Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1978, p. 9

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VKC.V.t- nUDAY. OCTOBER*. IfTl S $ y, V Hki V ""*> cA** CHURCH SERVICES faith Prwbyt»rlan Church R«v*rond Eric J. Snyder Lincoln and Chopol Hill Roads Corporate Wefthlp 10:30 am-Sunday School 9:00 am- Nursery & Pre-School 10:30 am Jp* Chain 0'lakes Evttfrtital Alliance Bible Clmltfe MIS W fetlVsiWyM. - It* GewM lofcertiee S\jn4my School • fvtt * A.M. Sorvko- 11:01* - P.M. Sonrke • U U -- 4 « „ J , 4 Proyof S:M 0J*. >V- St Francis Ni Catholic Church M. oo«f of I III.*. A 4S1S M ^ I k t # ll^gk |K TverwNp • riWCtW* ChwfrftPHowo • 4f*« ^ortonofo • *17- St John the Catholic Cttol •ov LooftortOl MlMr •octonr 'hone «••• «»r> ? X • *4| w aoo*» First United Methodist CKtftft 1717 Wo« Sc^odu^o o* Wo<-*N'P Monhip Sundov School 10 50 o.(ft. St Paul"* ;7> Episcopal Church 1704 * S« *o«l oft i U. *^»-0 McKoy Vk*r MS-Htt Sv»0ov: H©ty fwcHorior • '••-7 tiKhoriH * tli Chwc* School ft 1 HQ.t lirfcfcomtf^epi?' dor HO'T EiKhoriei - Ml O.# Christian Science Society Lincoln Rood And Eastwood Lano Sunday Sorrlca • 10:30 a m. Sunday School • 10:30 a m Mod Eva. • p m Christ The King Catholic Church E. Wondor lofc* Rood Wonder Loko. Illinois 9. 10a m or E»a Mono • p m Nativity Lutheran Church 11. Wonder Loko Rd ftoi 1S7, PHoeso 4S3-3R32 Wonder Loko Hiinors Son. Worship 9 ft 10.30 a m Sundoy School • 9 a.m. {Mwrtory Focllitioo A»ailohla St Mary's Catholic Church fto* E Wf one ftoumholor Sot. Eva. Mono S p m Fulfills Son obligation Sunday Motsos t N I r X 0:45 10:45 11 12 McHenry County Friends Meeting (Quaker) 1st ft 3rd Sunday 10 30am For information toll: 395 3072 or 312 693 3940 Church of God Croonloof Avo ot Foirfiold Or Island Loko School Sorvicos: Sunday School 10 a m Church Sorvica Horn E v a n g e l i s t i c S o r v i c a 7 p m Totophone: 312 526 905* Mount Hope Church United Methodtst 1015 A ftroodway Pistokeo Highlands Rev Ruth Wickorshom Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a. m McHenry Evangelical Free Church 903 Royal Dr McHenry 'Meeting 2nd Floor Carastool) 344-1111 --Church Pastor Roy Wisnor 1 -453-9475 Sunday Service 9:45 Sunday School 10:00 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (Miooouri Synod) 4204 W WovkegonRd (W. Rt. 120; Rov Hemenr f Croe^ 395 005* 3*5 1414 Sundoy Worship 7:45 ft 10 30 Nursery Services provided at 10 30 Education for Etomity Sunday School - Childran and Youth 9 a m Wonder Lake Bible Church 7501 Hovvo Orivo Wonder Loko Illinois Rev Richord N Wright Pastor Sunday Sunday School 9.30 a m Morning Worship Service 1 1 a m Oitlo Fellowship Hour 4 00 p m Wednesdoy MidwaOk ProyO' and Praisa How 7 30 p m Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood Illinois Rev James Segin Ros 449 2949 Church 453 6954 S u n d a y 9 1 5 a m Church Service Church Schoolot 10:15 a m St. Peter's Catholic Church Spring Grove Illinois Rev Kilduff Pastor Phone 915-475 2299 Masses: Daily 9 a m. Saturday - 4:00 p.m. S u n d a y • 7 a m ? o m 1 1 a . Faith Presbyterian Church Lincoln ft Chapel Hill Roods Rev. Erie J. Snyder Corporate Worship 10:30 a.m. Church School: Sunday School 9a.m. Spring Grove Church United Methodist 9102N ftlivin Spring Grova III. Rev. Douglas Whito-Pastor Sunday Worship 10:00 a m Sunday School 9:00 a m. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Rev Edmund Petit Pastor Rov Raymond Koorny Assoc Pastor Sot Eve. (Sun obligation f u l f i l l e d 5 p m . ) Sunday 7:15 9:30 9 45 11 4 12 15 Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints (MORMONS) 5209 H Wolkup Avo (ocrott Ifom Votarans Acr«s Crystal Lafca Illinois Sunday School: 10 30 Sacramtnl Moenng 5 00 p m Sunday Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 404 N GroenSt Rov Roger W Schneider Phono 395 7794 or 39 5 4030 Saturday •i Church 5:00p m School 5:45 p Sunday Church 9 30 ft 10 30 School 9:15 Nursory Services Available United Pentecostal