Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1978, p. 18

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Htif wmto HELP WANTED BARTENDERS ft WAITRESSES FUU. Oft PART TM Apply in person bet­ ween 1:30 & 4:00 PM. Sir Rikrt't Inn 4912 Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lake Ask for Evelyn in AMBITIOUS DEPENDABLE YOUNG MAN For wort in tire retreading plant. Must have truck tire ex perience. Apply in person. JEPSEN TIRE CO. 3314 W. Elm St McHenry, IL I0/1S 10/30 REAL ESTATE SALES « Opportunity Unlimited-Enroll Now R*al Estate Licensing Classes Begin Wed., Nov. 1st-7:00 P.M. At AAcHenry High School We guarantee that you past or tuition refunded. (Placement assistance, if desired) Institute for Real Estate Sales 815-385-6830 10/20* I0.27^| mnniiiiiniiiiii CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS Lift InsarMC* fraternal, has an ucaltefft opportunity for th« riftit parson in tkis ana. Lite Inseranct tiporioncc prafarrH, bet not nacassaqr. We will train. Oer contract M4 aMpteyot bonafit props* includini pension ami profit skariiii is ttea finosi For parswial interne*. call or write; Robert Spofford 310 Park Ave., Galena, IL 61036 815-777-1022 or 319-557-4567 24 Hour Answering Semes Special Education District of McHenry County (SEDOM) Is seeking aides to work in SEDOAA classrooms in the AAcHenry area. Excellent fringe benefits; salary commensurate with training and experience. Please contact: Mr. Tim Kelly Special Education District of McHenry County 1200 Dane Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Brake Parts Company has the opportunity for you Due to in­ creased production, we are currently in need of •Production Machine Operators •Stock Persons •Inspectors •Set-up Operators HI OFFER: •Fork Lift Operators Job Security, Good Wages. Advancement Opportunities, Friendly People. Credit Union, Stock Purchase Plan. Educational Assistan­ ce Program and More Stop in and fill out an application 815-385-7000 BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N Industrial Drive McHenry. Illinois Equal opportunity em^jo^er AA/F 10 18 10/M NOW HIRIMft Qualified Mechanics and Apprentice Mechanics To trouble shoot and repair electric motors and related equipment Group Insurance Paid Holidays Vacation and More Call or Write McHENRY ELECTRIC CO. 4012 W. Main SL McHenry, II. 60050 815-385-5530 " W 10 6 10 27 INDUSTRIAL NURSE Attroctive opening for R.N. who enjoys o variety of duties. Will be responsible for all First Aid operations, including supplies. Also handle all record keeping (OSHA, Etc.) and insurance claims. Excellent salary and fringe package. Apply or Call yjlVITERMATIC I N C O R P O R A T E D Intermatic Plaza - Rte. 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove, IL 815-675-2321 An sqii*! aoportunity employer 10/11-10/20 PART TIME M6HTS Openings ore now available in our new, air con­ ditioned plant. 4:30 to 10:30 PM only. You will enjoy: •light clean bench work •Paid vacation and holidays •Merit reviews •Production bonuses Ixperience not necessary, we will train. Apf»ty In peraen only LENCO ELECTRONICS WC Se. el McHenry, en Rte. SI te Dayton St, then Oeyten te Seiden 6 mile* North of Rte. 174 I01HB/W. FOR BENT PAGE 1] - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20,1S78 FOft RENT Doctor needs mature woman in his home to help care for his wife. A stroke victim. Light housekeeping duties, room, board and liberal salary. Must drive. Win­ ter in Florida. Send resume and references to P.O. Box 637 Belvid«re, III. 61008 ' NEW BRANCH OPENING Prestige firm opening new of­ fice. Seeking two represen­ tatives with energy...ambition... & intelligence. No ceiling on your earnings. Incen­ tives-benefits. CALL 344-0557 tOUAl EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY V 10/13-10/25^ I FARM LABOR I Help with harvesting ar d I • animals. See or call. Hillview Farms 9716 N. Route 12 Richmond, IL 815-678-2861 \ | 11M1-TF EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES RUSTIC HARBOR RESTAURANT A 217 Front St. (Rte. 31) f McHenry, IL | Apply in Person. Issssssss: 10 18 10 (WANTED)! % Playground aide 11:30 until !:-: | 2:30 p.m. Call j 385-3123 | for appointment, at !;i Edgebrook School. *: io 20 >:•: COMPUTER OPERATOR for full time