ST. , McHENRY M-SAT. 8-12 SUN. 8-6 V LTlOi£ AND ONE FILLED BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET 130 BIG 10 STAMPS) AND ONE FILLED BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET (30 BIG 10 STAMPS) 100 EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS (10 BIG TEN STAMPS) ON PURCHASES TOTALING $10.00 TO $19 99 EXCLUDING TOBACCO PRODUCTS LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER PURCHASE REDEEMABLE THRU SEPT 30.197S , You'll Do Better With A&P s BUTCHER SHOP MEATS WHOLE FRYERS OR BOX-O-CHICKEN PIECES U S GOVT INSP Cut- Up Fryers WITHOUT GIBLETS U.S. Split Broilers inspected 3-1 '4 LB AVERAGE FRESH ROASTERS 59' lb. 53c lb. 59c COUNTRY STYLE W)TM gACK Fryer Legs LB. 69c COUNTRY STYLE WITM WMQ AMD PUCK _ _ Fryer Breast LB 89C 9. FULL SHANK HALF HAM SMOKED FULLY COOKED THS ISA WITH NO CENTER SUCES REMOVED -DONT CONFUSE THS HAM WITH A SHANK PORTION OR -ROAST' BUTT PORTION HAM-99c WATER ADDED LB. You'll Do Better With A&P s COUNTRY FARM PORK SHOP PORK CHOPS *129 LB. • 2-SIRLOIN • 6-CENTER • 2-SHOULDER CHOPS Center Cut Pork Chops Boneless Pork Cubes Boneless Pork Loin Meaty Pork Back Ribs FOR CHOP SUtV ROAST RM PORTION LB U, LB. *1" A&PSLICED Bologna 1-LB. PKG. SHORTCUT Rib Steaks FROM GRAIN FED BEEF BULK PACK TURKEY Drumsticks OR WINGS GOVT 200 EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS (20 BIG TEN STAMPS) ON PURCHASES TOTALING S20.00 TO $29 99 EXCLUDING TOBACCO PRODUCTS LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER PURCHASE. REDEEMABLE THRU SEPT 30. 197B 300 EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS (30 BIG TEN STAMPS) ON PURCHASES TOTALING OVER $30.00 EXCLUDING TOBACCO PRODUCTS LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER PURCHASE REDEEMABLE THRU SEPT 30. 1970 Delicatessen fantastic foods AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES WITH ZIGGY DELI S AGAR BOILED POUND $2 58 You II Do Better With A&P's SAUSAGE SHOP LIVER SAUSAGE ANY SIZE PIECE SUPER RIGHT 59 LB BATHROOM TISSUE# ASST. COLORS-ANN PAGE 4 69 A&P Pork Sausage Chunk Chicken Bologna Italian Sausage Ball Park Franks HOT « OR MILD 1 - LB ROLL ANN PAGE VEGETABLES ASSORTED VARIETIES 3 15-1/2TO 16-1 /2-OZ CANS GRAPE, ORANGE OR PUNCH Hi-C DRINKS * *. 2 * 46-OZ. CANS HOT A ON MILD ARCO HALF POUND FOR LUNCH OR SNACKIN ORVAL KENT Leon's Bratwurst Orval Kent Creamy Macaroni Salad Pineapple Walnut Dessert Wisconsin BrickCheese Wisconsin Swiss Cheese Pumpernickel Bread KaukaunaKlub Swiss LB. LB. POUND S2 29 POUND $2 69 RUBSCHLAQER WEST PHAL1AN AND CARAWAY POUND HALF LB $199 69c 99c *115 5135 59c 5199 LONGACRE Turkey 149 BREAST POUND $2 98 H ALf POUND SMOKED POLISH Sausage LEON'S BRAND PURE VEGETABLE CRISCO SHORTENING «* You'll Do Better With A&P's SEAFOOD BUYS A&P Ocean Perch Portions A&P Fish Portions Batter Dipped A&P Fish Sticks BATTER DIPPED 12-02 QQ- PKG JJV .JOZ. J10, Dressed Whiting BOX $399 You'll Do Better at A&P 48-OZ. CAN 1890 . bas-rel iefs of Robert Todd Lincoln and Mary Harlan Lincoln by Leonard W \olk. two sets of Mary Todd Lincoln s chinaWare and one set of Robert Lincoln s . books many autographed 1. an oil painting of Roberts Todd the President 's father in law ). a watercolor of Will iam Wallace 1 • Will ie ' ) Lincoln <the President s third son who died in the White House a: the age of 11 >. and a Francis Carpenter oil portrai t of Mary Todd Lincoln painted during Mrs Lincoln 's l i fe-al l owned by President Lincoln, his wife Mary, or their sons Because his only son preceded him in death. Robert Todd Lincoln was the last male to bear the Lincoln surname Robert Lincoln married Mary Eunice Harland. the daughter of L' S Senator and Mrs James Harlan of Iowa. in. 1868 In addit ion to their son "Jack they had two daughters. Mary and Jessie Mary married Charles Isham in 1891. they had a son. Lincoln Isham. who died in " 1971 Jessie married Warren Beckwith in 1897. they had two children Mary Lin coin Beckwith who died in 1975. and Robert Todd Lincoln Beck with Jessie Lincoln sub sequenlly remarried twice but had no more children.» Robert Todd Lincoln Beck with now l ives in ret irement in Washington. DC. when not visi t ing his farm Woodstock on the-Piaukatank" in Har t if ield Ya HOSPITAL COST CONTROLS Gov James R Thompson last week approved the creation of a state board em powered to set hospital rates Thompson noted the existence of s imilar boards in other states has held down soaring rates by about percent a year "For the sake of our whole economy, we have to break the vicious cycle of hospital cost increases and we have to do it now he said Thompson said f inancing of the board will come from a fee from each hospital not to exceed 1 percent of the annual operating expense for the hospital The fee is expected to generate about $;* mil l ion a vear WHAT'S NEW Vent damper reportedly saves up to 23 per cent of energy Cuts down on fur nace cycles, improves air conditioning efficiency and reduces drafts PRICES IFFiCTIVi TMUM& SCPT » THRU SAT SfPT M. 1«7» NONE SOLD TO DEALER* OR WHOLEIALERI Apaneful experience We foot the bill for broken windows, and most any other acci­ dental loss, when you take advantage of our Special Homeowners Package Policy It's the most comprehensive homeowners protection American Family has ever offered. Call today for all the details' Because your home Is special. CHUC* IEWMD0WSK --OUR NEW LOCATION-- Corner of Cyrstal Lake Blacktop & Rt 120 McHenry CALL US FOR DETAILS 385 2304 AMERICAN FAMILY I N S U O A N C r AUTO mm msmess health ufi American Family Mutual InsuraoceCo Madison Wis I

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