Church 259 Sunnysido-lokemoor Rov Nolan Hilderbrond 3 1 2 2 7 9 6 2 9 9 Sunday 9:45 ft 6 30 p m Wed 7:30 pm ftible Study Fn 7 30 p m Youth Service George R. Justen Funeral Home 3519 W fUMttffT N t * 39$ 2400 Glaviano's Interiors & Palatine Millwork First Baptist Church 509 Front St 385 0083 Rev Morsholl E Werry Bible Study-Sunday School 9 30 a m Worship Service '0 45 o m and 7 00 p m Wednesday Prayer Service 7 00 p m Freund Funeral Home Peter M. Justen Funeral Home 761 1 HANCOCK OR 3807 A EtM STREET WONDER LAKE ' 729 0233 McMfNR* III 39 5 0063 McHenry Savings & Loan Guettler's Service, Inc. 395 1744 4 ' 4 S ROU^E 31 '209 N GREEN STREET 8|N FRONT STREET ;UST HOr« Of Mc*#NR' »kOR *l McHENRr ill 30$ 3000 VCHENR' Hi 395 913 Brake Perts. Co. p o to* McHfNtv til 39S 700C First National Bank of McHenry Mitchell Sales, Inc. ButC* OlOS-OPEi 3914 W E l M $ T R E E T 9 0 3 N f » O N * S T Mc h ENR' 395 7200 McHfNRf ILL 385 5400 » Ace 3729 McMfNR' Hi Hardware 9 w uMftmt* JLfi M5 °73: The Bath Shop The McHenry Plaindealer 3012 * R'E 120 McnENRt iu . 395 004 8 38 ' 2 A ElV STREET Vt«{NR» ill 385 0170 Tort jfon Const/ 309 19.1 MUMCNt* iu McHenry State Bank Coast to Coast Hardware 'T*|T j E.VSTREE- 4400 * RTE 120 395-5520 j McHfNR* »LL 385 -1 040 j McHENR i MARKET Pi ACE 385 6655 ELECT K WAN IS OFFICE RS-At last MMUJ'I MOB meeting, the Kiwanis club of McHnry installed mem officers far 197S-79. From left are Bryce Kloatz, second vice-president; Dave Gelwicks. secretary: Jim Marinangel, president-elect; Dr. Robert Peterson, incoming president; Lt. Governor Fred Diesel. Division n lieutenant governor from Cry«t«l Lake, who served as installing officer; Bob Schneider, past president; and Phil Kiefer. treasurer. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD by Gem Johnson For Him, Honesty Is Always The Best Policy Born in Finland. 66- year-old Arvo Katajisto, now of Palm Beach, Flor­ ida, is like many other for­ eigners who leave their na­ tive land to come to the United States in search of a better life. He finally decided to close his restaurant in Fin­ land and move his family to California after several pleas from an old friend. Not know ing any English when he came to the States, Katajisto discovered that getting a full-time job was almost impossible. Being somewhat a jack-of-all trades, he found odd jobs to do until he landed a steady position at a saw mill. The pay was good but the money was not Kata- jisto's first concern. He wanted love and harmony within his family and with people he came in contact with everyday. "He's never desired to become a rich man," his son, whose name is also Arvo, told a writer from the National Council on the Aging. "He is a very honest man and at a drop of a hat, he is willing to do some­ thing to help someone." After living for two years in California, Katajisto in 1956 decided to move to Florida. Florida proved to be the ideal place for the Katajis- tos. They settled in a large Finnish community near Palm Beach, and Arvo took a job with a construction firm. While working there. Katajisto invested money in the construction of a retire­ ment home for Finns and a number of apartment build­ ings. Because Katajisto be­ lieved in dealing honestly with people, he gained the respect and friendship of many, even though his com­ petitors were everything but pleased with his way of doing things. Since his retirement in 1971 from the construction firm, Katajisto is still as ac­ tive as ever. He is president of the retirement home he founded and is in the proc­ ess of adding another wing to the home. He manages his apartment buildings and has been helping his son remodel his home To get away from the pressures of business, Kata­ jisto sometimes relaxes at the tennis club where he's been a member for over 20 years. As far as Katajisto is concerned, an occasional set of tennis is the extent of his retirement. He feels that there is so much that needs to be done in the communi­ ties, but not enough people who are interested in doing it. 1 owcrwcci 0»l*>' NURMBT (.