employment in local of fice Previous experience helpful but will train capable person with ability to learn State full particulars in first let ter c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box No. 0C No. 5 3812 Elm St, McHenry, II. 60050 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS For ladies blouses and spor­ tswear. Experienced or we will train. Excellent working con­ ditions. All benefits. No lay-offs McHenry Mfg. Co. 3011W. Rte. 120 McHenry, IL 385*3711 10 20 10 25 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE $15 $25,000 • Management position now | • open. Excellent earnings op- | • portunity while learning. When | • qualified, you will attend | | Management Training School I | and will receive $50/day salary I | & expenses during limited | | schooling period. Sales Reps. I ' ' I I I L. also available. Write: Box 0C2 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm SL McHenry, IL 60050 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPO«TUNITY 10 13 10 25 PERMANENT PART TIME OPENINGS To deliver the Chicago Tribune 2 to 3 hours per day. Early morning 7 days per week. Routes now available starting at $75 to $125. Call Collect 385-3643 9-22TF ECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Full Time Shorthand and typing required. McHenry County CETA Office Call for appointment 338-2040 Ext 136 Ask for Mrs. Matrisciano A* EQMI OPPORTUNITY CNFTAYW LL/M-IF EXPERIENCED SEWER & WATER FOREMAN Union Pay Plus J. PEASE CONSTRUCTION 815-675-2582 wwwwwwvwww llllllllllllllllllllllll EXPERIENCED Waitresses Needed I For Daytime and Evening Hours CHAPEL HILL GOLF CLUB 2500 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry, II. 385-0333 to/is io/2o REAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of McHenry's newest offices, excellent commission splits, insurance program, estab­ lished farm leads, and above all, experienced management people who care. Don't get lost in the shuffle of a large of­ fice, join an aggressive small company with big ideas. Corfte to Realt/ USA. For a confiden­ tial interview, call 815-344- 1244 - ask for Mr. Pariti. 10 4-tf won AVON GIVES YOU THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS jHere s a part time opportunity that I .aon't interfere with your family life. .The earnings are good and you choose > I your own hours Over 18 For more" • details call Mrs. Bauer 385 5385 10/18 10/20 RECEPTIONIST Mornings for Veterinary Hospital Mature, reliable per­ son needed with office ex­ perience. Apply McHenry Animal Hospital outn to 18 10/27 SALESPERSONS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY SELLING NEW HOMES 385-8700 10 18 1070 •ran COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Primary rnponibility to co4e, test, de­ but AND ciecute programs, for Production reports, as requested by the Director of Data Processing Knowledge of Coboi and JCL necessary Two yean programming experience required. FIRST SHIFT HOURS Salary negotiable, attractive fringe benefits. Call „ Personnel Office. MCHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE Crystal lake, IL 815-455-3700 on •quaI opportunity oHirmotiv* octioo •mployor M 1 >0 20 10 25 MID/TECH FULLTIME We will train you for our Cytotoxic Allerfy Testing Program, located in our Crystal Lake facility. Proficient use of microscope a must Excellent opportunity, food salary, and frinie benefits. Call or apply McHenry Medical Group 1209 N. Green SL McHenry, IL 815-385-1050 FURNISHED SMALL 5 RM. house, Indian Ridge (Wonder Lake), $185.00 mo. plus utilities plus security deposit, write: P.O. Box 175, Ringwood, IL 60072. Give 2 references, present address and phone. 10- 20-10-27c For Rent: 2 room cottage all electric. $135.00 per month, plus security deposit. No pets. 815- 385-1298 10-20 UNDER NEW M ANAGEMENT. V.F.W. ' Clubhouse and Hall for rent, seating capacity for 400. Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or - after 6 pm. 10-4tfc { FOR RENT J I -- • For Rent: 3 bedroom year round lakefront home, gorgeous view, natural fireplace, furnished or un­ furnished References required $375.00 per month. Monday thru Friday 312-629-0130 or Saturday & Sunday 815-653-7896 10-20 || Store front on Riverside Dr. • | McHenry, Illinois Main level 1178 square feet! plus full basement. Ideal for | I small retail operation or • professional offices. Heat, I New Waters Edge Condo, two bedroom, two bath, carpeted, air, all applicances, garage, no pets $350.00 per month, lease and security deposit required. November 1st. 815-385-6165 • 10- 20 HELP WANTED WANTED: Mature woman to babysit in my home, 5 days per week References. Wonder Lake area. 815-728-1068 10-18- 10-20C Business woman seeking reliable woman to watch small child in my home only. References required. Excellent salary and benefits. Call after G:30pm 815-385-1398 10-20-10- 27c PART TIME Y0UN6 MAN For Maintenance I General Wort Higti School Student After School I H Day Saturdays. McHenry Mfg. Co. 3011 N. Rte. 120 McHenry 385-3711 HELP WANTED Part Time Supervisor Sunday only.3.-00am to 9:00am $5.00 per hour. Must have reliable vehicle. 815-385-3643 » 27TF ROOFERS Shingl* or Hot St«ady ywar round work with a progressive and growing company. Good pay many fring* bwnwfits « LAWRENCE BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO. 271 E. Highway 176 Crystal Lake, II. 815-459-6792 WEUHN6-ASSEMB1V Manufacturer of Industrial Ov«ne needs person with welding experience to work in atoembly department. Ability to reod blueprints helpful PrKfeiM Ontoy C«f 220 N. M«4m« St. WtWttKlc, II. 1)8-2675 10/20-10/27 IproTessionai onices. neat, water & sewer furnished 3 | year lease with 2 year option. | t 1 FOR DETAILS CALL I Wieser, Amore & Assoc. • • 815-385-4880 • •a. 10/20 Aw „ OFFICE FOR RENT IN JOHNSBURG Beautiful air conditioned of­ fices, private bath, all utilities, ample parking. Reasonable Rentals 815-385-5093 Wm. Wallin Assoc. HELP WANTED: Church secretary, 8 hours a week, flexible hours, pay negotiable. Call Faith Presbyterian Church, 815-385-5388 or 385-8460 10-11-10-20C Driver Wanted to transport children to and from school. Must have automobile 5 days a week Salary $100.00 References Phone 815-455-2868 10-20 LABORERS TO WORK with bricklayers, also bricklayers wanted, call evenings 6:30 to 8:30PM 459-4512 10-20 MAINTENANCE MAN Temporary , position. Mutt have knowlodg* of Eloctricol, Plumbing Boiler*, «tc. 385-9233 385-6916 10 13 10 20 WAREHOUSE or factory space from 5,000 to 15.000 ft 385-1079 10-4tfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815-385-8905 * 10-4tfc LARGE LUXURIOUS Duplex on water, two bedrooms, double vanity bath, living room, dining area, Kitchen with breakfast area. Washer, dryer and garage. In town block to shopping 815-385-3493 10-lltfc One bedroom Condo $260 00 furnished, call Diane Franzese 312-259-6400 between 11am & 6pm 10-18-10-20c For rent: Fox Lake, two bedroom house with 1' - baths, family and living room, close to train and shopping $298 00 815- 344-1692 10-18-10-20C One bedroom house $216.00 month, no pets 815-344 118:$ agent 10-20 "STORAGE SPACE, boats, furniture etc 815-338-6874 10 4tfc To Sublet one bedroom apart­ ment, Garden Quarter Apart­ ments $250.00 per month November 1st occupancy. 815- 385-8203 10-20 For Rent, small house, stove, refrigerator, single or couple No pets Security deposit. 815 385-4398 10-18-10-20C RESPONSIBLE and reliable girl to babysit and do light housekeeping in Wonder Lake Area. Must be at least 16. Call 653-3061. 10-20-10-25 Help Wanted part time for light housecleaning. Must have own car, good pay 815-385-0283 Top To Bottom Cleaning Service, Inc 10-20-11-lOc For rent, 6 ROOM HOUSE, ATTACHED garage, enclosed porch, immediate possession Call 385-8090 10-18-10-20c 2 APARTMENTS on Fox River 1 bedroom apartment pay own electric $230 month; 2 bedroom upstairs apartment, utilities included $230 Security deposit. No pets. Available November 1st 385-4711 10- 18tfc HOUSE FOR RENT JOHNSBURG AREA 3 bedrooms. 1 car garage. $395.00. Immediate possesion. 344-1013 liltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNltfllllN 10 20 For rent, one bedroom apart­ ment, air conditioning, in­ cluding heat, stove and refigerator $195 00 Call 815-385- 3490 10-18-10-20C FOR RENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3-4 bedroom, \xh bath, rec. room 2-car garage, large lot in Wonder Lake area $455.00/Month ALSO 3 bedroom, tri-level, 2 baths, central air, family room, fenced yard, garage, appliances $425.00/Month (Available Dec. 1,1978) Two names you can trust In McHenry Phone 815-385-6900 4 507 WEST Route 1A) In Crystal LAKE Phone 815 439-540G In Woodstock Phone 815-338-JW 1 SLEEPING. ROOMS FOR working people. kitchen privileges $30.00 per week 385 6633 10-13-10-20C Large spacious upstairs apartment, located 1'2 miles north of McHenry Deposit, references 815 385-4349 after 5 pm or weekends 10-13-10-20c AUCTION i OFFICE OR RETAIL 4811 W. Rte. 120. 