Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1978, p. 18

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L 'jppi PAGF IH - PLA1NHF ALER - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 11.1878 »iates»sssa B8sess8Sss«aBSSss!5iSsssssssssfi»isabs»5BiSteSSSSi| Twice Told Tales «w«| FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of October 11, 1928) ' The question of granting permission to the state of Illinois to build a dam in the Fox river above McHenry, as provided appropriation of $175,000, passed by the last Illinois legislature, was up for consideration by U S army engineers Colonel Weeks, U S district engineer, and Major Wild, assistant U S district engineer, with headquarters at Chicago, made a tour of in­ spection of the Fox river district from the dam below McHenry to the waters of Grass Lake above Fox Lake A delightful family reunion was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Clayton Harrison Oct 7, at which time their seven children and their families were at home for the day In former years this family gathered at Christmas time but as the members of the family become more widely separated it was more convenient to hold it at this time of the year FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of October 20, 1938» Thousands of Illinois hunters invaded the marshes and lakes over the weekend to celebrate the opening of the 1938 waterfowl season with a noisy barrage against ducks, snipe and mudhens The bom­ bardment of mudhens on Grass lake drew more than 3,000 hunters By 6 a m it was im­ possible to rent a boat on the lake, and the late hunters overflowed to Lake Marie, Channel Lake and other waters on the Fox lake chain The liquidation committee of the People's State bank an­ nounces the payment of another installment on deferred certificates to the depositors of this band, which was closed in 1933, being a 5 percent payment Those who hold certificates are asked to bring them to the West McHenry State bank and receive their payment The check cannot be mailed. TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of October 15. 1953) Charles Weingart of McHenry, for several years a director of the McHenry County Farm Bureau, was elected president of that organization at a meeting held in Woodstock He succeeds Earle Johnson of Huntley who resigned after holding the office for six years. McHenry's young folks, ranging in age from pre school age to late teenagers, are again reminded of the various types of entertainment to be offered them on Halloween. Oct 31. Robert Pickus, peace secretary for the American Friends service committee, will be guest speaker at the Men's club meeting at the Community Methodist church Oct 15 The American Friends organization will be remem­ bered as the group that won the Nobel prize in 1950 TEN YEARS AGO i Taken from the files of October 18, 1968 > Board members of School District 156 voted unanimously to honor the memory of the late superintendent Carl Buckner The beautiful new gym at West campus will be named Buckner gym for the man who headed the school system in both District 15 and 156 for several years, and before that acted as asssistant superintendent Three representatives of the Crystal Lake Hospital a s s o c i a t i o n . D a v i d B l a d n i k , president. Dr Frank Alford a n d D r T h o m a s W a l s h , directors, filed an application for an initial permit to establish a hospital in Crystal Lake The application was the result of over two years of work by twenty local residents who comprise the board of directors of the not for-profit organization Mayor Donald Doherty, City Clerk Earl Walsh and their wives attended the fifty-fifth a n n u a l c o n v e n t i o n o f t h e Illinois Municipal league in Peoria Maybe You can't tell--maybe a fish goes home and lies about the size of bait he stole. -Journal, Milwaukee. McHenry Man Is Promoted To Lancy Corporal r i b STEVENt.ADAMS Steven C Adams has been promoted to lance corporal at Camp Pendleton. Calif Previously, he spent four weeks at 29 Palms, Calif., and then was on board ship for six weeks He is in radio com­ munications and radio repair Steve graduated from West campus high school in June of 1977 and joined the Marines the following August, on his eighteenth birthday The young man makes his home with his grandparents. Mr and Mrs. Alex Adams. 