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PAGE 2 - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27.1978 met Hospitality Hay Home Of An Artist You have to see it to believe it That 's al l one can say about Mrs Grace Jel inek s geodesic dome house which wil l be one of the homes visi ted during this year 's Holiday Hospital i ty day. sponsored by the Woman's auxil iary of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County The date is Oct 4 Mrs .Jel inek who calls herself an "amateur art is t" , was instrumental in the ex terior design of the geodesic dome si tuated in Bull Valley, and the interior design is en t irely her own Mrs Jel inek formerly owned the Artist 's Showcase in Algonquin, where she gave art lessons and did custom framing Her art is t ic talent abounds throughout her unusual home in the use of color and her many original art works which adorn the walls throughout the home The exterior of the geodosic dome is vir tually "main tenance free" with cedar shake shingles The double front doors into the main entrance arid the garage door are painted a vibrant melon-orange to contrast with the cedar shingles Entering this unique home one's eye is f irst at tracted to a huge. eight foot wide panoramic pentagon-shaped window in the l iving room Smaller geometric shaped windows are located throughout the first f loor, and the l ight creates lovely patterns and shapes on the carpeting. Hiving a bright and airy "open effect throughout the house Because the home is circular in design. Mrs Jel inek makes use of creative seating arrangements with a mixture of modern and tradit ional furniture, plus scattered an t iques and numerous knickknacks Karth tones are used throughout the interior design of this three bedroom home with plush sand-creme car peting throughout the house and warm browns and rust colors as accents A large organ si ts just inside the en tryway with a lovek portrai t above it of Mrs Jel inek s five children An off white con temporary conversation pit grouping of f urniture surrounds the f ireplace in the bright and airy l iving area Directh in the center of the geodesic dome is the modern and unique I 'oggenpohl" TIIE GEODESIC HOME kitchen with wall to-wall mahogany cabinets imported from Germany Even the refrigerator and dishwasher have mahogany panels on them which give the kitchen a rich looking, unified appearance Mrs Jel inek's youngest son. Jeff . 18, her only child st i l l at home, plans to at tend the Culinary Inst i tute of New York and makes use of this magnificent ki tchen and i ts microwave oven in creating some of his culinary delights Another highlight of the kitchen is hidden magnetic doors in the paneling which lead to the dining area outside of the kitchen Because of these "secret doors", while guests are seated at the dining room table, they are unaware that a serving door and entry door are hi^en m_the wall of paneling next to the kitchen A six foot circular s taircase leads to the spectacular master bedroom an bath upstairs which is a loft above the kitchen and looks out over three sides of the home Other highlights of this unique home are a large laundry room done in bright yellow wallpaper of lions and tigers, a sundeck, popcorn beige plaster on most of the walls, all thermopane windows, and central air conditioning This geodesic dome, si tuated on 3 acres in Bull Valley, is t ruly an awe-inspring modern home Four homes will be open on the house tour and the McHenry county fairgrounds will again offer many items created by the talented women of the auxiliary Holiday Hospitality day is the main fund raising activity of the auxiliary and the money is used for equipment in the hospital Education Benefit To Feature Fr. Greeley THE Furniture Hospital CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY SHOP S RFPAIRING & REGlUING Larry & Jim Seymour 815/459 0653 A gala dinner wil l be held for the benefi t of the McHenry County Catholic Education foundation Oct 21 at Tufnberry Country Club The „ Reverend Andrew Greeley. Internationally known Catholic author, columnist and commentator, wil l be the keynote speaker Father Greeley has just returned from Home, and will be giving a l>ehind-the scenes report of the act ivi t ies there during the selection of Pope John Paul "Attendance for this f irst annual event wil l be l imited to uncouples " according to Mr and Mrs .Jim Schwarz. general co-chai rmman of Crystal Lake "This is the f irst of what we hope to be an annual event presenting nationally known speakers, and raising funds for the foundation which supports a vigorous educational system that