1000 sq. ft. plus full basement . Zoned B- l . $700 month. Realty World Durbin-Stovall 4213 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 815-385-8060 >o 20 HAPPV BLFTTHOAV AUCTIOr SUNDAY, October 22 -1:00 PM LOCATION: Arrow Wood Farm. 5 miles South of Woodstock on Route 14 to Lily Pond Road Then east 1 mile to Farm, or 6 miles North of Crystal Lake on Route 14 to Lily Pond Rd. Watch for direction signs EQUIPMENT:JD60 w-power steering (Overhauled)JD5' Rotary Mower, Road Grader, JD 34 Spreader (Good), 4 Section Drag, Air Compressor (New), PTO Hahn 21" Mower (New), Lawn Mower Elevator & Dragline, Fanning Mill. MISC. ITEMS: 4 Tank Heaters, Horse Harness, 4 Water Tanks, Loading Chute, 2 File Cabinets, DO.SK & Chair, Step Ladder. 2 feed bunks, 3 Trunks, 2 Single Race Harr ss', Tires & Rims, 12 Bags of Wood Shavings, Horse Blanklets, 30 gal. Fly Spray, 50 gal Distallat, 2-10 Speed Bikes, Vice, Grinder, Electric Fencers, Jacks, Motors, Drill Press, Intercom System, Grease Gun, Milk Cans, 5.00 15 tires, post hole driver, Hedge Trimmer, 2 ladders, Doors & Screen, Brooder, 6 bags of Minerals, Gate, Buckets, Brushes, Brooms, Cabinets, Bookshelf, Hose, Misc. Lumber, Pails, Knee Boots, Old Harness, Fan, Fork & Shovels, Battery, Radio & Lite, 4 Lawn Chairs, Gas Can & Oil Cans, Misc. Hand Tools, Bikes, Pipe, Halters. Trunks and many more items too numerous to mention OWNER " Philip A Starck - Arrow Wood Farm TERMS: Cash or Good Check POWERS AUCTION SERVICE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. PHONE: 815-455-1496 10.2o LARGE AUCTION REAL ESTATE-HOUSEHOLD-ANTIQUES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22 at 11 00 AM ESTATE OF FRIEDA BURMAN, OWNERS Located at Crystal Lake, 111., being at 4906 Burman Rd. about 3 blocks West of Rte. 31. Burman Rd is »» mile South of Rte 176 10 ROOM 2-STORY HOUSE: This well-kept older home is located ona ^ acre lot with 130 ft. frontage, set amidst mature oak & hickory trees. It is in Unit 3 of Crystal Lake Estates, a quiet residential area of fine homes, yet handily located for commuting or shopping. The house in presently used as a 2 flat, but could be converted back to single family There are 2 full baths & basement Heat is oil forced air, but gas in available at curb. It has its own septic system and drilled well with submersible pump. Terms are 10 percent earnest money paid on day of sale & balance at closing Sellers will furnish McHenry Title Co. title policy. Further announcements at time of sale. ISF.HOI.n zenith Color TV; Signature Refrigerator with freezer; Signature Elec range; dining room set with 6 chairs; sev. bedroom sets; cabinets; shelving1; secretary desk; dressers; tables; sectional sofa; hutch; lamps; mag. rack; and many small & unlisted items. ANTIQUF^ roifI.FCTABLES: Pitcher & bowl; Tiffany shade lamp; 4-sided glass China cabinet; German Bible; love seat; crocks; milk cans; butter churn; kerosene lamps; Carnival & depression glass; milk glass; Bavarian dishes; hand painted plates; picture frames; rug beater; wooden chairs; wagon wheels; flat irons; commodes; quilts; rockers; jewelry; silverware; There's something in this sale to interest everybody. Be sure to attend. Sale Order: 11:00 am. Starting with smaller household and working into furniture. 2:30 pm. Real Estate After Real Estate will sell balance of contents. Auctioneer: Gordon Stade, McHenry, II.-815-385-7032 Terms: on Household & Antiques; Cash or good check. Nothing removed until settled for Settlement on day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. HAPPY 15th ARB « From: Judy, Kathy, Cindy S., Barb S. & Kelly B. ,0 20 HAPPY20TH "RICHIE - 4 From "THE GANG" rccccococo HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD LOVE, The Family l0 fOOOGCOOCCCOOOOOĈ HAPPY 43RD JUDY Love, RON AND THE KIDS « „

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