••'Ol" We have several varieties of shrubs with outstanding Red Fall Colors including: Colors Your landscaping Red tsmm, Euonymous Mat us Burning Bush Viburnum Lantina Paioda Dofwood Purpl® Luf Plum Prunus Cisttm W $15.95 3-4' $10.00 6' $39.50 2-3' $8.95 Snowball Vib. Opulus 2 3' $9.95 Nakin| Cherry 4-5'$17.50 WEEKEND Gr*«n Yucca 19-19" Pott ad lag. 9.90 1/2 Pric« SALE AJ75 NURSERY! Pfltior Juniper 2 pottod • Rag. 19.99 SALE *9.95 SPECIALS Azaleas Exbury Hybrids Volvo to 20.00 Zebel HoneysuckU 2-3 (Rag. 7.90) SALB $4.99 Lorg* Selection of Eworgroons Arborvftoo • Spruce - Jopanouo Yaws - Junipers • Doug/as Fir r"--~~'Coupon~~~~~»m 2 FREE DUTCH BULBS with the purchase of 10 Bulbs of the same variety. Choose from Red Emperor Tulips (W1.99), King Alfred Daffodils (10/95.49) or Crocus (lO/'l.lS p Just bring this coupon with you when you tee complete selection of Flower Bulbs. (One Coupon Per Customer) Expires MOIL, Oct 9,1978, • p.m. ̂ (One Coupon Per Customer) Ej COME & MEET THE ARTIS INCLUDING: Indian ftood Work, Wood Corvlnf Painting and Ovor 19 ofhor oxtilblts. rvuocei 5*Tfi»JK/,CZrr i4*l5 lO'Srs^- n^AT^H fee. 01HEJ2- fAU_ Mea. TWv M Fn. M Sat *5 Sea IU owftrw (115)459-4200 Rt. 14 I 174 Crystal Lake, Illinois MIDDLE INCOME con sumers have long needed a break in the styhigh cost of legal services. It may come in the form of legal clinics - A legal clinic is a private law firm where charges are reduced up to 50 percent. It is geared to handle large client volume and therefore takes only routine cases- divorces, wills, personal- injury suits, 1 contract searches, etc. There are now abbut 20 legal clinics in such cities as. San Francisco, Los Ange­ les, Denver. Phoenix, Balti­ more, Philadelphia, Wash­ ington, DC., Chicago and New York. Jack Block's Agriculture By John R. Block III Director of Agriculture Q. How much i* there to the reports we hear of foreigner, buying Illinois farmland7 J Trees. Springfield. A It's a fact, they arc buying it. The question we need answered is. "|ust how much Illinois land are they buying9" That's a question we face throughout the nation. Until we set up some system to monitor we're not going to know the answer. Land currently can be bought by trusts and many tunes they arc see ret or blind trusts where ownership is noi revealed. We will have to have some authority - state or , federal • to which alien land would be reported so we can get a handle on this. There is also a concern about large corporate ownership of farmland. It seems like every time we get started talking about legislation to restrict, or at least monitor foreign sales, the same points are raised about corporate purchasers. It can be documented that large corporations have tried to go into the farming business in different stales not that much in Illinois without very much success. Corporations thought they could take their expertise and their large payroll to do the job. It didn't work. They ended up losing money and finally got out of the business. But as tarms get larger, as they have been, I think there may be greater attraction for some large corporations and foreign buyers. Farmland can be an effective hedge against inflation. Frankly. 1 don't like to look down the road in this direction. 1/ hope that farms stay under the control of fanulies and I think they will, but we may need legislation to be sure of it. Send your questions to: Jack Block's Apiculture State Fairgrounds Springfield. Illinois f>2706 Viva La j He -My girl is a twin. Him--How can you tell them apart? He--Her brother walks dif frrent. ARE YOU MOVING? Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of address to The McHenrv Plain- dealer. :«12 W. Elm -it . McHenry. It 6<M)f>o A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office Department

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