we believe wil l pay dividends in the future or for our children, for our com munity and for our country A few prominent fr iends of the foundation are un Celebrates Ten Years With Friendship Tea The Woman's club of Wonder Ike celebrated i ts tenth an ruversary with a fr iendship tea on Sept 7 Present at the special event were past presidents Mrs Grant Ernst '<>9-71 i . Mrs Gordon Gran i 73 7T)), Mrs Will iam Guelzo <75- 77 >. and Mrs George Barret t 177 781 Also taking a bow were two charter members of the club. Mrs James Ahern and Mrs Francis Higgins With a membership of about sixty women the club is very active in i ts community It has given two college scholarships. and a summer fine arts derwrit ing the cost of the gala affair so that al l of the t icket proceeds w i l l go directly to the foundation The banquet wil l consist of a social hour, an elegant gourment dinner, accompaniment by f ine wines, coffee, l iqueurs and music The McHenry County Catholic Education foundation was established five years ago to help underwrite the in creasing cost of operat ing the seven Catholic grade schools and Marian Central High School on the premise that the Catholic Education system of McHenry county deserved the grass roots support of al l ci t izens The- foundation set a goal of $1.300,000 of which $800,000 has been raised to date Committee co-chairman include Mr and Mrs Gene () Brien. dinner. Mr and Mrs Bob Dolan. invitat ional . Mr and Mrs Jerry Donahue and Mr and Mrs John Strohm. publici ty. The Reverend Karl Ganss. director of the foun dation. is chief coordinator County Homemaker Units Discuss Fall Craft Fair Crown Contenders At the monthly meeting of the McHenry County Homemakers Extension association board held on Sept. 11. all members and unit representatives met with Betty Hegedus, special activities chairman, to discuss the "Harvesting Our Heritage'1 craft fair, which will be held at the McHenry courity fairgrounds on Oct. 18. This year, as last, each unit will have its own booth which will include the unit's crafts to sell. There will also be a bake sale, bits-of-nature booth, farmer's market, trinkets and treasures booth, and a luncheon and style show Among the demonstrations that will be given are: the "Magic Kitchen", by Joyce Kloeppel. weaving, by Vera Heeclsow: flower arranging, by the McHenry county 4-H; <4 needle point, by Greta FiMdin; cake decorating and rosette making. Time of this event will be 9:30 to 3 p.m. There will be ample parking and a small admission fee. Mrs. Dolores Pribyl and Mrs. Delores Serewicz *ri co- chairmen of this event. Board president Maryltynell told the board about the aistrict meeting that was attended fty eleven members in Kankakee, HI., on Sept. 6. For the second year, McHenry county was invited to sho^ its histOgy book at the state meetiSfc in Champaign. The history oook had won a blue ribbon at the district meeting. Also fa President's award was»>g!ven the county for its sponsorship of a Breast Cancer detection program, last year. Minerals And Lafiidary Subject For Gem Progrdm Dolores Prybil was elected new membership chairman, replacing Marge Marlowe who resigned. At a president's meeting on Sept. 11 the blue ribbon unit awards for the coming year were discussed. Ribbons will be given to each unit achieving the score corresponding to the ribbon, a point score of 101430 points receives a blue ribbon. This qualifies a unit for the gold ribbon, which is the highest award attainable. Scores will be evaluated twice a year by various board members. President Kynell handed each unit president a qualification sheet which will be taken to the units The awards will be given out at the annual meeting sometime in April. 99 The Hiawatha Gem and Mineral Society will meet at 7:30pm on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at the Lake Villa township hall, corner of Grand avenue and Fairf ield road An interest ing program on "Minerals and Lapidary" will be presented by Dr. Albert W. Forslev, a well Jfhown mineralogist from Lin colnshire. The field trip to Flint Ridge. Ohio, was very successful. Many fine specimens of red. streaked and Nellfe blue flint were found Anyone interested in rocks and minerals is invited to at tend the meeting. scholarship With the aid of the Kiwanians. the club runs an instructional swim program for the entire lake The officers of the club are Mrs Will iam Fitzgerald, president Mrs Stephen Noskowicz. vice president . Mrs Lorraine Henley, secretary and Mrs Jack Moore treasurer They would l ike to extend an invitat ion to al l of the women of Wonder I ,ake to at tend one of the meetings held the third Thursday of every month at 8 pm in the Nativi ty Lutheran church Wonder Lake Community- Calendar sccoooccoocow SEPTEMBER 27 McHenry Garden Club-home of Genevieve Morrow-meeting at 1 p.m. SEPTEMBER 28 Pi Alpha meeting-Lorene Farr home-informal get- together for prospective rushees McHenry Senior Citizens Club-"Drivers Refresher Course" 10 a m to noon- McHenry City Hall Council Chambers Girl Scout Neighborhood Meeting-915 a m.