McHenry Makes Halloween Plans As Halloween night nears, visions of witches and goblins dance in the heads of local youngsters. Following tradition, the actual observance of the evening will mean a haunted house, trick-or-treating and the march for UNICEF. The Jaycees expect to treat about 1,000 children to the wonders of a very special haunted house located in the cafeteria of East campus. Invited are those from first through eighth grades, who will report to the cafeteria between 7 and 9 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31. Costumes will be judged at each grade level in the Jaycee-sponsored program, for which no charge is made. Police Chief Pasenelli announced early this week that trick or treating should be conducted only from 4 to 7 p.m. He urged that young children should be accompanied by a responsible adult and that youngsters making their way across streets wear light-colored clothing so they can be seen easily by motorists. Pasenelli stressed that while children should watch carefully for cars, drivers also should be aware of the presence of larger numbers of children on the streets than usual. The chief asked that parents remind children that all candy and other treats that are not wrapped should be examined carefully before being eaten. In an effort ot make this a safe Halloween, Pasanelli reminded that there will be sufficient manpower patrolling streets ana every etfort will be made to prevent vandalism With Oct. 31 established as National UNICEF day, as proclaimed by presidenti proclamation, at least four McHenry churches will be collecting to aid children fmr throughout the world who are needy. Children will be meeting at Faith Presbyterian church, McHenry First United Methodist church and Mt. Hope United Methodist church at 2 o'clock Sunday. Oct 29. for assignments The drive will be between 2 and 5 p.m. that day. Residents are asked to share with millions of others in this one combined effort to keep the children of the world healthy and free of hunger All money collected will be turned over to this United Nations program. Zion Lutheran church has announced that its children wilt be trick or treating for UNICEF at the times set by the City Council, 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday evening It is asked that residents have outside lights on to indicate interest. The church sponsor for the drive is the Youth group of Zion Lutheran Anyone missed bv trick or treaters is asked to send a contribution to Youth Group. Zion Lutheran church, 4206 W. Rt. 120, McHenry. UNICEF says one dollar can buy enough vaccine to immunize eleven children against polio; twenty children against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus or sixty-six children against tuberculosis. *11 mm*u~ ...J THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875" 3toarfc Winning ilftosnaprr 1978--- I l l ino i s P ress Assoc ia t ion N.p». r ConteM Proposed Annexation McHenry Forecast: "Bright Future When you see tlocks of geese flying high in a southerly direction, it's a reliable in dication that summer is on the wane in reality as well as by the calendar Although temperatures soared over last weekend, these beauties of nature, smarter than any weatherman, were on the wing And as they took summer with them, we also said goodby to a week away from the desk If weather was not on our mind as we returned, it was when we sorted through a high pile of mail There in front of us was a gift copy of the Old Farmer's Almanac, 1979 version, and it quoted what we may expect in the way of weather in the months ahead What we read was enough to 3 make any self-respecting human decide that the hiber nating bear is a good deal smarter than any of us For January the prediction is this "Winds unruly, don woolies. White stuff driving rough". For February it's more of the same "A dole of fierce and piercing cold Haul out another shawl -oh no. more snow" March isn't much better "Fair, but maybe icy glare is how the month starts out" Skeptical ? So were we until we were reminded by a reliable source (Continued on page 18) Senator Percy C O f C N o v . 1 Dinner Speaker The McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce will host Senator Charles H Percy as guest speaker for the quarterly business dinner Wednesday, • Nov 1 A social hour at 6 30 will be followed by dinner at Crescent Bay landing, 3309 N chapel Hill road The senator will make his address following the . dinner Senator Percy was elected to his {resent office in 1966 and reelected in 1972 Persons desiring a reser vation for the C of C dinner and talk should call the Chamber office at 385-4300 A bright future for McHenry and the entire northwest sur- burban corridor was the forecast heard at the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce informative luncheon Wed nesday afternoon. Those attending the luncheon at Crescent Bay Landing heard Chicago Tribune Urban Affairs reporter Stanley Ziemba discuss the future of Chicago and the metropolitan area in the year 2000 Richard Doherty, chairman of the Industrial committee of the Chamber, which sponsored the luncheon, introduced Ziemba