1616 W Court street. McHenry Royce Taylor Completes Radio Fundamentals Course Marine Sergeant Royce I) Taylor son of Howard and Anna Kopp of 1411 May street. McHenry. has completed the Radio Fundamentals course The six-week course was conducted at the Marine corps Communication-Electronics school in Twentynine Palms, Calif Students received in­ struction on the basic procedures for maintenance and repair of the radio equipment used in the Marine corps The training centered on the functions of transmitters, receivers and antennae, plus the techniques for operational testing and troubleshooting. A 1974 graduate of McHenry high school, he joined the Marine corps in August of the same year. Delayed Entry Navy Program For Local Man Mark A. Gillespie, son of Richard and Christine Gillespie of 4819 Barnard Mill road, Ringwood, recently enlisted in the U.S. Navy under the Delayed Entry program Under this program. Mark, who will graduate from Johnsburg high school in June can take up to twelve months to report for recruit training at Great Lakes.' He will then begin training in the Nuclear Power field, ac­ cording to his recruiter. Senior Chief Bill Viehmann, who can be contacted at 40 Brink street. Crystal Lake or by calling 459- 6289 Marine Takes Motor Vehicle Operator Course Marine Private First Class Kurt H Walter, son of William H and Gertrude M Walter of 2810 Spring road. McHenry, has completed a Motor Vehicle Operator's course During the seven-week skill training at Camp Pendleton, Calif., students received classroom and behind-the- wheel instruction on the operation and capabilities of Marine corps vehicles; defensive driving techniques: rules of the road" and user- level preventive maintenance A 1978 graduate of McHenry high school, he joined the Marine corps in March. 1978. C.J. Logan, Jr. Finishes Marine Recruit Training at the Marine corps Recruit depot. San Diego. During the nine-week training cycle, he learned the basics of battlefield survival. He was introduced to the typical daily routine that he will experience during his enlistment and studied the personal and professional s t a n d a r d s t r a d i t i o n a l l y exhibited by Marines. Ke joined the Marine corps in May. 1978 JOINS MARINES Marine Private First Class Thomas R Michelsen Jr., son of Thomas R Michelsen of 817 N Center street and Lillian E. Baumbeck, 2918 Parkside a v e n u e , r e s p e c t i v e l y , McHenry. has reported for duty with the 3rd Marine division, Okinawa He joined the Marine corps in August. 1977 Medical Study Seeks Heart Attack Victims Volunteers are urgently needed to help combat America's number one killer, atherosclerosis. This disease is basically responsible for heart attacks, strokes and related fatal diseases that account for some one million deaths, or 53 percent of all deaths in the United States annually. The National Heart, Lung and Blood institute is con­ ducting a program at three p a r t i c i p a t i n g m e d i c a l i n ­ stitutions. including the University of Minnesota, to determine whether lowering blood cholesterol levels will reduce the risk of heart atv tacks. The university needs 1.000 men and women. 