-St . Patr ick 's church hall St Clara court 659-regular meeting 8 p m -Oak Room- M o n t i n i s c h o o l . Job's Daughters- Bethel no. 98- regular meeting-7:15 pm - Hall of Acacia-Masonic temple. 4 1309 Court s treet . McHenry. . SEPTEMBER 29 Family Service and Com munity Mental Health Center s Annual ' Associat ion Dinner Meeting-6 30 p m The Cloven Hoof. 21906 W Grant . Marengo Annual rummage sale-St Peter 's church hall-Spring G r o v e 9 a m t o 4 p m SEPTEMBER 30 NAIM St Margaret-Chapter Meeting-cards-Oak Room-St Manrs &hfiol-7 if lTfrfn Women of the Moose-Steak Fry, Dance and Bake sale Members and guests-dinner <; to 8:30pm dance to 12:30 a m Annual rummage sale-St Peter 's church hall-Spring Grove-9 a.m. to 4 p m OCTOBER 1 McHenry County Historical Museum Slide Show American Roots in England St Margaret Chapter of NAIM Annual Mass St P a t r i c k ' s c h u r c h 1 1 a m - brunch-Chapel Hil l OCTOBER 2 McHenry Senior ci t izen club executive committee meeting 3:30 p m Landmark school St Patr ick 's ladies ' guild meeting and membership tea 1 p m -At Patr ick 's hall OCTOBER 3 Whispering Oaks bus to Loop leaves Community center at 8 45 a m -rides available for McHenry senior ci t izens and residents-call 385-8518 by Sept 29 UMW Mission Team executive committee meeting 8 45 a m -First United Methodist church receive an exclusive, but not e x p e n s i v e , s t y l e a t . . . FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL 1212 V (.Rr.KN ST. - Or r K KB- iirHKVK Y spurgeon SEMI-ANNUAL FAMILY HOSIERY SALE ENDS SUNDAY, OCT. 1 Hurry in for Best Selection and Save! ! ! 15% TO 28% USE OUR FREE LAYAWAY Koinonia Group-First United Methodist church-10 a.m- church parlor-Mae Stinespring, leader Bible Study group-First United Methodist church-11 a m -Rev. Ruth Wickersham. Marcia Mary Ball circle- noon-First United Methodist church- Ruth circle-First United Methodist church- home of home of Mrs. Ethel Bailey- noon OCTOBER 4 McHenry senior citizens club luncheon trip to "House on the Rock "bus leaves parking lot of McHenry State bank at 8 a.m. mJk McHenry Grandmother's Club-luncheon and theater at 11:30 a.m.- Marriott- Lincolnshire. OCTOBER 5 McHenry Senior Citizens Club-"Drivers Refresher Course"-finalsession-10 a.m. to noon-McHenry City Hall Council Chambers McHenry Warriors Booster Club Meeting-7:30 pm.-West Campos-room 210 OCTOBER 6 Church Women United-Lake Region-Forum Meeting-9:15 a m Presbyterian dhurch, Woodstock-Bertha Tammeus- Tour of the Clothing Closet Semi-annual rummage sale- Ringwood church-9 a.nL to 5 p.m Kitchen Band Social club luncheon -White Oaks restaurant Burlington. Wis- meet at McHenry Savings and Loan Parking lot at 11 a m OCTOBER 7 Semi annual rummaf* sale- Ringwood church-9 a.mv to noon OCTOBER 8 McHenry County Historical Museum Crystal Lake Day- Program by Mrs. Shiyi Kimura OCTOBER 9 Al-A Non-family group meeting-8 30 p.m.-First United Methodist church Blood pressure check- Whispering Oaks Community Center-4513 Front Royal drive-1 to 3 p m OCTOBER 12 . Lakeland Park women's club meeting-7:30 p m Lakeland Park community house- Maureen Johnson and Shirley Koch-hostesses R u m m a g e S a l e - Z i o n Lutheran church 9 a.m. to 7 p.m OCTOBER 13 R u m m a g e s a l e - Z i o n Lutheran church 9 a m. to 5 pm rt* OCTOBER 14 Friendship Club Pot-Luck dinner and meeting-6 p.m.-. dining room-First United Methodist church Women of the Moose October Fest-German food and band- dinner-« to 8 30 p m -dancing to 12:30. OCTOBER 15 McHenry county historical museum-historic miniature doll houses-models and slides by Georgia Hoveke. OCTOBER 16 Al-A-Non family group meeting-8:30p.m.- First United Methodist church. OCTOBfcfc 18 Foxridge Women's club-8 p m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church Whispering Oaks Women's club-1 p.m -meeting and program OCTOBER 19 Annual Fall flazaar and L u n c h e o n - F i r l t U n i t e d Methodist church-luncheon f r o m 1 1 : 3 0 a . m . t o 1 p . m - bazaar from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. OCTOBER 20 St Margaret chapter of NAIM-meting-Oak room-St. Mary's school-7:30 p.m OCTOBER 21 Moose members Halloween party OCTOBER 22 NAIM Diocesan Mass-4 p.m - St Gall's church, Elburn OCTOBER 23 Al-A Non family group meeting 8 30 p m.