to the "largest turnout ever" for a Chamber luncheon Ziemba. who has covered the (Continued on page 18) City Leaf Pickup The^mnual pickup of leaves by the city of McHenry will begin Oct 30 Plastic bags placed at the curb, and containing only leaves, will be taken. No evergreens, clippings, twigs, brush, tin cans or bottles may be placed in the bags Any material except leaves is forbidden because farmers accepting them have no use for other than leaves Flower Arranger At National Convention A reduction in the density of the proposed RDG-Backhaus a n n e x a t i o n p r o p o s a l highlighted changes in the plan presented Monday night by RDG Vice President Jim Berg The original proposal con tained 1,638 units on 380 acres At the continuation of the joint conference and public hearing Monday night. Berg told the City Council that the density was reduced to 1.278 units "The new proposal reduces the density in the Curran road area." said Berg The meeting, which was Chicago Tribune Urban Affairs reporter Stanley Ziemba projected! a bright future for McHenry in the year 2000 at Wednesday afternoon's Chamber of Commerce luncheon at Crescent Bay Landing. Speaking to the largest crowd ever to attend a Chamber informative luncheon, Ziemba said predictions indicate that McHenry and the entire northwest suburban area of Chicago will continue to develop, although the pace will not be as great as It has been in recent years. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Lieutenant Governor Will Address Township Officials Sl im I V VONBKl KM IIK.MIKIN Shelly VonBruenchenhein, daughter of Mr and Mrs Fritz VonBruenchenhein. McHenry, has been chosen to represent Illinois at the National Junior Horticulture association convention Shelly was chosen to attend NJHA in the artistic demonstration area The local young lady will demonstrate one flower arrangement, with narration, at the convention in Cleveland Ohio She won this honor by participating in the State fair 4- H Flower Arranging division, a privilege for winning the This year's annual dinner meeting of the Township Of ficials of McHenry County will be held at the Branded Steak House, Crystal Lake, Monday, Oct. 30. The dinner is a gathering of those with a mutual interest in local government who share the belief that such government is the closest to the people and therefore serves them best Several Illinois representatives and senators will attend, along with the elected officials of the seventeen townships in McHenry county and various officials holding county offices The featured guest speaker at this event will be Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal, a native of Belleville. Ill , who was named the Outstanding Young Republican of the United States in 1975 As lieutenant governor he is the governor's coordinator of the senior citizens programs. and currently serves as a member of the Executive and Aging committees of the National Conference of Lieutenant Governors O'Neal has accepted numerous assignments from the governor in the areas of prisons, state mandated programs and providing financial assistance to those on low or fixed income to pay utility bills, and has also developed the first state plan on abandoned mined land reclamation attended by approximately fifty people was the„jhird hearing on the proposed an nexation The first hearing was held at the East campus cafeteria July 14 and was continued at the West campus auditorium Aug 14 The two meetings were held at the school building^ to ac commodate the large number of people attending the hearing The city was ready to move Monday night's meeting to the East campus cafeteria again if necessary, according to Assistant Superintendent of Public Works Randy Meyers, but the smaller crowd negated the move Berg showed several plans to the Council and those in at tendance and listed the density changes for the areas in the plans Section A of the proposal was originally planned to include 672 uni ts on 210 acres zoned R 3 with a variation allowing the Consider Summer School Financing The board of Grade School District 15 spent, considerable time at Tuesday's meeting reviewing possible ways of financing a summer school program for some students Members were reminded that the state of Illinois publication. "The Educational Rights of Handicapped Children." speaks specifically to the rights of parents to have a summer program provided for their special education child under certain circumstances This is necessary if the local district provides a summer program on a tax supported basis, or the child's Individual Education Plan stipulates there is a need for his program to continue through the summer SEDOM. the Special Education District of McHenry County, is aware that many special education students will fall into the category of requiring this summer program if there is to be compliance with the law Therefore, the various school districts in the county par ticipating in the cooperative program have been asked to consider several alternatives for financing the program Seven of the ten levels of Special Education offered in the county will be affected by the new law