I SECTION 2 - PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18.1*78 REMNANT SALE 3 days only - L October 20,21,22 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) Three days to save on Karastan, Lees, Armstrong, Congoleum, Horizon, Cabin Craft, Evans & Black, Milliken... come see our entire selection of quality carpet remnants and no-wax vinyls. Below is just a sampling of the exciting values you have to choose from during this 3 day spectacular. TIDY OPENS ITS WAREHOUSE TO THE PUBLIC... GREAT SAVINGS! & Over 200 carpet remnants purchas ed from a California Custom Carpet Mill. 9 ft. to 21 ft. in length. All first quality - some of the finest carpeting made in this country. Dur ing this sale you can save up to 50% off the regular cut order price. Regularly sold for $12.95 to $22.95 sq.yd. $8*> $Q95 sq.yd. All Armstrong Designer Solarian remnants...6 ft. widths, up to 15 sq.yds. Designer Solarian is now retailing for $15.75 sq.yd. All Congoleum 6 ft. and 12 ft. wide vinyl remnants, Regular retail up to $15.00 sq.yd. Tidy has 100's of these remnants in the showroom and warehouse. v retailing tor »i;>./ $coo W sq • All 9 ft. x 12 ft. samples, any qualjty - most of the samples have been bound. This is an outstanding value for anyone looking for an area rug. (We'll also put a fringe on these samples for an additional charge.) Values of $110.00 to $206.00. For 3 days only y they'll all be sold for one low price! ig v u iuv. i v /1 u i i y v *72 Tidy has also priced many other carpet remnants for outstanding savings. This is the largest selection of carpet remnants in Northern Illinois...with some of the most out standing carpet mills featured in the remnant selection. Don't just buy a carpet remnant ...come to Tidy and select 1 the color, texture and quali ty that fits your budget and your needs and choose from room awakening ideas that .would cost you up to 50% more in other stores when purchasing cut orders. AS LOW AS $999 ^I KITCHEN CARPETING Over 50 rolls in stock over 6 patterns in 20 colors This is a tremendous value-an outstanding opportunity to buy wall-to- wall carpeting at remnant prices 3 days only All reduced 33Vj%. $ 3 99 yd. C a s h n C a r r y o n l y OUTDOOR GRASS CARPETING Buy now for spring and buy at dealer's cost Ideal for apartment owners, con tractors, and purchasing agents. Buy a full roll now and store it 't i l spring. These carpets regularly retailed for $3.99 sq.yd to $6 99 sq yd Save from 30% to 50% off normal retail prices. 9 9 sq.yd. tO $3 99 sq.yd. Cash 'n Carry only FOAM BACK CARPETS "Super supers" Shags and sculptured shags Buy these cash 'n carry, do-it- yourself items now during this remnant sale. All specially priced and you can buy up to 100 sq yds , do-it-yourself and save $ 9 9 sq.yd. C a s h n C a r r y o n l y 2 AREA RUGS: T idy now has one ot the most outstan ding selections of Area Rugs in Northern Il l inois Oriental Patterns: (Hand and Machine made) Starting as low as $199 to $1,325 for 9' x 12' Contemporary Patterns: Sta r t i ng as low as $199 to $'i,099 for 9x12 Oval Braids: Prices start as low as $99.95 to $259.95 TIDY CARPETS WAREHOUSE DIVISION 200 Washington ( TiXu ) Woodstock. Illinois (815)338 1000 HOURS: M0N.,TUES.,WED.,THURS.,FRI. 8-9; SAT. 8-5; SUN. 12-5 OPEN EVERY WEEK NIGHT TILL 9 P.M.