3Q through 59 years of age. who have had only one heart attack in the past thirty-six months! A l l s u c h p e r s o n s a r e a s k e d t o ' call the University of Miri«.fe? nesota Hyperlipidemia Study ; collect at 612-376-4494, for mor< information. District Dairy Meet Scheduled November J Political Corner s CH ARLES J. LOGAN, JR. Marine Private Charles J l>ogan. Jr., son of Jane H and Charles J Logan. Sr., of 3418 W Johnsburg road. McHenry. has completed recruit training HEADS STEFFEN CAMPAIGN Diane K. Kelly of Crystal Lake, has been named chair­ person of Citizens for Steffen in McHenry County. Fred Steffen is the Democratic candidate for Congress in the 13th Congressional district. * * * * Some people stay an­ gry over small things. District I of the American Dairy association of Illinois will hold its meeting Wednesday, Nov. 1, at the Branded Steakhouse in Crystal Lake The meeting will be a dinner affair and will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. Reservations required. Highlighting this year's meeting will be James Kurtz, who will speak on the subject. "Only the Shadow Knows". Also on the program will be Diana and Joan Kurtz, who will present a musical treat Charles Weingart of McHenry, district director will be in charge of the meeting, which will include a report on A D A a c t i v i t i e s g i v e n b y Francis Hallisey a member of the ADA board of directors. •> There will be an election of officers and other business matters There is no charge for the dinner but one must make reservations and be an active dairy farmer. For reservations, call Charles Weingart before Oct. 20. • • • • A matter of principle is often a cloak to conceal an exhibition of selfishness. qr\ |he Feeling of Winter's Outdoor Sportabjes. m •A .1 u ' . 1 I 1 A 1 lit*- St<*^ all At Spie%«» In I IqtH rtiwl ( rytUl M.r» .Kjait'.st • < .|J < <*IH1 khrik> rtiul >00 I ' -1. Mi »uMtan. ( **it v*-n» M i* cttni U* k SM I M SO 00 i) \ KK kft *lfti- '• * /.p|»'T * kfts viikihiuf SM I i •* .« .o'L.ttwip <i<wi < oUtir <ark1 tr< lift I ill N^NTEDSTRG tMB -mU I. «.IU .4U-I SMI 58 00 All With t'l • " 'Ahit.- S ,-v. iusivv IKV. IIU'IKI »'» II. li. .h! |,.iv^st,., II rt «> IN MI-N'S I LOTHING. WOMEN'S IN BITH R NPOHTSWIAR fJLOIN ( RYSTAI IAK! / ELGIN FREE PARKING CRYSTAL LAKE FREE PARKING JANE PAGE PERSONAL SHOPPER 37 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS COMPARE OUR EVERYDAY LOW POP PRICES WITH OTHERS! PEPSI-DIET PEPSI PEPSI LIGHT | 33 8-16 OZ. BTTLS. PLUS DEP. REILIIQUORS MERCHANTS OF FINE WINES AND LIQUC 4610W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL SALE GOOD WED., OCT. 11 thru TUES., OCT. 17 SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS LIQUORS OPEN FRI. & SAT. till 11 PM SUNDAY till 9 PM MON. thru THURS. till 10 PM PASSPORT SCOTCH WHISKEY 1.75 LITRES COKE-TAB FRESCA 133 8-16 OZL BTTLS. PLUS DEP. BARTON'S QT WHISKEY 1.75 LITRES ORANGE ** CRUSH 8-16 OZ BTTLS. PLUS DEP. FLEISCHMANN'S J49 E & J BRANDY Super Savings With the In-Store <1.00 Mail-In Rebate! in 1.75 LITRES QUART BOTTLE C49 BIIBBLE-UP 99< POPOV VODKA 1.75 LITRE PARTY SIZE Z 949 PRICE 189 8-16 OZ. BTTLS. * PLUS DEP. NEHI FLAVORS NEHI MIXERS ft* 1.75 LITRES 00 80 PROOF BARCLAY'S, BOURBON SALE PRICE 1.00 MAIL-IN REBATE 169 00 4 QUARTS PLUS DEP .75 LITRES YOUR NET COST COMPARE-OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST! SPAIN HARVEY'S BRISTOL CREAM 99 PORTUGAL |0STA DO SOL ROSE 4 FIFTH 1 99 QUART CRIBARI WINES GALLO VARIETAL ^HWINES 8 VARIETIES. 99 FIFTH •Sauvignon Blanc •Zmfandel •French Colombard •Babera •Riesling •Ruby Cabernet •Chenin Blanc •Premium Rose 1 49 FIFTH HEILEMAN'S LIGHT BEER 6-12 OZ. CANS 1 49 RED WHITE & BLUE BEER 12 12 OZ. CANS 49 2 GERMANY LOVING CUP 1976 LIEBFRAUMILCH 1 99 FIFTH INGLENOOK 1972 ESTATE BOTTLED NAPA VALLEY CABERNET SAUVIGNON 99 MAGNUM 6 HEILEMAN'S SPECIAL EXPORT 6-12 OZ. CANS 1 79 & RHINELANDER 24-12 OZ BOTTLES 49 PLUS DEP 3 FOR $10.00

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