Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1978, p. 25

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~ SECTION 2 - PAGE K - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. It78 New MCC Faculty President \ The McHenry County College Faculty association has elected Carol E. Chandler as the new faculty association president to serve a two-year term. Chandler, a resident of Crystal Lake, is shown accepting congratulations from former Faculty association president Greg Alfus. Alfus held that position for the past two years. Chandler, who was born and raised in Minnesota, has been a full-time instructor at MCC for the past four years. She holds a B.A. and M.A. degree from Northern Illinois university and is currently emrolled as a graduate student at Roosevelt university in Chicago. She will preside at all meetings of the association. Membership now consits of 90 percent of those rligible--and also will perform all other functions that are attributed to the office. Bad Eyesight Could Lull Child Into False Security When it comes to children s eyesight , one could be lull ing oneself into a false sense of securi ty Typically, children won't complain about a vision problem because they have no point nt comparison that tel ls them that things aren' t sup (Hised to look blurred, out-of locus, or double Since i t 's always been that way. a young child wil l assume all is well Parents must not wait for a problem to show up. s tressed Virginia S Boyce. executive director of the National Society ior 'he Prevention of Blindness NSPB i "because by the t ime a vision problem makes i tself apparent , i t may be diff icult to 'correct Parents should avail their children of routine eye care ideally a professional eye exam by age four or f ive, or at least a vision screening NSPB sponsors periodic preschool vision screenings, manned by trained volunteers, who refer t hi ldren showing a possible problem to an eye doctor for further examination Stat ist ical ly. one out of every twenty preschoolers, more than half a mill ion throughout the ountry. has some eye disor • ler One of the most serious condit ions is amblyopia, or "lazy eye which may lead to permanent reduction of vision in the affected eye if not discovered and treated before . ige six or seven The child with ia/y eye" ignores the message trom the affected eye. and it gradually weakens through disuse Treatment usually involves patching the good eye. to force the weaker one to work, sometimes combined with glasses, surgery, or eye exercises For parents who cannot take their children to a doctor or community vision screening. do-i t yourself version is now available with NSPB's Home eye Test for Preschoolers "Like any other screening," Mrs Boyce pointed out , " i t does not take the place of a professional examination, but i t can t ip off parents to the fact that a problem may exist , so that the child can see an eye doctor for a thorough check­ up" Since i ts introduction in 1972, nearly six mill ion copies of the Home Eye Test have been distr ibuted, dramatically in creasing the number of And Save $8.80 Over Newstand Price FILL OUT AND MAIL OR BRING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. . McHenry. III. 60050. with check or money ordor for '12.00 for one year subscription within McHenry County. NAME ' ADDRESS CITY ZIP MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION" THOUSANDS OF DVA D| IT.C Reduced 15% to 50%! i an Des ign i s , t o r a l im i t ed t ime , r educ ing ou r en t i r e i nven to ry o f Kva rugs f r om 15% to 50%. And ou r i nven to ry numbers i n t he t housands o t t hese beau t i f u l a l l -woo l r ugs des igned t o b l end ha rmon ious l y w i t h any ( l e t . o r . e i t he r on the f l oo r o r on the wa l l . Beeause we impo r t d i r e i . t l y f r om the manu fac tu re r i n Denmark , even ou r regu la r \ ea r - round p r i ces a re ( . ons id - e r . i bK l owe r t han many s to res t h . i t pu rchase these same rugs t r om an Amer i can d i s t r i bu to r . A t t hese reduced p rn es . t hey ' r e a g rea te r buy t han eve r . I h t> \ r e ava i l ab le i n a w i de va r i e t y ' o l des igns , co lo r s and s i z e s r ang ing t r om 2 ' 4 \ \ 7 " t o 8 ' 2 " x 1 1 So i i v . no phone o rde rs . A l l r ugs so ld on a f i r s t come , h i s t se rved bas i s . We ' re open seven days a week and bank t a rds a re accep ted . I l t u r v supp l i es a re a t t he i r j i eak i i gh t now . Scandinavian Design /> 202 LAKEHURST MALL WAUKEGAN, ILL. 312-473-0700 Lakemoor-Lilymoor Margaret Karas 385-4934 children whose eyes are being tested in the very important early years. Available in English and Spanish, the test is designed as a simple game for children t >o young to recognize letters and numbers The kit is self-contained, with directions for giving the test and in­ terpreting the results, and Is available free For a copy of this, or other helpful brochures on children's eye care, write: National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, 79 Madison Avenue, New York. NY 10016 SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer Ninety-Eighth Birthday Party For Mrs. Franz Mildred Rowe's mother, Louise Franz, celebrated her ninety-eighth birthday on Sept. 19. Mrs. Franz still maintains her own home in McHenry, and when she visits Mildred, helps her with chores in her house. Mildred, her cousin, and a friend celebrated her mother's birthday with a luncheon at Martinetti's Mrs Franz was surprised with a birthday cake, minus the ninety-eight candles Though Mrs Franz has ar­ thritis and a vision problem, she is still active and aware after almost a century of living May your next year be filled with happy memories in the making A surprise birthday party was arranged and attended by Mr and Mrs Charles Epperson for Mrs. Epperson's sister in Addison. Ill , on Sept 16. The whole family gathered in Addison; but part of the sur­ prise element had been given away by the Epperson's oldest son It was a fun trip and party for the Eppersons Another surprise birthday was arranged by two grand­ mothers, Lois Kent and Sarah WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS COMPARE OUR EVERYDAY LOW POP PRICES WITH 0TNERSI Morrissette for their special five year old grandchild, Micklin Kent on Sept. 4. The birthday was attended by assorted uncles, aunts, cousins, friends and of course, Micklin's parents, Paul and Deidre Kent. It was an exciting time of presents, chatter and refresh­ ments. A "birth" day was had in the Don Henderlong family, when son Bruce and his wife, Debbie, became the parents of a boy baby on Sept. 11. This is Carole and Don's eagerly awaited first grandchild Duane Matthew has been blessed in becoming a member of this loving family. Birthday^ noted on the last day of September are Danny Withrow, Helen Freeman and Bridgett Heald. The other celebration this month is an anniversary. Jim and Dottie Mentzer mark their wedding day on Sept. 29. - May the coming year be great for all of you, and all others in our area who had their days without public recognition CAMPAIGN CONTINUES The Lily Lake conservation Club, Inc , meeting Tuesday, Sept 19. at the Fritzsche In­ dustrial Park office, was at­ tended by more than thirty people George Kawell of the resource committee, gave a report on the club's finances, and the plans for an exciting weekend at the Chateau Louise as a money raiser. There was sufficient interest in winter programs to warrant a special meeting next Wednesday evening, at the Fritzsche office building, 440 Wegner road. Twelve people stated they would be available with ideas and time, and others are in­ vited to participate. "Insurance is still the main deterrent to the dredging operation," reported Bruno Karas. George Garbacz and Holly Swanson will check with their insurance persons, about the availability of coverage to be used for each phase of the operation, instead of the complete dredging project. Perhaps this will open the way to an earlier target date than May 1979, suggested at the last board meeting. Paul Starzyk was voted in as a member of the board. A membership chairman is still needed to set up records and plan a membership drive. For information regarding memberships or donations to the "Save Lily Lake" cam­ paign, call 385-4934. YOU are needed. RECUPERATING "Gramma" Rose is feeling better now that her broken hip is healing. The cards and let­ ters she received, some