District 15 has thirty children in these seven levels who are in SEDOM operated classrooms Dr Richard Farmer, superintendent, revealed that plans are scheduled to start construction soon on the four rooms which will be con structed at Valley View school by SEDOM to accommodate local children Two opinionnaires. one directed to citizens, the other to teachers and administrators, have been prepared as part of the Educational Audit of the district Its purpose is to take a (Continued on page 18) minimum lot s ize to be 9,000 square fee t The new proposal submit ted by M)G Monday night had (175 uni t s in Sect ion A on 230 acres , wi th the same var ia t ion reques ted , a l though Berg sa id tha t the average lot s ize in the a rea would l>e over the 10.000 square foot minimum usual ly requi red in K : i zoning Berg presented a p lan of the roadways proposed for Sect ion A. expla in ing tha t the new plan " i s more ef f ic ient and more des i rable and a bet ter use of the land He added tha t the new roadways proposed would be be t ter su i ted tor maintenance and sewer and water p ipe cons t ruc t ion and maintenance , and the new plan was the reason the var iance would be needed for some lo ts in the area The new proposal a lso l i s ted the fo l lowing o ther changes : Sect ion B would be reduced f rom 78 uni ts on 29 acres to 75 uni ts on 27 acres and would be zoned K 3 wi th no var ia t ion Sect ion which would be zoned R-4 < mul t i - fami ly >. was reduced f rom 330 uni ts on 27 ' - acres to 160 uni t s on 12 acres Sect ion I ) , which would be zoned R 5 i condominium dis t r ic t i was changed f rom 174 uni t s on 14 ' acres to 192 uni t s on 20 acres Sect ion E w h ich would a lso oe zoned R5 'condominium district ' was reduced from 384 (Continued on sage 18) Arrest Juveniles In Theft Of Checks McHenry police arrested four juveniles Tuesday for the theft of 23 payroll checks from the I»ng John Silver's restaurant on Route 120 The youths forged and cashed approximately $700 worth of the checks, which were stolen on or around Sept 25 One of the youths arrested was a former employee of the restaurant Police Chief George Pasenelli said it was a tip from a teller at the McHenry State Bank that led to the arrest of the four sixteen year-olds Pasenelli said that aproximately ten days ago. tellers became suspicious when one of the checks was being cashed at the bank One teller was able to furnish police with a description and a license plate number of the car the person cashing the check was using (Continued on page 181 county 4 H Flower Arranging contest Shelly is one of sixteen delegates from Illinois to at tend the Oct 28 convention Ten delegates were selected to participate in the demon stration contest in the categories of production, marketing, use and land scaping Two speakers will represent Illinois in the Speaking of Horticulture contest and four members will make up (he state 4 H Hor ticulture judging team Free Flu Vaccine Clinics Slated The McHenry County Department of Health's nui sing division will conduct a free flu clinic for persons 60 years or more of age on Nov 2 The clinic at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County will be held from 9-12 a m McHenry hospital and Harvard Com munity hospital will have clinics from 1 30 to 4:30 pm There will also be a clinic at Ambutal Crystal Lake on Oct 31 from 1 30 4:30 p m The triple antigen vaccine is for A USSR. A Texas and B Hong Kong Influenza and will be maae available through the cooperative effort of the three hospitals, Ambutal. the Senior Citizen's Council, and the Health Department The vaccine will also be given to persons attending the new adult clinic which will be held Nov 1 from 8 30 to 11 a m . in room 102, of the new courthouse No appointments are required for any clinics. Plan For "Woman Year" Choice The McHenry Business and Professional Women's club is now taking nominations for Woman of the Year award which will be presented Nov 20 at the Longhorn Steak house Nomination sheets may be found at all financial in stitutions in McHenry To quality, the applicant The first three Woman of the Year award winners selected by the McHenry Business & Professional Women's club are shown picking up their nominations to place their choice for the 1978 honor. From left, they are Bertha Stange, Virginia Williams and Adele Froehlich. The 1977 winner, Leonore Krisb%. w as not present for photo. STAFF PIIOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD must be a woman over 2/> i . a . i - a working career , or re t i red f rom a career and who has made a subs tant ia l con t r ibut ion to her communi ty and equal ly impor tant , to her career Anyone may nominate The deadline tor entering a nomination is Monday. Nov. 13 lo enter a nominee , up nominat ion sheet a t any of McHenry s f inancia l in stitutions and return it to 3509 Y\ Pear l s t ree t . McHenry The winner wi l l be chosen by the Publ ic Rela t ions commit tee of the McHenry Business and Profess ional Women ' s club VOLUME 103 NUMBER 26 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1978 2 SECTIONS 26 PAGES 20' Reduce Density For \