-First United Methodist church.1 OCTOBER 28 Women of the Moose- m e m b e r s ' c h i l d r e n ' s Halloween party- 2 to 4 p m. Georgia Tech Grads Married In St. Mary's On Sept 23 in St. Mary's church, two graduates of Georgia Tech. Renee Curry and Edward Dschida, exchanged vows before Father Leo Bartel The 2 30 ceremony featured special music by a unity folk guitar grou(i The bride, who resides - in Woodstock, is the daughter of Mr Robert Lee Curry. Sr., Grand Island, Fla The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs Wendel Dschida, 2808 Iroquois trail, McHenry. The bride chose a long, empire gown of crepe de chine, with a graceful high neck A lovely, wide insert of lace closed the sleeve from wrist to shoulder, and the same lace accented the bodice and outlined the train. She carried a bouquet of white roses The maid of honor was Rhonda Lynn Click of Fowlerton, Ind Bridesmaids were Beth BurdeU, Atlanta, Ga ; Beverly Elfts. Lake Zurich Inge Dschida. John- sburg. and Laurie Hohmann. McHenry. Attendants were attired in apricot full length dresses, with floral-embroidered capes. Their outfits were set off by charming bouquet* of yellow Kamayajii Narang, M.D., announces the opening of her office at 4901W. Route 120, McHenry ' • for the practice of pediatrics 344-1500 fV* KAREN GRAEF BILL HEINR1CH Among the contenders for the title of homecoming king and queen at McHenry high school are Karen Graef and Bill Heinrtch, who both look toward some education beyond high school. Karen, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Graef, plans to attend beauty school and become a beautician. Her current outside interests are skiing and decorating. Bill hopes to gain admission to the U.S. Naval academy after graduation. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Heinrich, 2708 W. Sterling drive. Bill enjoys swimming, skiing, shooting, fishing, and most outdoor activities, and is a member of the Bleacher Rowdies. CAROL LATZ ED WALKER Attending college is in the plans of this third couple contending for the title of McHenry high school's homecoming king and queen, Carol Latz and Ed Walker. Carol is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Latz. 3709 W. Young street. Her interests range from playing the piano and traveling to tennis, skiing, and sewing. Ed's parents are Mr. and Mrs. David Henken, 3021 w. Crescent. He is an outdoorsman who enjoys football, skiing, and camping. roses, apricot-tipped car nations, and baby's breath Chosen to perform the duties of the best man was Otto Dschida. McHenry. Other groomsmen were Bob Weingart, McHenry; Kevin O'Toole; Metutchen. N J ; Bob Itkin, Atlanta, Ga.; and Mike Murray, Houston, Texas. After a reception at Andre's in Richmond, the newlyweds will take a wedding trip to Alberta. Canada. The couple plans to reside in Woodstock The bridegroom received his bachelor of science degree in industrial management, and the bride received hers in in formation and computer science Annual Rummage Sale To Be Held At Zion Lutheran Once again the Zion Ladies aid will hve its Fall Rummage sale It will be held on Oct 12 and 13 in the social hall of the Zion Lutheran church, located at 4206 W Waukegan Road, 'Route 120) in McHenry The doors will open on T h u r s d a y . O c t . 1 2 f r o m 9 a m to 7 pm. and on Friday. Oct 13 f r o m 9 a m t o 5 p m U M W C i r c l e H o l d s Mystery Luncheon At Walters Home The Marcia Mary Ball circle members really enjoyed the "Mystery Luncheon' at the the home of Helen Walters on Tuesday, Sept 12 Everyone was very curious to know just what the "Mystery Luncheon" was all about and they were really surprised The food was not served in the traditional sequence in this delicious luncheon, and guests had to figure out the identities of other guests from the clues supplied by Helen Many f»tgjitten incidents were vividlybrought to mind after some thought and prodding. All were curious to know who had supplied the vital statistics. After the luncheon and the brief business session were over, the ladies enjoyed visiting and making plans for future events It was a very delightful afternoon The next meeting of the Marcia Mary Ball circle will be on Tuesday, Oct 3, at noon at the church Esther Sims and Florence Colby will be the hostesses CLE ANING Sf RVICt INC PROFESSIONAL Small Office & Household CLEANING * * Upholstery Cleaning • Weekly "Light Housekeeping • Bi Weekly • Inside Windows • Monthly • Carpet Cleaning •General Housekeeping or Maic. Seftice CALL 385-0283 Wall Washing TODAY