from people not even known to her, helped her so much, and she is very grateful. Even lirthis busy world, people are kind. Happy you are back home and getting around, Gramma. On the list of persons in need of get well wishes is Astrid Cunningham, who is now home from the hospital. Husband John has taken his vacation to be with her while recuperating. Prayers for good health are with you, Astrid. SOCIAL NIGHT Wednesday evening was Bunco night for the Lily Lake Ladies League. Carol Voelke, Helen Para, and Sophie Paterson were the winners, with Mildred Nejedly the recipient of the booby prize. Hostesses were Jean Dember and Joan Delatorre. Since Christmas is only eighty-eight days away, the plans for the ladies' Christmas dinner party have been made. Lu Gravenstuk, the P R. lady, has been personally busy getting ready for the holidays by overworking her crocheting needles. Christmas wreaths, centerpieces and gifts for family are all being made with her busy fingers. Much of the enjoyment of giving, is in the planning and the making. CONDOLENCES Theodore Governor, a former resident of Lakemoor for sixteen years, died in Harrisburg, Illinois on Sept. 17. He had been ill with black lung disease and emphysema. Theodore left our community three years ago, at which time he remarried. Donna Hall is among the friends who remember him and are sad­ dened by his death. Sympathy is extended to Pete Schneider of the Sports Pub, whose mother, a resident of Elmhurst, died Sept. 18. , PAST DAYS Fall arrived last Saturday without a chance to ask you all to use the last day of summer, 1978, to its fullest. Friday J twenty-second, was a spendid day for a stri summer to leave us. A dry Jtj cool August, hot and September, and mosquit the sting of which we will3 remember. A welcome-jgto Autumn, with hopes of a grand display of Mother Nature's colors as we anticipate coming of frost and In< Summer. , jggi And a happy New Year Ato recognition of Rosh Hashana yesterday. COMMUNITY CALENDAR ] Sept. 27 - Lily Lake Con­ servation club resource people, 440 Wegner road. 7:30 p.m. CMI 385-2074 for information. % Sept. 28 - Bible study on Exodus. Pastor Rick Snyder, Faith Presbyterian church, 9:30a.m. Join in a challengifli, inspirational study. 385 5388. He who can't forgive others, destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass. GOD BLESS • • • • *iV\ It's remarkable whit some people will do for publicity, even when most of it is worthless. • • • • It's interesting, some­ times, to hear a man speak frankly about hit own excellence. BEILIIQUORS MERCHANTS OF FINE WINESAND LIQUO 4610 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL " SALE GOOD WED., SEPT. 27 thru TUES., OCT. 3 SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS LIQUORS OPEN FRI. A SAT. till 11 PM SUNDAY till 9 PM M0N. thru THURS. till 10 PM EVERY EIOHT PACK SODA IN THE STORE 133 PLUS DEPOSIT INCLUDINS PEPSI-7-UP COKE-RC NEHI FLAVORS ̂ NEHI MIXERS j § 99c fth 4 QUARTS PLUS DEP. Lomon-Lime BUBBLE-UP 8-16 OZ. BTTLS PLUS DEP. ORANOECRUSH 99%* 8-16 OZ. BTTLS. .7^7 PLUS DEP. ; i? LEJON BRANDY 1.75 LITRES COCO-CASA CREAM OF COCONUT FOR PERFECT PINA COLADAS! CILBEY'S 1.75 LITRES BARCLAY'S BOURBON WHISKEY 1.75 LITRES he IMPORTED CLAN AAcGREGOR SCOTCH WHISKY 1.75 LITRES IMPORTED WINDSOR CANADIAN WHISKY 1.75 LITRES REG. [$1.69 15^ OZ. NET WT. WHfli Any RM Pure IM SO •GALLIANO LIQUEUR •SAMBUCA di GALLIANO •AMARETTO di GALLIANO •UMIAK 8 OZ. BOTTLE SHOP AND COMPARE- OUR PRICES ARE UNBEATABLE CALIFORNIA GALL0 'MOUNTAIN CHIANTI [.•MOUNTAIN VIN ROSE 349 3 LITRES (101.7 OZ.) SPAIN DRY SACK SHERRY 49 4 FIFTH HAMM'S %immb to 5 24-12 OZ. CANS (LOOSE PACK) 29 CALIFORNIA LOS HERMANOS •BURGUNDY •PHARI K •VIN ROSE CHABLIS 2/500 MAGNUM-1.5 LITRES ITALY VERDICCHIO DRY WHITE WINE 199 FIFTH ,\ HOLLAND IMPORT SKOL 6 1 2 OZ. NO RETURN BTTLS. 2 99 k CALIFORNIA ALMADEN 1974 PETITE SIRAH #8- 2 29 FIFTH ROBUST RED WINE CALIFORNIA CANDLELIGHTI ROSE 49 1 GERMANY HENKELL TROCKEN SPARKLING WHITE WINE 3 99 FIFTH •V" MILLER NWN UK 6-12 OZ. NO RETURN BTTLS. 1 49 FIFTH FRANCE MICHEL! CHENIN BLANC SEMI-DRY WHITE WINE 99 FIFTH <T\ I 1 1 BLACK LABEL 2 4 1 2 O Z . B T T L S . 99 3 PLUS DEP. 1 \

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